Monday, October 08, 2012

Sarah Palin is not simply disappearing from the public forum, she seems to also be disappearing from this dimension.

Just for comparison sake THIS is what Klondike Kardashian looked like only four years ago.

She was thin yes, but she did NOT look like a poster child for bulimia. In my estimation she has lost at least an additional fifteen pounds. Perhaps more.

I have to imagine that this is the result of some incredible stress in her life. Because if she were ill we would NEVER hear the end of it.

Here is another picture also from yesterday.


  1. It just looks like she's lost weight 'cause her head is growing bigger.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Yeah, body can't carry the weight of the growing head and body shrivels.

  2. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Alopecia causes eyelashes to fall out, too? Or is she plucking them out as part of her meth tweaking regimen?

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Yes, it will definitely cause eyelashes to fall out.

      Sarah appears to be very ill. If I was one of her family members, I'd be pushing her to get a check up.

      And the high heels that highlight her anorexic appearance? If that doesn't smack of psychological body image problems, nothing does.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Her "family members" probably stand to benefit in the event of her death...just sayin, might be why no one is rushing her to the doctor or rehab...

    3. Anonymous3:09 PM

      I agree with 1:33 PM.

  3. Anonymous4:13 AM

    The wedding ring is back.

    I guess that is "weight lifting" for that human Blow Pop.

    1. WakeUpAmerica8:36 AM

      "human blow-pop"

  4. Anonymous4:13 AM

    The wicked witch of the west is melting.

    Surprising that those match-stick legs can support that huge head, isn't it?

  5. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Has anyone else seen a pic of Sarah posing with her
    spray tanning artiste who did such a nice job with her little "cleavage" trick?

    I'd like to get a t-shirt made like that.

  6. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Gigantic bobble head. Check.
    Poorly groomed eyebrows. Check.
    Smartphone thicker than her arms. Check.
    Body like a 12 year old boy? I guess that's how Todd likes it.


  7. Anonymous4:37 AM

    She looked much better four years ago. Can't believe I'm saying that. But seriously, someone get that woman a cheeseburger!

  8. Oh, my. . . I mean . . . Holy hell.

    It is TRULY pathetic when we who hate Palin with the passion of a thousand Obama campaign volunteers- seem to be the only ones noticing or caring this woman (?) is wasting away before our non wonky eyes.

    Seriously, TODD? I know she's your gravy train to never having yo work a real job again- BRISTOL, I know mommy secures all your reality show gigs thus you certainly don't want to rock the boat- but I have news for you both. That boat? Is sinking really damn fast.

    People joke about Palin pulling a breitbart but seeing her lately makes me think she really WILL just collapse one of these days.

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      No one in her family knows about interventions or saving one of their own. They still see the Sarah gravy train, and will ride it to the end of the line.

      The next chapter of "Sarah Palin: the Undefeatable," will be Sarah getting canned by Fox in january and Sarah talking a much-needed stint in rehab. She'll blame the haters for sending her there, and she'll emerge either like Lindsay Lohan, or a born-again who wants the whole world to known how Jesus, her pal, saved her life. Sarah Palin:2013. Get ready, folks.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Anon: 4:55: I second that!

    3. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Diagnosing bulimia early in the disease’s course is the best possible way to prevent life-threatening complications. Most bulimics are brought to medical professionals when friends or family members notice some distressing signs.
      For the best chances of recovery, bulimics must fully cooperate in the treatment process. This is a difficult task because most bulimics are unwilling to admit to their problems. They will avoid talking about their binges and deny any purging.
      To overcome this denial, concerned friends or relatives often resort to staging an intervention.

    4. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Anonymous6:27 AM

      Her family hates her.

      They love the money and fame. As much as they identify that with Scarah they think it is love they have for her. They are all trained Bots to say the 'wonderful family' meme.

      She is killing herself, slow suicide. True love is not for the weak. Palins only do fake and fluff love. They are helping her self destruct because they hate her. Notice how they all cling to same rhetoric.

    5. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Anonymous10:01 AM
      Its not bulimia.
      Its speed.
      I think she got her first taste of speed on the Campaign trail. You know the Gop'rs have dr. feelgood's for that.
      Then it got out of control.
      Look at rMoney at the debate? If he wasn't hopped up on something I'll eat my hat.
      Lilo went from aderall ----->to Meth, which is what Sarah has done.
      Barstool also. Except her recent debut on DWTS she looks heavier than she was during her "Reality show". Could she be preggo again?
      Or does DWTS drug test?
      I could see Barstool getting preggo just to one up Sunny who recently had a cute little bebe and looked hot doing it!

    6. Anonymous2:09 PM

      True love is not for the weak.



    7. Anonymous2:22 PM

      I agree about the speed.

    8. Anonymous3:11 PM

      I would bank on the speed. However, it was way before GOP.

  9. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Bristol/Nancy quote bible scriptures on their blog and when someone brings up Bristol's critique of Julianne Moore's performance in Game Change and her contention that the actress is not as 'hot' as her mother they are predictably called haters by the Palin worshipers. How anyone could look at the Painted Nail picture of Sarah and conclude that this walking disaster is hotter than Ms. Moore is truly mind boggling. Those folks are delusional.

  10. Sally in MI4:43 AM

    My goodness. Funny how she loses weight with no exercise at all and during menopause, when it is REALLY tough to keep from gaining (we haven't seen even any fake marathon pix for a year now, have we, from Ms. "I have to run!"?) and Bristol is having marathin dance rehearsals and can't drop a pound while in her early 20's. I think the whole family is drugged. But, yeah, she is definitely way too thin. And I know, Krusty, we're just jealous haters. Hope you're around when she collapses ala Karen Carpenter. She'll need someone to call 911.

    1. Anonymous4:56 AM

      "We've only just begun..."

  11. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Nice unibrow

  12. Anonymous4:55 AM

    YIKES! She seriously looks so dirty. Was it too much to ask to wash your hair Granny?

  13. O my Lord - no wonder the RNC got her a stylist - I wonder why they don't get one for Ann Romney - guess the latter can afford one but thinks she doesn't need it.

  14. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Wow. Look at her phone, just to help with the perspective here. Her phone is almost as wide as her thigh. She has a problem.

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      And remember "the camera adds 10 pounds"

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      "the camera adds 10 pounds"

      YES. And there are people who look at that picture and Sarah and see someone who is too 'fat.' sarah is not alone in her delusions. That is what makes her case more interesting.

      Her own father and brother write a book to show the real Sarah and what a hard worker they say she is but they leave out a most obvious life altering affliction. Living a lie is hard work but in this case they are aiding her in a death walk. That is what they call love? Dr. Kevorkian was jailed for helping the terminally ill pass on.

    3. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Yeah, Sarah!

      RIBS and Clavicles are SHEX-SEE!

      Just. Like. You. Hot. Grandma!

  15. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Sarah has CRAZY eyes and her hair is an old bald guy comb-over! Is she taking hair styling tips from Donald T-Rump?

    She will be in the hospital soon. She looks so unhealthy, and her stupid family is not even doing anything to help her.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      They never will. They care about her as much as she does about them. It will embarrass them and cost them money: they'll be outta there as a loon learns there are no live fish in Lake Lucille and they'll fly away to happier hunting grounds.
      Besides her celebtity, what's old grandma ever given them besides a love of canned food, the ability to whine instead of win, and some of her skanky size seven sandal.

    2. Cracklin Charlie7:11 AM

      I have a friend who wears her own hair in that combed over, puffy top style. The reason that my friend wears her hair like that is because she has a huge BALD spot on the top of her head, that she freely admits was caused by all the different "treatments" that she put on her scalp. This included permanents, color treatment, bleach, heat treatments, etc, for years, and years.

  16. Super Fan In Atlanta5:10 AM

    Totally O/T!!!

    I've always struggled trying to understand the US commitment to "saving Israel". This article brought it home for me.

    In Foreign Policy Romney Needs to be More than Not-Obama
    By: Hrafnkell Haraldsson
    October 8th, 2012

    The Bush Doctrine is admirably suited to Romney’s bullying style. The Bush Doctrine held as its central tenet (its only tenet, really) that the United States had the legal and moral right (more of a moral obligation, really) to attack anyone who at some undetermined future date “might” pose a threat to U.S. interests. The Bush Doctrine was a magical casus belli generator.

    Need to invade somebody for no particular reason? Sure, declare that country to be a threat and take them down. Like Iraq. Or, turning to Romney, like Iran.

    A better case might actually be made for Iran. They are certainly bellicose enough themselves and they’re ruled by fundamentalist Muslims and worst of all, they’ve crossed the line no regime dares cross and hope to get away with it: they’ve threatened Israel. If there is one thing Republicans love more than money, it’s Israel.

    Now certainly there are workarounds. There is this thing called diplomacy. Israel is chafing at the bit, eager to strike first. Nobody is condemning Israel for wanting to start a war, or to put it another way, to cash a check drawn on the United States. Because you know if Israel starts a war with Iran, the United States will pay the butcher’s bill, not Israel.


    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      "I've always struggled trying to understand the US commitment to "saving Israel".

      I have the same problem, especially when Israel takes such an aggressive stand. They always seem to over react to even the smallest act against them with far greater force than necessary.

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      "saving Israel" = military complex = money for warmongers.

      It is business.

  17. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Also, what a stupid name for a salon!

  18. Sarah Palin is not simply disappearing from the public forum, she seems to also be disappearing from this dimension.

    If only.... sigh.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      ..... and then there is Bristol.

  19. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Stephen King wrote about Sarah, a shrill harpy from a Lake. Bag of Bones.

  20. That looks like typical anorexia, or more likely bulimia as you stated. She’s controlling her weight because it’s the only thing she can control. Steve Schmidt tried to get her eating properly four years ago, to no avail.

    With all the baggage she has now, she won’t be moving into the Naval Observatory mansion or the White House… ever.

    1. dancingthroughlife8:27 AM

      More likely anorexia or meth than bulimia. I had a friend who we staged an intervention for, and in my research, found that most bulimics are 'average' weight.

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      '''and in my research, found that most bulimics are 'average' weight. ''

      This is true.

    3. Anonymous12:28 PM

      It is hard to pinpoint the exact eating disorder. I would say critical mass is not that far away. Not that the family will ever be clear or up front about it. The tragedy about covering up is that lies are toxic and there will not be a life saving healing.


  21. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Sarah has false titties
    Sarah wears hair extensions and wigs
    Sarah gets her neck tightened up
    Sarah is pictured here after getting false eye lashes.

    I ask you, is there anything original left on Sarah that God gave her?

    Is Sarah afraid of aging and looking like her father Creepy Chuckie?

    Is Sarah insecure?

    Is there any wonder why Bristol is so insecure that she went out and got a chin implant and lipo?

    1. Her God given,golden children producing uterus? Ick,I so just grossed myself out. As far as Bris-dull? That mini-Sarah had a choice to become someone different from her mother,and she obviously decided to ride the same gravy train to "fame" and 'fortune". No sympathy for either one of them.

  22. O/T

    Just read the FBI is involved in Bristol's "white powder" threat. I would bet anything and I do mean ANYTHING- that "threat" was produced by Sarah or by Todd or one of the Palins' dwindling henchmen.

    Last time on DWTS when anger about Bristol being on the show due to vote cheaters reached critical mass- lo and behold, there's a "death threat" in the form of a "suspicious package". And then suddenly it's all "ZOMG, Bristol is so BRAVE to KEEP dancing despite DEATH THREATS!!!!"

    And now here we are again- Bristol still dances like a newborn deer on acid despite not being pregnant this time- and of course once AGAIN Sarah Palin's obsessively deranged fanbots are gaming the supposedly "fixed" system. Have you seem how many people comment to Bristol on her blog that they have 20, 40, 50 email addresses "ready to go"?

    Anyone else would be embarrassed to "win" that way. But not those Palins- they'll drop kick a blind newborn if it means they get a check out of the deal.

    Oh, and this is certainly not an unimportant aspect of this issue- how many taxpayer dollars are being wasted on Bristol's "death threat" investigation?

    1. Beldar6:27 AM

      "despite not being pregnant this time"

      Ok, Nyah, but you don't REALLY know if she is or isn't preggers now, do you? With THOSE people, such conditions can change at the drop of a... "hat", if you know what I mean...

    2. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Anyone else would be embarrassed to "win" that way. But not those Palins- they'll drop kick a blind newborn if it means they get a check out of the deal__________________

      They are damn proud to "win" that way. Blind newborns should have stayed a fetus, they would deserve rights.

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Is it the Alaskan FBI?

  23. Anonymous5:41 AM

    WTF? Sarah Palin has a female genitalia landing strip above her nose or its a uni-brow?

  24. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Big Piper must hate standing next to Skinny Sarah.

  25. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Fake lashes to go with the fake face, fake glasses, fake tits. Is there anything REAL left on this puny lady's body?

  26. Anonymous5:43 AM

    she is horribly anorexic.

  27. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I betcha Sarah Palin planned on going to DWTS with this hairstyle and false eyelashes tonight.

    But may change the hairstyle since we're ragging on her.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      She is alleged to have a child in hair skool. She can afford the best wigs. If she is on the tee vee there is no excuse for her to look like she is falling a part. Someone can fix her better than that above photo.


  28. Anonymous5:53 AM

    She is really rocking a mullet!!

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Succinct and right on.

  29. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Sarah reads Immoral Minority because she is our puppet. If she takes Piper to DWTS tonight you can count on Piper wearing something more appropriate for an elementary school girl instead of a street walker like last time.

    Note to Sarah, we'll give you some advice. Don't dress Piper in Daisy Dukes, tight grey shorts, the Catholic school girl look with the super mini plaid skirt or the Belmont girls.

    1. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Note to Sarah: it's a school night. Piper should be at home, doing her school work. Unless you want her to drop out even earlier than her brother and sisters have.

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Home Skoolin meens no homwurk!

    3. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Immoral Minority are the only ones who love her enough to tell the truth.

    4. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Immoral Minority are the only ones who WILL tell the truth, to Satan's Sister.



    5. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Did you notice how "age-inappropriate" this fifty-year-old woman is dressed? Why would you expect her to care that her young daughter is dressed in age-inappropriate clothing?

      Hey, Sarah, what's with the "Flash Dance" get-up? Here's a suggestion. Why don't you grow up? And, while you at it, go the hell away.

  30. YIPPITY YIKES! She's a skinny...big pumpkin head (Happy Halloween Everyone!) skeleton face...dirty mullet wig wearing...truly UGLY looking BALD tranny! WTF happened?

    That WIG has got be one of the worst she has sitting in her wig closet! Did Wallow get in there and start doing an Edward Scissorhands move or what? That shit just don't look right!

    She really is a walking...screeching...bag of bones now! Oh yeah...yesterday I peeped in at the Asylum...and one of the patients milling around the Dayroom(Open Thread) said C-Span was re-showing the VP debate with Baldy and Biden from I flipped over and watched it...came in on the part when they were talking about Dafur!

    I never noticed how many times Baldy was winking and blinking at the could see her reading her little note cards...but the best part was at the end when the families came on stage...Wallow was carrying a completely-knocked-the-fuck-out Trig 1.0(not sure which Trig they have now...probably Trig 7.2 LOL!!) Then Baldy took him...for a bit...the Toad barely glanced at the little guy and then goodness...poor little Piper was given the task of holding this giant size kid and poor thing could barely hold him!

    I also noted that when Baldy and Hillbillies were walking towards the camera off stage...she took off the back of her skirt some kind of power pack! And she looked at the camera with a startled she was busted!

    But as we all know...from watching this recent Rmoney cheat-a-thon...that nobody said shit about this back then either!

    Seriously though...I think Baldy is fucking with "Headquaters" and want them to see her wasting away...what her end game is... I can't imagine...does she know that...umm...if she keeps tweaking that she will end up looking like a toothpick with a cotton ball for a head wearing some horned rim glasses laying in a casket?

    Errr... probably not. Good luck with that Baldy!

    1. GinaM, Thanks for the insight about the 2008 VP debate. Bless you for sitting through that winkie blinkie train wreck.

      I visited the Pond earlier today for some sh!ts and giggles. They're eating their own over there. I'm almost convinced that deluded Z person is Krusty. :-)

  31. Anonymous5:58 AM

    How old is Grandma Sarah Palin? Isn't she kinda too old for the Gothic look with those dark nails, black clothes, witchy hairstyle, broomstick legs and unibrow?

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      She is somewhere near the BIG 5 - 0. Fifty.

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      OH SHIT!!



      50 YEARS OLD!

  32. Anonymous5:59 AM

    I had to research "getting lashed" -- no idea what it was. Expensive eyelash extensions. Looks like the salon has done some DWTS contestants, etc.

  33. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Ewwwww look at Sarah Palin's wrist. Looks like skin over bone.

  34. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Why does she always have to wear a bracelet? At least its not the Wonder Woman bracelet.

  35. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Is Sarah auditioning for a new Star Trek movie with that alien look?

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      That was my thought. OMG does she look like an Alien. Big Giant Head. The woman is looking so freaky. She is very ill looking. Mentally ill. I think it is that fine diet and depression. She is clearly fighting demons and has become one herself. Her face is distorted, her head is growing, her appearance is awful.

  36. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Something weird about Sarah Palin. She doesn't act or dress like a grandmother or a mother with kids at home anymore. She takes off for Vegas and other places without Trig and Piper. Maybe Sarah should give Trig back to Bristol then take off to see the world.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      according to chuck jr's latest facebook post...she gets up at 4am, runs 6 miles, gets breakfast for the kids anf gets them off to school...

      kinda tough to do when you are in vegas, arizona and la all the time dont you think??

    2. Anonymous7:00 AM

      Sarah gets the kids off to school?

      Honestly, who in that family goes to school?

      More likely Sarah spends her time trying to keep Piper from getting pregnant like her older sister.

    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      The part about getting the kids off to school is particularly egregious. It is well known her kids don't go to school. It is obvious she travels too much to get her kids off to school. Her legs do not come anywhere close to someone who runs 6 miles a day. They need to do better with the false narrative.

    4. Anonymous2:15 PM

      the MOST ridiculous thing is the idea that her father or her brother have a FUCKING CLUE as to what Scarah is up to every day!

      This is NOT a family that hangs out and "Chats".

      Fuck. them. all.

  37. The pictures are very disturbing. She does have some kind of drug/eating disorder going on, IMO. I flashed forward to a movie about her post-campaign life and I see a Grey Gardens kind of scenario with her and Bristol living in the run-down compound on the dead lake, sniping at each other, surrounded by filth and decay.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Every time i read about GG i think of the smell of Cat urine. So.disgusting...

      However, those women did not choose to be in the public eye. It was such a sensational story b/c it was such a contrast from the exquisite Jackie O (if anyone doesn't know, the women in GG are JO's cousin and aunt).

      Jackie was in the public eye - these family members were not, until the film.

      ScaraCrow has been shoving her urine-soaked, cum-filled washcloths at America like it was apple pie and babies.

      she's such a sick fuck.

  38. she looks like a boney,anorexia, sickly,dried-up, wrinkled, old, silly eyebrow, loose skin, dome head, homophobe, racist insufferable bitch.

    Those are her good qualities.

  39. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Look at Palin's neck and now look at the blonde woman's neck. What's wrong with that picture?

    It looks like Sarah needs a breathing tube inserted in her neck/throat to keep it from collapsing.

  40. Anonymous6:25 AM

    delicate, tiny celebrity starlets...

    July 2009:
    "You are going to see anti-hunting, anti-second amendment circuses from Hollywood," she said. "And here's how they do it. They use these delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlets. They use Alaska as a fund-raising tool for their anti-Second Amendment causes." The crowd clapped.

    Then came the line that got one of her biggest cheers. "By the way, Hollywood needs to know. We eat, therefore we hunt."

  41. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Sarah is going through her mid life crisis. Would anybody be surprised if Sarah dumped Todd and divorced him and hooked up with 19 year old rappers and college ballers?

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      You know Sarah wants Kim Kardashian's sex tape partner Ray J.

    2. Anonymous7:28 AM

      She's sadly mistaken. Rappers and ballers like women with curves.

    3. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Bluesmen don't want no skinny woman neither.

      R.L Burnside - Skinny woman

    4. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Sorry but she looks like a meth head with an eating disorder. That limits the men she could get mixed up with.

      More then prayers, drugs will keep couples together until the bitter end.

  42. Anonymous6:33 AM

    How come Sarah gets these expensive spa treatment looks and haircuts while Trig looks like a little bum that cuts his own hair without a mirror?

    Has anybody seen Trig and his nanny lately?

  43. Anonymous6:33 AM

    OK, in 2008, Sarah looked young, fresh, energetic and pretty.

    Four years later, she looks like the crypt keeper.

    Look at Lauren Graham. Kyra Sedgwick. Julianne Moore (3 years old). Really, there's something terrbly wrong with Sarah. She's sick -- ill.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Exactly what I was going to say.

      In four years, she's aged at least 15, and looks more like some of the supposedly well-preserved wealthy 65-year-old women in Miami who have tanned their skin to leather and personally funded their plastic surgeon's newest clinic.

      I'm 3 1/2 years older than Palin but look substantially younger than she does now, which I could NOT have said during the 2008 campaign.

      She desperately needs help or she's going to end up dead or drooling in a coma in some nursing home.

    2. Scarah will be the living embodiment of "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane".

  44. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Check out's reading again...the National Enquirer!

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    2. Anonymous7:13 AM

      And almost all the comments slam her.

    3. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Hanging out at Kmart? Well you can take the girl out of the trailer but you can't take the trailer out of the girl (with apologies to all who live/have lived in trailers, as I have)

    4. LOL! Love Baldy looking at the toilet paper as if she has no clue what it's used for! HINT's to wipe your stankin ASS! Stupid hillbillies!

    5. Anonymous10:22 AM

      GinaM! That's too funny! This picture is priceless. The National Enquirer and toilet paper..

      Look tonight to see if Baldy has any TP stuck to her shoe!

    6. Now, that she's found out about tp, they won't have to be collecting those fallen leaves all year. (Gets particularly tough in the winter! Unless you think ahead. Yeah, when have those 'tards ever done that?)

    7. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Hrh, don't be ridiculous...

      They still have many, many, many copies of

      "Not Afraid To Lie: the insemination of bdull palin and how she did it all alone"



  45. That isn't a bracelet it's a weight.

  46. Anonymous6:39 AM

    More like "Thinner"

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Scary Sarah is a Stephen King plot!

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM


  47. Anonymous6:39 AM

    "Sarah Palin is not simply disappearing from the public forum, she seems to also be disappearing from this dimension."

    Sarah Palin disappearing? That's the best news we heard all week.

  48. Anonymous6:39 AM

    She's rockin the tweaker freak look pretty good.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      That is the most obvious. Tweakers get other illnesses but it is the tweaking that is # ONE KILLER.

      Too bad they couldn't be honest about the dead Breitbart. He was only in his early 40s. He did try to give up his vices but the damage was done.

  49. Anonymous6:44 AM

    With all that money Sarah has, she gets cosmetic surgeries and everything else. How come Sarah doesn't fix her eyes with laser surgery so she doesn't have to wear prescription glasses anymore? Is it because laser won't fix her cross eyes which she tries to hide with those fake glasses?

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      I think the glasses are a sort of armor, plus a sexual come-on.

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Those aren't prescription glasses. It's her interpretation of the "smart girl" look.

    3. Anonymous7:34 AM

      In Bailey's book, he said she has had the laser surgery. The glasses are another fake of her's as they aren't needed

      Palin - fake -- SURPRISE!!! LOL

  50. Anonymous6:55 AM

    not coming to her defense.. but in defense of other slim grandmothers - i am 62 yrs old, have long hair that is still original color, wear size 2-4, and would dress in that outfit SP has on. i don't have wrinkles, i look much younger...actually, i love it when senior women have their youth mojo going on. i knew an 82 yr old lady who wore mini-skirts!

    what i think is disturbing about SP, is this flip-flop inconsistency, her constant changes show instability of mental health and character, lack of self-esteem and wanting to be popular.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      I'm 62 and slim, but I wouldn't in a million years dress like Palin unless I were having a party or something, at my own home. I bet if you tried a shorter haircut you would look even younger than you say you do.

    2. Anonymous6:55 AM your comment...but did you know that Baldy is 48? Does your hair look like what a cat coughed up? Because that's what Baldy's look like! LOL!!

      And yes I agree with you...that Baldy wears her mental illness on her emaciated body...why her family can't see this and get the woMAN some help is beyond me!

    3. Anonymous8:06 AM

      It's not her clothes and hair... it's that she looks anorexic. A few short years of what should have been a happy, exciting time for her, have resulted in a dramatic downgrade of her looks.

    4. Anonymous10:38 AM

      I'm 60 with a great figure but would only dress like that if I were going to an 80's theme party or going to see Milli Vanilli. Someone needs to tell her Halloween isn't until the 31st. She could have at least tied a leopard print scarf around her neck to hide that.

    5. Anonymous11:41 AM

      6:55 AM

      yeps She looks great for an 82 yr old lady with a deadly disease.

    6. Anonymous2:43 PM

      SUPER hot 77 year old, fur shure!

  51. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Anybody notice the difference between those two pictures of Sarah Palin?

    Bottom picture of Sarah has Trig with no shoes in it, hair style and clothes appropriate for a grandmother.

    Top picture of Sarah has no Trig in it, mullet hairstyle and clothes not appropriate for a grandmother.

    One more thing. Didn't Sarah say she loves Alaska, quit for the good of Alaska and will be promoting Alaska?

    Hey Sarah, I can see the Alaskan flag in the bottom picture of the old Sarah.

    Where's the Alaskan flag in the top picture of the new mullet Sarah?

    Sorry Trig, you're extra baggage. No love for you.

    Sorry Alaska, no love for you either.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      She never seems to be in Alaska anymore. I wonder where they stay while in L.A. for DWTLosers? That mansion that Bristol and Willow stayed in briefly?

  52. Anonymous6:59 AM


    Ron Paul supporter who has a video which I hope they follow through -- refusing to vote for Mitt. The Breitbart'ers & RedState have called them everything & now telling them to vote for Mitt. This girl is basically telling them to suck eggs!!

  53. Anonymous7:03 AM

    One more day for herself that could have been spent with Trig.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Who is Trig?


  54. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Will Todd debut his mullet tonight along with Sarah on DWTS?

  55. Anonymous7:04 AM

    seriously, as destructive and treasonous $he and her ilk are, AFAIC $he can up and follow breitbarts lead to an early demise

  56. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Romney will pledge to arm Syrian rebels

    My, My -- I remember when McCain was spewing at one time not too long ago that Obama should not arm those in Libya in that we didn't know who the Rebels were!!!

    And look who got voted into office in Egypt -- the Muslim Brotherhood. Just think if Obama had provided arms to Egypt.

    McCain & Newt flip-flopped going into Libya - staying out of it - back & forth and up & down. The GOP are just outright warmongers. Like Bush - they would never get the support of NATO. as they shoot first and ask questions later -- hmmm -- like IRAQ.

  57. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Hey Katie, Ask Me What
    I'm Reading Now!

    "It's been 4 years since Katie Couric grilled Sarah Palin about where she gets her news ... and now, we finally know -- the National Enquirer."

    "The former Vice Presidential candidate was hangin' out with her daughter Bristol in a Kmart in L.A. this weekend ... when she decided to check out the magazine stand."

    Palin eventually picked up the latest copy of the Enquirer ... possibly because the cover featured a photo of Bristol under the headline, "Plastic Surgery Shockers."

    In related news, Palin also bought some toilet paper.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Yes, I remember when it was said that she reads "The Economist". That is truly one abominable teenage outfit she's got on.

  58. Anonymous7:11 AM

    She can spend all of her ill gotten gains she wants to try and look 'normal'.

    Fact is, her body cannot maintain this tweaking for much longer. She will either die of heart failure or some other ailment.

    She needs help and won't get it. If they think she will be some sort of history martyr they are sadly mistaken. No one will remember her except for the 'cross-hairs' and blood libel.

    Can't happen soon enough.

  59. Anonymous7:17 AM

    That picture looks photoshopped..legs stretched compared to her arms..or are her arms really that short compared to the rest of her body? Strange looking big headed scrawny women..
    and I thought Willow was still in "hair school"..another BS lie, no one gets this many vacations from "hair school"!!.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Her legs look longer due to abnormal short legs of Willow Palin. Excuse me but I don't know the name of Willow's birth condition that causes limbs to be that stubby.

  60. Anonymous7:17 AM

    seems the fetid skank "huntress" missed all of hunting season here in AK,
    WTF ?

  61. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Sarah's body looks like my mom's. My mom is 70 and has an ulcer.

  62. Anonymous7:22 AM

    FUCK!!!!! Look at Sarah Palin's wrinkly old face in that National Enquirer picture! Looks like her mother's and father's face.

    Something else I noticed. Sarah Palin tries to look fresh and hip in the Painted Nail picture but in the Kmart picture reading the National Enquirer at the check out counter, Sarah looks like an old wino bag lady in wrinkled clothes even though she is wearing the same exact clothes as in the Painted nail picture.

    You have to check out that neck of hers. Sarah is aging fast!

    Bristol have you seen this National Enquirer picture? Do you still think your mother is HOT? LOL

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Somebody needs to get some sun!

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Hey Sarah, you not only gave up wearing your Alaskan flag lapel pin, where's your Christian and Jewish bling bling? Does it clash with your new Hollywood look?

    3. Anonymous7:29 AM

      HA HA HA Sarah Palin should insist on no close up pictures.

    4. Anonymous7:33 AM

      All that money Sarah grifted and she can't even buy the National Enquirer, she has to read it at the check out stand.

    5. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Willow dropped out of high school and is suppose to be going to an expensive top notch hair school in Arizona, how come Willow's Kmart hair looks like she never left Wasilla. Why is Willow wearing that Extra Wide Load mom pants?

      Is she a mom?

    6. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Sarah, Flashdance is a movie from 1983.'re....HOW old? Only teens and some 20-somethings can get away with the scarecrow look. And, the ones that do might look cute (at best), but never sexy.

    7. Wait...that picture of Wallow doesn't look anything like the one Beefy posted on her site a couple of months back...remember...Wallow was super skinny! But check her out in KMart...she's got the whole wide stumpy look going on! She's a shape shifter like her mama and sister! WTF is going to happen to Piper??

  63. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Is Sarah really 7 ft tall in that linked picture or was her top photo shopped unto someone with long thin legs...maybe she's standing on a box!! LOL

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Check out It has a picture of her taken that day. She's shopping at K-Mart with 5-inch wedgies on...Oh, and she bought toilet paper and the National Enquirer!

  64. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Look closely at the second picture. She is seriously starting to look just like Charlie Sheen! She has the same manic eyes, sharp nose and uni-brow! Wow!!

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      And then she goes and spoils it all for ya by lookin so pretty! And do't ya just know, all the men want to get into her pants. Those disenfranchized husbands ya know.

    2. Anonymous9:05 AM

      *SNICKER* don't think "disenfranchized" means what you think it means? LOL!!!

      And whoever wants to "get into her pants"...would first have to have those bad boys...dry cleaned...or better yet...those pants who need to be declared "hazardous materials" and disposed up properly! But thanks for the laughs! LOL!!!

  65. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Hope she does us all a big favor and disapears.

  66. An EXCELLENT role model for her girls! Tootsie Pop for sure. Nothing more pathetic than a 50 year old trying to look like a 20 year old!!!! Even with the Wake Up with Makeup, fake hair, and plastic face she still looks like a middle-ager in midlife crisis.
    Tacky as usual.
    "No, I'm a 'cool' mom!!!!!"

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Come on girls, there isn't a 50+ year old among you who wouldn't give her panties to look like Sarah or Bristol.

    2. Anonymous9:03 AM we go again with the "sniffing Baldy and Beefy's dirty draws" troll!

      I don't think ANYONE wants to look like a horse (Hi Beefy!) and a half dead looking bald man with eating issues! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Anonymous @9:03

      I'll be 52 later this month and you couldn't pay me enough to look like any of the Palins.

      Sure, I'd love to lose a few more pounds and fit into my old jeans, but I'm quite happy being the person I am, double chin and all.

      The difference is, I have a job that makes a positive impact on people's lives and I have family and friends who value me for ME, not what I can do for them.

  67. Anonymous7:32 AM



  68. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Sarah Palin wears prescription glasses?


    Sarah doesn't need to wear her prescription glasses when she's looking at the National Enquirer.

    Fake titties, fake energy expert, fake hockey mom, fake college degree, fake Trig mother, fake mother of a combat vet... fake prescription glasses!

    F A K E

  69. Anonymous7:44 AM

    If you compare Sarah's head to her body ratio to the others standing next to her, her head is so disproportionate to her body. It was never obvious when she looked healthy, but her emaciated body is making her look unappealing and unsexy (because that is the look she's desperately trying for).

    Appears that Sarah is under some heavy compulsion/addiction problems, where she can't stop trying to look youthful, a teenager, with that outfit get-up. Why does she always accept people's request to have their photo taken with her? Is that a compulsion too?

    And those eyebrows? Either an optical illusion that her eyebrows attack to each other, or some shadow. Everytime that woman is photographed, some oddity appears.

  70. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Dayum...she's starting to look like Amy Winehouse.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      And probably will have the same outcome. I think she's anorexic. No one can diagnose her but a physician obviously, but she's melting away; getting seriously thin.

      She'll end up, as someone noted earlier, like Karen Carpenter. She'll just collapse and fall over dead. Her heart won't have enough strength to keep beating.

      I think she's got some (no pun intended) heavy psychological issues going on. There's something very evil and vile about her, but she masks it well. She seems too concerned with being bitter and seeking revenge.

      I really think she attacks Obama relentlessly because she's so full of bitterness towards him. She sees in him the reason her big plans to be on the international stage and eventually occupy the Oval Office were thwarted.

      I'm no psychologist, dems just me thoughts!

  71. Anonymous7:59 AM

    That is not a good hair style for her. Especially in her anorexic state. Someone get her to a doctor. STAT!

  72. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Hey look, you can always tell when it's too much....the head is about as big as the area between belly button and adam's apple. Just look at Nancy Reagan photos for another example. I wonder if she realizes that she makes her offspring look like Ima and Ura.

  73. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Attention KMart Shoppers: Sarah and Willow Will Autograph Your Toilet Paper on Aisle 6

  74. Ewww.She looks like one of those bobble head dolls.Not attractive or healthy-too many "prescription" drugs? Never been a fan of hers,but,she needs some serious help now. That woman has mental instability issues,and now,it looks like physical health issues too.

  75. Anonymous8:31 AM

    **Paging Jennifer Beals. We found your sweater from 1983**

    Ugh. Beyond being scary skinny, her clothing is entirely inappropriate. I'm in my mid-40's and I still wear youngish pieces because I'm slim. But there comes a time in a woman's life when you realize that wearing teenager clothing makes you look older, not younger. One youthful piece is probably OK, but not the whole outfit (and never a full off the shoulder sweater in the day). Just the shoes with a long, wider leg pant. Just the skinny jeans with a flat and nice blouse or sweater. She looks ridiculous for any almost-50 year old, much less former governor.

    At least I finally know what "rode hard and put away wet" looks like.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Looks like she had a rough night and a bad morning. Wonder how much she charged?

  76. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Lego hair in hooker dress and Willow Read Celebrity Gossip abt Bristol Plastic face:

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Why the hell is she buying toilet paper in LA? Don't hotels provide it or does she needs a special kind.

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Get a close up of Willow's left hand. is she wearing a wedding or engagement ring?

    3. Anonymous11:06 AM

      She may have chronic diarrhea and needs Todd or someone to have a roll or two in her infamous purse full of supplies.

  77. Her disappearance would be positive for all.... please encourage her to continue to shrink..

  78. Anonymous8:48 AM

    She at least had her looks 4 years ago. She doesn't even have that now

  79. Anonymous8:50 AM

    If I had sex with the blond in the photo, I would be so proud, I would brag to my wife about it.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      That would be consistent with the character of the people on this blog.

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Er...Toad? I don't think Baldy would appreciate you posting your dirty thoughts on IM's!

      And I'm sure "the blond in the photo"...likes her shape and speaking with some bass in his voice...that leaves you pretty much out! LOL!!!

  80. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Great picture Griffin. I hate her for her stupity but dammit, it would sure be easier to hate her if she wasn't so pretty and in shape! Now take Gina's avatar, there's some(thing) that's easy to hate. And her jealousy and snark clinches it!

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...oh made my day..."Mr sniffer of Baldy and Beefy's dirty draws" troll!

      I hope you know that my avatar is a picture of Baldy's number one fan....the mean RAM!

      You better recognize! LOL!!!

      PS...see a doctor about your eye's...I heard the first signs of cataracts is seeing skinny..ugly...bald headed short men as "pretty and in shape"...instead of malnourished and on the verge of death! You're welcome! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Pretty and in shape? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
      She looks like Giuliani with roadkill on her head. And she looks dried up, a poster girl for anorexia.

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Sarah Palin is not the only one with delusions.

  81. It's stomach stapling surgery or illegal drugs. She's unnaturally thin. It's not healthy.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      If she's had any weight loss treatment from a medical professional I smell a malpractice lawsuit. Drugs and/or an eating disorder would be believable.

    2. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Most people I know would bet their house and life on it being drugs and later an eating disorder. If you have ever worked or been around people with the Sarah look and mode of behavior it is very certain.

  82. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:18 AM

    Listen. Sarah. There is such a thing as too much lipo, drugs, binging and purging. The terminal look isn't attractive on anyone, much less a woman nearing 50. And please use the shiny side of the mirror next time--you truly look like something dragged face down behind a cattle truck over an unpaved road. Do your brainwashed, Xtian followers realize that their Saint looks like an old meth ho in that little getup and wedgies? Nope, they probably still think you look like the most wholesome gal since Sandra Dee. Well, this is the amoeba mentality that will vote for Mittens, right?

    BTW, someone on the TMZ thread dubbed her "Scarahdactyl." Perfect!

  83. Anonymous9:38 AM

    The saddest thing about anorexia is that the person really believes their skin and bones look is attractive. Did someone take a weed whacker to The Quitter's 'hair' - has to be the worst 'style' ever!

    Re The Chin: Vote for the Worst is generating thousands of votes to keep her dancin'. Of course, Bdull thinks its her 'fan base.'

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Sadder yet that Sarah has worker bees, assistants, helpers, family and alleged friends that believes the skin and bones look is attractive. That is why she will end up a vegetable or dead like her friend Big Brietbart.

  84. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Ewww! She looks nasty!

  85. Anonymous9:55 AM

    She just had a facial and her nails done. She has no makeup on but she does look older than 48. The AZ sun and the weight loss is aging her. She IS a grandma.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM


      Bitch has make ~ up on, including false lashes which the moron blond tweeted!

      (why is she a moron? She tweeted that scarah was truly beautiful and genuine. Bitch, please!)

  86. Anonymous9:57 AM

    According to Game Change, Sarah was obsessed with her weight. She looks anorexic. Is she trying to compete with Bristol?

  87. Anonymous10:03 AM

    For those that comment above about Palin not being in Alaska much...suits Alaskans just fine from what I hear!! She's an embarrassment to them as well as her entire clan.

    The bottom photo of her - Julianne Moore assuredly duplicated her beautifully - she looked just like the hillbilly. No wonder she won the Emmy for her role in "Game Change"!

    Sarah could end up like Karen Carpenter who had such a beautiful voice and was actually talented. Karen died due to her lack of eating - which could also happen to Sarah. And, I wouldn't care to tell you the truth. The world would actually be a much better place w/o her on it! Hell awaits her for all of her evilness on earth.

  88. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Why is Scaradactyl wearing a wedding ring after all those years without one? Is Wallow wearing a wedding ring too? Is Brissypants wearing her "promise ring" from Gino?

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      They may have all married their fictitious Gawd.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      I think Sarah is re-virgined and married God.

  89. Anonymous11:00 AM

    where's her Down syndrome kid, Trig? she never too him with her, is she embarrassed having him around in public? she thinks she's too pretty for Trig hanging around with her?

  90. Anonymous12:08 PM

    For all the posts recommending that Sarah has psychological issues, is in need of help, needs an intervention, is wasting away, looks starved.. Fuck that shit. What ever path, medication, diet program, or surgical procedure she's taken to look the way she does, I give her my full support.

    Right before my eyes she is withering away slowly. No matter what I hope as punishment for her vile ways nothing compares to this being that Sarah has no greater enemy than herself. She is destroying herself from within, imploding and I absolutely love it. From four years ago to this? Go Sarah.

    Since she herself is her greatest enemy, she's come full circle. The family motto applies: May she always be pretentiously happy and her enemies know it.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      I've known people similar to Sarah and I don't think she will ever change. Her family is too deeply married to her 'illness' whatever it is. It will kill her slowly or maybe fast one day.

      ...She is destroying herself from within...

      That is exactly what is happening. Her family doesn't care why should her employer Fox News care? Let them kill her with kindness.

  91. Blue Girl Liz12:41 PM

    To the tune of "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas." My apologies to Johnny Mathis.

    I'm beginning to look like a skeleton
    Everywhere I go
    I stay in a fancy hotel; and I'm really not looking well
    But my family is making some dough

    I'm beginning to look like a skeleton
    Everywhere I go
    I'm baring a bony shoulder; Bristol's chances I'm trying to bolster
    And all our critics can just blow

    I'm beginning to look like a skeleton
    Everywhere I go
    My skinny jeans are rockin'; If I'm anorexic I ain't talkin';
    And after more surgery I'm laying low

    I'm beginning to look like a skeleton
    Everywhere I go
    Willow's wearing a golden ring; Todd's having another fling
    And California sun beats Alaska snow

    I'm beginning to look like a skeleton
    Everywhere I go
    People laugh at Bristol's chin; say that I'm too thin
    And Piper's too chubby and Trig is still real slow

    I'm beginning to look like a skeleton
    Everywhere I go
    My wedgies make me tall; but I'm too weak to even crawl
    Excuse me while I throw up my Hostess Ho-Ho

    I'm beginning to look like a skeleton
    Everywhere I go
    Bristol can win DWTAStars; if she'll stay out of the gay bars
    And also off off of Mark's toes

    Meh...not so good..
    Blue Girl Liz, living in a red state :(

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      I liked it Liz! ;)


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