Monday, October 08, 2012

Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?

Yesterday I watched GOP flack, after GOP flack telling various Sunday show moderators that we had finally seen the REAL Mitt Romney during the debate last Wednesday, and that is why he emerged victorious.

Well first of all I have to question if THAT could honestly be called a "victory" since he essentially lied his way all the way through it, but I also have to wonder if we have EVER actually seen the real Mitt Romney?  And I mean ever.

Here watch this fascinating compilation of the many different Mitt Romneys and you tell me WHICH one is the one that will ultimately run this country if elected.

Personally after watching that I don't want ANY of those Mitt Romneys anywhere near the Oval Office. But I still have no idea if Romney has any sense of self other than his overriding compulsion to win.

And having said that, who does it remind us of?


  1. eclecticsandra7:18 AM

    What's all the stuff after the Mitt blurbs?

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Just posted on previous IM post that word is Romney in his foreign speech will pledge to arm Syrian rebels.

    These rebels are who -- Muslim Brotherhood? Al Quada? Iranians? DUH Stunned & stupid once again.

    It's like McCain & the GOP rant that Obama led from behind in Libya. Yea -- Obama took the time to get NATO support. The Rethug warmongers of Romney, McCain etc would shoot first and ask later.

    Think back -- very little support from anyone in NATO or foreign countries in support of IRAQ war when Bush went in like a moron shooting cowboy.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

      It worked so WELL when Saint Ronnie armed the Iranians!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

      Jon Huntsman had it right eight months ago, when Romney said "I was a Severely Conservative Governor", he compared him on all issues to a "well oiled weather vane".

      Gawker has two GREAT stories. Ryan gets pissy and quits an interview

      And Romney Debates himself- and loses

      Can't wait for the next two debates!!

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Ron Paul supporter who has a video which I hope they follow through -- refusing to vote for Mitt. The Breitbart'ers & RedState have called them every name as you will hear & now telling them to vote for Mitt. This girl is basically telling them to suck eggs!!

  4. WakeUpAmerica7:41 AM

    Lied AND cheated his way through the debate. However, I didn't think he won. Obama showed a great deal of class and grace during Romney's petuant child outbursts and bullying.

  5. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Romney is fucking himself big time.

    15 ships per year built at mega millions. Good luck.

    No free trade agreements in 4 years signed -- Bullshit.

    Biden's gonna have a hayday on this foreign speech at the debate!!!

    NATO countries support US -- Don't think so. It was our NATO allies that spent the full 11 years so far in Afghanistan when the US cut and ran. NATO countries will tell Romney to fuck himself.

    1. I want to see Handsome Old Joe Biden crack his knuckles and go after Ryan… big time. He doesn’t have to worry about beating up a woman this go-round.

      I think all the countries will tell Romney to go fuck himself. I don’t see him doing anything except strip programs to pay for tax cuts for the very wealthy. Oh, and play Blaster to Israel’s Master; I think that was what Mel Gibson was getting at in Thunderdome?

      Gibson’s a crazy extremist, but even a broken clock it right, etc., etc.

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      OH gawwwwdddd, let's all hope Joe doesnt' get wound up and say too much.

  6. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Remember people:

    John Bolton is one of Romney's campaign staff & he wants the position of Secretary of State.

    That would be a sure bet we'd be in a war by day 2 of a Romney administration He's a warmonger - a conspirator - and a fucking mental case that should be locked up and the key thrown away.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      John Bolton is always on FOX News too - Hannity and the gal that looks like a man are his constant interviewers.

  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Is this for real: could he rally have a memory deficit? Whatever is in the present it true; the past means nothing:

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Ann did spit out that she was worried about Mitt's mental well being.

      This sounds more real than people are treating it. I wish the media would listen to his just given foreign speech and add in all the etch-a-sketches, the lies, the flip flops and then really get a story rolling that there may be a serious mental problem and not the lightheated mental 'well being'

  8. Anonymous8:00 AM

    How many attacks under Bush -- 9

    Isn't it strange how the name Bush never arises nor are those attacks mentioned. It's all Obama's fault.

    It wasn't Obama that had a shoe thrown at him

  9. fromthediagonal8:05 AM

    Gryphen, I am as avid a reader of your blog as always, but I find that I am repeating myself.
    So I shall keep my comments (most of them wind up being furious and not fit to print) to myself for the time being. But keep going, we need to stay informed so that we can inform others. Thank you!

  10. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The REAL Mitt Romney is one that has never been seen in this campaign or any other. The Real Romney is the one who's desperate to turn American into the LDS Church's Theocracy. His only allegiance is to their President/Prophet and the LDS Church that he took a blood oath to always put first, above family, country & all other allegiances.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Google this: lying for the lord

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      All hail the king of Kolob.

  11. This clip gives a very, very good idea of the True Mitt (really a must see):

    Also puts a smile on your face !

  12. Anonymous8:33 AM

    You must have missed this from the Weekly Standard: the author of a study Obama's goons quoted knowingly, and with puroposeful aforethought to distort the findings of a study on Romney's proposed hralthcare plan.

    There were, according to fact checkers from the Washington Post. at least five other blatant distortions (I'm too classy to louse the word "lies" like you paranoids) but this one will suffice:

    From the Weekly Standard, October 4th.

    "Last night, the Obama campaign blasted out another email claiming that Mitt Romney's tax plan would either require raising taxes on the middle class or blowing a hole in the deficit. "Even the studies that Romney has cited to claim his plan adds up still show he would need to raise middle-class taxes," said the Obama campaign press release. "In fact, Harvard economist Martin Feldstein and Princeton economist Harvey Rosen both concede that paying for Romney’s tax cuts would require large tax increases on families making between $100,000 and $200,000."

    But that's not true. Princeton professor Harvey Rosen tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD in an email that the Obama campaign is misrepresenting his paper on Romney's tax plan:

    I can’t tell exactly how the Obama campaign reached that characterization of my work. It might be that they assume that Governor Romney wants to keep the taxes from the Affordable Care Act in place, despite the fact that the Governor has called for its complete repeal. The main conclusion of my study is that under plausible assumptions, a proposal along the lines suggested by Governor Romney can both be revenue neutral and keep the net tax burden on taxpayers with incomes above $200,000 about the same. That is, an increase in the tax burden on lower and middle income individuals is not required in order to make the overall plan revenue neutral."

    The left's compulsive accusations of lying; it's habitual respsonse when stumbling to say "I didn't fall; I was pushed", and its feckless, concretized resistance to undersetimate its opponents since 2008 resulted in a
    devastating loss of the house.

    This triangulation of almost tragically distorted thinking incubated in disdain will result in an even more emotionally devastating collision with reality on November 5th.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      You made a wrong turn. You should have turned right to the PEE POND. They're expecting you -- they left the light on for you.

      So fuck off you idiot. You haven't got a fucking clue that-- Harvey Rosen is so deep into Romney -- you could accuse him of phucking Romney.

      I just turn the lights out on ya so piss off Bagger.

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      You're using "The Weekly Standard" as an impartial truth-telling news source??? What kind of juice did you start the day with?

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      I'm a professor and also a writer. I am constantly grading students on content and presentation.

      "This triangulation of almost tragically distorted thinking incubated in disdain will result in an even more emotionally devastating collision with reality on November 5th."

      What the fuck?

    4. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Wow, quelle mots! Could you please tell me what: 'I'm too classy to louse the word "lies" like you paranoids' means? It must be something new, but then again that's nothing new ;-)

      I like this one too: 'This triangulation of almost tragically distorted thinking incubated in disdain will result in an even more emotionally devastating collision with reality...'

      So, taking a 'bearing out of multiple angles', which are 'not really' twisted, 'grew' because of 'looking down upon something' and this will result in a lot of 'crying' when I 'crash' into 'now' in the 'future'?

      You know, when trying to write something, use simple words and keep focused on the message. Like its Journalism 101.

    5. Anonymous8:33 AM

      "reality on November 5th."

      HeHe....Hahahahahaha...."November 5th" huh!

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..."Weekly shit Standard"....LOL!!!

    6. Ah, yes, as I believe I recognize your literary brilliance from a fairly recent previous comment, I say again that you really should focus on learning vocabulary, punctuation and typing...and to that I add...thinking.

    7. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Another 'bon mot': 'puroposeful'.

      This is a gem and I'm trying to understand its meaning. Could it be: 'A full pose when using puro', 'A puro (Editors note: speak as if Spanish) pose when full'? I don't really know, does somebody?

      Another gift that keeps on giving: 'its feckless, concretized resistance to undersetimate its opponents since 2008'.

      If I read this correctly (and please feel free to object), it says that 'The Left' has 'unthinkingly' 'set in stone' its 'objection' to underestimating (I hope that's what was supposed to be written) their opponents since their 'Victory'. Well, the least I can do is thank you for an honest assessment.

      But, to be honest, stop writing. At least for now, until after you graduate or stop using Google Translate.

    8. Anonymous11:48 AM


      I think they still need to be potty ~ trained, poor thing!


  13. Anonymous8:35 AM

    8:09AM, And folks, we have a winner!

  14. DUB'YA and Darth !!!

    BUT, what would u=you expect given that Rumney and his cut-and-paste partner are nothing more than automatons taking orders and direction from mostly their old staff!!

    I commented on another story today about Rumney's bloodlust, fostered by Netanyaya, toward Iran and his un-muted desire to help start World War III in the middle-east. The question came back "When did he ever say he wanted another war??"

    Hold onto your pants folks, cause if he wins this thing your fallout shelters better be ready and stocked !!

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      With the sabre rattling he's playing -- the 'undecideds' 'independents' and even some GOP will run from him. The US is 'war tired'

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      I also meant to add that when he's talking about building 15 ships a year -- with what, more money from China. He will have already drained every cent of everyone else in the US

      Those 15 ships come with a price tag which he forgot to mention how he was going to pay for them -- just like his tax cuts.

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Aha! The Mormons have the rest of us beat there. They stock pile food like there's no tomorrow and have done so since their beginnings. Those of us who like fresh produce and shop at small local stores will never survive!

  15. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I wish someone in the media would explain with regard to the Bush tax cuts and what it means when they expire.

    Everyone is believing that it's like a new tax which is false.

    It's like when you pay $6 for a bottle of shampoo. When the store flyer comes out on Friday and shows the shampoo is on sale for $5.50 so you save fifty cents. Well, the Bush tax cuts have come to the expiry date which could be considered the last day of the flyer and the cost of the shampoo is just returning to what you previously paid. The sale price is over. It's not a 'new' tax -- it's like you've had a discount for years and the discount has come to an end

  16. Smirnonn9:19 AM

    We ARE seeing the real Mitt Romney. This is who he is, all of this. He is a man without core convictions (except for greed), a glad-hander, a panderer. His ruthless ambition trumps his moral compass. In a nut shell, he's whatever he feels he needs to be to get what he feels entitled to.

  17. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Keep up the good work Gryphen. Obama's poll numbers continue to plummet and only baby jesus knows what will happen after ol joe meets up with Paul Ryan. That could pull the numbers even if it's anything like the Mitt/Barry debate bloodbath.

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      LOL!! "love from Baldy and Beefy" this time? HeHe...whatever troll...whatever!

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Plummet? Nate Silver disagrees with you:

      But, hey. Let's believe you over Nate Silver.

      The bottom line is that Romney's tiny bump after what was supposed to be a "trouncing" in the debate shows exactly what a horrible candidate he is.

    3. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Oy, to use the words 'baby jesus' and 'bloodbath' in one sentence could only come from a rabid republican.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

      Don't throw the baby Jesus out with the bloodbath water! Romney's going to start looking like a loser real soon, trust me!

  18. Anonymous9:29 AM

    GALLUP: Obama Bouncing Back Already To 5-Point Lead

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Add the jobs/unemployment number from Friday and now the Romney failed foreign speech today -- can't wait to see the point lead rise again!!!

  19. Anonymous10:09 AM

    As a combat veteran of two tours in Vietnam with twenty-two years of service as a Republican member of the U.S. House and Senate, I endorse President Barack Obama for a second term as our Commander-in-Chief.

    ...Let's be clear, Romney and Ryan would be disastrous for America's service members, veterans and military families. Public praise rings hollow when you fail to mention an ongoing war in accepting your party's nomination to be president, or veterans in a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, a so-called jobs plan or in a budget that should be a blue print of our nation's values.

    Meanwhile President Obama recognizes our sacred trust with those who serve starts when they take their oath and never ends. He's enacted tax credits to spur businesses to hire unemployed veterans and wounded warriors. He implemented and improved the post-9/11 GI Bill, the largest investment in veterans education since the original GI Bill over sixty years ago. He's proposing a Veterans Jobs Corps that would put returning service members to work as police officers, firefighters and first responders. As part of his achievable plan to keep moving our country forward, the President would use half the savings from ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to help pay down our debt and invest in nation building here at home, putting Americans back to work -- including our veterans -- fixing our roadways and runways, bridges and schools.

    And something that hits close to home, President Obama also secured the largest increase in VA investments in decades so our veterans get the care and benefits they earned, like treatment for PTSD and traumatic brain injury. As someone with service-related PTSD, I meet with younger veterans weekly to help them through the treatment and transition to a productive civilian life. It makes a difference for them knowing their President has their back.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Thanks for posting this. I hope that it gets wide circulation especially among veteran groups because they always tend to vote Republican despite the fact that Republican presidents like to send people to war but they do not like to help them once they return home. I never have understood why.

  20. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Romney scares the hell out of me. He'll have us in more wars that we cannot afford - he is a liar and fraud!

    I do not understand why anyone would vote for he and Ryan - much less other Republicans across the nation.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  21. cckids11:02 AM

    A Conservative, a Moderate, and a TeaPartier walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What'll it be, Mitt?"

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      diet coke, the mormons don't drink

      but I get the joke (just insert my bosses name instead!!)


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