Friday, October 05, 2012

Science "is lies straight from the pit of Hell." This Congressman serves on the House Science Committee with Todd "legitimate rape" Akin. WTF Congress?

Courtesy of Talking Points Memo:

 Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) tore into scientists as tools of the devil in a speech at the Liberty Baptist Church Sportsman’s Banquet last month. 

“All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell,” Broun said. “And it’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who were taught that from understanding that they need a savior.” 

According to Broun, the scientific plot was primarily concerned with hiding the true age of the Earth. Broun serves on the House Science Committee, which came under scrutiny recently after another one of its Republican members, Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO), suggested that victims of “legitimate rape” have unnamed biological defenses against pregnancy. 

“You see, there are a lot of scientific data that I’ve found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth,” he said. “I don’t believe that the Earth’s but about 9,000 years old. I believe it was created in six days as we know them. That’s what the Bible says.”

"That's what the Bible says." Once again let me repeat that THIS man sits on the House Science Committee.

And he serves along with Todd Akin, who believes that women can shut their bodies down and refuse to get pregnant if they are being "legitimately" raped.

And we wonder WHY our the education system in this country is lagging behind education systems in almost every other industrialized nation.

WHY we would let a Republican from a southern state ANYWHERE NEAR a committee  dedicated to the advancement of science?  That is like having a blind man teaching a photography class.

You can watch the video these remarks here.


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    When he got that overwhelming calling maybe he should have just made his way to the crapper, because this is an outrageous example of someone who has chosen to be ignorant of anything besides his “worldview.” He should not be a congressman. Period. We as Americans should be ashamed this man is anywhere near the Capitol.

  2. lostinmn3:41 PM

    And not so oddly I was just talking to a new customer. We were talking about how our small business' were getting more jobs and growing fast these last 10-12 months. He was lamenting the lack of technical skills of US kids and said he was having to hire foreign educated kids who had the technical skills he needs. Then comes along this A-hole and I don't have to wonder how our education system came to be the model of crap. I guess if you want unskilled labor it's easy to find here - but of course that sort of thinking would lead one to conclude we are becoming a third world nation. Hmmmm

    1. Eeeeek!!! You said the obscene "t" word, think. Don't you know you must only BELIEVE ! ! !

  3. Anonymous3:48 PM

    He's from Georgia, what else would you have expected?

    1. Anonymous4:59 AM

      Honey boo boo child for president.

  4. honeybabe3:55 PM

    it seems to me that the southern aka religious right states are really behind the science ignorance trend. do you suppose that we will actually divide into 2 countries! poor babies, they seem so happy in their ignorance.

    1. A. J. Billings4:03 AM

      I've often thought that we should just divide the USA into two or three countries so that The Christian Taliban could have their wish.

      Southern states could be the "Christian Honey boo-boo States of Falwell"

      Midwest and some western states could be the "Akin States of American Christian Industrial complex"

      The rest of us could just be the "United States".

    2. Anonymous5:06 AM

      No kidding. A law should be passed requiring all members of that committee to sign a statement saying the believe in evolution.

    3. hedgewytch8:17 AM

      I was born in Fla. and moved to Ga. in my early teens. I am a product of the late 80's-90's Ga. public school system. I graduated from UGA..... and literally left the day after my last class - didn't even wait to go to graduation or get my diploma - I couldn't wait to get out of Ga!

      I was creatures like Newt and this slime ball that did it. They make me physically ill to be around them and their seriously damaging ideologies.

  5. Byaka3:57 PM

    One wonders what problems he has with embryology. I don't recall this being somehow controversial with the right-wingers. Am I missing something?

    1. I believe Broun is referring to Embryonic stem cell research.

      Although the Republican Party is against using embryonic stem cells as par of their PRO-LIFE (said in my mocking voice) platform, some of the less scientifically-challenged Repugs seem to be okay with research using adult stem-cells, although that that's not even unanimous because the many of the fundies seem to think that's another slippery slope along the way to cloning, "playing G_d", etc.

      With the GOP holding the House, Committees like this his one are just about worthless, and this one in particular is a complete joke. Many of these fuck-sticks think that they can pray away the gay, Parkinson's Disease and cancer.

      That's why President Obama gave them a big "Fuck-You" in March-09 and signed Executive Order 13505 Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells. He also dumped Bush's bio-ethical advisory board which had all types of "scientists" and nutters pushing bullshit science, and created his own by signing E.O. 13521 Establishing the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bio-ethical Issues in Nov-09. Bush had appointed all kinds of BS artists who produce all of the fake research to support their flawed. non-scientific magical ideology.

      See, our President is an intelligent man who believes in using information gleaned from real scientific research to support public policies, and people like Broun are complete fucking idiots who want to dumb down the population to be just like them--- stupid and superstitious. Assholes.

    2. Anonymous4:56 AM

      "who want to dumb down the population to be just like them--- stupid and superstitious. Assholes."

      That would be like the dark Ages, right?
      I heard a professor talk once about alien astronuats and how humans are an alien experiment and how, left to our oqwn devices we got stuck in the Dark Ages. So, they had to send some aliens in human form to "speed us along" intellectually and then the Renaissance occurred. Otherwise we'd be stuck being all a fearful of black cats and shit and living in mud huts and fearing god
      I really really could believe this theory and it seems like, incredibly in the 21st century, people are still deliberately trying to be stooopid.

    3. Anonymous4:58 AM

      Maybe as related to very early abortion ot morning after pill, when there are just cells, but no organs or heartbeat, just the holy promise of a possible human to come?

    4. Chella8:14 AM

      The morning after pill does NOT cause abortions. It thickens the walls of the uterus so on the off chance an egg DOES fertilize, it can't implant itself to the lining of the uterus.

      Also. Not all fertilized eggs become babies, with BC or not. They don't always attach.

  6. Anonymous4:14 PM

    We The People need to INSIST that our politicians leave their religiosity at HOME and in THEIR church where it belongs!!

    1. Trouble is, he's exactly the kind of Representative his constituents want!

  7. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I see the last 100 years flushed down the crapper if these folks have a say...........

  8. Anonymous4:42 PM


  9. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Ignorant zealots can destroy us all. That may, or may not, be a hyperbolic statement.

  10. Anonymous4:49 PM


  11. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I don't think these two on the Science Committee (whatever that is) is any morein credible than Boehner putting Bachmann on the House Intelligence Committe. I wonder if she has exhibited any signs of having some yet? Or is she too busy looking for Commies and Muslims in the Democratic hallways? Because I'm sure all her fellow GOPs' are upright, devoted C Street followers who would never cheat, lie, or make things up, right?

  12. I worked with a smart young woman; she had been an honor student in a routine public school. Her daddy was an assistant pastor in a fundamentalist Christian church, and she swore the planet was only about 6,000 years old. I think she wanted to be able to go home for the holidays. Sometimes, it’s that simple, but I still disrespected her for her cowardice, even as I continued to be nice.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      I had a student, not what I'd call bright more like "obedient", who said his father examined fossils in the Grand Canyon and proved that the earth is 6000 years old. His father was NOT a trained geologist- worse, he was a nuclear power plant engineer. Did he not believe in radioactive half life? I'm glad I don't live down wind of that plant.

  13. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Just saw Sarah Palin's dad and brother at the local B&N. There were 4 people

    1. Sally in MI5:56 PM

      At my BN, they had the book on the 'new releases' table, at 40% off. And no one even picked it up while I was browsing. Pathetic.
      Maybe this will be the end of the learned books on Sarah until Babygate is exposed.

    2. lol The failures of that family are endless.

    3. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Did you ask them about TRi-G?? Tight abs? Exploding uteri?

    4. Anonymous6:43 AM

      A waste of paper AND space.

  14. Anonymous5:20 PM

    OK we should pass the Oscar to Mitt, he cried @ Florida rally. just to show he has emotions and a fake heart. How lw will they go?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:34 PM

      He used the vicks vapo rub trick mastered by Glen Beck. There isn't an empathetic bone in that robots body.

  15. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Actually, this is worse than a blind man teaching photography. Most blind people acknowledge that they're blind, know that photos exist, even though they can't see them, and know that humans can and do produce photographs.

    That said I'm absolutely gobsmacked by what this man has said. And scared. This guy sounds like one of those bishops from the inquisition. How long, before some of his "constituents" start trying to murder scientists?

  16. Anonymous5:57 PM

    It appears he has a serious mental conflict between the two, and the only way for him to deal with it was by eliminating one. Being a Baptist I'm sure it wasn't hard for him to choose.

    Bohner is guilty of allowing those two on a committee, in a subject they don't believe in. Why would he do that?

  17. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Hold onto your hats peeps......from Wikipedia

    " The younger Broun is a graduate of the University of Georgia at Athens and earned his Doctor of Medicine from the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta.[3] He is known for maintaining a medical practice based solely on house calls. Broun grew up as a Democrat, but became a Republican sometime in the 1980s."

    That's right...he's a doctor.

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      A witch doctor?
      He probably only makes house calls to the Christian would be interesting to know if he applies for Medicaid or Medicare reimbursements.

    2. hedgewytch8:32 AM

      Augusta medical college - that explains it! Quite a few not so smart doctors have been spewed out of the "institution".

  18. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Ignorance attracts ignorants, and goes like bacteria on a petri dish, and religion is the culture that nourishes it.

  19. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Whoa - I just watched "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"- made in 1939. Jimmy Stewart. It's a must-see, if you haven't seen it yet!! Good way to understand how screwed up the media and power struggles work (don't work) in Congress.

  20. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

    That's a patri dish of stupidity.

  21. Anonymous7:44 PM

    At the risk of sounding a racist as this scumbag: why does it seem like all the really batshit southern racists are very blue eyed and blond haired??? I don't get it.

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Excellent question, and I'll answer with an observation. Why, at Christmas, some creches sold (not specific to Walmart) have Jesus blond-haired and blue-eyed?

  22. Anonymous7:56 PM

    the show the greatest disrespect to their god when they disavow science - which is the collective explanation of the world we live in.

  23. WakeUpAmerica8:31 PM

    Wernher Von Braun, the greatest rocket scientist ever, lived in Alabama. Last I heard that was a southern state. Yeh yeh, he emigrated from Germany, but nevertheless, he lived in the south for quite a while.

    Akin and Broun are both dick heads and should wear condom hats to protect the rest of us from their intellectual STDs.

  24. Just imagine having to work with someone this clueless everyday. Now what would you get accomplished? That's right....nothing....and that has been the GOP plan all along these past 4 years.

  25. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Poor guy was probably once told his intellect is "of the devil" like I was told. However, I escaped the mental abuse and indoctrination and he did not. And he is in the corridors of power in this country.

  26. A few years back, I asked a question on Facebook about how so many people can vote against their own economic interests. From Texas cam several responses that they prefer to vote for someone who shares their values. We shouldn't have let them secede but after the war was over and it was established that secession is not an option, we should have kicked their butts into the ocean. Sherman left too much of Georgia high and dry.

  27. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Goes right along with no abortion, no birth control, no education no one can get a job. I just heard a unbelievable story, to get a job as a waitress they want a background check and everyday pass somekind of a test. This is why ppl can't get jobs, or have quit trying to get one. If corp couln't take the cost of all these drug tests and background checks for a 7.00 an hr job maybe more ppl could work. Anyway they don't want anyone with any intellangence anymore but them, so they can rule and keep us all paying for them. Throw these bums out.

  28. Anonymous3:55 PM

    OK...Th gentleman is obviously out of touch with what 4.7 billion people on the planet believe. Having said that, my mother-in-law, (a ministers wife) once said to me, "Why can't there be BOTH. No one knows how long a day is to God. First day, made the heavens and earth (big Bang. The fifth day is when we saw "animals" (dinosaurs. Not until the sixth day did man appear....So who is to say science and religion cannot co-exist?


  29. Hell in the true translation of the Bible means place were bacteria/unclean spirits dwell, and as stated in the book of Revelation 20:14 hell and death that is caused by hell will burn in a lake of fire/volcano in this era! Strangely the congressman is both right and wrong! Evolution is a false conclusion to a correct science and the data collected for that branch of science! Science has proved all of God's our Lord Jesus Christ Mystery which He prophesy would be done this Epic day era and generation Revelation 10:7! Go to the Darwin battle field of God and satan page and all pages on the websites mentioned below... Contact the site for greater evidences to be sent to you....

    Our Lord's science has proved His mystery and instead His children of Science deny Him while reaping the benefits of His delivered Knowledge! For evidence that He and He alone brought forth Science go to the about us page, the Adam the first researcher page, and Proof in the news and science page, and the Targum page and the Proof of His healing in painting and verse page on the website at google search of Adam and Eve seed gathering Ministry!

    Also on the Prophecy and the Signs page are the prewritten news events of this day prewritten three years ago and some more, { as evidence the Minister of the site is a Righteous man who has been given the keys/code Rev:10:7/1:17-18 giving him the ability to figure and deduce when events will accure } these signs are now falling each week, such as the Japan quake and tidal wave, and the DC/Virginia Beach Virginia quake our Lord Jesus the Great scientist/physician brought on the same day as the unveiling of the martin luther king statue { with as we speak more quakes are coming to DC/V.Beach } also the record disturbances on the Suns surface all prophecy before their taking place so all of Science and Theology will know the Minister of the site is sent John 13:20 and a Righteous man! Many other signs listed there have come and are coming for this sounding to Science of God's Mystery being now finished by Science Revelation 10:7 for other proofs contact the minister for questions or more answers!

    Also go to the site at Adam and Eve in Action blog at google search, and therein are videos and links and pages of undeniable evidence that our Lord now prepares His earth for His retaking of it Matthew 5:5 and 25:34 Rev:5:10 and 21:3-4.... Respect to all scientists of Adam/God's seed/of Science/Nasa

  30. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Betty, what???

  31. Prayer doesn't work. I keep praying that lunatics like Betty will go away and quietly believe their craziness and leave others alone. Also, please realize that not all Georgians are like Broun. I'm a lifelong resident in GA.. I'm liberal and an atheist. Imagine how interesting life can be for me almost daily. I almost knock myself out every week hitting my face with my palm.


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