Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Big Dog, Bill Clinton, on Mitt Romney. Oh this is good!

Oh damn! I laughed my ass off watching this!

You know I hope that for the next debate President Obama brings in Clinton for some tips.


  1. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Bill Clinton always comes through! Thanks for posting this video.

  2. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Four words...... Bill Is The Bomb. There is moderate Mitt... Where you been boy these last two years? LOL......

  3. Anonymous6:46 PM


    Bristol, with her whole matured vocabulary, says she's bummed to see everyone go definitely. And also too or whatnot, that it sucks that there is a double elimination.

    Track didn't even know I'm on DWTS again.

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      This happy, vibrant family, that's so close and all, forgot to tell big brother why his mother and sisters would be in Los Angeles for weeks at a time, just in case he wanted to call and have a mature conversation with them. What a joke.
      Track, buddy, keep yourself in the dark as much as possible.

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Track wouldn't make a random call or whatnot, would he?

  4. Anonymous6:56 PM

    The Clintons have given us so-o-o-o much! Hillary has been and is a STAR! They have a wonderful daughter who is, in her own right, a success. It doesn't get much better than that.

    They are human and have been maligned forever for every thing that anyone can bring up about them. The mistakes do NOT outweigh the achievements by any stretch of the imagination.

    How many of us remember when Hillary kept saying it was a right wing conspiracy? And the teaparty was born and I remembered her statement about the right wing conspiracy.

    1. Anonymous4:49 AM

      I absolutely agree with every word you posted. I love the Clintons, they are a national treasure, indeed.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      I love how they raised Chelsea too - they kept her out of the public focus as much as possible. She's well parented, well educated, married to a good guy (from all I've read) - he's well accomplished too -

      Compare the Clinton family values to that of the crappy Palins/Heaths. I know you'll agree - there is no comparison! The Clintons are giving back to the world around us too - financially. I do admire them! And, I hope Hillary runs for President in 2016!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  5. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Loved it! His imitation of Mitt was spot on. In addition to all his other talents, Bill can act.

  6. honeybabe7:23 PM

    it would be priceless for president clinton to be sitting in the audience in that debate.

  7. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Yes, this was certainly a game changer. I don't really understand how the electoral college and first-across-the-wire works with respect to Bill Clinton soundbites.

    How many electoral votes did Obama pick up during this clip?

    I'm no pundit, of course, but it appeared to me that it didn't do much to call off the dogs during the investigation in congress today concerning the diplomatic disaster in Libya.

    Yep. You know you had a good day as a democrat when PBS tells the president to stop using Big Bird in his campaign spots.

    Yuck it up. By November 6th--if not tomorrow at this time--you're going to know what Shakespeare meant when he wrote,

    "Your jests shall savor of shall ow wit when thousands more do weep than laugh at it."

    1. CTW put out a standard request to not use the non-profit Big Bird in a partisan commercial. They have done so before and would do the same if Romney or any other candidate tried to use Big Bird or the other SS characters in an ad.

      A grieving mother's indignation and anger at Romney's callous politicization of the death of her son and his fake concern for someone he couldn't even remember meeting is not at all the same thing.

      Romney is a dreadful human being and would be a terrible President. Your faux intellectual sneers don't change that fact.

    2. Anonymous4:25 AM

      We'll all be weeping if the likes of Romney/Ryan get a hold of the White House. If they had a chance to implement their policies the stone cold sobering reality will open the eyes of the majority of republicans who vote on economic reform. It will not be a successful Presidency. People will come out en masse to make their contempt known. Whether you like President Obama or not, our best bet for a stable country with long term prosperity for all will be to vote for him.

  8. Anita Winecooler9:34 PM

    I think he's one of the best former Presidents ever!
    He and Hillary worked through a lot in their lives, and managed to raise a smart, poised and married independent young lady.

    Where you been? ha!

  9. Anita Winecooler9:46 PM

    Mitt steps into it, AGAIN.

    Essentially, he wants an individual madate- the gop called "unconstitutional".... more ammo for the debates

    Thank You, Mitt!! Keep digging, you're on a roll!!

    Popcorn and champagne worthy!

  10. Anonymous10:25 PM

    O/T: Bristol Palin has a future! Acting in dull wooden campaign ads produced by Glenn Beck's non-profit:

  11. Anonymous10:45 PM

    *Grins* Thanks for posting this, Gryphen. Clinton is awesome! It's too bad we can't him in for a third term. I miss that guy. ;)

  12. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Well I hear all the pundits saying it wouldn't be good for the President to call Romney a lier in the next debate as it comes off negative to those UNDECIDED'S! I'm sure that he will get his groove on in this next debate with the ole lier Mitt. I have no doubt. Perhaps he might take some advice from Mr. Clinton but he is walking a fine line and needs to also keep his cool and send a stronger message to the public of how mitt the twit has flip flopped throughout the last several years. He needs to paint a picture to the millions of americans watching just how mitt the twit has lied, and he needs to do it better than the last debate.

  13. hedgewytch7:54 AM

    Now that's the Bill Clinton that we all know and love.

  14. Anonymous8:40 AM

    My hypothesis is humans tend to believe the version they are more comfortable with when dealing with a self serving liar who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Romney is at ease denying what he formally said. He is a master liar.

    It is vital not to put compulsive liars in charge.


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