Monday, October 15, 2012

The charts that SHOULD get President Obama reelected.

Courtesy of Business Insider:  

Obama's record, at least with respect to the economy, has been strong--especially relative to the economy of the prior adminstration (whose policies Romney wants to return to). 

Before Obama took office, you will recall, the economy was in freefall, obliterated by tax cuts, runaway government spending, massive consumer debts, and regulation-be-damned culture of the prior administration. 

As the attached charts show, the moment Obama arrived and implemented the stimulus, the economy began to improve. And it has gotten much, much better in the past four years. 

Here are the charts. Decide for yourselves.

 There are MANY more charts at the link.

And NEVER forget that President Obama managed this while the Republicans threw up every roadblock they could think of to stop him. Considering what he was up against his accomplishments are nothing short of miraculous.

The idea that Mitt Romney can do a better job than this is ridiculous.


  1. THIS is where we were.↘
    THIS is where we are now.↗

    Now Romney/Ryan want us to go back to the same policies AND PEOPLE that drove us into the ditch we've been fighting like hell to get out of the past 4 years. Why would we even consider doing that?

    This is a no-brainer. OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  2. Sally in MI4:31 AM

    The President must look and sound Presidential tomorrow night. The country's future depnds upon those two hours, sadly enough. The media wnats him to lose and keep the race close. Voters are not paying arrention to charts and reality, but to sound bytes and press reaction. Come on, my President, be strong, be truthful, and take down the biggest liar ever to run for your job!

  3. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Alas, people listen to negative misrepresentation of facts without following up to check facts.

    Re: facts. On Morning Joe they showed an ad showing Ryan looking serious as he lied that Obama raised taxes on small businesses. Biden mocked Ryan and laughed. Ignorant people will perceive Biden thinks it is funny to raise taxes.

    The Romney Ryan campaign knocks lies into the park nonstop. I think the Republican party has no plans except how to get rid of Obama and spew their ideaology.

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      The Small Business Administration defines small business as

      Manufacturing: Maximum number of employees may range from 500 to 1500, depending on the type of product manufactured;
      Wholesaling: Maximum number of employees may range from 100 to 500 depending on the particular product being provided;
      Services: Annual receipts may not exceed $2.5 to $21.5 million, depending on the particular service being provided;
      Retailing: Annual receipts may not exceed $5.0 to $21.0 million, depending on the particular product being provided;
      General and Heavy Construction: General construction annual receipts may not exceed $13.5 to $17 million, depending on the type of construction;
      Special Trade Construction: Annual receipts may not exceed $7 million; and
      Agriculture: Annual receipts may not exceed $0.5 to $9.0 million, depending on the agricultural product.

      So some "small" businesses that net $250,000.+ will have their taxes raised. Rmoney/Ryan, once again, count on low information voters to not question.

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      As a former SBA employee, I'd like to point out some of the figures above:

      as many as 1,500 employees in some industries;
      revenues of $9 million; etc. Just take a look.
      "Small" is relative to the other firms in your industry.
      We think of mom and pop stores being burdened, but really it's the sheet metal factory, whose boss is taking home a tidy salary, no matter what his company's final income may be.
      It's a scam.

  4. Things like this make me so angry. I hate to be cast as the ABW but the truth is, I DO feel like people who say Romney is better than President Obama- after looking at ALL the evidence, the TRUE numbers, not Ryanized numbers- are at least somewhat racist.

    I just fail to see how any logical person could actually believe Romney is qualified based on merit and record. R&R might be touting the "six studies" which "prove" their budgetary numbers add up, but the TRUTH is those 'studies' were actually op-ed type pieces written BY ROMNEY CAMPAIGN STAFFERS. The only actual, LITERAL study done on the Romney/Ryan budget showed what we all know to be true- the math isn't possible. It doesn't work, PERIOD.

    The total lack of credible ideas put forth by Romney combined with his dismal record as governor- 47th out of 50 in job creation, negative economic growth during his tenure. . .well, again- I just don't see how any actual THINKING person could vote for Romney/Ryan.

    Off topic but while I'm on my "totally pissed off" plane- TMZ this morning has an item about the Chip Thoma lawsuit dismissal- they say Thoma "clearly has too much time on his hands."

    Not only that- they quote the judge's ruling which says in part Thoma has only a "mere scintilla of evidence".

    Hmmmm. SCINTILLA. Now where have I heard THAT before?

  5. Anonymous6:15 AM

    At the risk of bringing back the ghost of Ross Perot:

    some people learn visually. You can't argue with these charts. If there were some graceful way for the President to present them tomorrow, there would be no debate. We ARE going forward already.

  6. Anonymous6:29 AM

    FASCINATING STORY for you Gryphen!

    Why a Bible belt conservative spent a year pretending to be gay

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Rosie Perez Hits Mitt Romney On Latino Remarks

  8. Anonymous6:54 AM

    A New York Magazine poll of political insiders, asked to predict the winner of the presidential election, finds President Obama overwhelmingly favored over Mitt Romney, 82% to 18%.

  9. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Is Mitt Romney Mentally Ill?

    Americans are witnessing a morally deficient candidate for the presidency, and if it is not obvious by now that Willard Mitt Romney is a pathological liar, a hypocrite, and deceitful in words and deeds, it is about time his possible mental illness, Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASP), is exposed to the American people.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Add to that Ann Romney's recent interview in which she mentions Mitt's explosive anger when his children were little, and how she's tempered it somewhat. But not completely!

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      "explosive anger" That's one of the reasons he dropped out of Stanford. He just cannot take being lower (in his mind) than anyone else. His needs and wants come first and once he was outside of that bubble he grew up in and out in the big world of college, he lost it. Stanford is a huge campus with thousands of people and hundreds of different cultural aspects. It daunted me when I went there and I can fully understand a sheltered kid like Romney being flustered.
      As far as anger when you have small kids, no wonder. Mummy Ann was tending other beings instead of him so that pissed him off.
      Can you imagine for one second the kind of president he'd be? He'd be hitting that red nuclear button ASAP as someone pissed him off (which seems a very easy thing to do.)

  10. Crystal Sage9:44 AM

    And now the Repubs are going after Candy Crowley. I was watching CNN yesterday and there was a segment where all the talking heads of the network gave "advice" to Crowley, like she was a little girl going off to her first dance recital. Made me so angry. The Drudge reports that the Repubs think that Crowley is in the tank for Obama because she opined that Romney's choice of Ryan for Veep was "risky." Guess they're hoping for another Jim Lehrer moderator who will allow RMoney to run all over the president and lie without being called out. You go, Candy. Don't let anyone bully you into being a wimp during the debate.

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Thanks, for posting this! I also am laughing that Crowley would be a problem for Mitt. Everyone knows she is a Repug.

  12. Paul - Minnesota1:50 PM

    If all of the charts related to a McCain Presidency, all one would hear about from the USA tea taliban is USA, USA, USA and shut up, don't stop progress, give him four more years. Along with a certain Ms. Alaskan whining how everything positive are solely her accomplishments.

    Yet that's how bad the USA tea taliban hates having a black guy in the White House. If he's successful, it's never good enough.

    Thankfully, it's not McCain/Palin 2012. Though she'd been lucky if she would have made it through a couple of years before she left the VP to do something else more well paying and more in the spotlight.

    Also, no way should it be Rmoney/rAyn 2012. Vulture and Voucher. Lies and lying.

    Instead: OBAMA/BIDEN 2012.


    This was in the NY Times yesterday and made some important points.

  14. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Sheesh!! It's been pretty obvious to those paying attention that Romney has no core values other than what's the best course for his personal ambition to be the chief decider. There's little question that, were he to be elected, he'd eventually really piss off the Republican base. Just about any credible economist sees no way that he can make progress on our economy and national debt without raising revenue by increasing taxes, trickle-down/Laffer curve theory having proven to be a delusional mess. A second term being his most cherished goal, he will do his best to make it happen regardless of the outrage from the Grover Norquist crowd. Miraculously, enough Republicans will go along to give him what he wants, which may be better than Obama could hope for. In the meantime, forget any chance for a more progressive Supreme Court, a resurgence of the middle class and most importantly, a proactive approach to global climate change, investment in alternative energy (read national security) and environmental protection.


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