Thursday, October 11, 2012

The First Couple.

I have seen Presidents with their spouses for decades now, and many of them have been both tender and loving. But THIS couple in my opinion has the most genuine and obvious love that I have ever seen.

Seeing them together just makes me want to try that much harder to keep them together in the White House.

Don't you agree?


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I agree Gryph. I love them. FOUR MORE YEAR!

  2. I agree. I’m completely comfortable with the Obamas in the White House.

    As I write this, I realize it’s the first time I’ve felt that way about a presidential couple. I saw Laura as inconsequential, Hillary as vital if a bit too hawkish, Barbara as inconsequential. Nancy and Rosalind would have been better than their husbands, etc.

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I love them. Let's make sure they get four more years!

  4. Cracklin Charlie6:37 AM

    Love, love, love this picture of the First Lady pretending to be a baton twirler.

    And damn, if my girl Michelle doesn't have the prettiest dresses!

    Gryphen, you should post the link to this photo collection from Pete Souza, there's lots of great photos in there. Just a suggestion.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      I love her pretty dresses, they are so feminine.

  5. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I have never seen ANY political couple interact that lovingly, and that adoringly with their spouse, like these two interact with each other. I am SO proud to have them as our first family.

    Let's do it again...OBAMA/BIDEN!!!!! Four more years!

  6. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Yes Gryphen, I agree with you.

    She is so pretty, and he is so handsome. And they are just a beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside.
    WE must get every Pres. Obama supporter we can find, and make sure they vote!

  7. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Michelle has a new wardrobe look going, a bit more sophisticated. Stunning and mature looking, not all valley trash flash dance looking.
    They MUST win, and keep that little weasel Ryan out of DC and I hope he loses here in Wisconisn also. From our local news site here:::

    Former Walker aide pleads guilty to doing campaign work on county time
    Wisconsin News
    The Journal Sentinel says Kelly Rindfleisch will plead guilty to at least one felony count during a plea hearing that’s scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 11. Gov. Scott Walker was subpoenaed to testify, but his lawyer reportedly was going to try to get the subpoena quashed.
    That weasel ---they are all weasels.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      6:49 What are the polls saying as to Walker in Wisconsin? So, so many of us across the nation do NOT want him reelected. Hope the residents of Wisconsin are paying attention to the negativity the 'jerk' projects!

    2. Walker won't be up for reelection until 2014.

  8. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I love the kiss in the last photo. It shows real love and admiration and also playfulness. And she has a million watt smile.

  9. Sharon6:56 AM

    As Bill Mahr says know these 2 are having alot of great sex, hahahha! I watched the full speech Michelle gave in VA yesterday...damn she is so friggin awesome, they are an unbeatable team to be sure. They are a breath of fresh air and have totally transformed the White House being role models for everyone. It is a shame they don't constantly advertise the White House website which has that weekly update and Obama's weekly address, let the nation see how hard this couple has been working for 4 years. The staff earns their's Congress we should demand a salary refund for the last 2 years. They get a handsome salary, the best health care for life....and lord knows what else, its disgusting. I hope Biden reminds Wisconsin how hard Lyin Ryan has worked for them after 14 years in Congress, he renamed 2 PO and lowered taxes on arrows...surely worth all their loyalty and money.

    1. Sally in MI7:52 AM

      Please stop passing along rumors about Congressional benefits. They pay into a system like we do..SS, Medicare,and all. Yes, they have a good health care plan, that Obama wanted for all of us workers, but, they do PAY for whatever plan they choose, and it is not for life. At Medicare age, they go into Medicare too. Their plan is for while they serve, and does not cover their families unless they pay for that benefit.

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Most of the Congressman in D.C. should be replaced - especially the Republican side in the House.

      Issa is a disgrace. Look for the jerks and vote them out next time they are up for reelection. I can hardly wait to see how all this turns out in November!

      The majority of the Repubs back there are anti womens rights. VOTE THEM OUT!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  10. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Some Republicans have said snarkily -- and jealously -- that the Obama "love" is all for show.

    But he isn't acting when he hugs his daughters, or holds babies on the campaign trail. She's not acting when she laughs along with David Letterman, or holds her daughters so lightly and lovingly.

    They appear to be what they are -- and they DO appear love each other genuinely. After 20 years of marriage, that means a level of strength, humility and commitment that isn't easy to find.

    Sure, they're not perfect. But they lift my spirits when I see them. Their smiles are real.

    The alternative -- MItt the Wooden Puppet and Ann, the girl who lives in a bubble -- isn't something I'd want to see every day. Sure, they're in their '60s, but they're supposed to be married for life. Yet they do not exude love for each other or strangers.

    Enough.Paul "Lyin' " Ryan (I can do 1,000 pushups and then run a three-hour marathon, while not cutting defense spending) acts like Eddie Haskell. "Sure thing, Mrs. Cleaver. Just elect me and I'll get a voucher for your mother's medical care."
    Joe Biden, if he can rein himself in, will make Ryan actually give answers, solid answers, which he'll hang him with.
    Sorry. I'm so nervous about tonight.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      good comment, "Lyin Ryan" is such a weasel
      obviously its the best word I can think of to describe him.

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      I thought it was curious when they showed a poll on favorability of Michelle and Ann against their husbands. Usually the women rate higher as Michelle did. But Ann had less favorability than Mitt! I guess people don't like her getting all uppity. Stop it, Ann!

  11. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The Obamas has something the McCains and Palins lack and that is love and respect for each other.

    You can bet your life that President Obama never called Mrs. Obama a derogatory filthy name like John McCain did to his wife.

    You can bet your life that President Obama didn't hire a prostitute or pimp one out like Todd did.

    You can bet your life that Michelle didn't screw a one nightstand while her boyfriend Barack was waiting for her like Sarah did.

  12. Anonymous7:45 AM

    "Sarah Palin plays coy about presidential bid"

    HA HA HA right Sarah, your political career is over. Put a fork in Sarah, she's done with getting elected for anything and that includes dog catcher... Who knows maybe Sarah will go to the well one more time and run that "Send Sarah your best donations and maybe she'll run for president scam".

    11:11AM EST October 11. 2012 - Sarah Palin isn't ruling out a future White House race, but sounds confident about Mitt Romney's chances in November.

    ExtraTV, the entertainment outlet, caught up with the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee earlier this week.

    "I don't know," Palin said when asked if she'll run for president. "I'm not sure what the future holds. Que sera sera." (That's "whatever will be, will be," as in a Doris Day song from the 1950s.)

    Palin said she believes Romney will win because "people are going to realize it's time to get on a more economically sound path for this great country."

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Our dog catcher is a lovely woman, who cares about the animals she supervises after she's caught them. She finds homes for many; tracks down the runaways.
      I wouldn't want Sarah as our dog catcher. She'd kick the mangy, ugly ones to the curb, and be sure to get her picture taken with the one cute kitty that got lost.
      Now, in our New England town, we do have a position as "fence sitter" -- no joke -- for which SP would be perfect. She could double as a scarecrow. Problem is, the unpaid job is appointed by the Selectmen, who would urge Sarah to move along to another line of work, or another town.

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      At least she's not claiming God might crack open a door for her anymore. God has shut it, nailed it closed, added extra reinforcements, and removed the doorknob.

    3. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Her political career has been over for years thanks to Gryphen. Funny that some people still haven't caught on.

  13. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I so agree with you, IM! It is obvious they love and support each other. Think of all the negative press the couple has taken during the past four years - both as a couple and separately. I'm sure serving in the White House has been a difficult road especially because they are half black!

    Love them both and how they represent us throughout the USA and the world. No one has done it better in my estimation.

    Get to the polls folks and vote in November!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  14. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Please make my day and post about the embarrassing (and Palinesque) work out photos of Paul Ryan that just came out.

  15. Sally in MI7:55 AM

    I think that is the prettiest dress yet. She is a beautiful intelligent woman. Can't even compare her to any GOP woman...there is NO comparison. She and Jill Biden are fabulous role models for our girls.
    And Joe and the President are doing a great job. 4 more years, and many more years of Democratic leadership.

  16. Anonymous7:58 AM

    6:58 A.M. Don't worry about Joe Biden. From what he said he has reviewed the voting record of Ryan in Congress in detail, which means he'll be well prepared. I think Joe comes off as much more likeable than lyin' Ryan. Don't forget he was a Congressman for years too -

    Joe can be tough. Lyin' Ryan says this is his first debate which is a lie...he's done many throughout his career as a Congressman. Even Romney projected a falsehood about Ryan doing this. They are lowering the bar substantially for him - as they did Romney.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      I agree. Joe is a class act who knows how to fight for the win. I have high hopes for tonight.

  17. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Yeah, Mitt RMoney will win - the one who just spouted that 'poor people do not die in their apartments because they do not have insurance'...

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Mitt is a disgusting piece of shit on top of being a liar.

  18. Anonymous8:14 AM

    A Devastating Expose of Mitt Romney's Mistreatment of Mormon Women Emerges

    ...Geoffrey Dunn, the author of the award winning 'The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power', has just published a devastating expose of what he alleges is Mitt Romney's pattern of behavior of callous and disrespectful treatment of women, offering three vivid examples in Horror Stories: Mitt Romney's Shameful Record with Mormon Women.

    The two most disturbing stories in this excerpt of a new book are of Romney pressuring a women to have a baby despite a life threatening condition where both doctors, and even the Mormon President of Stake recommended an abortion. In the second example, Romney is alleged to have threatened a divorced single women with excommunication if she did not relent and give her young son up for adoption to a "proper" LDS familiy, but showed no similar concern for her African American daughter.

    Dunn's first case study describes the 1983 tragic pregnancy and medical of Carrel Hilton who was given an overdose of heparin which extesively damaged her kidneys, and caused significant internal bleeding. Doctors warned that her 8 week old fetus was probablyl significantly damaged, as well, and they recommended an abortion saying "her life was in peril." As a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints, she sought and received the blessing of then Massachusetts Stake President Dr. Gordon Williams, who agreed she should terminate the pregnancy to save her life, and enable her to care for her four other children. ... "Of course you should have the abortion," she recalled him saying.

    But, then she experienced an uninvited visit from her local ward Bishop Mitt Romney who "adamantly opposed the abortion."

  19. Paul - Minnesota8:38 AM

    They're also professional. After Anne Romney called President Obama a petulant child, in my eyes, she became wealthy yet still very common trash.

    There is nothing presidential about her nor about Mitt.

    Anne Romney would make a horrible first lady, compared to Michelle Obama (and many other first ladies).

  20. Anonymous8:46 AM

    OT: This is hilarious about Ryan and couldn't have come out on a better day. What a dumbass!

  21. Anonymous9:04 AM


    I've seen presidents and their spouses foe decades now… ." What you really mean is that you've seen stills or video of the first couple.

    Have you read " Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter: A Love Story"?"

    You are 52, ae you not Gryphen? That would have made you 16 when Carter was in the White House. We are to believe you had the prescience to declare the Obama's love the "most genuine" when you know nothing of the Carter's marriage and that as a high school sophomore you actually paid attention to it?

    At the same time you would have bneen 20 when Reagan took office. Do you really expect any reasonable individual to believe you paid particular attention to the marriage of Ronald and Nancy Reagan? I would bet my lungs you never read a book on their marriage, which Charleton Heston said was "the greatest love affair in the history of the American presidency".

    What is your criteria--other than the photos you see or their public personas that would give you the credibility to declare the marriages of all other recent presidents less "genuine"? Have you been privvy to their private moments? Did you listen ion on the "pillow talk" or intimate conversations between Jimmy and Rosalyn or Nancy and Ron--those not seen by the public?

    Since you are such a scholar of presidential marriages what is your opinion of the marriage of Gerald and Betty Ford? Second rate? A marriage of convenience? Surely you recall a reporter writing on President Ford's words to his wife on the dedication of the Betty Ford Center:

    "Ford, with tears in his eyes, "We want you to know that we love you." "

    A close friend of the Fords', Leon Parma,said "It was the greatest love story ever told. They were two people totally devoted to each other. … "

    You were at most 13 when Ford assumed office. How remarkable! You had the prescience of a Stendahl to be able to guage the love of the Fords and in hindsight consider it inferior to that of Barack and Michelle.

    Where you even in middle school when Ford was in the White House?

    But, since love is in the eye of the beholder--even in the eye of one who has not seen the love of others--you have every right to consider Barack Obama and Michelle as the Lord Byron and Elizabeth Barrett Browning of the White House--and, barring any capacity to rule a nation, I suppose your perception of a couple's dedication of a husband for his wife is sufficient reason for some to vote for a man to be president.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      whoaaaa....someone has issues

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM


      chill there big mama chill

    3. DetroitSam9:39 AM

      Could someone, Anonymous, be a little envious?

      Just asking.

    4. hedgewytch9:55 AM

      O.K, I'm just a bit younger than Gryph and I do remember Jimmy and Rosalind, Ron and Nancy, Georgie and Barbara. I think they probably did (do) love each other greatly.

      The point here, and I agree with Gryph, is that the Obama's love for each other shines out and is visible in a way that has not been evident with past Presidential couples. Some of this is probably due to the social mores of the time (public displays of affection a huge no-no in the 80's and early 90's), especially for white upper class males.

    5. "I've seen presidents and their spouses foe decades now… ." What you really mean is that you've seen stills or video of the first couple."
      Seriously? No need to read further.

    6. Anonymous5:02 PM

      How do you explain your love of "big boss" huh RAM?

    7. Anita Winecooler10:48 PM

      "I'd bet my lungs"

      Pay Up, RAM

      Photos don't lie.

  22. Yes...and his policies have worked. Funny how the MSM, that is supposedly in Obama's pocket, hasn't reported on the latest Jobless claims which are the lowest in four years (Politico buried this little tidbit way down the page:; cnn hasn't even bothered to report it.). There's also no mention of the fact that the deficit has shrunk under Obama and the fact that federal spending has not risen as the GOP loves to claim but is actually the lowest it has been in 50 years:

    It's a travesty that if Mitt Romney wins it will be accomplished by lies about his policies as well as lies about the real Obama record. It's a crime that progressives are partly to blame for letting this's disgusting that many Obama supporters have spent more time slamming his debate perforance than citing his real record of accomplishments. If the President loses, it's the country that will suffer and all those disgruntled liberals who stood on the sidelines and watched it happen can simply look in the mirror to find the person at fault.

  23. It really makes me happy to see how much fun they have in their lives, especially considering the attacks and burden they are under. I love them!

  24. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Recently we have seen more and more displays of affection by the two Obamas. This is obviously to counter the obvious fact that the Romneys are such a good looking and successful family. But we know that there have been many times when Michelle has shown outward animosity toward Barack. The displays of love in front of the camera are lies, specifically meant to portray them as a happy family. Those of us who have seen Michelle at her worst know that they aren't happy at all.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      This Romney family is succesful because they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Mitt's dad was a governor for Pete's sake. It's really easy to make money when you already have money. Giving this "Investor" credit as some great economist is a joke. What this country needs is hard work and perseverance in the face of adversity (which is at the heart of what it means to be an American). Sorry, but this is the face of the Obama family not the Romneys.

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Fuck off troll! The Obama's must really piss you off...with their obvious success...brain power and WORKING hard for what they have.

      Meanwhile your stank still laying in your bedpan smelling bed...with bedsores covering your fat man OR woman (if that's your thing) in sight...your sad... pathetic and LONELY life is showing in this entire comment!

      It must suck to be YOU! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous12:09 PM

      10:13 is obviously talking about Sarah and Todd. Project much Sarah? BUSTED! Hahahahaahahahahaaha

    4. DetroitSam6:24 PM

      Anonymous @10:13 am: We know that Michelle and Barack Obama really hate each other are only performing for the camera how?

      God, I really hope the the few pennies the the teabaggers are paying you are worth it.

  25. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The point here, and I agree with Gryph, is that the Obama's love for each other shines out and is visible in a way that has not been evident with past Presidential couples. Some of this is probably due to the social mores of the time (public displays of affection a huge no-no in the 80's and early 90's), especially for white upper class males. And the real point is that michelle hates him and has put that on public display too. even though they are careful of not letting that be seen lately. They have to put on a good show in order to demonstrate that they are as happy a family as the romneys are. It's all a show marriage for the sake of politics. And don't pretend we haven't all seen the obvious animosity of michelle because we have.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      I see what you did there...stealing someone's wonderful comment and then adding your own fucked up life! Let me re-write what you really meant to say...shall I...

      "And the real point is that Sarah hates him and has put that on public display too. even though they are careful of not letting that be seen lately. They have to put on a good show in order to continue to grift from the rubes and demonstrate that they are as happy a family as the Obmams are. It's all a show marriage for the sake of politics. And don't pretend we haven't seen the obvious animosity of Todd because we have."

      See how that works Baldy? Now...don't you have a 2 minute interview to get ready for tonight? I heard Bill O'Really is looking forward to having you on his show!....NOT!

      Fuck off you old...used up...bald headed...hunch backed crone...your ugly is showing...AGAIN! LOL!!

  26. Anonymous11:22 AM

    These guys are fun, beautiful and genuine. All the things the Romneys are not. Please don't let those people in our White House and that angry little man Ryan anywhere near it...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.