Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The ONLY reason that Bristol Palin has not had her ass kicked off of DWTS? Cheating of course.

As we all know Bristol has been saved after yet another round of eliminations.

We also ALL know that it certainly has nothing to do with her dancing ability, or the "hard work" that her mother keeps bullshitting us about. (As she does again in this interview after she is caught leaving a restaurant in LA.)

I am pretty sure that Palin has made SOME sort of deal to protect Bristol and keep her on the show far longer than she deserves, but apparently Bristol is also receiving help (Much as she did last time) from a group of people who hate Dancing with the Stars and enjoy helping to keep the worst dancers on there as long as possible.

Their website is called Vote for the Worst, and here is what they posted after last night's "success:"

 Bulletproof Bristol, VFTW and The Tea Party have done it again as tonight we knocked not one former champion off this show but two in Helio Castratenovus and Douche Lachey! Compared to the rest of the remaining cast, Bristol is like a dancing Sanjaya. 

But VFTW is more than glad to power vote for a dancing Sanjaya, while all other Palin supporters will continue to vote for Bristol no matter what...if they can figure out how to use a phone.

Yep, THAT is partially how Bristol remains on a show with other participants that she is painfully ill equipped to compete against. She is kept in because it entertains these people to keep the worst dancer of all on the show, while much harder working, and talented participants are voted off.

In short she is a laughing stock, and THEY like to rub her in the faces of the true fans who actually enjoy the show, for as long as possible.

But here's the thing. I really doubt if the Palins even care that the only reason Bristol is still on the show is because people, who either like her mother or hate DWTS, are cheating on her behalf.

They just want to win. Even if winning means that Bristol is not voted off in the first couple of rounds.

And essentially this is reflective the modern Republican party as well.

They also want to win at all cost, and will resort to the most underhanded and devious methods in order to do so. Voter suppression, rigged voting machines, disenfranchising large groups of voters, smearing their opponents with lies, NONE of that is considered out of bounds.

In fact these days, in more races than not, it seems that the GOP simply cannot win unless they resort to one or more of these tactics.

You know I used to compete in a number of sports. In those days if somebody cheated to win they were shamed by, not only the opposing players, but their own teammates as well. We NEVER considered it a true victory if you had to cheat in order to come out ahead.

What ever happened to that kind of ethical behavior?

And why does it seem to be those who are constantly touting their moral superiority who are the MOST likely to lie or cheat in order to win?

Bristol may in fact stay on this now completely discredited program for weeks to come. But by doing so all she has done is demonstrated for all the world to see that she is the very definition of the word  "loser."  Only a loser would allow themselves to be rescued from elimination by votes from "haters" who simply want to use her presence on the program as an example of why it should be taken off the air, through her mother's contacts with producers, and by those who only like her because she is the child of their idol.


  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    What's funny is that if Bristol had any sense of pride, or shame, self respect, or decency, she wouldn't even be there. The fact that she agreed to do that show at all shows just how pathetic she is. Calling her a star is laughable. Her claim to fame should cause her shame. Her dancing is awful. Just pathetic.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      She has none of those things and she's in for a rude awakening when opportunities and money dry up and she's forced to act like an adult.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      She's prostituting herself - and the colloquial name for that is "whore."

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM


      She must not know how ugly that is. She would never win a beauty contest like that, someone must have told her how it looks at one time.

      Good thing she doesn't have anyone read here. She would start to work on her posture and look better. It would take years off her old look. Willow and Bristol would be told to straighten up, I don't think they could handle that.

    4. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Neither Sarah or Bristol can cheat father time. Everything Sarah Palin is flash dancing our way looks like she is a very sick woman. How unfortunate her whole family is a pack of uneducated Neanderthals, no offense to Neanderthals.

      She will absolutely diminish and shrink. Consider her actual chronological age, what is wrong with her back is quiet serious. Too bad Bristol and all of them will just ignore her reality, she could end up crippled or dead in a short time.

      Love is not blind with them, it is their hate that blinds them.

    5. Anonymous10:23 PM

      They can go any old way they please. It won't be pretty. They've made that clear. They have not yet paid the piper.

  2. Anonymous1:14 PM

    This comment is especially funny given what was posted on Chuck, JR's FB yesterday.

    "But VFTW is more than glad to power vote for a dancing Sanjaya, while all other Palin supporters will continue to vote for Bristol no matter what...if they can figure out how to use a phone."

    From FB:

    On the way there, mom called and dad answered. They got in an argument because dad couldn't hear her clearly. He was literally yelling into the phone, "Dang it! I can't hear a word you're saying!" This went on for a few minutes until I finally reached over and grabbed the phone from dad. I realized immediately that he had been holding the phone upside down the whole time. We both laughed hard when we noticed.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Can you hear me now?

      Dad seems to be as thick as he looks. I guess he put all he had into writing his book.

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      There is a picture that the peepond uses quite frequently of Chuck Sr. pointing at Sarah on TV:

      Every time I see that pic, I hear this in my mind:

      "Looky, looky! That there's mah daughter on the talkin' picture box!"

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    WTF? Who cares if Bristol Palin is cheating to a win on DWTS? Life is way too short to spend more than 5 minutes on this bullshit.

    I'm sure I'll get hell from the minions for this posting, but come on guys! I just can't believe anyone gives a shit who wins DWTS!

    Give me some postings with substance, please! Or maybe this just isn't a blog I need to bookmark anymore. Whatever. Have a nice day.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Don't let the door hit ya, Bristol.

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      That's a shame, we're really gonna' miss ya'.

    3. Anonymous1:45 PM

      The great thing is that you can ignore the posts you don't want to read. FREEDOM!!!

    4. Anonymous1:46 PM


    5. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Don't let the door hit ya where the FSM split ya.

    6. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I can see the OP's point. Bristol winning or losing DWTS isn't that big of a deal, no matter how you slice it.

      However IMO, it does show -- yet again -- how the Palins seem to attract controversial (in this case abhorrent cheating) venues to promote their "living vibrantly" lifestyle.

      So let the cheating commence. It will only further diminish the Palin brand.

      If I had a nickel for every post I've seen that begins "I'm not again Palin politically, but this...", I'd have more money than SarahPAC.

    7. Anonymous4:49 PM

      The part that galls me is that this untalented Palin will get a paycheck which none of us will ever see - $365,000 to stay on until the end. No wonder she thinks she is "special" I think $carah is being paid to show up each week also, too.

    8. Anonymous5:40 PM


      Will cover a few cosmetic procedures and next she will need more surgery and money. She is winning herself into a wicked trap. They are looking damn high for now but there is a day after yet to come.

    9. comeonpeople3:44 AM

      Cool! Levi isn't hauling in that kind of cash. Maybe he should sue for some child support?

  4. Balzafiar1:16 PM

    Well, at least they are inside and not on the street corner. Yet.

  5. I will not watch that show, not after the last time when Palin was on and on and on.... First, she wasn't a 'star' when she entered the stage since her reality show hadn't even been signed yet. Her only claim to fame was being a pregnant teen. Then even after cameras simply followed her around, showing her just being herself, she was not a 'star' in my book. Second, after the voting was cooked and real professionals were voted off and she remained I was disgusted. I know a lot of people in theater arts and I am insulted on their behalf that this young woman, who has accomplished nothing, is put on the same stage as someone who has worked and studied for years in the dramatic arts.

    1. comeonpeople3:45 AM

      So, be an agent for change! I know a few pro dancers or dancers who want to go pro also. I appreciate the hard work and sacrifice. The system needs to change. DWTS is a stoopid flawed concept. VFTW to make a statement. Use your anger for change.

  6. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Quote "petloverkat":
    "How about you morons stop ruining shows that some people actually like watching? Is that such a novel idea? Bristol is not a celebrity and should never have even been on Dancing with the Stars in the first place. It's despicable that you people are helping her "beat" other, much better, dancers who could actually entertain us week after week."

    It's sickening to see fucking Palins trashing Los Angeles! Please people of Alaska, will you please take them back to Wasilla? thank you

    1. comeonpeople3:46 AM

      It's not OUR fault. Popularity should have zero to do with talent.
      The concept is flawed.

  7. Jennifer1:21 PM

    I don't understand how this is cheating. VFTW has been around since the early days off American Idol. They take advantage of rules set up by the people who run the TV shows. There's no rule that says people can't vote for who they think is the worst.

    If people were hacking into the voting computers and messing with totals, then THAT would be cheating. This is not cheating. It's not even unethical, since keeping a bad contestant on the show may be how those people enjoy the show the most. Maybe some of them even like Bristol as a dancer. (Why or how, I have no idea.)

    VFTW has a long history of trying to mess with Idol results and results of other shows. The founder of it even appeared on Letterman in 2007:

    1. KatieAnnieOakley2:20 PM

      When he started the blog, and it started having an effect it made the producers of Idol sooooo angry!! VFTW were directly responsible for Taylor Hicks winning season 5 of Idol. Dave became a local sensation overnight in the Santa Clarita Valley near LA - and the bane of reality producers all over LA.

      As far as I'm concerned, being backed by VFTW is the greatest slam on earth.

      It pisses-off the true fans of the show against the underdog that can't seem to be voted off, no matter how badly they perform, and proves to the producers that it ISN'T about - in this case, BRISTOL's - "star power" - its all about the power of VFTW!

  8. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Bancy has posted a new pic of Bristol and Lego hair, taken last nite. Lego hair is the Hunchback of Wassila. This feamle has a bad posture and eats junk food and now a fitness fuking guru. She is acting and dressing like a 16 yrs, twirling her hair ...... etc.

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      It looks like she is full of pride to be a Hunchback.

      She will certainly address the health benefit she thinks she gets from teaching bad posture. There are photos going back years so it is an absolute intentional pose. She is contrary to all other health pros and beauty instructors. That will not deter Palin, she will certainly write (have a ghost) how she sees beauty and health in bad posturing. As well as passing on the tradition to the younger generations.

      Did bad posture get Willow Palin kicked out of Beauty College?

    2. Anonymous4:52 PM

      More likely bad attitude!!

    3. About SP being "a fitness fuking guru", I happened to follow some links when I re-visited the People article about Bristol's meltdown.

      I found this article at "Books & Review" entitled, "Sarah Palin Skinny Photos Explained, Writing Fitness Book, Bristol Receiving Death Threats for 'DWTS' (Poll)" where SP claims the family has learned how to balance eating pie and moose stew with keeping the weight off. (yeah, sure, we know what your Wasilla Secret is... /snark)

      But the funniest part of the article is an embedded video made in 2010:

      One of her Viagra-enhanced fans, "Stoneyjack" weighed in with a lavish comment below the video. Ugh.

    4. Anonymous10:03 PM

      She already has her cooking show on TLC. /s

    5. DetroitSam8:51 AM

      Take a look at Sarah's knees in that short dress. They look like cottage cheese. Ugh!

  9. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Nice to see Sarah and Bristol bought a Roman slave girl.

  10. Anonymous1:25 PM

    1) People with the last name "Palin"
    2) Ethics and an appreciation for hard work
    3) "Reality" shows
    None of these things resembles the others....

    Also too, is it just the pose she's striking, or is our Sarah starting to get a dowager's hump?

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      $carah's been a hunchback for years, saw that on her as $he was walking off the ice at an Alaska Aces hockey game years ago..

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Most people can work on their posture and do something about it. My family started early and was always on top of it. It would be hell to start at her age. Not as late for Bristol, Willow and Piper.

      Since it is a foundation of health and beauty I would hope she does address this in the family fitness book. Of course, her minions will think it is beautiful and independent. Or they will just do the regular denial routine.

    3. comeonpeople3:49 AM

      She so short though. Why is she humping over? No self esteem? Usually tall people have the hunching over syndrome.

    4. Anonymous9:14 AM

      @Anonymous 2:19 PM.
      Yes, you can work on proper posture. I was lucky too, I had a grandmother that constantly told us to sit up straight and walk lightly, no clomping around! If you get it drilled into your head early, it sticks with you. Over the years, I have had a lot of people comment on my good posture. Good posture and good manners will serve you well in life.

    5. Anonymous9:59 AM

      9:14 AM It may seem old fashion now but when they trained us about beauty it was good posture first. Now they train girls to go for surgery. Once upon a time if you didn't want to age prematurely, you would work on your posture. It seems all that is ancient history now.

      Sarah Palin sees herself and fears aging. It is amazing to me that it has never occured to her that her posture is her number one enemy. If she had friends or family that love, care for her or could be truthful they could have helped her know what her bad posture was doing to her. When she looks at that in the mirror she would see a homely old woman. Admitting she has a problem with posture could have saved her from thinking she is looking so old.

    6. Anonymous11:30 AM

      It's easy to stand up straight when you are proud of yourself.

      No wonder Palin is a shriveled ball.

  11. Anonymous1:27 PM

    All I'll say is 'TWISTED'!!! + I'm not watching any more of DWTS!

  12. Gryph, Did you watch the video link I put along with this information? If you didn't you really need to. You can tell the women wanted to tell the truth but that gooberhead come up with the underdog thing.

  13. Anonymous1:32 PM

    The reason to keep tabs on these harridans is that they're sneaky and sly, and Sarah still wields some sort of perverse political power. We must be vigilant.
    Other tea baggers are just as slimy, but Sarah is the one in the public eye.

    On another, lower, note: their get-ups look like they fished them out of the dress-up chest. How can they think they look attractive in any way at all? Sarah: sleazy cougar. Bristol: with no waist and no apparent muscle tone. Poor Willow: it is a shame you were born with that body shape, but it would be nice if someone helped you play up your assets. Oh, yeah. She's busy playing up her own.

    These jokers make Honey Boo Boo's clan look like aristocrats.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM


  14. Anonymous1:37 PM

    This "Vote For the Worst" site isn't doing anyone a favor. They are keeping a girl in who will grab that grand paycheque for another week, and use it on her spas and cosmetic surgeries. I am certain that the other contestants already have a charity in mind when they stay for another week. I am sure many of them are generous and use some of their earnings to help others. Not so with Bristol. When the Palins get their hands on easily-earned money, they take, take, take and demand more.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      One of these days one of the other contestants will explode, and tell the TRUTH about Palin. All about the pregnancy last time, plus her snooty attitude at all times.

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM


      Confidentiality agreements.

      They would be sued for much more than they made on the show, PLUS they would been seen as a snitch/crybaby/sore loser.

      It wouldn't be worth it.

  15. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Don't kid yourself thinking she is getting enough votes. They are keeping her on the show because people love to hate her, which is good for ratings. I agree with media insider that she had a contract for a set number of shows

  16. Well there's certainly nothing of substance to criticize the Palins for, so, that picture.
    a) Palin looks pathetic. I don't think the aging bondage whore look is ever going to catch on. At least not with women who have even the teeniest speck of self-esteem.
    b) Willow's dress is sack like and not very flattering but she looks the closest to a normal person that you wouldn't think twice about if you didn't know she was a Palin.
    c) Bristol? Really? Are twenty somethings now thinking "Elizabeth Taylor in her 1960s Richard Burton days; that's who I want to be"?***

    ***No disrespect to Taylor, an immensely talented woman with a strong social conscience.

  17. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Well said G. BP is a total loser and should just be handed the trophy right now for all it's worth. As a fan from early on, I turned the channel and stopped recording two weeks ago. It's all yours Palins, Tea Party fans, and VFTW. Enjoy!

  18. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Still think DWRS should charge per vote as they used to, with the profits going to charity.

    1. comeonpeople3:51 AM

      That will end the nonsense right quick!

  19. Anonymous1:48 PM

    To all the folks posting a prediction that Bristol will NOT be voted off, congratulations on your insight! You guys called it correct a mundo.

    To the slug dressed in the white cruella deville outfit that pretends to dance in front of millions of people: Bitch please?! Go home and cut your losses while you still can. By remaining on the show you doubled the amount of "haters" in your favor. It's only going to get worse from here on. Have some dignity, leave gracefully and try to save some face. Use with your trademark pity pout. That usually works.

  20. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Of course it's fixed. Bristol is like the bad boy in wrestling. The audience needs someone to boo or shoul I say hate. DWTS must think so little of their show that they need Palin for ratings. Keeping Bristol on the show ties Sarah's hands. She has to stay in LA to support Bristol instead of giving speeches and endorsements.

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Remember the Crazy Cult perceived Bristol's fake DWTS votes would somehow morph into political votes, like if Sarah or Bristol run for an office?

    2. Anonymous4:58 PM

      I seriously think any and all offers for Palin to give speeches dried up long ago.

  21. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Personally, I'm happy that Bristol continues to be pushed forward in this farce. Every day, more and more people can't stand to hear her name or see her face.

    Once again, everything the Palins touch turns to shit. Let's hope this is the death knell of their reality tee vee brand of "fame."

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Me too. I love seeing her be the laughingstock of the country. The girl has no self respect at all.

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Well, when you are dissed on national TV by Anderson Cooper, you just gotta know most everyone, with even a tiny bit of intelligence, is laughing at ya.
      Oops I forgot. Nevermind.

    3. Anonymous2:55 PM

      They put themselves in the public eye only to look stupider with every round. And frankly, DWTS deserves to be stuck with that piece of shit, as they are the dumbasses that keep foisting her on an ever more disgusted public. VFTW. Let them suck it.

    4. Anonymous3:05 PM

      More photographs of the family and their humps. Hump backs, dry humps the Humpers....

      All this about sexy and beauty and they just hump over. Pretty funny if you think for a moment about what is a turn on and true beauty.

      Beware the hump.

    5. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Bdull's "turn ons":

      -Canvas tents
      -Bartles & James
      -Boys named after jeans (even if said boy hates her)
      -Giving the middle finger to h8ters
      -Degrading Mark Ballas
      -Degrading Levi
      -Fresh air

  22. Anonymous1:51 PM

    If Bristol does win, will the host say Bristol was an amazing dancer and she really deserved to win? How awkward will that show be?

    It really is a pathetic situation and that family is too stupid to realize how put off the judges, pros and really great dancing stars are going to be. They most likely are already.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      I think a lot of viewers are pissed too. I am. DWTS wanted Bristol for the controversy and boy howdy, they got it. Only this strategy may just take them down by the end of the show.

      I want to see real dancing, not some drama queen's bad acting.

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      DWTS ought to just give the damn globe to Bristol now. And change their name to Dancing with the Palins.

    3. Anonymous3:08 PM

      I hope it would be too awkward and blatant to take her to #1. I think the set up is staged to be more like it was the last time. Maybe #2 or #4 if they want to vary it.

  23. Anonymous1:54 PM

    It is time for them to bring track and Afghanistan back in to the DWST saga
    A Little Perspective about DWTS from Afghanistan
    Typical Palin picture – the day Track left for his second deployment.
    Track deploys again June 2012

    Track and Trig

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      That should be good for votes.

    2. vegaslib4:42 PM

      Wow Track looks NOTHING like the rest of the family. I wonder why? Actually I don't, I already know he's Menard's son, he's the spitting image of his real dad.

    3. Anonymous5:44 PM



    4. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Why does Tripp have no shirt on, but a blanket covering him??

  24. Anonymous1:54 PM

    McCan't opened Pandora Palin's box (eewwee) and the ignorant, evil harpies are out and infesting the GOP. It is appropriate to equate the Palins with the cheating within the GOP/TP. They are one and the same.

    Old McCain will wear the Pandora Palin's stink for the rest of his life and beyond.

    Hopefully for the rest of us, Pandora Palin's stink will fade away and we can once again come together as a nation, indivisible in our combined efforts to grow as civilized nation guided by grown ups dealing with serious issues.

    We don't have time for Sarah's diversions.

  25. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Question: How much influence does Mark Burnett have over DWTS or its associated affiliates? He's big in reality show biz and he is the only one providing the Palins with "shows." He is acting more like their agent. Why? Is he getting that much money from his pimping?

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Maybe he and Todd shared some prostitutes.

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      I do hope it is legal aged ladies. The sex trade sells whatever you want, not just ladies.

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Mark Burnett WAS INVOLVED with Bristol and Todd's tv stints. Both ABC and NBC. I would say he is pretty central to their scams.

      You should read about Room 23, I think that is it? And others, about the industry, charity scams at the high end, starlets and famous accomplished performers, children and the sex business. It goes on all the time and is well kept secret for the most part.

    4. Anonymous11:39 AM


      I hear you, I know about Room 23.

      However, the gals associated with it seem a "bit" more "worldly" than Bdull.

      Hayden Panetierre I can see as a sexual dom, but NOT. BDULL. PALIN!!!!!!!!!!1


      Brisdull won't fuck you unless you have a truck.


  26. You know, I don't even think BRISTOL still wants to be on at this point. That girl is as allergic to hard work as she is to latex.

    I'm betting (seriously- no joke) she fakes an injury within the next 7-14 days OR there is a "family emergency" because Trig is "sick" and Bristol would NEVER not be by her family's side in a time of need! (what's all that snorting I suddenly hear?)

    I would say she would flake crying TRIPP is sick, but that only emphasizes how a small child is likely to have poor immunity if you take him from Alaska to LA to Alaska to Arizona to Alaska to LA to Arizona to LA to Arizona in only two short years.

    I start to feel bad for Mark Ballast but then I remember- he knows ALL the pregnancy dirt from 2010 and is keeping silent despite knowing full well the knowledge would have kept Bristol off the "all stars" thus allowing space for the TRULY talented and hardworking.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Sarah looks sickly, maybe Sarah will pass out on the front row of DWTS. It would accomplish two things.

      1. If Sarah passes out in the first row, she would be guaranteed 5 camera coverage and would be on TVs across the nation.

      2. That would be Bristol's excuse to drop out of DWTS.

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Bristol doesn't know what she wants. She is kept pumped up. Sarah talks about her "energy". She is manipulated and controlled in such a way that she thinks she is her own person and she believes all the memes and bull they say.

    3. I don't think the hard word requirement would drive Bristol off the show. She doesn't bother anyway and still stays on.

  27. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I had to look it up. Sanjaya is a former American Idol contestant that was really bad but got a lot of votes to keep him on (kind of in spite, I think).

    However a big difference between Sanjaya and Bristol is that by all accounts Sanjaya was friendly and likeable.

    From Wikipedia:

    Sanjaya Joseph Malakar (play /sænˈdʒaɪ.ə ˈmɑːləkɑr/, Hindi: संजय मलाकार; born September 10, 1989) is an American singer, who was a finalist on the sixth season of American Idol. He gained national attention on the series, controversially advancing to 7th place with public votes, despite being poorly received by the show's judges, particularly Simon Cowell.[1]

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Another difference between Sanjaya and Bristol: Sanjaya did his best and worked really hard on that show, unlike the temper-tantrum throwing, whining, pouting Bristol.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:35 PM

      And who can forget William HUNG (hint: not TODD) and his tribute to Bristol?

  28. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Let her win the whole damn thing, and the accompanying backlash send DWTS to the scrap pile for good. She'll have her ill-gotten trophy to sit next to her fake diploma while she stares at her plastic Leno chin in the mirror in self-admiration of her "accomplishments."

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      works for me....

    2. comeonpeople3:55 AM

      mee too!

    3. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Leno Chin and this "fitness" book! hahahahaha

      If they announce they are working on a comedy routine I might believe them.

  29. Blue Girl Liz2:07 PM

    OK, folks, my apologies to the Eagles....but please, sing along with me to the tune of "Hotel California"

    On a dark massage table, a cool Redbull in my glass
    Warm smell of a high colonic, rising up through my ass
    Up ahead in the bathroom, I see the shimmering seat
    My head grows heavy but my legs give up in defeat
    I have to stop for the night

    Livin' it up in a hotel in California
    Such a lovely place; such a lovely place
    Cookin' up meth and moose pies in California
    Such a lovely place; look at my bony face
    Plenty of room in a hotel in California
    I don't take up much space; I snort it all and don't leave a trace...

    There stood Todd in the doorway
    I heard Willow begin to yell
    And I was thinking to myself,
    "These drugs are making me look swell"
    Then Trig gave me the crack pipe; and showed me the way
    to the National Enquirer
    that I thought I threw away..

    Livin' it up in a hotel in California
    Such a lovely place; look at my bony face
    Cookin' up meth and moose pies in California
    Such a lovely place; look at my bony face
    Plenty of room in a hotel in California
    I don't take up much space; I snort it all and don't leave a trace...

    Mirrors on the ceiling,
    the moose pie on ice
    and Todd says "We are all just grifters here, of our own device"
    And in Bristol's chambers
    We divided up the powder feast
    We snorted it with our $1,000 bills
    And said "Here's to our diet book never released!"

    Cookin' up meth and moose pies in California
    Such a lovely place; look at my bony face
    Plenty of room in a hotel in California
    I don't take up much space; I snort it all and don't leave a trace...

    Last thing I remember, I was
    Falling on the floor
    I had to remind myself
    I'll never get to the place I was before
    "Relax" said Todd and Willow
    "This isn't like last time
    when we lied and said you spent time in Juneau."

    Blue Girl in a red state :(

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Blue Girl Liz, you're brilliant!


    3. Beldar J. Conehead6:26 PM

      Blue, that was MEAN!!!

      C'mon. Do another one.

    4. Anita Winecooler8:36 PM

      Brava Liz! Well Done!

    5. Blue Girl Liz6:57 AM

      Beldar: You can call me Blue...if I can call you Bel.

      But the song parody comes from my heart...the heart of my meanness..

      And what do you expect in 10 minutes? Stairway to Heaven???

      Blue Liz

    6. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Awesome!!! So perfect and true!!! Thanks Liz!

  30. As far as the Palins go, it is becoming ever more obvious that that they will do or say anything for attention as long as money is sure to follow. And they don't and won't care what they have to do for the money. They have no shame, no conscience and do not care who they trample. If Bristol makes money every week that she stays on, that is all that matters.

    Sarah will continue to dress and behave and yammer in a more and more outlandish manner. She was shut out of the republican nomination and convention process entirely.

    If not for fox, we would never have to hear her political blatherings again, because no one else is giving her a platform.

    We wouldn't be seeing these pictures or have heard about the lamebrain "Eating Disorders and You" "book" without Bristol being on DWTS.

    We will never be rid of the Palins entirely because they excel at one thing and that is finding and getting money with as little effort as possible and they are proud of it. However, it shouldn't be more than 3-4 years until they are out of the national conversation entirely. (It will take this long because they are never going to take stock of themselves and turn over a new leaf. As long as there is money to grub, they will be prancing and yapping.) But their money grubbing shticks will eventually be reduced to some sort of family traveling/grifting circuit with a little dancin', a little speechifyin', a little bible-thumpin', and maybe a little strippin' and unzippin." Whatever will separate the rubes from their money.

    And I suggest that c4p get used to Sarah's teen hooker/biker's old lady personas. The fake political genius thing isn't working, even with me look smart glasses, so she is going to go with whatever gets the most attention with the least amount of work.

    Attention leads to money. That. is. all. that. matters. That. is. all. that. will. ever. matter.

    Dignity, morals, ethics? All optional.

  31. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Wow, they finally gave poor Trig a haircut.

    Where are his glasses?

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Hahaha! I wonder how long this comment will be on before it's deleted.

      "She should of been voted off the first night. Better yet she shouldn't of ever been on DWTS Allstars. She can't dance. I can just imagine who's paying off who go keep her on the show."

      Oh and someone bragged about voting 9 times, proud of cheating!

    2. Cracklin Charlie7:50 PM

      That doesn't look like Hollywood in the background of that picture. Unless it's Hollywood, Oklahoma.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:41 PM

      LMAO they're waiting for mom/mom/grandmom to come home from DWTS.

      They've been on this tire for two weeks?

      Ah, the wonders of raising organic, free range kids!!!

    4. Anonymous11:41 AM

      God, Tripp looks like such a little shit.

  32. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Bristol doesn't care! She doesn't care how she wins, that people hate her. She has said that "hate fuels " her. She is the consummate bitch - just like her mother.

    Bristol's new image - make-over - is "the Redneck Woman Bitch" not the Redneck Woman who cares about her family, stands by her man, and works hard.

    No, she is the mother who laughs at and capitalizes on her young son's lack of discipline. She is the woman who cries at the slightest provocation. She dumps on the men in her life, even those who love her.

    No Bristol, you're not a Redneck Woman. You are just a Bitch.

  33. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Coochie, coochie, coo!

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Piper has a BLACK off the shoulder dress as well, for Launch Parties, apparently.

      Lil girl next to her looks like she's wearing a strapless dress.

      Who. ARE. these fucking rednecks?

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Is Mark pushing that chick's elbow into his crotch?

      WHAT THE FUCK is WRONG with these Losers???

  34. Something I meant to point out in my last comment-

    I think any of us, all of us who've read Shailey's book or researched Todd's federal/interstate crimes along with Malia Litman have an idea how and why ANY Palin that wants to gets on whatever show they want AND stay through eliminations which by all accounts should have had their asses out on day one-

    Todd has set up prostitutes for a LOT of powerful people. We know some of the states and entities he has been involved with but think of all we don't know. If DWTS and that waste of airtime "stars earn stripes" are on the same network (I don't remember at present) then I would say it's not a far leap to think Todd may have provided "entertainment" to one or more network big wigs.

    I mean really, after the wretched free fall we saw after SPA debuted, what network would be jumping to give the Palins MORE air time? When the stars earn stripes producers were trying to think of a male "star" to pay tribute to military members- do you really think anyone just organically HAPPENED to say "well, how about Todd 'voice like the pervert on Family Guy' Palin"?

    I think Todd's prostitution scam is all kinds of involved in SPA, DWTS 2010 and current DWTS, Stars Earn Stripes, Life's A Tripp (to parenting class, we hope), Sarah's one time hosting gig on Today or whatever it was, etc.

    For as much as the majority of the US despises the Palins, I just don't believe any network would willingly take them on. Todd is blackmailing or offering his working girls' services in exchange for shows and set up contracts which indicate how long Bristol will be on the show.

    Just my thoughts, but I really feel there may be something to this. Networks are notorious for staying AWAY from demanding divas- not letting them be on as many shows as they can in a mad paycheck grab.

  35. Anonymous2:46 PM

    What happened, Sarah Palin? Just four years ago, you were a fashion star. Even Democrats couldn’t deny your magnetism, or the way you filled out a tailored blazer. Countless Halloween costumes were inspired by your signature “Hot Librarian/HBIC” look. Were those boots and above-the-knee skirts appropriate for someone a heartbeat away from the Naval Observatory? Who cares; either way, you looked great in them.
    Now, though… oof. As this photo (above, right), recently snapped in L.A., attests, you’ve apparently traded smart suits and sweepy bangs for off-the-shoulder tops and “I vant to be alone” sunglasses. From your tacky wedges to your unkempt mane, you’re starting to look like a Real Housewife — and not the classy Countess LuAnn type. (The brassy highlights and bling scream New Jersey.)
    Has TV stardom and your retreat from the political sphere caused you to lose sight of your roots? Are you not as discerning when you’re not shopping with money provided by the Republican National Committee? Whatever’s going on, I want to help — because no full-grown woman should be traipsing around dressed like a Hollywood starlet on a Starbucks run.
    EW DAILY POLL: Which is the bigger travesty right this second?
    You don’t have to limit yourself to a politician’s safe wardrobe anymore, which is a good thing. Still, your post-politics look could be a lot cleaner. Try getting your hair snipped into a sleek, shoulder-length style, for starters, and invest in a top that doesn’t look like a castoff from the Flashdance collection. Even though you’ve lost some weight, those skinny jeans seem a little young for you. A classier pair of tailored trousers would work wonders — and you’ve already proven that you can never go wrong with a basic pencil skirt. If you’re stumped, just Google yourself; there are plenty of photos out there that could serve as inspiration......

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      If she is going to play fitness guru I hope someone in the business will get to the dowager hump look she is promoting. I really want to hear her health/fitness benefits. She is claiming this life of fitness that anyone can do because she has been living it all these years. Has she ever mentioned that she has Osteoporosis or a condition that she can't overcome?

      I always thought the dowager hump was something that happened nearer to age 80. It has always shocked me someone so young has such an obvious and serious problem.

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      The jeans are fine, it's the teenage top and those God awful clodhoppers she's wearing..a decent haircut wouldn't hurt..but maybe just washing it would help.

  36. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Willow is the pretty one in that pic. Shame about the tunic.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:49 PM

      Hey, it was the least smelly thing left in the hamper. Sarah's clothes can stand on their own, they dried stiff, just like her. Beefy got dressed by the costume people, or it would have food stains on it.
      White's her signature color! Monica Lewinksy and Linda TRIP told her to stay away from blue.

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Piper wore blue...

  37. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Even Track wants to know why Bristol is on DWTS. Track you're not alone, we wonder too.

    “I keep things in perspective, definitely,” she said. “I have a lot of other things going on. My brother’s (Track Palin) in Afghanistan. I talked to him the other day. He didn’t even know I was on the show (again.) That just keeps things in perspective.”

    What did Track say about his sister signing up for the show again?

    “He’s like, ‘What? You’re on it again? Why?’ ” Palin revealed.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      That's probably a lie or maybe Britta is not in touch with her "husband"...

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Hard to believe Britta or Sarah didn't tell Track. I guess the family is not that close. Sarah must be spending too much time looking for tp and reading the National Enquirer. By the way Sarah did you buy that National Enquirer? If not then that was a form of stealing. Hey what do you care, you can do whatever you want until the court says you can't. Right?

    3. Anita Winecooler8:56 PM


      I keep things in perspective, definitely. (Why do I get the feeling you don't want me as a partner, Mark? You're not there")

      “I have a lot of other things going on" (Like what? Chewing gum and tweeting at the same time?)

    4. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Britta is a beard.

    5. Anonymous11:56 AM


      Is Track gay, or something else "afoot"?

  38. Anonymous2:55 PM


    "Might as well dance?”
    "Bristol has lots of energy?"

    WTF? If I was doing energy shot drinks in the DWTS trailer I would have energy too!

    How about telling Bristol to go to school and stop making an ass of herself.

    “Bristol is an amazing workaholic, has a great work ethic, lots of energy,” Palin told the cameras. “As for advice, I tell her to keep everything in perspective, stay optimistic and positive and… might as well dance.”

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I keep hearing code words like "energy"
      That is what happens when you are a speed freak.

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      I keep hearing code words like "energy"
      That is what happens when you are a speed freak.

      What happens when you come down from that speed high?

      You sit on the floor bummed out crying, playing the victim and accusing your boyfriend of wanting his ex girlfriends. Then you text your dealer then get up and walk out to score another high.

  39. Anonymous2:57 PM

    OK that's it! I'm voting for Brittle - at least 30 times! Dance little puppet DANCE!

    1. Anonymous10:28 PM


  40. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Well, let's put it this way. What has Bristol ever really won? She lost Levi forever. She is stuck with Gino who she supports and isn't good enough to come to her DWTS shows. She lost her reality shows. She lost her virginity in a tent. Her books bombed out except what were bought by SarahPac. So, it looks like she never really won anything. She will never be the grand winner on DWTS either. The more she screws people, the more she is hated. And she wonders why people don't like her.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Forgot to mention....

      Bristol lost Trig to Sarah.

      Bristol lost money when she sold her Arizona home.

      Bristol lost the little black dog.

      Bristol lost Gino somewhere on an Alaskan highway.

      Bristol lost control of homophobic Tripp.

      Bristol lost her babysitter Willow in Los Angeles and had to return to Alaska.

      Do you want me to keep on going? I can!

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Just like Mommie Dearest. Hence, the hatred of Black people.

  41. Anonymous3:14 PM

    They are all a bunch of skanky sluts!
    Not watching DWTS anymore...what a fucking joke!

  42. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Until this post, I never thought about the parallel between DWTS and the election, but it is an apt one. The point I think you missed (and that is a key one for me, making your argument even stronger) is that both elections and athletic competitions were set up to do good for the nation. Although individuals compete and get a few years of glory out of it, it's really the overall long-term goal that is the point.

    If the Olympics had been corrupt when they were held in Hitler's time Hitler would not have been so upset when Jesse Owens won. It was because it was a fair win that made it so temper-tantrum-inducing to ole Adolf.

    The idea that "competing fairly" is a dead concept is hugely shocking and bodes ill for all.

  43. I just saw the new photo of Trig and Tripp on Bony McBumpit's face book page. It's funny- she captioned it "the boys waiting for mom and grandma to leave the studio". Like she was referring to them as brothers- with Bristol being the mom and her being grandma.

    I'm surprised she didn't go all out and say "Tripp waiting for mom and grandma & Trig waiting for mama and sissy".

    I don't know why, but it's a weird picture to me. They kept the little boys outside at night during that whole show taping? They have a family friendly green room- why not there?

    I can only surmise the Palins are continuing to make all efforts to keep Tripp away from people who might hear things, things he has not yet learned he just can't talk about, right Tripplebear?

    And poor Trig, which ever the hell child this is- no glasses, no hearing aid. This kid looks straight at the camera whereas sometimes they have the "blind Trig" who is always looking off to the side or north/south of the camera. Interesting.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      This is a Trig. This one has an eye that is crossed.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      That picture wasn't taken at's during the day when the nanny was watching them while the mommy??s were shopping, doing their nails and reading the back of the tp rolls.

    3. Anonymous6:31 PM

      No telling when or where that photo was taken. Hard to say, but it doesn't look like L.A.

    4. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Poor Trig, with all of the other challenges that he has with DS his little legs are atrophied! He needs to have physical activity to combat the muscle issues that come along with his disorder, but he looks just wasted physically and very sad. I don't think he is a "high functioning Down child" but he certainly could have had a better chance with better parents/grandparents.

    5. Anonymous7:09 AM

      I don't recall he was once that cross eyed? Did he have an operation?

  44. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Is Sarah Palin drunk?

    I watched the link Uncle Gryph provided above and Sarah talks like she has had one too many drinks and trying to be cutesy with her little bitty baby talk while twirling her hair with her aging claws. How old is that old bitch?

    Now I can see how Levi got some ass from Sarah's daughter. Give them bitches a drink or a wine cooler in a canvas tent and you'll have them bitches baby talking, moaning and riding you in no time.

    If you do Sarah, I recommend you turn off the lights. I'm sure she's not a pretty sight when the clothes comes off.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Don't forget to hold your nose, SKANKERBELLE STINKS.

  45. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Technically, one cannot cheat on dwts. The system is set up where any person with internet of phone can vote and the SHOW encourages one to vote WHEN THE SHOW STARTS, not after viewing ALL the dances.

    Its half popularity contest, half judges scores. It's the producers problem if people vote for ulterior reasons. Thing is, VFTW supported voting for Margaret Cho and she didn't go far.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Technically, DWTS is under no obligation to reveal the tallies from votes.

      Technically, if DWTS hadn't brought Bristol on for this so-called "all star" show, we wouldn't be discussing her shitty dancing and how she endures when harder workers and better dancers get sent home.

    2. WakeUpAmerica7:01 PM

      "Technically, one cannot cheat on dwts."
      Bullshit. It's very easy. Google is your friend.

    3. Anonymous12:28 PM

      "Technically, one cannot cheat on dwts."


      Um, yeah...You're an idiot. Or just very, very wrong.

      You see, "regular" people consider ONE PERSON = ONE VOTE.

      I can't imagine how many viewers out there have no idea that ONE person can vote MULTIPLE times.

      AND, the larger point being - those people would wonder WHY!!

      It has been said before, Where is the glory when the win was false?

      But these people are honest. They don't even know about people like the Palins, their grifting, their lying, their total lack of concern for other, for morality or for ethics.

      It is your Grandma's vote vs. Krusty's 45.

      Fair, right?

      Suck it, Grandma, your favorite is going home and Brisdull the Piss-dull is staying.

  46. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Suck on this Sarah!

    Obama’s First Term Approval Ratings Now Equal Clinton and *Reagan*

    President Obama's latest increase in his approval rating has put him on at the same level as Bill Clinton and Ronald Ronald Reagan during their first terms.

  47. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Romney needs to be bitch slapped from here to eternity, along with Sarah and Bristol the cheaters.

    Mother and Friend are Sickened by Romney’s use of Slain SEAL for Political Gain

    The mother of slain Navy SEAL Glen Doherty is not happy to hear Mitt Romney using her dead son for political gain. She told 7News of Boston, “I don’t trust Romney. He shouldn’t make my son’s death part of his political agenda. It’s wrong to use these brave young men, who wanted freedom for all, to degrade Obama.”

    1. Anita Winecooler9:02 PM

      Thanks for the link- I only saw the buzzfeed one with the mother, and for some reason, our cable service is down, wonder if it was picked up on msnbc? They better fix this by tomorrow's debate. Grrrrrr.

  48. Anonymous3:48 PM

    This young lady competed in DWTS Season 11 with Bristol Palin. How did Bristol beat this wonderful dancer who didn't make the finals and how come this elegant young lady is not in the 2012 All Stars

  49. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I thought it was for the best dancer. brisdull is not a good dancer. The first week that was supposed to be a quick step. She was in slow motion. I guess they all have to be in on it.If they wern't, I can't see a true professional going along with a no talent person, going on while they get booted off.. I'm not going to vote since it is so rigged. I'm not wasting my minutes, or time on this crap.

  50. I just watched the video of drunk ass Baldy! Question....who were those old...old bats with her? Could they be the "postage" ladies who watch the various Trig's and whatnots...or are they in charge of Baldy's drug supply?

    Notice Beefy sitting in the back seat on her phone (probably on IM's...LOL!!) didn't say shit!

    Well one thing I got from that video....Meh Rmoney is definitely going to lose now! When the guy asked her who did she think was going to win the election...she said..."I hope it's Rmoney"!

    Sorry just got touched by the Palin Curse! LOL!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler9:03 PM

      Who was the dude with the microphone and the guy getting his photo taken with Sarah and Bristol in "Vogue" mode?

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM


      no way those biddies are postage. Driver has an air of money to her. I'm thinking she's the wife of someone at the network, a higher up.
      Maybe it's just a political/business acquaintance. Bitch was nodding her head when Blow-Pop bitch was endorsing Rmoney.

  51. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Willow is very pretty WHEN she smiles. She's going to be the rebel..

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Going to be a Rebel?

      Duh! That's why Willow had to leave Wasilla High in her Sophomore year and she never went back.

      Have you heard of the Colony Girls gang?

      If you ask Sarah if Willow was the gang leader of the Colony Girls, Sarah would tell you that Willow checked the wrong box just like her dad Todd who checked off Alaska Independence Party by accident. Wink Wink

    2. lostinmn5:00 PM

      Going to be?

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      I dunno she seemed pretty shallow and spiteful on Bristol's show. They both reminded me of the ugly step-sisters in Cinderella mainly because their behavior was petty and ugly. I predict Tripp Johnston will be the rebel. It would be fun to watch Willow black-mail her family by writing a tell-all. . . .

    4. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Dream on. Willow has been castrated, she can never leave the clutches of witch mother.

    5. Anonymous5:52 PM

      That ship has already sailed. She's towing the line.

    6. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Piper is waiting on deck for her turn at being the family rebel.

    7. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Anonymous5:52 PM Ship sailed?

      I thought the Palin kids sunk that ship while partying on it in Alaska?

      What's the story about the yacht?
      Anybody? Bueller?

    8. Cracklin Charlie7:20 PM

      Levi said she was like a private investigator. She probably knows lots of good stuff.

    9. Anonymous10:56 AM

      If only she could keep her legs closed. Pregnancy takes a toll on her weight.

  52. Anonymous4:19 PM

    LOL, interviewed by "H.L. Woody, King of the Paparazzi." Skanky personified, with the hair twirling, eye-batting, ad nauseum.
    Vero Guy

  53. Anonymous4:40 PM

    DWTS needs to come clean and stop using words like "competition". The half ass deceptive popularity contest is idiot but if that is what the public wants in this show, so be it. If popularity now means having a voting block like a crooked politician they need to clarity how they interpret popularity.

    The Lance Armstrong bike race deal is only just now getting out. Remember these dancers are most likely to be doped up for pain or various things. It is all hush, hush too.

    This turns me off of ABC as well as DWTS.

  54. Anonymous4:40 PM

    How did Bristol get pregnant when Sarah said that Bristol is an honor student?

    Well they say that Bristol is borderline retarded and can't follow instructions.

    To be fair to Bristol, she bought some condoms so she wouldn't get pregnant. Bristol said that the Trojan box directions told her to roll on the condom. So Bristol placed the condom on the bed and then rolled on the condom like the directions said and then she repeated it to herself to make sure she doesn't get pregnant, "roll on the condom". Then Levi got on top of Bristol, did his thing and bada bing bada boom the next thing they knew was that Bristol had to leave school again.

  55. lostinmn4:59 PM

    Here's my two cents because I have never and will never watch DWTS. I think the fix has been in since she was picked. Forget the ballot box stuffing, I'm sure they can fudge votes with the best of them when necessary. Bristol is slated to win - it's the last of the payoff to Sara - probably in return for a host of sexual favors played to the producers and organizers. And it might even be good old Toad has some video tapes of said honcho's with some of his underage ho's. Regardless, the herpes infested old bag called in the chips to get at least some Palin the title she lost to the black gal years ago. So Brisket is going to win and win it all. The hit to the show will be devastating because aside from her brain damaged fans and the VFTW crowd I doubt any sincere voter will go for Brisket. Looking at her weekly scores she's always the lowest and at some point the audience who gives a shit is going to start making some ugly noise and dropping the show from their watching routine. They'll get a few more weeks of ratings but as people's favorites get booted off it's going to become less and less exciting to watch the ugly duckling clomping around the stage. Naturally she will continue the drama to get attention in the days leading up to her next appearance. Despite Anderson Cooper- she's not a genius. I think the show is being choreographed by the balding puppet master. Until the ugliness gets to be too much - it won't - then Brisket will continue to clomp and look like shit. Talk about selling your credibility for a piece of ass.

  56. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Hey Bristol, you have your mother's jaw.

    Have a nice day. :-)

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      My mom is awesome and hot

    2. Chenagrrl6:41 AM

      No, I think it's David Hasselhoff's jaw.

  57. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I thought Bristol's face reflected shame on last night's show when she and Marc were able to stay. She knows she sucks and the other dancers who are working their tails off each week are getting screwed. That is why she had the breakdown. She is going to be so messed up all of her adult life. Grifters!

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Oh my, its being reported as a breakdown:

      "Dancing with the Stars: All-Stars’ week 3 Bristol’s breakdown"

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Bristol was damn near in a catatonic state.

      Wasn't it reported that Sarah was in a catatonic state during the 2008 campaign?

      Maybe Bristol is Mini Me Sarah

    3. Anonymous8:11 PM

      That look wasn't shame. They have no concept of shame.

      That look was the "deer in the headlights" look thinking of having to do another week of rehearsals (and, having to chew gum, at the same time!).

      She knows she's so busted and probably the reason they did the second white powder package..she needs the security coverage from the other dancers - the real dancers. Surely, their patience is running more thin than ours' and why Drew referred to bp last night as "the ultimate underdog". How many ways to interpret that remark?

  58. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Gryphen, check out crazydaysandnights. There's a blind about the Palins and drug use.

  59. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Blind Item #1
    ... she definitely has A list name recognition ?

    Sarah and Bristol have the most votes for the little pick me up powder.
    What a coincidence more white powder and the FBI is on that case!

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      They all zero'ed in on Sarah...WOW!!

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      That is hilarious!!!!!

  60. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Face it folks we've been had. There's no other way to explain it. DWTS is no longer a dance competition where stars are taught how to dance and America picks the best dancers. ABC has turned DWTS into another version of the Jerry Springer and Maury Show with the WWE thrown in for effect. Its all fake and meant to make you come back week after week. Its a gimmick.

  61. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Bristol has no mind of her own..she is Mommy's little puppet..she will do anything Mommy says..but Mommy sits in the audience and enjoys Bristol's spotlight for herself. By the way, where are Bristol's girlfriend or Sarah's girlfriends..they don't have any, doesn't that tell you something-no one close to them likes them!

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Sarah will never appear with any woman prettier than she.

      And there are no friends outside the immediate family.

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Two foxy beauties

      Sarah Palin And Megyn Kelly Take On 2008 Debates And ‘Media Bias’ In Anticipation Of Tonight’s Debate
      Palin noted that during the 2008 Democratic primaries, Biden was a strong critic of Barack Obama‘s until receiving the vice presidential nomination, after which he “flip-flopped” into believing the presidential candidate was the “smartest man in the room.” She told host Megyn Kelly that she hopes Republican VP candidate Paul Ryan “coaxes” those flip-flips out of the vice president tonight, because “it’s very important for the electorate to understand how politicians can change their minds, their policies, their principles, their foundational substance so quickly according to politics, not principle.”

  62. Anita Winecooler8:08 PM

    Gryphen, those team mates calling out the cheaters still exist. Many of Lance Armstrong's former team mates are calling him out on doping, he even insisted others on his team cheated as well.

    I haven't read through the comments, so forgive me if this is a repeat


    Romney called out on using dead navy seal story for political points

  63. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I for one, can't wait to read Sarah's new Heath book.

  64. Anonymous9:53 PM

    On the DWTS Facebook page/TV Show there are over 27,000 comments - a long scan through shows 98% against Bdull - and outrage that she is on the show. Most say the judges should be the ones to decide eliminations with a dance off, like they've done before.

    The DWTS producers (and Bdull/$arah) must be aware of how the fans are feeling because there are SO many negative comments.

    Way to ruin one of America's most fun and favorite shows, you Paylin grifters!!! Way to slam all the other dancers/pros with your bogus voting scams!! No wonder everyone on the show ignores THe Chin.

    Also too: people who are anorexic, like $reech, believe they look beautiful the more weight they lose. That's why $arah believes she can "write" a book about "health."

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      My sentiments exactly!

  65. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I may join the VFTW crowd just to further humiliate the chin and keep greasy granny out of Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Yep. Humiliating the chin is eventually going to be the flavor of the day. That thing won't go down in a dignified manner, but it will go down.

  66. comeonpeople3:40 AM

    Oh Gryphen, dear, you obviously never competed in figure skating. Frequnetly the judging ir rigged and beleive me, the winners have NO QUALMS takig a gold medal they don't deserve.
    Anyways, I have joined in the VFTW team if only to keep Bristle huffalumping on the floor with bloody blistered feet and to PROOVE that DWTS is presently a flawed concept. Popularity should have no place in the outcome. If this makes the rules revisited, thrn the show can go on. If not, oh well.
    The Palins , of course have never ever ever won anything legitimately. They are incapable. It's the only way they can win. The world will be laghing at Bristle and she'll think she is the hottest shit around. Clueless much?

  67. Health and fitness book eh? I haven't read all the remarks, so if this has been noticed, well ~shrug~

    I couldn't help but notice the can of RedBull behind SP in the right corner, and one of those 8 hour energy drinks on the shelf behind willer... yup, the epitome of health that bunch.

  68. I haven't read all the remarks, so if this has been noticed, well.... ~shrug~

    Fitness book, eh? I see a can of redbull on the right corner behind Sarah and an 8 hour energy drink on the shelf behind Willer. Yup, the epitome of fitness that bunch. NOT.

  69. Anonymous5:28 AM

    CLEVELAND - Whoever brought Bristol Palin back for the All-Star season of “Dancing with the Stars” either didn’t know what he was doing – or he’s an evil genius.... Oh, what the backstage cameras might have caught. After appearing on the same DWTS season together, Bristol and Kyle were friends and ventured onto another reality show together. But, after the deal fell apart, Kyle was left out. No business like show business, right? Cue the awkward silence..... Onto the final elimination of the night. It comes down to: Bristol and Mark; Sabrina and Louis and Helio and Chelsie. Right off, we learn the lowest-scoring couple, Bristol and Mark, are safe. I have to admit, I don’t mind Bristol’s dancing, but I revel in having her on the show because none of the All-Stars can coast through with her there. They have to earn the highest scores they can possibly get because single mom Bristol gets such a huge sympathy

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Bristol gets such a huge sympathy

      boo hoo

  70. Chenagrrl6:38 AM

    It's the old out-to-dinner to prove she's not anorexic/bulimic/manic. Also, notice the springy makeup that pulls up those wrinkles. Her face is moving slightly, so she's not like Bristol whose face cracks when she shows emotion.

  71. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Is she high? October 11th, 2012

    BTW Jack Osbourne is not a pretend hero. Jack Osbourne is the real deal.

    SHE DID NOT HEAR ABOUT IT???????????

    October 9, 2012: What’s your reaction to the recent TMZ report that there was a suspicious package of white powder sent to you—and a threat that you be removed from the show or else?
    Bristol: I didn’t really hear about it. I’ve been in Arizona but we’re protected here [on the "DWTS" L.A. set]. We feel safe. I’m tough. They [viewers of the show] saw me shoot a gun last week!

    Sarah Palin addressed "the haters" in a Facebook message:
    "I’m in California today to support Bristol. I’m sorry to see that she’s again getting those annoying death threats and more “mysterious white powder” sent to her while on DWTS this All-Star season. These threats sure waste a lot of time, production and public resources; but do the haters really think this will stop Bristol and Mark and the show’s producers from keepin' on keepin' on? Silly critics -- after all these years of goofy antics like this we find these efforts are actually quite motivating! Bristol’s not letting this get her down."
    10/4/2012 'Dancing With the Stars' Set Receives 'Suspicious Package' Over Bristol Palin

    1. Marleycat10:32 AM

      She sounded drunk and stoned to me in that video . . . par for the course!

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Can't they keep her away from the bottle?

      That famous Palin Posture

  72. Be positive Bristol, keep your chins up!

  73. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Bristol is a whining baby, just like her mother playing victim over and over and over.

    Her mother writing a fitness and diet book? She is a scrawny, osteoporosis victim from her diet of red bulls and go go juices.

    Disgusting family of witchy mean girls.

  74. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Whoever said she was trying to channel Liz Taylor? Well that is what came to mind, but its the makeup, hair and costume people.

    I couldn't put my finger on who she reminded me of. First I thought she was channeling J. Lopez.

  75. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The 1ST Lady would never dress like this Trio of Skanks. WASILLABILLIES have no class and look like STREET WALKERS. Are they in TRAINING for TOAD'S STABLE? Sarah looks like she just left The Sunset Bl. 'HO'S Neighborhood.

  76. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Reality TV Mag reports Lachey found it “odd” he and Joey Fatone were eliminated so early. Lachey was even a former champion of the show.
    Lachey was up against Bristol Palin in the elimination round and, to the audience's surprise, he was eliminated instead of Palin.
    “It’s kind of ironic that the two Broadway performers, me and Joey (Fatone), are gone already. It’s a little odd to me,” Lachey said.

    That is sad if he doesn't realize that the show is rigged. He actually thought that he was competing as a talented dancer that truly does work at it?

  77. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Liz Taylor?

    That white blob deal that did not flow was to be an ice queen on a chess board. Borderline brain Bristol did not have a creative design segment like the others. DWTS is giving her special treatment and they still claim she is competing (FRAUD). She is not doing anything much and has shown zero improvement. They have just set her up to steal from the sincere dancers who are All Star quality. Crazy to have the not-a-star-at-all child of trashy celebrity take from talented performers.

  78. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Bristol and Sarah are religiously doing yoga inspite of the the fact it calls up the demons.
    If Willow joins in their enthusiasm she will also carry herself like a winner.

    Poor posture
    There are numerous risks associated with poor posture. Poor posture can impede the ability of the lungs to expand.

    Don't Be a Slouch: The Health Benefits of Good Posture
    Mom was right: Standing up straight is the fastest and easiest way to look taller and thinner. But it turns out that perking up your posture can have several other major -- and less obvious -- benefits. "Many women don't realize that they can improve their health simply by changing their posture,"

    Why Is Bad Posture Terrible For You
    With bad posture, your rib cage starts pressing down on the major organs – giving them less space to function.
    Your waistline gains a few inches because of that
    And you lose a few inches from your height
    Your stomach will jut out and dieting won’t help
    You’ll suffer from back aches which won’t go away easily
    Flexibility is reduced and one shoulder tends to be higher than the other
    You’ll become injury prone because of poor posture.
    According to some science, bad posture also leads to having more negative thoughts.
    Worst of all, you’ll never feel fresh and rested


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