Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Sexiest Woman alive has some words about women and the Republican party.

Mila Kunis, Esquire magazine's choice for "Sexiest Woman Alive."
Courtesy of Esquire:

The way that Republicans attack women is so offensive to me. And the way they talk about religion is offensive. I may not be a practicing Jew, but why we gotta talk about Jesus all the time? And it's baffling to me how a poor person in Georgia can say, "I'm a Republican." Why? 

Good question.

You know one of my guilty pleasures was to watch a certain TV program called the "70's Show."

At first it was just because I of course am a product of the seventies, and it was fun to relive those years and remember how ridiculous we all were. (They actually did a pretty good job of using popular catchphrases, like "What a burn," and demonstrating how he dressed and acted.)

But then I started to really like the main actor Topher Grace, and his character's relationship with the other actor's on the show. (Especially the dad, Red Forman. I LOVE that guy!)

To honest at first I found Mila's character, Jackie, to be completely annoying, but after awhile she grew on me.

However since Kunis has left the show she has demonstrated herself to be an incredibly gifted actress and I will now choose to see movies solely on the fact that she is in them. (She has also voiced the character of "Meg" in the Family Guy which has cemented her nerd goddess credentials.)

I have also listened to her voice her political points of view a few times and find her intelligent and well read on a variety of issues. (In other words somebody the complete opposite of her character on the 70's Show.)

Part of why I am posting this is that a years back there were several YouTube videos created comparing conservative women to liberal women, using Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter as examples of the "Sexy" conservative gals, and of course making the case that liberal women were unattractive and stupid.

Well apparently Mila Kunis is VERY liberal and is now considered the sexiest woman in the world. 

And HERE was the woman that inspired that conservative vs liberal comparison four years ago today.

I believe the word here is "checkmate."

And by the way let me just say that, as a rule, liberals appreciate women for more than their looks and ability to shut up and make babies for us. 

We also appreciate them for their intellect, and gladly join the fight to help protect their equal rights and control over their own bodies.

For any of you who believe that nobody who looks like Mila Kunis could possibly be intelligent as well, I urge you to read her full Esquire interview at the link, or if you don't have the time perhaps you can watch this video of her scolding a reporter for asking why her co-star in "Friends with Benefits," Justin Timberlake, is not focusing on his music career rather than trying his hand at acting. (Oh and did I mention that she answered that reporter's somewhat rude question in Russian?)

Beautiful, intelligent, feisty, and oh so liberal.


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    She was born in Russia and lived in Ukraine until she was 7, hence the ability to speak Russian.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Then she can most likely speak Russian and Ukranian.

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Wish they would have incorporated her Russian language in an episode of That 70's Show; That would have been hilarious, watching Red's reaction to hearing Russian in his house.

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Someone at C4P thinks Sarah looks stunning in this impromtu interview:-

    1. The hair twirling Sarah bats her eyes at the mere question of another shot at running...Umm for what exactly we are not sure.

    2. Once again Sarah is twirling her hair and frothing at the idea of being asked if she is going to run again... for what exactly, that is the real question.

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      The same old HAG HUNCH. Doing her best at celebrity face.

    4. Anonymous12:15 PM

      We are looking forward to the Palin Fitness Book. She will certainly explain why she is teaching bad posture to her children.

      If ever there is a time for you to pay attention to your posture -
      it's when you know you're going to be photographed.

      Why is Posture Important?

      Sarah Palin by age 50
      with good posture at age 67

    5. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Hunckback of Wassila.

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Look at the vacant look in Palin's eyes!!! Plus, where are the big boobs we see now and then? She is a fraud and total mess! Can hardly wait for her to fall off the face of the earth along w/Brittle and Toad (although we aren't seeing as much of him of late! Yea!)

  4. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I love the 70's Show and cast!

    EXCUSE ME but why the F--- can't that Palin woman sit up straight when she is being monitored? It annoys the hell out of me she is so hunchbacked and won't even try to be a better example for young women like her daughters. Sarah Palin you are the epitome of a HAG. I suppose that will be in your fake family fitness book... why you hunch and look so ill of health?

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Is the flat chested chunky blonde beside her one of her sisters? Will SHE be contributing to the "awesome" healthy cooking and living book?? If that is Aunt Heather who takes the Palin girls in when they have - er - mono, then she should write a tell-all. It would be a best seller.

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      This dress is an abomination and she proves it when she chose the "commando" pose. Before she needed Depends she could have gone full on like Lindsay.
      She didn't have the confidence to pull off tasteful attire or pose.

      DEPENDS: The harsh reality of life is that we start our lives out in diapers, and quite often, we end up finishing up our lives in them too –

      Zipppers are good,+2012.jpg

      What crude animal nest is she wearing on her head now?

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      She is acting and dressing like a 16 yrs.

    4. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Hump Back's new job: Fitness book writer
      Humpy La Rouge

    5. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Anonymous 11:42 AM Is the flat chested chunky blonde beside her one of her sisters?

      This is Sarah Palin's sister Heather

      Her sisters may be here "The Whole Fam" enlarge

      ivy frye

      2010 Bristol's Parents Pay For Friends and Family to Attend Dancing with the Stars,,20440613,00.html
      I think the blonde behind Willo is Molly


      Sarah Palin's tight abs

  5. Chella10:25 AM

    I adore mila kunis. For as beautiful as she is, she is always down to earth, self aware, and strong in her convictions.

    I really dislike the republican/democrat women are sexier meme. A woman's political beliefs in no way have anything to do with her appearance. However, I will say that democratic women tend to be more beautiful on the inside.

    I am an out and proud bisexual woman. Gender doesn't effect my attraction to a person. I will say, and not be ashamed of it, that I am beautiful, on the inside AND out. I have exotic features that apparently are aesthetically pleasing, but it took me 25 years to see that, and stop accusing other who would tell me so to stop lying to me. I grew up thinking I was hideous, because I allowed my fathers resentment and the cruelness of bully's cloud my ability to see myself as I truly am.

    It's sad, that even in today's day and age, a woman should find herself anything but beautiful.

  6. Cracklin Charlie10:30 AM

    I like That 70's Show, too, but my favorite character is Kitty. Love her laugh.

    I think Ms. Kunis is a very talented actress, and her ability to create a huge career after playing a character like Jackie is a testament to her intelligence.

    1. Paul - Minnesota10:38 AM


      Well said, thank you.

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    And HERE was the woman that inspired that conservative vs liberal comparison four years ago today.

    Gristley Mama

  8. Leland10:36 AM

    There wouldn't, by any chance, be a copy of this anywhere that had running translations, would there, Gryph?

  9. Paul - Minnesota10:37 AM

    Exactly, Gryphen. Checkmate.

    Though I'm gay, I find a woman (and other men) attractive (in a non-sexual way) if they have compassion, empathy, the ability to get through their stuff and baggage and become great people.

    Plus, as someone who wears glasses, I HATE the whole wastrel or hipster thing of people wearing glasses when they don't need them. To appear cool or smart, especially when they're the opposite. Cunning, brutal, hiding behind a barrier so that people cannot clearly see, via their eyes, their true soul or nature.

    Anyway, someone such as Janeane Garofalo is very attractive to me since she's being herself and cares about people, ahem, that is people other than herself.

    So many women on the right aren't attractive as their rotten or ugly core seeps through to their exterior or cannot be masked by their superficiality, self created victimization or their drama. They're ugly because they're bitter, resentful, hateful, policing everyone else except either themselves or other people such as themselves, busy bodies for Jesus, hypocrites, etc.

    Also, when enough people on the right pick on more liberal or actual centrist women by saying they're lesbians or a transperson, I'm tired of the right's pettiness. Especially when it comes Anne Coulter. Not only is she perpetually single, yet she's got a huge Adam's Apple. She is fair game, not that I care what she is, yet she's gone there first with her fags statements.

    So what are you, Anne. Another self-hating tea person attracted to someone of the same sex? Which might explain her homophobia, yet still doesn't explain how she's a hero on the right yet she's unmarried, childless, etc.

    Or why is it that Rush, such a great, ha, defender of marriage, has had four of them, AND, why is he still childless.

    Ahem, I thought marriage was only about procreation.

    Enough, when I'm tired of the right saying, our women are prettier. Plus, Sarah, no grey hair, same with Michele Bachmann, uh huh, meet their friends, wigs or the hair dye bottle.

    I hope we get a Democratic legislature in Minnesota and in the US House and Senate. I'd love to see Michele fade away. I wish Sarah would do so, yet she'll probably remain a bad smell in the media wind for awhile. Same with Anne and many other ugly tea taliban women (and men).

  10. Paul - Minnesota10:42 AM

    I also love Rachel Maddow. Smart women do it for me. (Again, since I'm gay in a non-sexual way).

    Rachel is lovely, even when I've heard people on the right call her Rachel Madcow or much worse, due to her smarts, reporting or sexuality (which really isn't anyone's business).

    I'm blessed by smart women on the left. Thank you for all you do for other people, including me.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      You go, gurl! I think I love you (but in a non-sexual way).

    2. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

      I agree with you, Paul, on all points. The eyes are the window to the soul, I see beauty in all forms and love in it's many forms of expression. Smart (and funny) are sexy as hell for me.

  11. Anonymous10:43 AM

    EXCLUSIVE Lego hair , playing with her hair like a teenager answers Paparazzi Henry's questions.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Oh yeah, "Bristol is an amazing workaholic".

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      What is she channeling Farah Fawcett?

  12. Anonymous10:43 AM

    My family is full of gorgeous liberal Democratic women.

    But as celebs go, desides Mila, there are so many gorgeous Liberal Dem women.
    I will name a few right off the top of my head.

    The late Liz Taylor
    Halle Berry
    Alicia Keys
    Kerry Washington
    Alicia Silverstone
    Susan Sarandon
    Jane Fonda
    Beyonce Knowles
    Lisa Bonet
    Lauren Bacall
    Tracee Ellis Ross

    Oh My, there are perhaps thous more, some even in politics, I did not post, this is just a small list, so you all will get the gist.

  13. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Eva Longoria
    Jennifer Lopez

  14. Anonymous10:50 AM

    WHY in God's name is she STILL wearing that tacky Wonder Woman bracelet????? She was JUST in K-Mart, for crying out loud. Surely she could have found something a little more fashionable, even in LA.

  15. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Scarlet Johansson

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      All these names mentioned on this thread, these beautiful celebrity women, are liberal Democrats. And they draws rings around the GOP women.

  16. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Who's the sexiest woman? Cuz it ain't who is pictures first in this post.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      You don't even recognize the irony created by your statement, do you?

  17. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Love your blog, but dude.. introduce your characters.
    I didn't know you were talking about Mila until paragraphs later.
    Fwiw, the show was called "That 70's Show"
    As for Palin, there's no use pointing out each stain.
    She was hung up to dry a long time ago.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      oh, "dude", shut up and quit being an asshole hall monitor.
      Oh, and try to learn how to read picture captions, like right at the beginning of the blog post for instance.

  18. Does anyone else see it? I KNOW I cannot be the only one. Sarah with her "muscles" and sleeveless dress and tanning until she looks like an old suitcase- she is trying to BE Michelle! She is trying to dress like her, make her skin "dark", suddenly talking about healthy eating when before she said Michelle's efforts to promote healthy diet for children were "police state run amok!"

    I swear- there is NOTHING that woman can do without being laughably transparent.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      A great observation.

    2. SAlly in MI12:25 PM

      You are right on, Nyah. Sarah wants to be Michelle, and Romney is co-opting all the Obama policies. And did you see? Our national debt is way down, the lowest in six years. Wait until the Fox camp hears about this!

    3. Ah Nyah, you're right! We've mentioned how we love Michelle and her strong arms (well, at least I know I have).....prolly gave Sarah ideas.

    4. Anita Winecooler7:17 PM

      You're right, Skank even tried to copy, and fail, those dazzling grey nails First Lady Michelle rocked. I hate to say it, because poor Glen Rice has taken a shillacking, but I think Sarah's got "Jungle Fever" for the President and is jealous of Michelle.

      Eww, pass the brain bleach, I just got an image!

    5. comeonpeople5:25 AM

      It's one of her multiple personalities/dissociative personalities...she thinks she IS FLOTUS

    6. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Palin has a personality that must be malignant envy considering how she intentionally villified Michelle Obama's health initiative. Mrs. Obama did not suggest banning desserts.

      A history of lipdissolve and many family members overweight and out of shape lead by Sarah bashing different choices distorting her control freak issues preceeds her latest money making idea. She had to stomp and shit on the FLOTUS to take away from her and steal her joy. The entitlement monster dominates

      Palin has a right to her own style but she lacks taste. She would benefit from a stylist.

      The Flotus reminded me and inspired me about better choices. I was fit and trim with consistent moderate effort.

  19. She’s very attractive. So is Scarlett Johansson and Ashley Judd, and they’re on our side. I know there are others, I just can’t think of them right now.

    Ann Richards was beautiful. Gloria Steinem is still quite beautiful, and she was a Playboy Bunny to boot. If the republicans are including Meghan McCain in their tally, I don’t think she’s really a republican.

    Does Sarah always have to hike up her dress? That is so cheap and obvious.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Just to clarify on Gloria's behalf....she was a "Bunny" only as an undercover reporter in order to write about the experience. Still, she was attractive enough to be hired.

  20. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Mila indeed makes intelligent comments. Something is just so wrong, mentally, with Sarah Palin. Her arms are NOW toned because she want to "write a book about diet & fitness", or some such. Everything she does is calculated and opportunistic; this passed on to Bristol.

    But what "confident" woman on earth would wear a short skirt/dress to Dancing w/the Stars or any other event? Not only would it be terribly uncomfortable, it's not even attractive. It looks like she's trying to be a teenager or someone in their twenties.

    Who on Earth would constantly change their boobs, legs, arms, face and hair? She must not be happy with "any or all" of it. Only a sick person would do this. I would feel sorry for her, but she's dangerous.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Her arms are only "toned looking" in that photo. In other photos it appears that her triceps are sagging.

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      They can do amazing illusions with spray tans now.

    3. Anonymous3:03 PM

      I think those are the arms of an anorectic . . .

  21. WakeUpAmerica11:14 AM

    That dress is so hideous! Her skirt is hiked up to, well never mind. The front of it gaps, and OMG is that a sports bra (flat as a board) underneath? WTF? If that is DWTS, she had the Belmonts on in the other pictures. Did something puncture them?

    1. SAlly in MI12:23 PM

      Maybe Piper needed them to fill out her afterparty gown?

    2. Anita Winecooler7:22 PM

      The Palins are frugal, Sarah drained them to pickle cucumbers.

  22. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I just read Chucky Sr's post at C4P. He is having trouble learning how to "copy-paste" in MS Word.

    and this dumb fuck was a teacher?

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Another example of Sr's advanced intellect was posted by Jr. on his facebook page where he is recounting some of the events happening on their Book Signing Tour.

      "On the way there, mom called and dad answered. They got in an argument because dad couldn't hear her clearly. He was literally yelling into the phone, "Dang it! I can't hear a word you're saying!" This went on for a few minutes until I finally reached over and grabbed the phone from dad. I realized immediately that he had been holding the phone upside down the whole time. We both laughed hard when we noticed."

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      My favorite on c4p was the post of Bristol taking about bullying. I guess she forgot about the facebook episode where her and her foul-mouthed sister attacked kids that didn't like their mothers show.
      This family is a joke.....

    3. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Chuck Heath JUNIOR was the one who was trying to learn how to copy & paste and the absolutely amazing thing is that he is currently a teacher.

      This is from JR.'s FB page:

      We stopped at a Starbucks to grab a bite and I brought my computer in with me. I was trying to learn to cut and paste from Word (like so many of you told me to do) when a woman stopped by and asked if I needed help. I said yes, and she walked me through the steps. Right after she helped me send the post I sent earlier today, dad asked her, "Do you know who you're helping there?" She said, "A really nice man." Dad said, "That's Sarah Palin's brother." She immediately gave me the look of death. I'm sure if she realized that she was helping me post something on a pro-Sarah site, it would have been even worse. Dad and I both got a chuckle out of her reaction and we made a point to go out of our way to thank her before we left.

    4. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Another bullshit story by Chuckie Junior.

      He makes up these "encounters" to play to the mouth breathers at C4P.

      The other day he lectured to a woman who believed Sarah said, "I can see Russia from my house." There was also the all A's college student who failed her English class because her final paper was "Why Sarah Palin Should be President."

      Guy should write fiction.

    5. Marleycat12:39 PM

      Doesn't Chuckie, age 50 (?) have a VERY young wife with a young baby? Wasn't he a high school teacher (or is)? What's the story behind that? I hope the new young wife wasn't one of his students (or former student)!

      Regardless - the kind of teachers as stupid as Chuck Sr. and Chuck Jr. are gives me the shudders - and I thank God they are few and far between.

      What kind of "science" teacher raises up a daughter who really believes humans cavorted with dinosaurs, and that the Earth is only 6,000 years old . . . or for that matter, a daughter who doesn't have enough common sense to teach her children about the science of the birds and the bees and the need for birth control if you 15 and sexually active?

      Neither of the Chucks are intelligent enough to be "teachers" in any subject - and it shows in Sarah and Bristol, both unintelligent, incurious, and extemely limited!

  23. Anonymous11:44 AM

    My mother always said that a women needs to bring more to the table than her looks, because one day those would be gone and she would have to rely on her wit.
    Sarah has to promote her looks, because she has nothing else to offer.

    I find it sad when a mother tries to out "sexy" her teenage daughters, no wonder Bristol felt insecure about her looks. She looked fine before the surgery, but I guess she wasn't pretty enough. Bristol you probably should take my mother's advice and work on the inside instead....

  24. Anonymous11:51 AM

    When is she going to lose that hillbilly bangle bracelet

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      I hear it is a trig relic. She wears a bracelet with his name = good mother ?

  25. Anonymous11:55 AM

    sarahPAC has to be footing the bill for the Palin entourage to be at DWTS. Is this "postage?" Sending people back and forth from Alaska to LA and back?

    She has NOT been running around the country "supporting" candidates or even contributing anything substantial toward their campaigns.

    SarahPAC is the Palin Family slush fund. When is their next financial disclosure? Ought to be very interesting.....

    1. SAlly in MI12:22 PM

      I think there is no one running on the GOP side (except maybe the far right wackos in Arkansas and Missouri) who even want Palin to show up, let alone talk.
      Meanwhile, how short WAS that dress when she was sitting? I can't see any hemline under her hands, which are half way up her thighs. What is she auditioning for, Playboy bunny? Or Sunset Blvd after dark?

  26. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Mila reminds me of Lisa Kudrow, my favorite actor on ¨Friends.¨

    Lisa attended Vassar College in New York and graduated with a B.S. in Biology. She planned to follow in her father's footsteps (a famous headache expert) and moved back to L.A. to do medical research. When she graduated in 1985 she wanted to become a medical researcher.


  27. Anonymous12:04 PM

    According to the Palins, sex sells. That's what they peddle, especially Todd. He sure has been on the "down low" in LA while his daughter and wife spread their "talents" on TV. Maybe Todd is providing recreational diversions for the producers of DWTS.

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Todd is providing recreational diversions for the producers of DWTS________

      There must be a reason the producers signed on to rig a once decent reality show like DWTS

  28. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Poor Willow, always in a supporting role to her mother, her big sister, her nephew(s). When will Willow get her day in the spotlight? Going to "hair school" is not glamorous; getting an SUV from Mommy Dearest is not nearly what Bristol is getting.... Even Piper Diaper gets more attention than Willow does.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Go willow go, you can do it, cash in big and tell all, fuck hair school, you could be the BIG WINNER and buy a disco ball of your own.
      then pay brittle to fix YOUR HAIR and be your bitch.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      and Willow got Photoshopped out of that photograph!
      Bet that burns.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

      Maybe she's a beauty school dropout? Tabitha Coffey runs a tight ship, would LOVE to see Willow vs. Tabitha!

  29. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I'd like to know how much SarahPAC pays for Sarah's "makeovers" for HER appearances at DWTS.

    That Sarah is there at DWTS only for Sarah is apparent in the interview after the performance. "Que sera, sera" Sarah responds coyly when asked if she will run for POTUS.

    Does she honestly believe the American public would support her in another deceptive "run" for political office?

  30. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I'm confused? Sarah looked white as a ghost at Kmart but later on that evening she looks like a Latina?

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      My guess is a spray tan. She was infamous for her tanning bed but she may have learned how it damages skin and gives cancer? She looks sprayed but only a guess.

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Except for her hands...half brown half white

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Anonymous1:41 PM I agree with you that Sarah spray tans. I would ask hey why? Sarah is not competing on DWTS so why spray tan and try to look darker than Caspar?

      If Sarah is promoting healthy then go natural and stop faking it.

    4. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Sarah is cheap or doesn't want to go where she can be seen. It may be Willow or someone who sprays her.

      Sarah spent time in a tanning bed so it is too late to undo that damage. Poor thing.

      R UV Ugly? Cancer charity puts ultraviolet skin scanner in shopping centres to warn of the damage caused by sunbeds

  31. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Mila Kunis is one hell of an actor and I, too, see movies just because she's in them.

    She doesn't tweet or blog or beg for attention by her dress or behavior, she doesn't do drugs and she doesn't sleep around. She'd never make it as a Right-winger.

  32. Anita Winecooler7:42 PM

    Mila is sexy, smart and talented! She can speak Russian from her house!

    The second photo is just a punchline to a sad joke.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.