Thursday, October 04, 2012

Well THIS should send you to bed with a smile on your face. President Obama, a Man of the People.

Good night my friends.

Oh, and if early voting has arrived in your state, PLEASE VOTE NOW!



  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    And the PEOPLE turned up to see him...GOOD LORD, LOOK AT THOSE CROWDS!!!

  2. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Thank you for making me cry with pride and most of all . . . hope.

  3. Sally in MI6:19 PM

    Lawrence just reported that the early polling is in and the President picked upon point and leads 48-43..Romney picked up a whole two points for his kabuki theater performance as the "Moderate Mitt."

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Romney gains after debate ... with Republicans (Obama with independents)'

      So check it—Obama's favorables are unchanged from before and after the debate, 56-44. But looking at the crosstabs, Obama stayed solid with Democrats, gained a tiny bit with Republicans, and ... kicked ass among independents. Seriously, flipping his faves among independents from 46-54 to 54-46, a 16-point shift, is a pretty big deal.

      Now look at Romney's favorables. He definitely improved, from 46-54 to 51-49. He desperately needs those numbers to improve (and improve further) if he wants to be competitive. So, good news, right?

      Well, Romney improved marginally with Democrats and stayed even with independents. So where did he improve? Among Republicans, where his "very favorable" jumped a solid 10 points, from 36 to 46 percent.

    2. Anonymous11:38 PM

      I tell you, this was all about the donations. It's like when Sarah gets her tail featehrs ruffled and shows up on Fox with jewelry from three religions, just to rile up the base and get some cash flowing so she can ship her bus somewhere and pretend to have driven from Alaska or Hollywood or wherever. Mitt is not a good actor, but he is a great liar, and the handlers know the hate for Obama trumps Mitt's unlikeability, so they encourage the lies. Give him a few days. He'll walk back every statement, Dems will datestamp all their ads, and Mitt will look like the fool he is.

    3. Anonymous3:28 AM

      I can't believe Romney would improve at all with Dems.

  4. That was BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you.

    but WTH are you talking about: "the debates are only 2 nights away"? the next debate is the VP debate, and that's not until next Thursday, the 11th....i'm confused.

    But, VERY happy to have such a President!

    1. Oops I missed that.

      I originally had this post written a few nights ago, but events kept pushing it back until tonight.

      I did not realize that I had written that statement about the debates on it.

      Fixed now.

  5. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I love the video. And if there is a Repub back in the White House some day, the White House will not longer be the house of the people. It will be closed off to the people, like Bush did it.

    VOTE for President Obama.

  6. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Great President and Great man.

  7. dancingthroughlife7:22 PM

    I have a ticket to see the President speak tomorrow at Cleveland State University, and this video made me even more excited for it- if that's even possible!!! :)

    1. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Lucky you. Have a great time.

  8. Anonymous8:16 PM

    WOW~ Beautiful..The crowds are amazing..

  9. Anita Winecooler9:20 PM

    These videos slay me. I remember reading his books and realizing the odds he overcame early in life just made me love him more.

    Happy Belated 20th anniversary. And thank you, Michelle, Sasha and Malia, for sharing him with the world!

  10. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Oh...I love that man....and his beautiful family, too. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Thank you. That was a beautiful presentation to our wonderful President. We are very lucky to have him and may we have him 4 more years in these unsettling times. He IS a man for the people...all the people.

    Mrs Gunka

  12. Sharon9:51 PM

    I just read an interesting article at the Daily Kos, it seems they have the video during the first few minutes of the debate showing the back of the 2 men...and if you look closely at Robme, his right hand goes into his pocket and he puts paper on the podium. The rules of the debate were no notes, or props were looks kinda like the liar broke those rules too.

    1. Anonymous11:33 PM

      No notes? But both men were writing fruing the debate, and Romney returned to the podium and grabbed some papers and shoved them into his coat pocket afterward..

    2. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Yep, you can see Romney put cheat notes on the podium. Real sneakily like.

  13. Anonymous9:54 PM

    For those who don't think Romney's 'Big Bird' moment is a major thing ...

  14. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Gryphen, Give me a FN break. I've been breaking my balls supporting Obama For America since the GOP primaries AND the President lets Romney walk all over him/us. I'm one pissed-off Obama supporter. I'm mad at the Pres. This FN video does not make me feel better. Obama pulverzing Romney will. Obama/We better win this election. Too much is at stake: Medicare, Social Security, more wars, new wars just to name a few.

    1. Anonymous3:34 AM

      Romney is an overbearing bully. That is not the nature of President Obama.

      If you want President Obama to act like a thug, like Romney does, you will not get your wish, because that is not President Obama's nature.

    2. Anonymous4:52 AM

      If acting like a bully, belittling the moderator and lying are the qualities you want to see i in your president, then maybe Romney is your man. President Obama went into the debate to debate the issues, was faced with yet another new Mitt Romney, and proceeded to act with dignity and conform to the restrictions of the modern televised political debate. I don't think Mitt Romney won.
      Obama/Biden and a Democratic landslide 2012

    3. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Oh puleeze, Obama didn't show up for the debate. Obama was not prepared to handle Mittens and his lies. I love Obama, but I'm not blinded by it to see that he GAVE this debate to Romney.

  15. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Million Muppet March

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      the million muppet march


  16. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Post Debate Focus Group: Obama Wins on Likeabiity, Economy, Healthcare

    ...Six in 10 respondents gave President Obama favorable ratings for his overall performance in the debate, compared with just one in seven who did so for Romney.

    ...President Obama still wins on likeability. Seems voters are perhaps not so impressed with someone who is a bully and can steamroll a 78 year old moderator into monopolizing the debate.

    The starkest difference between the two candidates was in their likeability. Eight in 10 respondents gave President Obama high marks for coming across as likeable and down to earth, while very few felt that way about Governor Romney. The President came out with a distinct advantage over Romney on the important trait, “caring about people,” and respondents were much more likely to give Obama credit for being honest and truthful in discussing the issues.
    President Obama won on the economy.

    Compared with the beginning of the session, there was a doubling in the number of respondents who said that Obama has good ideas for improving the economy. While Romney also improved on this dimension, 63% of respondents said at the end that Obama expressed good ideas for improving the economy, compared with 27% who said the same about Romney in the debate.

    ...Romney did himself no favors by saying he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with Obamacare.

    The discussion of health care also played distinctly to Obama’s advantage. Many respondents came into the room equivocal about which candidate would be better on health care, but those voters split significantly in Obama’s favor after hearing both candidates on the issues. Romney lost ground when he talked about repealing ObamaCare.

  17. Anonymous10:46 PM

    "A picture is worth a thousand words"

  18. Anonymous3:22 AM

    VOTE for President Obama next month,and make sure you get as many people as you can to vote for him.

  19. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Fox news poll have President Obama winning the debate.

  20. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Loved the Video Love the Man Proud to be a Dem I can go to bed with a smile on my face now.


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