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Did somebody say Israel? |
We stand with Israel and Netanyahu's strength that he wisely uses to protect his country. May he have the wisdom of Solomon as Israel's leadership moves forward. You can keep track of the developments by following @IDFSpokesperson on Twitter.
Spoken like a criminally undereducated Israeli fetishist with no FUCKING idea what she is talking about.
The facts are that this recent violence is FAR more complicated than Netanyahu simply "protecting his country." Essentially the conflict has been escalating, on both sides, for months now, with the Israelis even focusing their attacks during the olive harvesting season on Palestinian farmers in an attempt to disrupt their economy.
Then on Wednesday Israel did this:
The Israel Defense Forces didn’t just kill Hamas military leader Ahmed al-Jabari on Wednesday as he was driving his car down the street in Gaza. They killed him and then instantly posted the strike to YouTube. Then they tweeted a warning to all of Jabari’s comrades: “We recommend that no Hamas operatives, whether low level or senior leaders, show their faces above ground in the days ahead.”
The Jabari hit is part of the biggest assault the IDF has launched in more than three years on Gaza, with more than 20 targets hit. And it’s being accompanied by one of the most aggressive social media offensives ever launched by any military. Several days before Jabari’s elimination, the IDF began liveblogging the rocket attacks on southern Israel coming from Gaza. Once “Operation Pillar of Defense” began, the IDF put up a Facebook page, a Flickr feed, and, of course, a stream of Twitter taunts — all relying on the same white-on-red English-language graphics. “Ahmed Jabari: Eliminated,” reads a tweet from 2:21 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday.
Did you get that? They not only killed the Palestinian leader, they also IMMEDIATELY posted it to YouTube like some teenager who just got an new X-Box for their birthday.
The result of this is that Hamas has of course retaliated with rocket attacks of their own and essentially Israel has declared war on Hamas via, of all things, Twitter:
@idfspokesperson Our blessed hands will reach your leaders and soldiers wherever they are (You Opened Hell Gates on Yourselves)To say that this is a complicated and extremely sensitive political situation for the US is the understatement of the year. However to state that the batshit unemployed lady with the fright wig should butt the hell out is a given.
— Alqassam Brigades (@AlqassamBrigade) November 14, 2012
Especially since she could not care less about the Israeli people and is simply fanning the flames of violence in the hopes of meeting Jesus and getting him to autograph her saggy boob before she dies.
Update: One of Sarah Palin's LEAST favorite reporters (And author of the great book Republican Gomorrah) Max Blumenthal, reports that this violence is the result of the fact that Israel broke the treaty by killing a Palestinian child. You can ALWAYS count on the fact that the Grizzled Mama will have the facts wrong.
Here Comes Honey Fool Fool
Sarah Palin's TV show on TLC may be long over, but Martin Short thinks she and the cable network's newest reality stars have something in common.
Short mocked the former Alaska Governor's family on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Wednesday night, comparing them to the cast of "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo."
"The only difference between [Honey Boo Boo's] family and the Palins is teeth," Short joked, to which Kimmel added, "And a few pounds, maybe."
DeleteRoll out the snark against Short's career Sarah or Bristol. . .oh, he's on fire again? Guess you can't.
DeleteTawd! Find my Star of David necklace you nitwit, and don't tell me Trig flushed it down the toilet again! Props, props! I need props!
ReplyDeleteI've got to check my e-mail, Greta might need me to come on tonight to explain this whole situation to Fox's loyal followers in words only they can understand.
Piper! Quit giving Trig my chocolate ex-lax and telling him it's a Hershey's bar and google me some big words I can use tonight...
Let's see...how can I bash Obama and blame the unrest on him and still praise my good buddy Nate..or is it Net? Whatever..
Willow! Get my bumpit and wig ready..I know Fox will need me tonight..I know they will, I know they will, I know they will...They still like me, they still like me..
So Piper graduated to using Google? Guess she outgrew throwing darts at dictionary pages to get words for Sarah's word salad screeches.
DeleteSo Trig actually lives in the vicinity of Palin.
DeleteSo Trig actually lives in the vicinity of Palin-??. And is there any other kind of ex-lax except chocolate?
DeleteWell, there's one thing $carah wont' have to use a prop for....Orthodox Jewish women wears wigs.
DeleteShe simply doesn’t get it. But when did she and her trashy family ever get it? Remember, she didn’t even get out of the car in Jerusalem. She has no ability to understand the very real and complex problems in the Middle East. She is still reading cereal boxes, her Bircher newsletters and listening to her fundy preacher for news.
ReplyDeleteShe ought to read :I Shall Not Hate" written by a Palestinian doctor who travelled across the border to help Israelis. Meanwhile, his home was bombed by Israel and his daughters mutilated and killed. Gives you a whole new view on this conflict.
DeleteThe Jews are stopping food and water from entering Gaza, making Palestinians wait hours and hours in the sun at border crossings and for transportation, and they question IDs even when they know people. Seems they learned well from the nazis.
Please consider when you write "The Jews" that you are including me, a secular American Jew, who cares nothing about Israel and would like Palestine to have it's own state. My family fled Europe at the turn of the last century to escape the pogroms and other persecution and came to America. Some of my extended family died in Nazi camps, ovens, and death pits.
DeleteI am not Israeli, I don't want to be Israeli, I don't claim any land in the Middle East, and I'm certainly not responsible for anything that is happening to the Palestinian people.
The phrase you want is "The Israelis."
Thank You, Anonymous 2:56
DeleteToo many people erroneously confuse the terms. The distinction is an important one to be mindful of.
O/T More Republican hypocrisy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/15/scott-desjarlais-abortion_n_2139110.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain relevant=relevant Sarah Palin
ReplyDeletein January, the Arizona senator will lose his top-ranking committee seat due to term limits. The only ranking Republican spot available to him next session will be on the Indian Affairs Committee.
John McCain's Benghazi Committee Plan Would Give Senator New Relevance
So sad that his desperate plea for relevance is causing such disruption.
DeleteIsn't is wonderful that Palin is not getting any attention with her FB panderings. She doesn't have a clue about the past or current problems in the region but thinks the media will fall all over themselves to repeat her posts. When will she realize that her star has flickered out?
DeleteI thought McCain was on that committee years ago. It comes to mind thinking of the many casinos that surfaced back then and Jack Abramoff comes to mind too.
DeleteHmm -- I just quick searched and McCain was Chairman back in 1995 - 1997.
There is something 'itching me' that his time on the committee was to be kind -- 'shady'.
There was a very good article written I recall reading detailing McCain 7 his involvement but it so a few years ago I read and have no idea where.
I noted that McCain was Chairman 1995 - 1997. I neglected to note that he was also chairman 2005 - 2007.
DeleteThe article I cannot remember or quickly find -- the words that I remember was 'he was a betting man' -- just like he was on picking Palin.
But here is an article which gives some description of the storyline of the 'dirt' for which McCain was embroiled in but managed to keep himself out of --- hmmmm --- certainly not the first time -- Savings & Loan????
Something says he has too much baggage to take that Committee once again.
McCain is also on the record for opposing any Federal largess making its' way to Alaskan Tribes. This won't be good for us American Indians / Alaska Natives. And you can bet for damn sure 'progressing' Alaska Native issues as a titleless quitter is on top of her list among making sure her legacy AGIA and "Drill Baby Drill" are secure. [roll's eyes.]
DeleteMccain is 76, hopefully his last term.
DeletePerhaps it was in Matt Taibbi's excellent profile of McCain that was published in Rolling Stone?
DeleteDoes the Tundra Retard really think that her opinion is relevant? Where is her Facebook post about the SEX-TRAFFICKING INVESTIGATION in Alaska? Is she not concerned about the young women there, or is she ashamed that her husband PIMP DADDY TOAD is involved? How are those ENDORSEMENTS treatin' ya, Nitwit?
ReplyDeleteIt is so gratifying that $creech's postings from behind the safety of her Facebook bunker are not being picked up by any media. Although HuffPo is running a story about women who might run for prez in 2016 and is actually mentioning the Adderal-addled half wit -- hoping for clicks on the site, I'm sure. The comments are scathing that $creech and Hillary C are mentioned in the same sentence. Gag me.
ReplyDeleteDid you see that likes and dislikes by each photo? Sarah had a minus 250 this morning, while Hillary's rating was plus 275 or something. They included Bachmann too. What struck me was that the Democratic women are all thoughtful, well-spoken and lovely, while the GOPers are all nuts. Or I guess they'd be Democrats.
DeleteNetanyahu is 5 months pregnant with a special needs child. He hopes this news will help him get elected.
ReplyDeleteSome in Israel say he is a faking it, and is covering for his 15 year old daughter.
That was funny.
DeleteIs he wearing those clever [not] scarves over his midsection to fool his family, his closest aides, journalists and the public?
She is an asshole.
DeleteAssholes serve a purpose and have a job.
DeleteClose, but no cigar. Can we call it a turd?
Don't you just love these Christian Zionists safely over here in the US who won't move over to the Middle East and put their ass in the line of fire. But they will stir the pot from afar so all those other people over there can get hurt. The hypocrisy and cowardice never ends.
ReplyDeleteYep, I noticed that too.
DeleteWill John McCain take to the television cameras to tell America how very "un-bright" his protege Sarah Palin is? I'm not going to hold my breath.
Heh heh heh heh...Sarah said 'forward.' What a hoot!
ReplyDeleteI'm certain that Bibi called her right away so she could express her support for him. He's probably even consulting her on strategery even as we speak....
ReplyDeleteSeriously, the absolute worst thing that can happen to Netanyahoo on the world stage right now is for types like Sarah Palin to stick their noses into his business and expose him. GO SARAH!
He did seem chummy with Romney, I wonder what sage advice he would give, bully to bully?
DeleteSomeone needs to tell Sarah & her bible thumping ilk that no matter how intellectually constipated, bigoted or blood thirsty they exhibit to the world who is watching .... none of them are going to be serving Jesus breakfast in bed while tripping over his sandals the morning after.
ReplyDeleteWho is "We"? Who is she speaking for? If she is speaking for herself, she should say "I". If she is speaking for her family, she should say "The Palins". Who is she implying that she is speaking for???
DeleteShe may be evoking the royal "we", she's a legend in her own mind.
DeleteDoofus Palin aside, there is serious stuff to consider -- seen in my Twitter stream this afternoon: The photos at following link are NSFW (not suitable for work).
Who are the 'we' she refers to? Any chance this is understood by some to be an official position of the US government? Playing with fire, running with scissors....
ReplyDeleteSarah's writing notes again...
ReplyDeleteOf course you're right, Gryph - the matter is much too complicated for the simple mind of Sarah Palin. I doubt she even realizes how far over her head the subject truly is.
ReplyDeleteBut, outside of this blog, there are very, very few places where Sarah Palin even registers on their radar screens anymore.
Except as a punch line, of course.
Excuse me!!! SARAH PALIN OF ALASKA is the finest, bravest, most noble PATRIOT in the WORLD!!! The STAR of the NORTH SNOW GRIZZLY will save our EARTH!!! She is the WORLD"S QUEEN!!!! : )
DeleteWe keep her in line. We own her. She's almost a has-been, right? That's us! And of course her, because liars like her always self-destruct.
Deleteoh, is she now Israel's spokesperson? ha, she was lobbying for that job with the oversized star of David.
ReplyDeleteGaza is a concentration camp and Palestinians are the new Jews. Netanyahoo = Hitler
ReplyDeleteSo Sarah supports the murdering of Palestinian women and children. Why am I not surprised. She's always loved MURDER, DEATH and KILLING. She is sick in the head and so is anyone who supports Israel's latest barbaric attack on innocent peaceful Arabs.
ReplyDeleteThe Palins just love to kill. They love killing wildlife, while many kill wildlife for food but certainly don't love the process. Todd killed a neighbors dog because the neighbor pissed him off. Just that video of Sarah and Bristol happily beating a halibut in the head is proof that these people are in love with killing, regardless if they eat what they kill. There is no other explanation, with Chuck Sr's heads on his wall and caribou rack collection in his front yard and Sarah's giant bear hide with the head still on it. How anyone can justify this sort of behaviour is beyond my reckoning. It almost seems that this family has not evolved.
DeleteI heard about the dog story, they had Sarah Palin worst gov painted on top of their shed.
DeleteOf course chicken shit todd grabbed poor dog and murdered it, like he murdered Curtis...
When will They be stopped?
Well we know Lady Karma just waiting for her due from those motherfuckers... all the innocents they have hurt and murdered!
IDF is a terrorist organization that needs to be wiped out. I'm praying every single one of them is executed without mercy.
ReplyDeleteHere's an idea, since Sarah loves the Jews so much, and loves the drama involved with living in a beehive, why doesn't she MOVE to Israel and swing her dick and boney elbows around there?
ReplyDeleteShe'll piss her pants the first night and fly all the way home (to Arizona.)
Careful there before assuming 'all' Jewish people are on board with Netanyahu and his hawkish political platforms. He is an extreme conservative, like our favorite she-wolf Palin. Palin doesn't love or even like we Jews. Just imagine where the US would be in the hands of an uber conservative McPain and Palin reign had they won in 2008.
DeletePlease don't use the term "the Jews." Everything else, I agree with.
DeleteI'm Jewish. Settle down. This is Sarah's worldview. She loves Jews, she thinks all American Jews love Jerusalem, she thinks they'll give her lots of money and power.
DeleteWhy the hell did Barbara Walters not ask her why she felt their was going to be mass emigration to Israel? Because of her fundy beliefs, has nothing to do with foreign policy knowledge.
Wearing a Star-of-David and having a candy machine Israel flag hanging in her Governor's office isn't good enough to prove her credentials.
Wouldn't Sally need to be Jewish for her daughter to be considered Jewish? At any rate, I doubt she'd pass the rigorous standards to join the Israeli Army. She took six tries to kill a drugged moose on her reality show. With that wonk eye, I'd think she has the aim of Dick Cheyney or Mr McGoo.
DeleteSarah doesn't love Jews and neither do any of these Christians who have religious reasons for their die hard support for Israel. They believe Jews serve a purpose.
DeleteIgnore printing anything about Sarah Palin, IM. She is a fucking lunatic!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is the devil. She is pure evil. No question about it. She is encouraging more killing with her reckless tweets. She thinks she's safe in Wasilla? Ha!
ReplyDeleteShows you how reasonable we liberals are that none of us has taken her out yet! No "second amendment solutions" for us, we'd rather just make fun of her instead ;-)
DeleteBut I must admit to regretting the abolition of the dunking stool for such as her. Or stocks and rotten tomatoes in the town square.
DeleteLiberal or not, if I ever run in to her, I will bitch-slap the piss out of her skanky ass.
Deletethat woman is a fucking idiot.
ReplyDeleteWhat can we say about the evolution of the human race when not only do we still have war, but the leaders brag about their killing on social media like Twitter.
ReplyDeleteNo, the human race is not enlightened yet. Not by a long shot.
Compare the IDF tweets and pix with the way Obama refused to display bin Laden's dead body to world. Savage vs civilized. Isr and Palestine will fight each other for decades to come. Feuding clans never cede and inch to each other, never fail to find satisfaction in killing each other.
DeleteWho gives a shit what the dipshit says anymore?
ReplyDeleteAn endorsement from the meth addled crazy woman - you know what that means. Bibi is probably going to tear an ACL and have to sit out the season while Likud goes on a 30 game losing streak, finishing in the basement.
ReplyDeleteHer boney, drug ravaged ass has fallen so far into disrepute, you'd think Shelden Adelson would pay her to NOT tweet, thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteLet make something perfectly clear to Bibi Netanahole - you fools go poking at a hornets nest that was almost dormant with stick - you're on your own.
ReplyDeleteHey Mitt! You're full of Shit (according to GOP)
ReplyDeleteChristie, Pawlenty & Jindal All Agree.
Chris Christie unwraps Mitt Romney's 'gift' claim
Tim Pawlenty on Mitt Romney 'gifts': They didn’t elect Obama
Bobby Jindal rejects Mitt Romney’s ‘gifts’ theory
I’m especially troubled by the attacks on Palestinian olive farmers. If Arabs have one thing, it’s long memories. And Sarah Palin should stay out of it; this isn’t some little Bring on the Rapture fantasy, real people are dying.
ReplyDeleteAs much as this is serious, why do I have the feeling that Netanyahu has been egging for a war -- any war. His election is January I believe and does he play the Bush card -- don't change which at war. Play the 'you and your country are not safe without me' card.
ReplyDeleteI hate to go OT on this post but Gryphen, you really might enjoy reading this, if you haven't already, and maybe doing a post on how much more technologically savvy the Obama campaign was compared the Romney campaign. In my opinion this is what made the difference for Obama, the tech angle and the inclusion of that demographic in his campaign. Geeks appreciate being recognized :-)
Read it earlier. Well done!! I've sent it to a few people as they had in their minds people totally unlike those who were pictured!!!!
DeleteThanks for passing that on...those gentlemen are outstanding!
DeleteExcellent Link! I knew the campaign was brilliant from the very beginning, but this just blew me away. Nerds rule!
DeleteApparently, Kim Kardashian (I know, another 'brain') tweeted a prayer for Israel and has received death threats over it. So, she immediately prayed for Palestine, too.
ReplyDeleteThen, deleted the tweets.
Nobody should be getting death threats.
DeleteAnd clueless celebitches shouldn't be making comments on either side. This isn't a fucking football game.
DeleteSomehow a prayer from Kim Kardashian seems a bit out of place to me.
DeleteI think Kim K means well, where Sarah Palin is an asshole and just wants to cause nothing but trouble!
DeleteHey palin stick your misinformed opinions up your bony ass.You are the single biggest piece of shit that has ever been dredged up.Fucking moron.Go to hell.
DeleteG., if you check the records, Hamas, since their inception, have been sending rockets across their borders into Israel years ago, unprovoked. When Ariel Sharon met with George Bush and signed a peace treaty, giving the Gaza Strip to Palestinians to form a Palestinian state. Israeli farmers and land and homeowners had to give up the land (which they were paid for by the government) and leave. After Palestinian families moved into the vacant homes, the Katusha rockets from some of these properties were targeting Israel, landing anywhere, killing innocent civilians.
ReplyDeleteThere is a much more complex problem here than meets the eye.
Now Sarah thinks that she is superior in her righteous christian walk because she stands for Israel. But, Christ would expect christians to stand for everyone; Palestinians and Israelis. They would hope for peace between the two. They would pray. They would care about innocent Palestinian victims as well as Israeli victims. God is no respecter of persons. Sarah has been indoctrinated in the wrong way by dominionist teaching, and NOT Christ's teaching.
Then after all the Israelis were removed from the Gaza strip, Israel declared it a "hostile" area. Now they could bomb freely without any Israeli casualties.
DeleteWhat does we "stand" with Israel mean? Sitting under a hair dryer in Arizona, more likely.
ReplyDeleteShe has no idea what it means. She has no sense of history or politics or anything else. She's a parrot.
DeleteCan this UGLY woman please go away?!?!
ReplyDeleteDear Srah,
ReplyDeleteI know you read IM. I am offering, yep a ral offer, to send all of your family to Isreal on one way tickets. Yep I will pay, for your whole family.
But the catch is you must stay and "help" our allies for at least 10 yrs. Now wouldn't it be fun to live in God's Holy Land? Think about it. I am sure Gryphen will contact me if you want to take me up on my offer.
Little Rabbit
BINGO!!! Hey Sarah, you game?
DeleteDang, where's GinaM? She must seriously be finalizing her inauguration plans. You go, girl!
ReplyDeleteHeHe! You would be half right! I'm finished with my Inauguration plans...YIPPEE....now I'm getting ready for Thanksgiving and my daughters 22nd birthday...which is a day before Turkey Day!
DeleteI hope I'm not the only one from IM who is going to the Inauguration...I'm planning on sending some pictures to Gryphen and mail him a souvenir of some sort!
I know one bald fella from the deep dark depths of Dead Lake Lucille who won't be there...unless she's plans on being in disguise...I'm sure the Secret Service has all her disguises on file...let's see there's the Mexican Baldy Palin...the Asian Baldy Palin...the Tranny Man Palin...the Scarecrow Baldy Palin...and the Jewish star wearing Baldy Palin...that last one only makes special appearances...ie in Vegas for old man Addelbrain...uh...I mean Adleson! LOL!!!
Hey GinaM I'm going to the inaugaration too!
DeleteLittle Rabbit
I cannot wait til someone somewhere who knows where some of the skeletons are hidden realizes that dipshit is fast becoming much less able to retaliate.
ReplyDeleteShe is doing everything in her power to deflect from the disaster at Matanuska Dairy which she is entirely responsible for and a party to.
ReplyDeletePalin wouldn't know the "wisdom of Solomon" if he was fucking her himself. What a hopeless dolt.
ReplyDeleteFuck you Sarah and your family
ReplyDeleteVery interesting website. A young British journalist reporting from inside Gaza City --