Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bill O'Reilly's nightmare.

Oh that is brilliant! Apparently if we really want to return to the traditional economic values of America we need to allow the President to run the country as he sees fit.

Gee if ONLY he wasn't half black.

(H/T to Boing Boing)


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Wonderful - and so true!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all and 'specially to Gryphen for hosting this great meeting place.

    1. X2… Thank you Gryphen and Happy Thanksgiving to all.

    2. Leland6:00 AM


      Love. Understanding. Compassion. Forgiveness. Tolerance.

  2. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Also, never could figure out what Sarah get's out of pointing out Barack is half-white, half-black.

    That is assuming that Sarah's worldview is worth something. Have an idea that The Palin Doctrine is a big book of crazy.

    Like David Frum said in the last Maher show of the season, it's easier for cranks to be given platforms and even get elected to office these days - while amassing the support of cranks nationwide. Hence, The Tea Party.

  3. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I am thankful that Barack Obama is OUR president for four more years....and I didn't receive any gifts that made me vote for him. Oh wait a minute....yes, I did! My daughter, who happens to be a lesbian, can not be treated as a second class citizen - I will someday be mother-of-the bride... That is a wonderful gift. :)

  4. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Denialists, Whiners, and Wackjobs

  5. angela6:26 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving Gryphen!

    I am thankful that you have a wonderful place for us to come as you highlight the batshit crazy flying around this country and that you use humor to swat the stupid. And I am also happy that you celebrate the sublime when it needs to be celebrated.


  6. Let’s see… The Beav leaving Billo-the-Clown in a lurch, and his wife out doing the neighborhood police watch, what will Billo do??? Go play in some traffic over at Rupe’s ???


  7. Anonymous8:31 AM

    The Conservative Post-Election Tantrum Continues

    ...Four years ago, when the president won the first time, fringy Republicans merely threatened to "Go Galt," in reference to the John Galt character in Atlas Shrugged who accumulates a group of wealthy disciples to stop contributing to the economy, thus bringing it to its knees. This time around it seems as if this conservative whiny freak-out is a futile extension of that initial effort. It won't work and, in the final analysis, it will only serve to further embarrass and discredit a conservative movement that's already in serious trouble. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  8. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Ah-- remember the traditional days when Mom stayed home once she got married and had kids? Remember when Catholic priests and Boy Scout leaders had our total trust, and we handed our boys over to them without a question?
    Remember those days when Dad came home drunk and the next day Mom had a shiner but we weren't supposed to talk about it in public? Or when Dad simply came home, sat watching tv, and got drunker and drunker as the night wore on? Remember the cries from Mom and Dad's bedroom, but we weren't supposed to hear? Remember the SILENCE about anything that didn't seem right? Remember how single men and women were considered somethign different, something "queer." Those were the "traditional days" from which we 've been fleeing ever since.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.