Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Disheveled Mitt Romney spotted pumping his own gas in California. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Courtesy of UPI.com: 

 Trending on Reddit today is this photo of what user mkb95 says is the defeated presidential candidate pumping his own gas at a station in La Jolla, CA -- sans Secret Service protection. "Mitt Romney at my local gas station.. he looks tired and washed up," the tagline reads. 

"I talked to him for a good three minutes while he was filling his tank. I guess he's moving to on(e) of his houses in the town I live in, La Jolla," mkb95 added.

Wow! When was the last time you saw such an appropriate photograph of a beaten candidate?

No staff on hand.

No Secret Service protection.

Apparently no hair gel.

Just a cranky old man, in a wrinkled shirt, pumping his own gas, in the middle of the night. You know, almost like one of those 47% people.

By the way this was not the ONLY recent sighting of RMoney. He and his lovely bride were also spotted by TMZ attending the latest installment of the Twilight series, or like I refer to it "the death of the vampire movie."

By the way you can totally tell it's them by how out of focus they are. Try as I might I could simply never make out exactly WHO Mitt Romney was

The excuse I hear for WHY the couple attended this Emo soft porn, was in support of fellow Mormon Stephanie Meyer who wrote the books, because apparently REAL werewolves and vampires scared the goose crap out of her. So then she had to ruin it for the rest of us.

Hmm, going the a theater to watch Twilight, and cruising around California in the middle of the night. Does anybody else predict a visit to one of Marcus Bachmann's anti-gay therapy clinics in Mitt's near future?

I'm just saying.


  1. Buckeye Bitch12:34 PM


    What, no "you" people to do it for him? Thanks, that made my day!

  2. Anonymous12:47 PM

    He loves looking like he is just one of us! He knows he gets to drive his car home to it's very own elevator.

    Does anyone know how far the Romney's are from the McCain's La Jolla house? It is a nice private enclave for some of the wealthy that live there. his secrets will be safe.

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Looks like he just woke up from a three day milk binge.


    1. I thought the same thing, Colleen. Romnesia must be a progressive disease. Looks like he's in the final stages.

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM


    3. Anonymous3:06 PM

      He looks as though he rode there on the roof of the car! Maybe Queen Ann will not allow him to ride inside with her since he is a loser? Was he like Palin and had to have somebody advise him on how to dress and personal hygiene tips?

    4. Anonymous3:18 PM

      I am with you on the binge part, but not sure if it was just milk. :-)

    5. Anonymous4:46 PM

      It was an SNL skit. Romney was drinking the milk & hiding it like it was alcohol.

  4. Virginia Voter12:50 PM

    While it is comforting to see Mitt still stinging from his epic fail of a presidential campaign, he will NEVER be slumming it with his $250 million dollar fortune to keep him warm at night. Hell, he probably made over $5,000 in interest while he was standing there pumping his fucking gas. Mitt could afford to pay ten "illegals" to fill his many cars at his many homes with gas , but he is notoriously cheap, and wouldn't even pay for full serve.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      He makes, it was reported earlier in the campaign, $57,000 a day off interest on his many 'accounts.'

    2. Anonymous8:25 PM

      you all losers can laugh when you pay your taxes at the beginning of the year. Stick with Obama and pretty soon you are going to have all the Mexicans from across the border living there. Where is the first place they go is to your neighborhoods. Enjoy supporting them.

    3. Anonymous10:42 PM

      @8:25 PM Home schooled? Your posting looks like a Palin wrote it. You lost, get over it!!! BWHAHAHAHAHA.

  5. hedgewytch12:51 PM

    I'm thinking he's more likely to fall off the Mormon wagon, he'll start taking caffeine and maybe even down a beer.

  6. Anonymous12:54 PM

    this fucking zombie does not deserve to be hanging out in CA! please somebody tell him to go back where he belonged. I HATE fuck wit willard romney!!

  7. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Something tells me, underneath it all, Mitt is happy he didn't win.

    1. Rick Hill3:22 PM

      But, in this shot, he looks like he knows people are laughing at him, and he doesn't like it

  8. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Can't a loser chill out and grow a beard or something?

    OT: "Hamas Publicly Executes 6 Suspected Israeli Spies"

    That can be the USA if conserves keep pushing for a civil war.

  9. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Wow! That picture show makes one think he was only held together by his medication(s).
    TwILIGHT movie? Seriously? Aren't those movies/books for tweens?

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      But I can't decide if he's on the drugs or off the drugs.....

  10. Anonymous1:15 PM

    You can put lipstick on a pig, and it's still a pig. They tried to make him look 'presidential' with all the photo ops and staged moments and really, he's just a messy, rich, old man with zero class.

  11. Anonymous1:21 PM

    It looks like one of those other Mitt Romneys just finished mass debating!

  12. WakeUpAmerica1:38 PM

    Wow! That's quite a cul-de-sac Mr. Goodhair has.

  13. Anonymous1:41 PM

    He actually looks like a regular grumpy guy getting gas. hmmmmm? I wonder if his credit card worked.

  14. Wow. That is really very disturbing. I guess Mrs. Romney wasn't just bidding for sympathy when she said she feared for his mental health.

  15. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I don't feel even remotely sorry for him.

    He played a big game and he lost big. That's the drill.

    The difference is he thought he DESERVED to win, just by his position in life, who he knew and how entitlement works in his world. Unfortunately for him, reality came crashing in like it had never done before in his rich, insulated, life and people with LESS power, only the power of their individual vote, told him that he was a fraud, a liar, a dick and sent him packing.

    Nope, not sorry at all, he would have sold this country to the highest bidder and lived off of all our backs in the process. People keep calling him a 'business man' but he never really was. He was only just a thief...from the government by hiding taxes, from the people by destroying companies and their employees lives and livelihoods.

    He and Ann are disgusting people and dishonest people, right down to their bullshit campaign.

    I'd be happy to hear that they left the planet on their way to Zorb, or whatever that Mormon planet is.

    1. AJ Billings3:05 PM

      I think there's more to the story than thinking he deserved to win.

      I think he, and Ann, and his entire family, and the whole elite entitled Mormon upper crust were believing that the White Horse prophecy was about to come true.


      When you are surrounded by religion, and grow up believing that you are chosen, and special, you not only believe it, it becomes part of you.

      Remember $ister $arah's statement to John McCain during Game Change? "It's god's will", and "the right people will win this election", all based on her faith, and prophecy, and prayer warriors, and church groups telling this stuff to her.

      Mitt's obviously got much more intellectual firepower than $arah, (wouldn't take much, I know) but that has never stopped really intelligent and educated people from believing in mythology before.

      Mitt and Ann saw the vision coming true for them, and they had it in their grasp, and it would be the biggest thing in the Mormon religion since Brigham Young

      That's why I think he's devastated, and Ann is probably crying herself to sleep.

      For the rest of us, it's just good to know that we still have a President that governs by the COnstitution, logic, science, and bi-partisan methods, and who doesn't take his daily instructions from a group of ancient wrinkly men in robes in Salt Lake City.

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Well said anon1:55, I totally agree.

      Mittens and Queen Ann thought they were entitled to the White House, it was "their turn". And while they may be able to buy just about any house in any location, it's reassuring that there is 1 house they're not able to buy.

      I can't help but feel smugly satisfied at seeing this photo. 2 weeks ago Mitt was getting security briefings, riding around in 20+ vehicle secret service motorcades, thinking he was on his way to the Presidency. Now he's pumping his own gas, looking like he just slept in his clothes. Bwahahahahahaha!!!!

  16. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Just another VICTIM of the Sarah Palin ENDORSEMENT CURSE. Include Allen West, BWHAHAHAHAHAHA.

  17. Smirnonn2:15 PM

    I never understood why the man even ran in the first place. He was NOT a good candidate, just on paper alone (or at least the papers we were allowed to see :) His record as governor was terrible save for health care and he's not very personable. Personally, if I had 1/4 billion or so I would be out there whooping it up, not pumping my own gas and attending vampire flicks. I guess that goes against his frugal nature. Kinda ironic.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      I believe he ran because he truly believed he would be anointed President by the Karl Rove vote tabulating machine.

      He just wanted the power and figured it would be handed to him on a silver platter, just like everything else in his life.

  18. Anonymous2:18 PM

    You'd look like that too if some dog had just shit all over your car. AGAIN! Bad Seamus.

  19. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I thought he looks angry that he was getting his picture taken. And he looks evil.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      He IS evil, he has no heart or soul. He did not want to President to help the country, he just wanted the title, that is all. We all should thank the good Lord he lost.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      He looks evil because he is evil.

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM

      I always believed he just wanted the presidency because he wanted the title - not for a higher purpose.

  20. Good Heavens...I thought this dude was STUPID RICH! He can't afford a comb? Well...what about an...IRON?

    Shit...didn't Ann say something about eating on an ironing board back in their...*SNORT*...poor days!

    I didn't know a man can look a HOT MESS...but by golly Meh sure pulled it off!

    Congrats Meh...you finally won something....

    RICH BUM WHO LOST AN ELECTION...pick up your award at the "Dollar Tree"!


  21. Anonymous2:29 PM

    The Mittster looks like Annie-poo has been running her fingers through his hair while he's heading down the road. She might've been crawling on him, considering how wrinkled his shirt is. Good for him. Her, too.

    Hmmm, I guess Mormons are cool with car sex when the mood hits. I was, too, until I turned 17. Get a room, Mitt.

  22. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Mittens looks so casual. He can try this next, Ann will love it, she shops Costco.


    This would be good for Bristol, also, too.

  23. Mitt, you look like shit. Drive carefully.

  24. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I heard somewhere that the Twilight books were allegories for some of the stories of the Mormon church (same is true for Ender's Game). Both authors are Mormon.

  25. Anonymous3:01 PM

    ot Petraeus' wife 'threatens shamed CIA boss with divorce after affair with his biographer - and demands to know how many other women there have been'

    I hope she has the balls to not be a shrinking shrinking violet to save his falsified career.

  26. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Think Ann's making him sleep in the car?

  27. Anonymous3:14 PM

    You know, I remember camera crews capturing a certain defeated vice-presidential candidate the day after a historic election in the fall of 2008 as she walked through an airport (I believe it was in Phoenix) looking soooo lost and unhappy...reporters were asking what she was going to do next and she really didn't have an answer for them other than go back to Alaska...
    Well, we all know what she did 'next.' She screwed the people of Alaska and sold out..Took the money offered her and became a Fox News regular.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Now, if we could only get her to leave Alaska permanently...she insists on haunting us with her presence and we'll all be glad when so goes away.

  28. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I heard he was spotted at 3am in West Hollywood wearing a tank top and nylon running shorts buying a jar of instant coffee.

  29. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Check Buzzfeed he is in Disneyland!!!

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Hey Mitt Romney- you just spent 2 years running for President and you lost, badly. Your entire party is disdancing themselves from you and disavowing everything that you've said. What are you gonna do next? I'm going to Disneyland!

  30. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I guess I don't really understand why even drives his own vehicle, much less pumps his own gas. These types of stunts should have been pulled by Mitt during the campaign when he was trying to be just "any old guy", but now, why? He must certainly have a driver that would pump his gas for him. Color me very confused.

  31. But remember his attempt at normalcy when he did the laundry? Clueless. I'm rather shocked he knows how to pump his own gas. However, I heard he is incredibly cheap. Probably went out late to avoid the "Librul Media."

  32. hauksdottir4:43 PM

    The Secret Service pulled their guys the night Romney lost... it is THEIR choice to continue protection if they think their is a need for it. Evidently, they didn't want to be near Queen Ann and her White Horse any longer than necessary.

    All the staffer's credit cards were cancelled within minutes of Romney's concession speech. Many of them were probably glad to be somewhere else, however, having their hotel, taxi, and way back home come out of their own pocket undoubtedly pissed off everyone concerned. I hope they sue, and add emotional distress to the bill!

    Romney is notorious niggardly. One sure way to get richer is not to spend a penny if you don't have to... and his only concern is getting richer. So, I won't be surprised to read next year that their only staff are fellow Mormons "volunteering" to clean toilets and wax cars, perhaps as part of their missionary service.

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM



      Expand your vocabulary. The word "niggardly" is as offensive as the base word, which - as you know - was meant as the highest insult.

    2. Anonymous10:07 PM

      Get a dictionary 8:38, your stupidity is showing.

  33. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Ann Romney needs to go with Mitt to Torrey Pines State Park just North of their La Jolla home and give Mitt a blow job, then she can claim she worked outside the home.

  34. Lucas M6:23 PM

    I was just surprised he knew how to pump the gas...

  35. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

    Awwww how sweet! Date night for Ann and Mitt, the "golden" guy who got her home from the dance safe.

    Wow, what a powerful image! Frumpy hair, bags under his eyes, wrinkled shirt, the pump on automatic, and playing pocket pool.
    I suppose he left his i pad at home and is improvising with his i pud.

    What a putz!!

  36. Anonymous7:34 PM

    What's next for Mitt Romney? Will he be like the other cheapskate millionaire loser Sarah Palin and go to Kmart to read the National Enquirer at the check out line without paying for it as if Kmart is a public library?

  37. Anonymous7:42 PM

    It was Ann Romney who gave tjhe ultimatum that under no circumstanes that Palin be allowed anywhere near this years rnc.

    I hear she had a colossal conniption fit when Sarah ruined her husband's announcement with her look at me bus tour. Real bad like plate smashing, steam coming out of her ears mad.

  38. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I'll cut Mitt some slack about his disheveled appearance. He may have been dragged into an alley by the Koch brothers and Adelson.

    I won't forget Mitt's huberis evidenced by taking so long before conceding. I wonder if he was foolish convinced he would win Ohio with his lies about GM and Chrysler.

  39. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Good luck I hope your tumult isn't too bad. Hope you aren't "Bained" or anything.


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