Friday, November 30, 2012

Do you know what's even better than watching Republicans fight with each other?

Ken Ham is of course the anti-science idiot that founded the Creation Museum in Kentucky.

Yep you read that right, he is a man who founded a museum who wants to protect children from learning about actual science, and deems those who express support for teaching their children the truth "enemies."

Do you know who I would deem an "enemy?" Anybody who would subject their children to the lies and misinformation contained within the wall of this so-called "museum."

Those are the real enemies.  Enemies of progress, enemies of truth, and essentially enemies to their own children, and their children's ability to learn based on facts unhindered by superstitious fears.

P.S. If you missed Robertson's amazing admission that the earth could not possibly be only 6,000 years old, just click here.


  1. Young people with open minds might find their way out of that mess, but they probably won’t climb as high as their potential would indicate since they won’t have parental support. And there’s an even chance they’ll be dragging a reluctant, less thoughtful spouse along behind them. It’s very hard. Even Pat Robertson can acknowledge that (will wonders never cease).

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I just can’t help but believe willful ignorance must be a sin.

  3. Sounds like Pat Robertson peed on Ken Ham's loafers with his "New & Improved Creation Story for Intelligent Kids", when he basically debunked the the literal 6-Day creation story in Genesis by saying it was "Uninspired by God".

    Ham's livelihood and cash flow of his book and museum business depend on retention of the Young-Earth Creationist ideology, so you can be damn sure that Ham and all of the other hard-core "fundie biz" folks will defend their financial turf.

    Like everything else with the RW nutters, it's always ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. Nothing new here except a little public dust-up and bad-mouthing within the Party of Family Values. "Everything is fine here folks, nothing's changed. Everybody go shopping and BUY something."

    I admit that I enjoy hearing one fundie say to the other fundie, "No, I'm not lying, that other preacher fella is!" Just remember the conviction of the same crowd leading up to November 6th that "All Those Polls Are SKEWED and Romney Will Win In A Landslide!"

    Reckon the Creation Museum accepts Goldline Collector Gold Coins as well as our fiat U.S. Currency? I'm guessing, probably not.

  4. O/T but Baldy related...

    Goodness...check out this picture of Baldy and her BASE! Look at how those old goats are looking at the bald fella and why is she cooking a hot dog in a trash can? WTF??

    Also, too...look how frail Baldy looks holding that big ass stick...she can barely hold it up! LOL!!!


    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      how OLD is that picture? is that Bristol in the purple jacket? rofl

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      I never seen a bucket of smores before. Is that instructions on how to make them on the front.

  5. Greta VanManFace is reporting that "IT" will be on her show tonight....

    Fiscal cliff crisis: Sen. Jeff Sessions makes a plea to Pres. Obama to bring negotiations out into the open
    Plus, former Gov. Sarah Palin weighs in on the fiscal cliff crisis and criticism of Susan Rice"

    Gird your...EARS and EYES telling what she'll be babbling and looking like! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      ManFace no rhymie with Susteren. It's one dimensional; soz Gina...more a miss than a hit.

    2. STFU and go get another drink you pathetic alike! You're drunk commenting...AGAIN! LOL!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.