Saturday, November 03, 2012

Does the fact that Paul Ryan is channeling Sarah Palin, and "Going Rogue" on Mitt Romney, prove that the Romney/Ryan ticket is doomed? Sure looks like it!

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Wow! I had almost forgotten how pumped up the conservatives were about Palin's possible run in 2012.

Boy that really worked out for them didn't it?


  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    A run in 2012: I laughed reading your comment. Last summer during the Palin magical family vacation or educashion America tour conservatives clung to irrational hope saint Sarah would run.

    Meanwhile the Wasilla Billies were pitching reality shows amd getting plastic surgery procedures spending PAC funds on me me me.

    Palin is dead meat for playing her own people. They wanted no part of her. She is a scammer and liability.

  2. Olivia2:02 PM

    I love it that conservatives think Nate Silver is evil. Of course he is. He relies on math and logic. Everyone knows there are theories involved here.
    He uses MATH to make his predictions? How can this be when GOD sends earthquakes and hurricanes to punish gay people who want to have abortions? Nate Silver surely must be getting his information from Satan because he is almost always correct. No mere mortal could use theoretical science or unreliable math to predict things that happen on earth. We must rebuke him!

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Your are talking about conservatives who have trouble doing addition and subtraction with their fingers and toes. How can they be expected to understand statistics and probability? MAJIC!

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Republicans abhor reality. And that's a pretty scare thing to think about. it means that they choose not to address any real problems in the country or in the world and live in the silver clouds of never-never land where the rich become endlessly richer.

    3. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Kill the messenger, pure and simple.

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    'Nuff said.

  4. Anonymous3:08 PM

    President Obama is now better than a 4-in-5 favorite to win the Electoral College, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecast. His chances of winning it increased to 83.7 percent on Friday, his highest figure since the Denver debate and improved from 80.8 percent on Thursday.

  5. Anonymous3:11 PM

    These days not everyone watches television, so the Romney television ads go to a limited group. Fortunately, Obama's campaign has talented people using social media!

  6. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Ahem. I'm going to call it right now: PAUL RYAN IS PRETTY MUCH DONE IN POLITICS.

    Sure, he'll have his house seat and people will bandy him about for 2016, but I think that he has proved himself to be such a terrible campaigner, an awful debater and a ginormous liar with radical rightwing ideas that he is pretty much OVER nationally. Only idiots could possibly see him as a potentially successful presidential candidate -- Oh...mmm...idiots...well, then, never mind. He should just about fit that bill!

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Let's hope he loses his House seat. I'd like to see him having to wash dishes for a living.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Will he have his house seat? I haven't seen the latest polls, but his opponent is running a vigorous campaign.

      Elizabeth 44

    3. Anonymous7:20 AM

      I wouldn't go that far.

      He's part of a group that consists of:

      Herman Cain
      Allen West
      Michelle Bachmann
      Karl Rove
      Perry from TX

      These are

  7. Sarah was on Hannity's radio show Friday and said that she was positive McCain/Palin was going to win the election up until the minute that it was called for Obama. She went on to say that the McCain people had been predicting it for 2 weeks, but her, her family, friends and all of her supporters refused to believe it.
    Then, as we all know now, she stomped her feet, wanted to make a speech and Steve Schmidt had to hold her back.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      >>She went on to say that the McCain people had been predicting it for 2 weeks, but her, her family, friends and all of her supporters refused to believe it.<<

      Because when the captain tells you the ship is sinking, why believe him?

    2. Olivia4:14 PM

      "Because when the captain tells you the ship is sinking, why believe him?"

      Wow, that says everything there is to know about conservative, and in particular, tea party, philosophy in a nutshell!

    3. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Of course she thought Obama was going to lose! Racists always think everyone else is a racist.

      In 2008 my dad kept telling me that Obama was going to lose; his theory was that too many people were racist and that they were lying in polls to not seem like racists.

    4. If you go back and look at the footage of her on election night, you can see that for once in her life, that traitorous piece of trash is telling the truth. She had such a stunned frozen smile of shocked disbelief on her face.

      The narcissist believed her own hype. She saw the worshiping crowds, and never got it through her empty noggin that not everyone felt that way about her (I do believe that in her mind, McCain was a negligible piece of the election--it was all about her).

      She got slapped onto the ticket at the last minute, and never had to do the hard work of putting together a campaign, making it through the primaries, etc. She didn't have to do a damn thing except go shopping and strut and twirl and wink and wiggle.

      Just the way life should be! And then to find out that millions of people said "No, we want the other guy"? She really was truly shocked.

      I also remember her prattling on about how "if we are so blessed to be chosen, blah blah blah..." and thinking she was going through the motions of sounding humble. She never for a moment doubted that she would win.

    5. Anonymous7:23 AM


      *Actually*, that was a very real thing.


      The Bradley effect, less commonly called the Wilder effect,[1][2] is a theory proposed to explain observed discrepancies between voter opinion polls and election outcomes in some United States government elections where a white candidate and a non-white candidate run against each other.[3][4][5]

      The theory proposes that some voters will tell pollsters they are undecided or likely to vote for a black candidate, while on election day they vote for the white candidate.

      It was named after Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, an African-American who lost the 1982 California governor's race despite being ahead in voter polls going into the elections.[6]


  8. Anonymous3:47 PM

    All of the Media(except Fox) have agreed that SARAH PALIN lost the election for McCain. Sarah is POISON and the RNC is avoiding her like the PLAGUE.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Well, that's because they're dumb. Obama was ALWAYS going to win..she probably cost him IN and NC, or the states that he's NOT going to win this year. But he was WAAAAAAY ahead of McCain for most of 2008. Picking Palin narrowed the race, for a minute.

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      I just read this on Breitbart; it got 14 likes: "Let me give you something else to ponder in your naive simple mindedness. Obama a traitor who will be hung from a tree along with his bitch whore. His spawn will be given to some muslim potentate as a gift to abuse and finally discard as so much trash."

    3. Anonymous4:34 PM

      that type of comment is from a deranged mind. bothers me that folks that think like that actually know how to type.

    4. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Here's what I don't understand about rabid racists. When they see that most people aren't like them- doesn't that make them think they might be missing something? even a little?

    5. Anonymous4:14 PM
      I just read this on Breitbart;
      Anon I hope before you posted that disgusting and threatening comment here...You notified Secret Service or FBI internet?
      That sounds like a solid threat to me.
      Please do your civil duty and report it.

    6. Anonymous7:24 AM

      That is some disgusting shit.
      I feel sick.

    7. Anonymous7:25 AM

      I love how Rachael said palin was trying to "save her own skin".


  9. PollyinAK3:55 PM

    "Breaking out of Ohio this time. Secretary of State Jon Husted has admitted that 100,000 voter registrations have been rejected or purged because they were too Democratic or not white enough. The fix is on in Ohio."

  10. PollyinAK3:56 PM

    The Repugs are domestic terrorists and Governor Scott isn't doing anything about this! ugh.

  11. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Off Topic.

    Michele Bachmann losing her shit (and Marcus is clutching his purse) because Bill Clinton is coming to HER District! ZOMG!!

    "Michele Bachmann is panicking over Bill Clinton's imminent arrival

    This afternoon, Michele Bachmann sent an all-caps SOS to conservatives: SAVE ME FROM BILL CLINTON!

    Here's what the email said:

    Fellow Conservative -- NO TIME TO EXPLAIN.


    I need your support right away!!"

    The word is that Batshit Bachmann may be sent home by the voters! Donate to her opponent Jim Graves!

    Bachmann is using her army of hom skoolerz again. More twisted chit from the rebiblicans.

    1. Anonymous4:16 AM

      I would love to see Bachmann defeated. Ever since she urged teabaggers to get armed and rebel, I've thought that she was truly insane.

  12. linda5:27 PM

    OT a bit, but i went to see Obama at rally in Mentor, OH today. very energizing. doors opened at 9 am. we got there at 10 and stood in line (in clouds, drizzle, 45 degrees)for an hour. when we got in, the high school gym was full (capacity = 4000) so we went into the cafeteria with what looked to be 500 or 600 (or more) people. many were turned away when capacity was exceeded in both rooms. before the prez addressed the people in the gym, he came in and said a few words to those of us in the cafeteria. everyone was really fired up! i came away feeling optimistic and i needed that. living in ohio is hair-raising every 4 years!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:56 PM

      Wow that's great! Good to hear it from someone who was there. He's a fantastic speaker, I watched him in Virginia (on television) tonight and he blew me away. Bill Clinton was there and warmed up the crowd.
      It's in the Obama Diary blog.

  13. For your Saturday night entertainment, go to UTube, search "NEW LEFT MEDIA", they have a video called "Sarah Palin's Booksigning". Go Pee before watching. It is pure COMEDY GOLD. There is an Alaska reference. It's from 2009 but still funny today, particularly since it was filmed in the battleground state of Ohio. Thank me later

    1. Boscoe6:27 PM


      It is hilarious... in a nauseating way. Hilarious in that all you have to do to stump a Palin fan is ask them for even the most superficial specifics on ANY issue.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:05 PM

      SNORT The Mensa guy in the Steeler's jacket had me rolling! "The state she was governor of was right across the street from Russia".

      Thanks for the laughs!

  14. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

    I've smelt the desperation since the time Romney had to correct the crowd who were clearly shouting "Ryan! Ryan!Ryan!", and he cut in and said "No No No, it's Romney- Ryan, Romney- Ryan...." The reaction from that crowd wasn't "enthused", and if I recall correctly, some "Boo!'s" could be heard.

    Pennsylvania, especially in the densely populated areas, is pro Obama. I don't think one visit will change the momentum.

  15. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Hell no , one visit to a farm in Bucks County PA to grovel to 2000 souls is gonna make a difference in my state. Obama 2012-2016 !!

  16. Loved the info as to stumping in Pennsylvania & then next day they lose Pennsylvania. We cannot forget how much Joe Biden is loved in Scranton !! A man with a consistent record who has worked for the middle class & he's my favorite of them all !!

  17. Loved the part of how they stump in Pennsylvania & next day then lose Pennsylvania. Of course we cannot forget Scranton's Joe Biden who has a consistent record of working for the middle class as he commutes into Washington. He's my personal favorite of them all !! Did vote for Obama/ Biden early & absentee.


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