Saturday, November 03, 2012

Bristol Palin emerges victorious against defamation lawsuit filed against her by bar heckler.

Courtesy of TMZ:  

A judge has tossed out a defamation lawsuit filed by the man who famously heckled Bristol Palin on her reality show … and even ordered him to pay her attorneys fees … TMZ has learned. 

As TMZ previously reported, Stephen Hanks filed a lawsuit against Palin and A&E (parent company of Lifetime) following his encounter with Palin in a Hollywood bar that aired as part of her show, "Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp." 

Hanks went after Brisol and A&E on several levels. First, he claimed he never signed a waiver to appear on the show. Second, he claimed the show invaded his privacy by airing Bristol's comments about Hanks being gay. And third, he claimed Bristol damaged his reputation when she later gave an interview saying that Hanks' hurtful comments are what caused her leave Los Angeles and move back to Alaska. 

But a judge ruled in favor of Bristol and A&E on every count -- saying the show was protected by the First Amendment and that Hanks did not have his privacy violated because no unknown facts about him were disclosed (A&E had argued that Hanks is out as a gay man on his social media accounts). 

The judge also ruled that Hanks has to cover Palin's attorney's fees. 

You know I am sort of conflicted on this.

On the one hand what the guy said, which was so over the top that I have long thought it was scripted for him by the producers, was disgusting, and he should have known how it would look when recorded by the cameras that he certainly could not help but see all around him. (I mean after all the guy IS a talent scout!)

On the other hand, if indeed he did not sign a release, they had NO right to show his face and use the confrontation as a marketing tool to advertise that crappy reality show of hers.

Something about this whole things still smells really fishy to me. What do all of you think?

P.S. If you are one of the very few who did NOT see this confrontation at the Saddle Ranch just click here.


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Ugh. Sorry can't go back there. I've had enough Palin nausea for one day.

    1. Me either. The hour I watched of one show in prime time is one hour I'll never have again, and I wasted it on Beefy's shitty show. Once.

      Never again. And yes, never sometimes really means NEVER, no fucking way again. Period.

    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      G- I've always loved what he said to her, she thought she was being all "sexygirl" on that stupid bull and he called her on it. Yeah, he was sitting there knocking them back, but when she came up to him, he just said what anyone of us would of said to her fucking fat assed face! Your moms a whore! Your mom LIES about OBAMA.
      And everyone says that bar is gay so it would be assumed that everyone is gay there but then why was barstool there wearing her cross?
      I think the production team knew it was a gay bar and sent her in there with her stupid cross b/c they knew someone would heckle her.
      What he said tho was not scripted.
      I think he should of won. She said to him "Your a homosexual"? And she should of said none of your fucking business you fat assed bitch!
      I think he should appeal it. Lifetime violated
      Joe McGinnis privacy several times, I think
      he could point that out.
      They have a history of invading peoples privacy in the "name of shooting a
      trashy ass show".
      I never thought it was scripted.

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Levi Johnston Turns Down Dancing With The Stars

    Bristol Palin’s baby daddy has been asked to follow in the footsteps of his ex-girlfriend and join the highly-rated talent competition, says Levi’s new wife, Sunny Johnston.

    She also says he turned down an offer to join Stars Earn Stripes, the show that Jack Osbourne couldn’t get booked on.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      LMAO! For real! Wait till Baldy and Beefy find this out! Forget about the fridge...the stove and the dishwasher better get they're asses into the witness protection program...STAT!

      I N C O M I N G!


    2. Sally in MI4:11 PM

      So let me get this straight. Levi turned down the pitiful "Stars" and they got Toad instead? HAHAHHAHAA.

    3. Anonymous4:57 PM

      This is rilly funny! Wanted Levi and got the Toad!

    4. But it's the Palins, not the Johnstons, that are trying to live the quiet life out of the limelight, right ;) lol

    5. Anita Winecooler8:16 PM

      How telling! I guess "Mr Hollywood" knows that "no means no", and Bristol obviously doesn't.
      I'm SURE if Donald Trump asks her to go on "the apprentice", she'll drop everything and move to Hollywood at the drop of a polyester toupee'.

      She's destined to be a Hollywood Star, not!!!

    6. Anita Winecooler8:27 PM

      Reminds me of an old joke-

      Q:Why did a surgically enhanced struggling single mother wearing an "empowered by Christ" shirt cross the road?

      A: To enter a gay bar and ride a mechanical bull with her posse and three camera men to capture the ensuing madness.

    7. WakeUpAmerica8:50 PM

      Oh that was good, Anita.

  3. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I say Stephen Hanks didn't get a fair deal if they didn't have his signed release.

    This is a little off but I was wondering where I saw Jacob Bender, Ryan Bender and other cousins. I know they at times served the Palins, photography, protectors, shipping company.
    Has anyone noticed if a Bender or other Palin cousins are with the bar scene entourage?
    Photo: Cousins and Mark Ballas. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Kandice Kasten Palma, Mark Ballas, Bristol Palin, Jacob Kasten, Ryan Kasten,+2011+via+BlackBerry+Smartphones.jpg
    Curious as to how expenses and a few other things are covered. It can't be easy for a struggling single mother to pay for all the extras.

    1. Anonymous8:56 PM

      That picture was at Mark's concert in Anchorage i n2010. b's cousins were just with her enjoying the night.

    2. Anonymous10:32 PM

      Kandice Kasten, aka Candace Kaster, was traveling with Bristol frequently "enjoying the night and day. She had a young daughther she would need to support. How is it that struggling young single mothers can afford so much fun?

      NEW YORK - MAY 05: Farrah Abraham, Maci Bookout, Bristol Palin, Brainda Diaz, Candace Kaster and Dr. Drew. "The Harsh Truth: Teen Moms Tell All"[98505094]&ep=1/60/1&s=3

      Candies controversy about payment to Bristol was never satisfactorily answered. Kandice Kasten, aka Candace Kaster, was said to have it tough, how could she afford to go on these trips without pay?

      The Candies Foundation tries to explain WHY it was worth paying Bristol Palin $262,500 to tell teens to stop doing what she herself CANNOT seem to stop doing.

  4. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I always thought it was odd that TMZ's camera's were rolling during his heckling and TMZ posted it on their website then posted a personal interview with the heckler the following day. By the time the incident was aired on the reality show, the video had gone viral and was old news. Regardless of one's opinion of any Palin, this guy wasted the CA courts time and money.

  5. YIKES...that PROFILE! She looks like a witch!

    Personally I've always thought the lawsuit was more about publicizing that god awful "Life's a Travesty" and that if the show was a success than the lawsuit might have gotten some where...but since the show turned out to be worthless...well so is the lawsuit!

    Oh Gee...I just looked at "FeedJit" and I see "Charlestown, Rhode Island"...

    *Theme music from Jaws begans to play*


    1. That profile really puts into perspective just how much weight she's re-gained. In the recent McDonald's pictures she's starting to get her double chin back.

    2. Those weren't "recent McDonald's pictures". They were taken in fall 2010 when Bristol was packing on the pounds trying to hide her DWTS pregnancy.

    3. WakeUpAmerica8:52 PM

      ROFLMAO (after your avatar made me throw up)

    4. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Bristol and Ivy were working out, eating salads at Mcds.

    5. Anonymous10:58 PM

      Anonymous8:56 PM

      I take it you didn't see the photos. Also don't forget the cheesecake.

    6. Anonymous1:24 AM

      Oh, the healthy Bristol and who ever the hell Ivy is were eating greasy, limp salads at McDonalds! Isn't that special.

    7. ...and carrying the Big Macs and french fries in bags so the paparazzi cameras didn't catch them stuffing their faces.

      Bristol was stupid enough to go to the Cheesecake Factory, too.

      No one eats just salads at either place.

    8. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Anonymous8:56 PM "Palin's longtime gopher, Ivy Frye"
      "...contends that Bailey and Frye were in constant contact with Palin via cell phone throughout the convention. "That's when I knew that Sarah wasn't looking out for what was best for Alaska"

      Ivy Frye is the inner cult. She was paling with the Palin/Heath Crime Family long before she was central to the Valley farmers that helped Bristol Palin get all the votes she didn't deserve on DWTS.

      It may be true that at one time B and Ivy had a salad. It is also true that on numerous occassions Bristol was photographed and observed stuffing her face with junk food. Before B got into the speed freak weight loss look she ate as she was raised, they call it "comfort food." Most of it you can order at any fast food place, it is food packed with salt, fat, additives and sugar. It is another addiction.

      Her (Ivy frye) frequent interactions with Ms. Palin’s children have prompted some lawmakers to refer to her as “the babysitter”

      Ivy Frye, dedicated State of Alaska staff baby sitter

      Bristol gains weight

      Not enough spandex to hide bulging and the stains from spills

      'I think most people lose weight on the show because they are too stressed out to eat, but I haven't had that problem.' Bristol Palin. In fact she was regularly spotted eating fast food and sweet treats during breaks from rehearsals and filming.

      Bristol takes Bender/Kasten cousins and April Morlock to pig out on Nachos binge

      Ivy Frye, another staff member, as having failed to appear in response to subpoenas.

      “Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”

      Sarah Palin's Secret Emails—By David Corn

      Ivy Frye



  6. Way to make friends and influence people, Mini-Sarah. Now, I’m sure, you’ll be emboldened, as will Willow. Look up Anita Bryant; the gays won’t give you a pass for your youth if you keep this nonsense going.

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      You do realize Willow has gay friends.

    2. Anonymous10:33 PM

      Is that why Tri-pp calls Willow FAGGOT?

    3. Anonymous1:23 AM

      She can't be homophobic...her (can't be) homophobic sister has gay friends!!!!!

      You do realize how stupid you sound, anon 8:55, don't you?

    4. Anonymous3:38 AM

      Maybe Willow is a gay friend....

    5. 1:23 -- Why, some of her best friends are Black! ;-)

    6. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Oh for fucks sake Krusty is baaaack!
      Hey Krusty? How was your stay at the funny farm?

      Not very productive b/c your back her!
      I guess Barstool being kicked off DWTS put you over the bend? Bwhaahahahahahahaha!

  7. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Who cares? Bristol is a the has-been that never was. She is a media bore.

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      None of these Alaskans are "anybodies." They all value their private lives more than public. They all need to go home. Bristol's counting down the days before she can go home for good and finally see the new baby her cuz had.

    2. Anonymous11:01 PM

      Why does Bristol feel stuck 8:55 PM? That car that someone could sell for her? Can't she see the other baby?

    3. Anonymous1:22 AM

      Bristol is welcomed to go home anytime she'd like. Four years ago would have been perfect.

      Or maybe big, bad Hollywood is keeping her against her will.

      Two reality teevee shows, numerous tabloid interviews, and an "auto"biography go against your contention that Bristol wants to be private.

  8. Anonymous4:40 PM

    O/T, but related...wish there would be justice for this guy:

    Wasn't there direct evidence Bristol committed perjury?

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Her testimony was evidence. Where is the transcript? She claimed to be so remote and left alone that she had no communication to her parents or anyone. A pregnant teen left alone in the wilderness.

    2. ...with the Secret Service agents parked in their driveway with full electronic monitoring and access to the VP candidate.

      This was during the height of the 2008 Presidential (and VP) campaign, and Secret Service protection was provided to the Palin family as well as Sarah Palin herself.

    3. Anonymous6:22 AM

      '...with the Secret Service agents parked in their driveway with full electronic monitoring and access to the VP candidate.'

      THAT IS WHAT MAKES HER PERJURY SO EGREGIOUS. It is beyond belief that she gets by with lies so obvious and well documented.

  9. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Teh thing about court cases is you can be on a winning streak, and then, all of a sudden, the Teflon Don is down for life.

  10. You are spot on, Gryphen. This was scripted to the max.

    Anyone who thinks Bristol just HAPPENED to wander into a GAY BAR in the MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON and magically run into this guy who provided the ONLY moment on her TV show which garnered any publicity- I won't even finish that thought because there can't possibly be anyone who believes that.

    The very idea that producers thought they could dress up their abstinence queen in an I heart Jesus hoodie and send her into the big, baaaad gay bar scene, it's asinine.

    Hanks was paid to heckle, then paid to sue in order to drum up publicity when Bristol's unreality show bombed. Guarantee he doesn't have to worry about covering Bristol's lawyer fees because Lifetime will be covering hers just like they are covering his.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      For the LAST. TIME.

      It is *NOT* a GAY bar! (G- I sent you pics; they have "Saloon Girls" hanging out the windows)

      Which makes Bdull's comment even *more* suspicious-

      She probably met him before hand and this was her "impromptu" response,

      Or she thought she was hurling "b/c you are a homosexual" as an insult...and the recipient just *happened* to be gay.

      So. Scripted.

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      I was always appalled by this; by Bristol, a young woman from Alaska, having the venom she displayed in this scripted scene...and that the C4Pers and the rest of her mother's sycophants praised her for 'honesty' and 'courage'.

      So many things wrong, it is hard to know where to start...

    3. Anonymous8:02 PM


    4. Anonymous8:53 PM

      It was NOT scripted. Bristol's subsequent public and private facebooking was sincere and emotional.

    5. Anonymous10:52 PM

      8:53 PM Scripted can include adlibs.

      No one thinks that Bristol does the public facebook, it reeks of Nancy French regardless of what you may say. French comes off as a fake Christian. Bristol may share some of her fantasies but she does not appear sincere. Granted that Mark tried to teach her to emote but she is still flat in public. Don't worry, they say Mitt Romney is more likable and human in person, also, too.

    6. Anonymous1:19 AM

      It was scripted, anon 8:53. There is nothing sincere about Bristol. If she exhibited emotions, it was because she was overcompensating for her lies. "Righteous" indignation after being caught being horrible is bread and butter for the Palin family. Bristol learned from the best...her mother.

    7. Hell, she doesn't even write her own "facebooking". So much for sincerity and emotion.

  11. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Maybe PIMP DADDY TOAD would have been more successful if he was on PIMPS EARN CASH.

  12. Anonymous5:29 PM

    It's interesting that in law suits involving young men with limited resources, the Palins prevail. Wow, what a record!

    I feel sorry for Hanks because it would have required a million dollar lawyer to go up against those people. They beat up (in the legal sense of the word) Levi, the poor kid who was supposed to be Sarah's stalker, and the kid in Tennessee who hacked Sarah's private email account (which she used to conduct government business).

    Unfortunately for Hanks, if they are filming somewhere, there is a kind of implied consent about appearing in whatever they are filming. If he didn't want to be included, he should have left at the very beginning instead of heckling Bristol. I don't like Bristol, and I don't like her use of a gay slur. She is immature and a brat who is used to getting her way. And, he was up against A&E too, even though that network has stopped showing anything to do with Arts and/or Entertainment.

    1. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Kandice IS a nurse. Just graduated. She's not the poor, beaten down soul that someone's trying to paint. She is also friends with Britta, also a nursing student. The extended family is always helping babysit everyone's kids. They're all close. Kandice often helps Diana as well. Kandice often watches her little sister since her child is close in age.

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I could have told you he'd lose.

    3. Anonymous10:30 PM

      8:52 PM Since you are in the inner circle, where is Willow's Baby? Where are Bristol's other Babies? How many Prostitutes worked for
      Todd Pimp Daddy Palin? Who is Trig's Father and Mother? ....CRICKETS?

    4. Anonymous10:39 PM

      8:52 PM

      Kandice must have been making bank at her nursing job. She did live high on the hog. When did she go to nursing school? How old is her oldest daughter? The same age as Diana's? Kandice has a sister the same age as her new baby? That is unusual, her mother must be very youthful like Sarah, who had Trig at 45 or so.

    5. Anonymous1:17 AM

      Sarah didn't give birth to Trig, anon 10:39.

      And even if she did (which she didn't), how would that make her "youthful?"

    6. Anonymous7:19 AM

      8:52 PM

      Kandice is amazing. Her face was constantly with Bristol as she traveled the country at top end events, posing with celebrities. How on earth does she have time to also spend with her daughter, earn money and go to school?

      Where do these Valley girls get these diplomas? Lies have been told about Bristol hard working in Anchorage for years. The whole Palin/Heath family appears to be familiar with manufacturing school records myths.

      How can anyone believe that the stories about Bristol's staff/relatives/friends are true?

      It was said Britta graduated her nursing school and she was working at one time. Now alleged Kandice is doing the same?

      Do those Wasilla girls ever actually have proof they work like other struggling mothers?

      Do they have marriage licenses?

      Children with birth certification?

      Palinbots are rogues who do not respect marriage licenses. They have such questionable births that their children have no documentation.

      Unfortunately, Kandice has the link to Dillingham Alaska, a community that would want to hide birth records if half of it's reputation is true.

  13. Anonymous5:55 PM

    An unshaken Bristol boldly asked: 'Why's that? Is it because you're a homosexual?'

    1. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Fair question. She doesn't live in a box. She knows certain people irrationally dislike her mom. Doesn't make her hateful. I mean, Hanks made some rude generalizations and showed a lack of class. Not that you can recognize that. In your mind, as long as people vote democrat, they can do and say anything regardless of truth. Sad life.

    2. Anonymous10:25 PM

      8:49 PM TROLL.

    3. Anonymous1:14 AM

      You are as bigoted as Bristol Palin, anon 8:49.

      Why ask about a person's sexuality? We know that "faggot" is thrown around the Palin household(s) like it's the word of the day every day. (Which is why we know it was scripted. In the heat of a real moment, Bristol wouldn't use the word "homosexual.").

  14. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Bristol is living a second hand life of cartoonish character from her mother's fantasy world.

    That's a Mitt rich: Romney's 16-year-old granddaughter proves she's not in the 47 per cent as she poses in designer dress on lavish 'Rich Kids of Instagram' blog

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      preparing for the hurricane

      Tagg Romney’s Team of Crony Capitalists, Drug Traffickers, Ponzi Schemers & a Voting Machine Manufacturer

    2. Anita Winecooler8:36 PM

      Wow, the fugly runs deep in that family!

      What a repulsive site. While people are starving and lost everything they have, these brats are preparing for the storm by stocking up on room service?

      Grandpa must be really proud of his 16 year old debutante!

      The Palin gals are bowling alley material compared to these 1 percenters.

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Now we know why SarahPac finally parted with a measly 5 grand for Mitt. She wants to be liked by Mitt's ilk as she hopes her Valley Trash Family can be on Rich Kids of Instagram.

  15. Anonymous6:58 PM

    When Sarah, Todd and Bristol (hell, even Piper) go around apologizing for all the nasty things they've said or wrote about other people (aka haters) in the last 10 years - I'm not interested in feeling conflicted about Hank's behavior against ugly people like the Palins.

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      hahahaha Bristol was the one who didn't stoop to Hanks level, only asking him calm, mature questions, yet YOU call her the hateful one. Bristol's never shown hate. She's shown disagreement and has defended people against hate and lies. But she's doesn't hate. Now, she was peers who lie and hate against her out of jealousy etc.

      Why don't YOU apologize for the nasty you spread here and elsewhere. All the slander you spread. Why doesn't Gryphen? He alone is responsible for many lies.

    2. Anonymous10:24 PM

      8:47 PM You Palins show your LACK OF SCHOOLING each time that you attempt to write a posting.
      You should not have dropped out of High School, unless the subjects were too difficult for you. Making Babies is not a Talent, for you Palins it was a Mistake.

    3. Anonymous10:44 PM

      Just because someone is passive aggressive that doesn't mean they are not coming from hate.

    4. Anonymous1:11 AM

      "Are you a homosexual?" is not a "mature" question. It's actually a very immature question. It was also scripted and (poorly) acted.

  16. Anonymous7:09 PM

    How to destroy the GOP. Crappy Robocalls.

  17. Sane and rational people would be embarrassed to be involved in a 'case' like this. As we've come to know tho, the Palins have no shame. This to them is a victory. They will high-five and shout woot and never once consider that their low life aspirations and tacky efforts to 'make a living' took their family to this level. While trying to stage their lives as reality shows they may have added a few bucks to their bank accounts but really just deducted even more value from their already seedy and low class reputations.

    Like some, I don't pity them. They are all old enough to know better but choose not to. I pity the Tri-ggys and Trippys and the Kylas to come. What an awful legacy they are forming for their new generation.

    A few have called them 'D' list but I believe they are more on a level with Octomom with her callous decision to seek fame and fortune on the backs of innocent childen. Unfortunately our alphabet only has 26 letters. Not enough to honestly grade them.

  18. Anita Winecooler8:08 PM

    Yeah, who didn't see that one coming? I guess Kyle has settled out of court or got paid off by skeletor, I felt he had the best chance at winning.
    Oh well, Bristol's first reality show was aborted, then her second show tanked, she lost DWTS twice, is unemployed, emotionally stilted and stewing in her own juices, so life is good.

    OT - Romney's team "'stills' it's spine" while arranging the deck chairs on USS Titanic

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      I love how you're fictionalizing a stranger's life.

    2. Anonymous10:20 PM

      8:43 PM TROLL.

    3. Anonymous10:58 PM

      SarahPac is running 200 Grand in the red so I doubt she is paying anyone off.

    4. Anonymous7:29 AM

      10:58 PM

      No one would ever vote for a failure like that. Isn't it time she ends the ruse?

      She can pay fools off by forgiving debts, as they do with Levi. She has ways other than cash out of SarahPac.

      What happened with the $8 or so grand that RAM manipulated? The checks she didn't cash during the previous quarter? So many questions about that Pac.

  19. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Wasn't that entire episode made up for paprazzi and controversy? Bristol's still a twat that will never be anything but infamous, just a single mom that can't dance and can't find a man that will marry her....

    1. Anonymous10:42 PM

      That episode was set up. Kyle called it from the start.

  20. Anonymous10:18 PM


  21. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Sort of OT but I just went to "Bristol's" blog. Before she left DWTS the comments to her posts had high numbers, most from people who were NOT fans of hers. ALL posts since her demise from Hollywood, except for ONE political-tinged post only have an avg. of 10 comments per post. Boy oh boy, she sure has lots of fans following her huh? ah hahahahaha!

    1. Anonymous6:42 AM

      I don't know if she has any fans or not. She does have a large family and her mother's hanger ons. She should have multitudes of blog followers. Why are they slacking? Poor Bristol.

  22. Anonymous4:09 AM

    I care less and less about the Palins. My concern now is that President Obama and Democrats around the country win big on Tuesday.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Our electoral system is a mess. The Pacs are atrocious. Palin is representative of how cons suck the life from decent Americans. That is the only reason that any Palin matters. The people need the truth and an insider view of how our electoral process is a wreck.

  23. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Bristol's performing career is over. I doubt Palin's contract with Fox will be renewed since the former VP candidate has been unwanted in this election.

    The Palin's profited from Sarah's luck thrust in the spotlight. Their run is almost over. Palin has been a toxic polarizing inflammatory figure. I am glad she has been put out by her party and shown up looking unprofessional when she made a few appearances

    I say good riddence to them..

    Todd and Sarah will repackage their goods playing victim until they die.

  24. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I watched the video and this is what I viewed..
    The man(probably gay but who gives a rats ass) was drunk spewing away things about her mother...
    Bristol was a bitch and decided to confront him on his allegations after sexually riding a fake cow bull.

    I don't blame the judge for throwing this bullshit out of court. I wonder how much this cost the tax payers.


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