Wednesday, November 28, 2012

GQ Magazine names Mitt Romney the LEAST influential person of 2012.

Courtesy of GQ:

Was anyone inspired by Mitt Romney? Did anyone vote enthusiastically for Mitt Romney? Of course not. Voting for Romney is like hooking up with the last single person at the bar at 4 a.m. The only successful thing he did this year was embody every black stand-up comedian's impression of a white person. Thank God the election's over. No more endless photos of Mitt staring winsomely off-camera with that attempted smile on his face. No more glaring campaign mishaps week after week after week. No more labored media efforts to make him look like anything other than Sheldon Adelson's pampered money Dumpster. Good-bye, Mitt. I hope you enjoy the rest of your life quietly ensconced at Lake Winnipesaukee, blissfully ignorant of the plight of anyone who doesn't have $300 million squirreled away in the Bahamas. 

Seriously does it get ANY better than this?

And here I thought I was just about finished laughing at Mitt the Twit.

Go ahead and click the link to see the rest of the "25 Least Influential People of 2012." (I have to say I am not in agreement with all of their choices, ESPECIALLY number seven.)

Oh, and exactly how comprehensive of a list can it be if it does not even have Sara hpalin on it?

Unless of course, could it be that she is SO lacking in influence that she couldn't even MAKE it onto this list?

Oh, now THAT is a delicious thought!


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Pampered money dumpster? Oh my GOD. Ouch.

    I wonder how many people will pick up on the fact that that sentence is modeled after the term 'cum dumpster' for sluts who have no standards and will let whomever, however many and however often fuck him/her.

  2. SALLY in MI7:57 AM

    You can bet there won't be a Palin at the 100 Most Influential Banquet/Photo Op this year. Maybe she and Brissy and the Chuckles twins can rent a space out front and give away their .99 books. Oh, and Sarah can give a fitness demo as a preview of the new 'not written by, thought of, or touched by anyone named Palin' Palin Family health and fitness manual. Hey Sarah, how's the running going? Run any sweat-free marathons lately?

  3. Baldy has no influence...they didn't even show her last night on DWTS after Beefy did her retarded dancing tramp moves! They showed some chick standing up in a green dress clapping for Beefy like she won an award...must be someone on the BaldyPac "postage" payroll! LOL!!

  4. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Michelle should NOT be on the list at all. So that's a fail, but otherwise...Mitt FINALLY won something! LOL! What a lame loser is he.

    But good to his word, our gracious and classy president will lunch with the Mitt on Thursday at the White House. And thank the heavens that will be the ONE and only chance that the Mittster will have to be inside those walls, and hopefully never again. Love our president's maturity and open heart. He's such a fine, fine man.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:57 PM

      I agree re: Michele Obama. As First Lady projects go, who can remember what any First Lady's project was except for Lady Bird Johnson and MrRaygun's "just say no"? And has there ever been one more exemplary and inspiring as First Lady Michelle Obama?

  5. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Seriously does it get ANY better than this?

    Hell yes!!! Sarah not showing up on Fox is far better than this.

    Sarah's 1MM per year Fox gig may be as dead as Mitt's career.

  6. Anonymous8:43 AM

    As we enjoy the foolhardiness and un-influential-ness of Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Tea Partiers, Fox News Channel, et al, we must stop and consider that without President Obama it would have been a much more difficult task. We are so fortunate to have him as our President for four more years.

  7. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I don't know about this, I mean he did influence several GOP people I know to vote for President RE-ELECT Obama.

  8. I don't know, Jesse, I thought he was incredibly influential in getting the vote out for Obama. And contributions? Don't they count?

  9. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Has Sarah not been on Fox since the election?

  10. Anonymous9:01 AM

    OT: Bristol Palin's Weight Loss

    "The 22-year-old put her legs on display in a short brown dress as she made her way home following the finale after-party at Boulevard 3 nightclub in Los Angeles, Calif."

    (That's Bristol problem! It started by her spreading her legs in her canvas tent!)

    "I'm definitely in better shape than I was last time, definitely. I'm just more active and I cut all the crap out of my diet! It's that simple," she told Us Weekly in September.

    (What? Chin implants, cosmetic surgeries and lipo had nothing to do with it?)

    "And my kid's a lot more rowdy, a lot more active. I'm running after him a lot! He's huge! He thinks he's a teenager already."

    (Tripp is not even in kindergarten yet and he is a lot more rowdy? Oh shit and I thought Sarah's kids were rowdy! Wasilla get ready its happening all over again!)

    "Sarah Palin's daughter also has a new rumored love interest: snowmobiler Joey Junker, 30, who is also from Alaska."

    (Not another love interest! Tripp can you say Trial Daddy Joey?)

    "She really likes him! She is a quiet person, so [she] hasn't been gushing about him."

    (That's Bristol's other problem! Bristol gushed with Levi in her canvas tent, gushed with Ben in her Anchorage condo, gushed with Levi again, gushed with Kyle in Los Angeles, gushed with Gino in Wasilla and now gushing with Joey in Wasilla. I hope she doesn't dry out? Do they make Gatorade for for this type of situation? Whore-Ade?)

  11. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Man is Bristol's chin getting bigger and did she borrow Sarah's Belmont girls?

  12. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I don't read that GQ shits! first they put 1st lady Michelle Obama on the list, that's disrespectful. second, I do not agree Mitt Romney is #1 least influential person. He got 47% voted for him. I hate Mittens but he is not the very least. GQ is stupid rag.

  13. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I don't know why President Obama would have lunch w/Mitt - makes no sense to me. I find Romney to be nothing more than a rich, boring, jerk!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

      Romney's one of "Those people" who can't take responsibility for his life and looks to government for a free lunch. President Obama is being far more generous than I could be, especially considering this man raised a son who dared publicly utter that he felt like punching the President.

  14. Sharon9:40 AM

    I love this number 1 very true. I also agree with Gryphen on Michelle, she is alot more than the Move and healthy eating project, so much more. Along with Jill they have targeted military families and education and she has welcomed so many youth groups making a difference its insane. I guess GQ doesn't keep up with all her activities at the WH, shame on them. I would have put John McCain as #2 as he is the biggest media whore out there right now. I agree with the current idea of pushing John Kerry so it opens up that Mass senate seat for Scott Brown again. It seems Obama will ask him for some kind of cabinet position so it will probably come to pass anyway. I doubt that Brown will have a chance after showing his true colors during the Warren here comes another senate seat for the dems.
    It was really funny to see Queen Ann in the audience of DWTS last night....all Bristol did was shake, she learned that move really well.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I thought that was queen Ann in the DWTS audience. IT was so quick I thought I was seeing things.

  15. Anonymous10:21 AM


    I went over to C4P to see when the last time the wicked witch was on Fox. Apparently she has not been on lately. But I did see Chuckiejr had some posts about not being able to sleep because of the new Healthcare law. He has a FB post on it (I haven't read it). I wonder why he is bringing this up now? Is he planning a run for office? Gawd, I really take these asshole Palin's anymore. All they do is bitch and make up shit, never do they have any solutions to the problems America has.

    I wonder if one of the doctors he is talking about is CBJ? Please CBJ come out and tell the truth and get rid of these useless people.

    Here is his post:
    chuckjr Today 04:18 AM
    Here's an excerpt from my Facebook post tonight that I thought I'd share with you guys."I hope my kids have the same opportunities I had when they grow up. I woke up at 4:30am today and couldn't go back to sleep because I was having vivid images flash through my mind of our economy collapsing in 2014. Obamacare has me very worried, and I'm not talking about what I've been reading and seeing in the news... I'm talking about things that I've personally heard from friends of mine that are currently practicing medicine. They see this program as unsustainable. They have worked for many years to build up their practices and it's all falling to pieces in front of them. One of my doctor friends who I went to college with and now practices here, told me that he is leaving the profession next year because of what's being required of him. He told me that the new hoops he has to jump through have already cut his patient load in half. He spends twice as much time on paperwork and half the time with his patients.We all know what's going to happen to our insurance premiums, and we've all heard from businessmen and women who will either cut their labor force or shut down trying to implement the new government requirements.Everyone in this country wants every citizen to have adequate health care. We just want to go about in the correct manner. We want everyone to try and pull their own weight, and we want input from the very people that provide this care to us. I am definitely not an authority on this subject but I've seen, heard, and read enough about it for it to keep me up at night. I still can't believe that Pelosi said that we'd pass this gigantic bill and then figure out what was in it later."Thanks,Chuck

  16. Anita Winecooler8:07 PM

    No one more deserving than Mitt! I love the graphic they picked- it's so "Mitt"!
    Mitt's the new Sarah. Two pustules on the butt of history.


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