Monday, November 12, 2012

It's almost enough to drive you to drink.

I have an idea. How about not being a party full of douchebags?

Just a thought.


  1. Sharon6:59 AM

    Just as Dubya will go down in history as the worst president, good ole boy Boehner is the worst speaker of the house. Rachel called it a year ago and he has proved her right on every issue. Matt Taibbi did a great article after he was elected...worth the read in Rolling Stone. The next few months are going to be very interesting with the debt ceiling and my guess Boehner is gonna need alot of liquor while he's crying along with Grover Norquist. I think Grover and Rove are going the way of the dodo.

  2. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Please don't tell the Republicans what they did wrong and how they can fix it. They insulted women and they can't understand why women didn't vote for them. Their candidate for president insulted 47% of the population, and they can't understand why those people didn't vote for them either. They made terrible remarks about minorities, and lost those votes. When it came time to look at the polls, they only looked at the polls that were favorable to them. They only listened to Fox, and were reassured by the continuing messages of hatred and lies. They don't think that they did anything thing needs fixing, and I don't think that we should help them.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      I´m with you.

      Let them continue to believe issues like self deportation and levels of rape do not scare the hell out of the majority of Americans.

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    With apologies to actual douche bags, which are blameless. Please.

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM


    "And Gov. Palin, I look forward to your endorsement of President Obama."

    Sarah Palin has said a lot of outrageous things about President Obama. She tapped into the racist lexicon to accuse him of a “shuck and jive” regarding Libya; she urged Mitt Romney to specifically use words like “incompetent, dangerous, socialist” to describe him; and she accused him of using Hurricane Sandy as photo op.

    But if Sarah Palin were paying attention to the needs and best interests of her home state of Alaska, it would not be outrageous for her to endorse President Obama for reelection. In fact, it would be entirely sensible and sane. Ironically, most red states that vote for Republican leaders fare better economically under Democrats. In fact, under President Obama, Alaska has fared even better than most.

    Alaska received more stimulus dollars per capita than any other state in the nation. For instance, as of August of 2010 (when the bulk of stimulus spending had been dispatched), Alaska had an unemployment rate of 7.9 percent (two points below the national average) but received $3,145 per person in federal stimulus dollars. But Florida, with an unemployment rate at 11.4 percent got just $914 in per capita stimulus spending. And, incidentally, Alaska is not a poor state — with oil revenues that make up 88 percent of the state’s general fund.....

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Except Sarah Palin doesn't really care about Alaska.

    2. PollyinAK9:18 AM

      But does she know "arithmetic"? The Red States should be happy that they lost!

      Blue state taxes are literally subsidizing red state schools and roads while red states complain about taxes and government.

      Thank you for posting this article, I've been passing it along.

  5. Anonymous7:55 AM

    It's their policies.
    Their PRO 1% POLICIES.
    Their EFF the 99% POLICIES.

  6. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Off topic but damning

    1. Anita Winecooler7:36 PM

      Cantor knew in October and didn't bring it up? Did Cantor want Obama to be re-elected, or did he stay quiet because Petrayus is a Republican?
      I'm surprised he kept it hush hush.

      It's getting crazier by the moment, the FBI is searching the biographer's house, who happens to live a few doors down from Rielle Hunter and John Edwards.

  7. I am pretty sure that most of the sub-literate comments I have seen whining about the "47% freeloaders taking my hard-earned dollars, blah blah blah" are coming from people who excitedly rush down to H&R Block for their tax refund.

    The cognitive dissonance in the 47 percenters who voted for Romney was a wonder to behold, and I don't think they are capable of learning anything.

    Which is fine. Keep on fighting "the invisible Obama" that no one else sees and the unemployed, lazy, gay, minority welfare stoner slackers who voted for him.

    That way, the Real Obama and the actual intelligent, educated, motivated, activist, straight, gay, and everything between, patriotic people of every race and religion (or no religion at all) who voted for him will win again and again and again.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      We have a Bingo!

      The white establishment, undone by hordes of various-colored people who demand stuff.

      Obama won the Latino vote, 71 to 27. He also won the Asian vote, 73 to 26. Those voters all look the same to the losers. That's why they're the losers.

  8. I think sea change could be applied here. We saw a sea of women, minorities and young voters sweeping away the old white guys.

    But, they will try to force their way back in as our overlords. Watch for proposals that affect voting.

  9. Anonymous9:51 AM

    That reminds me of an old joke between my husband and I when he used to have a Mormon boss who actually swore once:

    It's enough to make a Mormon swear!

  10. Anonymous9:56 AM

    o/t - look at Michelle's outfit, do you think she's using the super stealthy Palin trick of hiding a pregnancy?

  11. Super Fan In Atlanta10:11 AM

    And the plot thickens....

    General Petraeus' affair connected directly to Karl Rove's downward spiraling career. Even Rupert Murdock weighed in on it via Twitter. The Republican Party is doing some "white-washing" and "cleansing" from the top down.

    November 12, 2012 10:00 AM
    Petraeus, Rove, and Paula Broadwell: I Smell A Rat
    By karoli

    Complete with explanation of following "coincidental" timeline:

    We have these unrelated things. Let's put them in a timeline.

    June 11, 2012 - Broadwell pictured with Rove, who tweets about it in June.
    June-August, 2012 - FBI receives complaint about "harassing emails" sent by Broadwell to Jill Kelley
    October 26, 2012 - Fox News "Exclusive" claiming CIA requested and was refused reinforcements.
    October 26, 2012 - Broadwell pimps the Fox News version of events at a University of Denver symposium
    October 28, 2012 - Rove hammers and expands on it in an interview on Fox News
    Approximately October 28-31, 2012 - FBI confronts Petraeus and interviews him about emails, determines no breaches of national security have taken place.
    October 31, 2012 - Cantor Chief of Staff contacted by Rep. Dave Reichert about FBI 'whistleblower'. Cantor says he contacted the FBI immediately.
    November 6, 2012 - Barack Obama wins re-election
    November 6, 2012 - James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) informed of FBI investigation
    November 8, 2012 - Petraeus submits resignation
    November 9, 2012 - Resignation accepted


  12. Anonymous10:22 AM

    FYI re Jon Huntsman

    He was on Morning Joe today. What we may have thought that he would have been the better of the GOP choices -- personally, I don't think so now.

    One of the comments he referred to was his view on education - something that we hadn't heard him talk about as he didn't last long enough in the primaries.

    Huntsman has the same view as Romney. They have both stated -- today Huntsman and Romney at the Education Summit held in New York by MSNBC when he was interviewed by Brian Williams in front of an audience of teachers not that long ago. They both believe that education should be operated at the state level. Yes -- I said STATE.

    That would mean 50 different ciriculums setting more kids up for failure than there are now. Citizens of the US do move around -- for family, for jobs, for economic reasons. That would mean a kid in say a red state moving to a blue state -- would be totally lost as there would be no continuity. Add the fact all the difference in even the text books for each grade in each state. This is when kids fall through the cracks -- fail -- drop out, etc, etc, etc. It is a set up for failure.

    Considering his kids had the benefit of a choice due to $$$ of going to school wherever they wanted -- this too would be a major issue as the requirements of universities would not be met by a number of states. It's also sad to think of the condition of the schools in states like South Carolina now -- imagine if the education was taken over by Rethug Governors.

    I think of South Carolina in that I still recall in 2009 when the young girl wrote to President Obama asking for help to fix her school as the Governor (that one that went to South America for his affair) refused stimulus money. They could not learn because of the many trains passing so close and the school rattled - the school was falling apart.

    If the states run education -- this would be permanent failure.

    That was enough for me this morning to reveal that Huntsman too is a Rethug dick.

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      I agree. The GOP is doing what they always do...not funding education so that they can say public education is a failure so they can privatize.

      Also, I agree about Huntsman, he tries to come off as a moderate but I don't believe him. He gives me the creeps.

  13. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Amazing how it's RED states receive more than they pay in

  14. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I so detest the Republican party!!! Every time I watch one of their old, fat, white guys say something I usually want to barf!!

    Those old guys are gonna die off - John McCain, etc. and hopefully the young Republicans will be much better representatives. Non racists especially OR they will continue to lose races across the nation.

  15. Anita Winecooler7:53 PM

    I think a lot of Republicans have buyer's remorse, but none more than this "douchebag of the year" award winner:

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Hopes it opens doors in the "entertainment" business, does he? AND he's 30, with a 15-year-old son?

      Douche is RIGHT


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