Friday, November 02, 2012

Levi's wife is tired of Bristol Palin's lies. And really who can blame her?

Courtesy of Rumor Fix:

Now that Sunny Oglesby is officially Sunny Johnston — she is on the attack — and the target of her double barreled remarks is Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston’s first baby mama. 

“I’m tired of Bristol’s lies and put downs to make herself look better,” Sunny tells RumorFix exclusively. 

Sunny came to RumorFix to set the record straight about Levi’s finances, child support and his visitation with his three-year-old son, Tripp. 

The 20-year-old newlywed says despite media reports Levi does have a real job “he had for months and works as an electrician five to six days a week, eight hours a day now.” 

She says he has turned down TV offers, because he wants out of the media. He is making an honest living, but not making what he used to. “He does not owe even close to what Bristol says in child support,” Sunny tells us, “and the only reason it’s not paid yet is because he needs to figure out how much he owes now that he makes less than he use to. They are basing his income off the peak of how much he’s ever made in his life and that hasn’t even been close in years.” 

Mrs. Levi Johnston tells us that Levi is looking for a lawyer, but the best one around wants $15,000 just to get started, “which he can’t afford right now.” 

But she says her 22-year-old husband ‘asks for Tripp everyday.”

I know that many of you have complained bitterly that Levi has always seemed too passive and unwilling to stand up for himself, and there is certainly some truth to that. However  from all that I have heard about the new Mrs. Levi Johnston, she does not share those traits with her husband.

Sunny is a little spitfire and has been pushing Levi for quite some time now to stand up to the Palins and not let them push him around.

Sunny is both smarter and more capable than Bristol, so if Bristol has a brain in her head (Yeah I know) she will simply NOT pick a fight with somebody who will hand her ass back to her at the end of a pointy stick.

Personally I am thrilled that somebody besides just Mercede is calling Bristol out on her bullshit. And with Sunny and Sadie working together I think the Palins may want to walk away from this one.

P.S. By the way speaking of the Grizzled Cub, it does not sound like her new romance is going to work out any better than her last half dozen or so attempts to trap a man. At least not according to Joey Junker's sister:

“Until he marries these girls, I don’t care,” the tough-talking relative added. “He’s young so that’s not going to happen anytime soon. He’s got a lot going on.” 

In my opinion the only reason we even heard about this crush of Bristol's was because she was consumed with jealousy over Levi's new found happiness. So now thanks to her impulsive desire to snatch the attention away from his new marriage we get to watch yet ANOTHER relationship of hers blow up in her face.

 I swear the people in this family just NEVER learn.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    " this crush of Bristol's"

    After all the work to say Bristol is mature now this Joey Junker press release makes her look like an idiot. She has reverted to a 10 year old fan gushing over some rock star.

    If she meets Megan, Junker sister, that will be interesting if Megan isn't bought off or silenced by Sarah Palin.

  2. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Sunny Spitfire or not, she may not know why her husband is holding back. It seems Sherry and Mercedes both believed some whoppers he would spin.

    Is there any indication that Levi has been truthful with his wife?

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      My thpughts exactly10:18. She probably doesnt know Tri-g is Bristles. She may know Levi and Bristle were married. And enough with the15$ .. We have told hom repeatedly on this blog and others we could raise the money for him . He wont cause he is hiding too much shit.

    2. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Bristol better hope Sunny doesn't know because I think Sunny would throw it in Bristol's face if Bristol pushes it too far.

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Sunny should push Levi to get DNA tests done.

    4. Anonymous4:19 PM

      ANON at 3:14 DNA kits are available at any Walgreens.

    5. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Sorry I call BS on this. All Levi has to do is get modifications papers for child-support and fill them out and attach wage stubs & file them to the courts.
      Especially since barstool has been splashed DWTS 4 ever it seems...they are either stupidhillbillys or there is something else like TriG, Barstool and him were married etc.

  3. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Interesting, Junker's sister Megan is an OB nurse at Matsu Regional Medical center in Palmer. Isn't that where Sarah didn't have Trig?

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Didn't Britta Hanson get a job at Matsu Reg?

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      NO FUCKIN way. Probably keeping a secret or ready to spill?

    3. Anonymous12:06 PM

      What is Megan Junker's opinion or what did she hear about Trig's birth?

    4. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Small town.

  4. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I thought Brisdull just made up the boyfriend story. She couldn't stand that Levi and Sunny got some pictures about their wedding. I think she either asked or hired this guy to be her boyfriend. Telling i him it would help his business. Who knows maybe she will run around trying to getnew reality show about a trial marriage with a exstream snowboarder.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      It seems Megan may think Brisdull made up the boyfriend story.

    2. Comeonpeople1:23 PM

      Oh I'd so love to chat woth megan!!!!!!

    3. Anonymous2:58 PM

      I agree with a Megan chat. She is the only one worth talking to at this time. That may change.

  5. This may all work out for the best. Go Sunny.

    When I first started reading insider accounts of the Palin family, I thought the criticisms must be over the top (except for the obviously faked pregnancy). Boy was I wrong!

  6. Anonymous10:27 AM

    That pic makes it obvious that Sunny and baby have good hearted Levi wrapped around their pretty little fingers.

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Yeah, and the marriage was made in heaven (the clouds) right? Wrong! and Bristol loves Levi and Levi still loves bristol.

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Could be. Or he just turns on the sweet because he doesn't want to tell her the whole truth.

    3. WakeUpAmerica11:54 AM

      I call bullshit on all of you.

    4. Anonymous12:19 PM

      11:23 AM Willow? Keep dreaming and getting FATTER, New Mama.

    5. Anonymous12:32 PM

      CALL IT.

    6. That pic makes it obvious that Sunny is aptly named: gorgeous inside and out! She will protect her family and is the REAL mama grizzly Sarah wishes she was.

    7. Anonymous3:17 PM

      I douby VERY much that Sunny has signed confidentiality agreements, so she could be the one to bring down the Palin family by exposing their secrets. Get a book deal, make money to protect your family, and blow the whistle on the entire grifting clan.

    8. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I hope someone will fight like hell for Tripp. It looks like Sunny could do a lot. It is Levi that is the one however.

      I would like to see them well paid for the right book. No games and just the facts.

  7. Cracklin Charlie10:32 AM

    Go, Sunny!

    Bring on the pointy stick!

    1. I just had a flashback to an old Monty Python self defense class skit: pointy sticks were mentioned frequently.
      M from MD

  8. "learn"....did you say "learn" Gryphen?? Those are fighting words to the Palin's! They don't "learn"....SHIT! Ask Steve Schmidt...Nicole Wallace...all of Beefy's teachers! Those two dunderheads are like Dumb and Dumber with the same bad haircuts!

    I find the constant media whoring of Beefy and Baldy to be hilarious! I hope they never stop stepping on a rake (H/T to Sideshow Bob of The Simpsons)over and over again! Keep it up dummies! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Bristol intends to destroy that marriage. And if she gets some inside help she will. If not then she won't. So let's wait a few months or a year and see how strong the bond is.

    2. Bristol really has a happy life, doesn't she?


    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      "inside help" you say...

      OOOOH...I like the way you think grasshopper! think Beefy will plant a listening device in Tripp's hat? Beefy going to hire out one of Tripp's nannies and have her plant a giant pair of Beefy's panties under Sunny's pillow?

      Yes, the possibilities are endless...Get on it Wallow! LOL!!!

  9. Anonymous10:53 AM

    The TRUTH will set you FREE!

    Tell the world how many kids Bristol has birthed .. and the Palin crap will end.

  10. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Oh Lordy! Silly HuffPo have this as front page news. Very funny, with "proud to be Valley Trash" family. Did they put this in Politics, too, or are Palins slipping into the absurd on that site?

    1. I thought how proud Bristol must be, having her little headline right above a headline about a Kardashian sex tape! See? Take that, all you haters that thought she would never amount to anything!

      She must think she's a celebrity for the ages now.

    2. Anonymous12:22 PM

      The fact that HuffPoo has a section devoted to celebrity sideboob photos tells me all I need to know about the quality of their journalism.

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      So Bar Stool is screwing a different guy now. Well it's November, duh! Skank Ho gotta change em out at least once a month.

      Sounds like Junker wasn't all that proud to be banging Bristol's worn-out patootie. He didn't even admit it to his family. lol

      He says he'll try anything twice, but I'll bet he takes a pass on seconds with Beefy. Yuk!

  11. Dear Gryphen;

    "This blog is dedicated to finding the truth, exposing the lies, and holding our politicians and leaders accountable..."

    Does this sound familiar? Maybe it's time to get back to your roots. Seriously, what do Bristol, Sunny, Tripp, Levi et al. have to do with ANYTHING?

    Enough of the nasty vulgar comments from GinaM and her lame-brained acolytes, how about making this a political blog again?

    1. WakeUpAmerica11:53 AM

      How about starting your own blog instead of trying to control someone else's, Douche?

    2. Anonymous12:00 PM


      simply put, turn a blind eye then, eh ?

      " lame brained acolytes "?!? ... better yet, fuk off

    3. Anonymous12:07 PM

      GarColga: Go away, then. Who is forcing you to read this blog? Huh? Who?
      We enjoy Gryphen and really enjoy GinaM. If you don't, that's fine. You are not forced to read it.
      Go away. Seriously. Go away.

    4. Anonymous12:17 PM

      11:21 AM Your Lame ass is reading and commenting, so what is the problem?

    5. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Seems to me there's something for everyone here; religion posts, political posts, scientific posts and Palin posts. Just don't read the ones that don't interest you.

    6. Anonymous12:58 PM

      shut up idiot. until the truth about tri-g is out, all adult palins are fair game.

    7. Chella1:12 PM

      GinaM brings wonderfully snarky commentary with her uniquely delightful sense of humor. If her brand of comedy doesn't tickle your fancy, you are absolutely entitled to ignore her.

      I find her a great comic relief and as a long time reader and commenter myself, I look forward to her snark.

    8. Oh buddy "GarGoyle" is upset with me again! I'm so sorry that every time you turn on your computer...for some reason it brings you to this blog and FORCES you to click on the Palin post and read my comments!

      Here's some advice...and it's free because we're friends and all... but I know my avatar has the ability to hypnotize you...kinda like a cobra snake...but if you scroll down real fast it doesn't affect you! Try it!

      You're welcome my sweet friend! LOL!!!

    9. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Eff Off Garcolga. You're such a loser.

      If I decide I that your opinion matters, I'll go to YOUR lame-ass blog that is near-defunct because you're such an opinion leader. Not.

      It burns your ass to hear the truth about your trashy celebutantes, huh?

      Maybe you and Krusty should hook up. Sounds like you two have a lot in common.

    10. Anonymous1:40 PM

      GarCootie's itching for a fight y'all! Funny in a pathetic sort of way..

    11. Oh brother what a pit of vipers. I have been following this blog since shortly after seeing Palin's acceptance speech in 2008. I don't come here to read about "trashy celebutantes." My feeling is if Gryphen wants to have any credibility at all as a political blogger he has to get control of the comments under the Bristol/Levi posts.

    12. Anonymous1:59 PM

      marram62 said...
      hey garcolga! nice to randomly click on a dead link to one of my fave blog and have it come back alive!
      i shutdown my blogs too because of effin blog nazis...eeeerrrgggghhhh!!
      but now, maybe i'll come back too..
      i dunno, it just sucks when all you wanna do is be cool and share with the peeple and someone always gets all uppity, thinkin' they're protecting something the have absolutely dominion over, and decide they're gonna eff with you and try to thwart all of you

      8:20 AM, June 26, 2011

    13. Anonymous2:35 PM

      he has to get control of the comments under the Bristol/Levi posts.

      He isn't an authoritarian. Skip the Bristol/Levi posts.

    14. GarColga1:55 PM

      Yeah...yeah "GarGoyle" we believe you're just looking out for Gryphen's best interest! LOL!!!

    15. Is It Over Yet?3:32 PM

      I love the "gossipy" part of the blog. If it's too dumb, I don't read it. Or if the comments are too dumb, I don't read them.

      Same with things I find offensive.

      To me the "gossipy" stuff goes to show how low the Palins have fallen (back down to their own level) and shows how unfit they all were for ANY public office, much less the White House.

      If we give up the battle, they will come back and do their "Believe what we say, now what is true" stuff. And they can never be allowed to get ahead because of lies again.

    16. Dis Gusted3:37 PM

      Gargoyle @11:21 says "Seriously, what do Bristol, Sunny, Tripp, Levi et al. have to do with ANYTHING?"

      The biggest known HOAX on the American public that has caused the recent rash of republican backlash against "RAPE", "INCEST" "ABORTION".

      Sarah Palin almost single-handled brought down the women's movement with her whores, Todd's whores, her actions, her children's actions, and her LIES.

    17. Actually, Garcolga, this site has been a wellspring of good articles on the election going on as we speak. Plenty of pertinent reading material and due to their waning fame and usefulness, less and less of the undeserving Palins. Odd that you would react to one of the rare Palin related articles, when there have been oodles about our President and the unstable liar who wants to replace him.
      M from MD

    18. Anonymous4:07 PM

      GarColga1:55 PM
      Oh brother what a pit of vipers. I have been following this blog since shortly after seeing Palin's acceptance speech in 2008. I don't come here to read about "trashy celebutantes." My feeling is if Gryphen wants to have any credibility at all as a political blogger he has to get control of the comments under the Bristol/Levi posts.


      hey numbnutz,
      on the no mention of the skank palin-political oriented threads that gryphen posts, that you sooo crave, how the fuk come i don't see you posting on them ?!?

    19. Anonymous4:13 PM

      The only problem with Gryphen's blog is the presence of fucking morons like Gargoyle, clutching their pearls and trying to tell everyone (including Gryphen) what should and shouldn't be posted. Maybe you should just fuck off and find something more compatible with your tastes?

  12. hedgewytch11:31 AM

    I always thought that Bristol's claims of Levi's non-support were BS. Not only does the judge have to re-assess what the actual support to be paid is, but there is that little matter of Bristol taking Tripp out of the state without Levi's and the Court's permission (as far as we know). If Bristol violated the terms of the custody agreement then she might just have to kiss goodbye any $ that Levi supposedly owed. All depends upon the judge, Levi's lawyer and how much they push for reparations and joint custody.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      I suppose there are closed hearings because there is more than one child involved with Bristol.

      She cries because she doesn't want Tripp to have too many siblings.....well dah'lin, you need to stop having children. Are you fixed yet?

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      BarStool may be fixed, but "she still ain't right."

    3. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Levi doesn't NEED a lawyer! He goes there gets modification papers, fills them out (very important) sends
      service by mail a certified copy to beefy and if he wants custody he can ask that too.
      And bring a computer with the relevant clips of beefy's stupid show I forget WTF its called, and her DWTS and Sunny and their happy family into the court.
      That's all he has to do! Unless there is something we don't know about...
      He doesn't need 15K or 5K.

  13. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Who is responsible for the USmag article? I know Palins want to spin that Bristol is a grown up and a strong Alaskan frontier woman and all Alaskans must suck that up and take it as fact. Still I find it hard to believe that Sarah Palin isn't behind most of the pressers.

    Would Sarah have Todd fix Bristol up with the likes of a Joey Junker? That is the best they could do on short notice? Did Bristol go rogue?

    Will we be reading about what a wonderful great Christian Junker is? From a wonderful frontier family and all Alaskan? Why aren't Bristol and Tripp in the state they represent and love so much? There is no one in Scottsdale to help her sell her car?

    "She (Bristol) is taking it slow." Slow with a self professed adrenalin junkie?

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      "Would Sarah have Todd fix Bristol up with the likes of a Joey Junker? That is the best they could do on short notice? Did Bristol go rogue?"

      Well to quickly get attention in the short amount of time after Levi got married it was either Bristol falls in love with her first cousin or some bum snow junkie like "Joey the Junker". I guess the Palins couldn't find a first cousin that wanted to hook up with Bristol or be her friend with benefits. Joeys loses.

    2. Anonymous12:32 PM

      They could probably trick that DS cousin into marrying her ;-)

    3. RAM is being paid by Sarah PAC. Sarah's gonna keep her busy trying to shape public opinion.

      Good luck with that, RAM. I know you're working it. Just imagine you worked with somebody who had a clue and an ounce of class.

      Hard to imagine, given your current "circumstances, huh? lol

    4. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Curious if Joey's sister works at the hospital where Sarah is so famous and influential. What is her story? She will want to keep her job.

    5. I was wondering about that US Magazine article back when L&B were "engaged".... It's been a long day for me, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they say in the article that it was a surprise to both sets of in-laws? If it came as a surprise and Sarah wasn't happy about it, why did we hear later on that Sarah's lawyers were involved in brokering the deal before it went to print? (aside from the fact she's a media whore).
      I just mean to say that the timing seemed really off on that. But again, I'll have to look back and double check.

    6. Anonymous3:29 PM

      wasn't Sarah out climbing the biggest mountain in the world? while shooting supper and toting TriG and Tripp on her back?

    7. Anonymous3:30 PM

      I think US Magazine is one that the Palins have on speed dial to do their bidding. It is pretty much whatever spin the Palins want out for that day. It usually sounds like crap. Other gossip rags pick up the spin and a few alter the story a little bit.

      Sarah may be in a catatonic fetal position or out of commission with surgery, in that case another Palin cultist might slip something in. I would think that they would vet Joey and why on earth would any Palin want to make Bristol sound like a stupid love sick kid? She is turning red over this 30 year old extreme sport junkie, what a nut case. That is suppose to be a quiet mature person in love?

    8. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Bristol's just horny. Nothing wrong with that. Certainly nothing new, either. But when she gets that way, the scavenger hunt begins.

      She's not picky at that point. She says she's lonely, but she's really just wanting to find somebody to shove something in her, and any swinging dick will do.

      It's screwing, or binge eating, but she's over-eager with both and she's going to be doing one or the other when she gets LONELY.

  14. WakeUpAmerica11:52 AM

    Sunny and Levi need to put up a PayPal button for Tripp so he can see his daddy. I think he would be surprised at how much money he will get to pay his lawyer.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      When Levi gets serious he will take advice like yours and others. He seems to have something he still wants to hide. His secrets are his priority.

    2. Sometimes I think that if Levi had anything worth spilling he'd have done it by now. I mean, what more can the Palins do to trash him publicly? The insults, the insinuations, raising his son poorly, keeping him from his son....
      Makes me think that if he actually did have something worth hiding, it's something he could get in trouble for too. He has no reason to hedge for the Palins anymore. I know his mom will be off her house arrest in December (I believe was said); hopefully the whole family will band together.
      I keep visiting Mercedes' blog hoping that she'll update it soon, but so far, nothing :( here's hoping in the next month or so she's free to speak out.

    3. Anonymous3:57 PM

      I think the paypal button is a great idea, but the courts might consider it income. In that caswe it is noo help at all.

      10 cats

  15. Anonymous11:52 AM

    B doesn't even get the chance to gloat that Sunny resembles her (B) physically. - Sunny is beautiful and... blonde. - And she is totally opposite in important things, like maturity.

    1. jcinco1:23 PM

      She really is a beautiful girl and look how quickly she took off the baby weight. I tell you that baby is going to be stunning with Sunny as a mom and Levi for a dad....

    2. Yeah, Levi DEFINITELY traded UP.

      Bristol's jealousy of Levi and Sunny is rather obvious. Bristol and Sarah must be the only ones who don't understand how bad it makes them both look. As usual.

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Sunny is lovely and she has a head on her shoulders.

  16. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Mrs. Sunny Johnston I know you know who you are dealing with.

    You are dealing with a child, Bristol Palin, who knows she lost the love of her life, your husband.

    A child who lost her baby's daddy to you.

    A child, Bristol, who was raised by Sarah Palin.

    Mrs. Johnston you know that every time there is good news about you or Levi that the public hears about, Bristol needs to get her name into the news whether it is selling her car or finding a replacement for Levi. We have seen it with Ben, Gino and now Junker. Bristol is like Sarah, a nobody who doesn't have a life, education and is badly in need of attention.

    We all know this and so does Bristol, Sarah and Todd.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      The only thing you failed to mention is to tell Sunny that she needs to keep up the tabloid stuff. There is still lots of money to be made by telling the world about her husband and her personal lives. She's really no more than a cheap grifting trailer trash slut anyway. She better make it now before Levi goes back to Bristol and the world forgets all about her. It's levi, bristol, and the Palins who sell, not her and her bleached out hairjob.

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      12:23 PM The most well known WHORES in Wasilla are the Palins, including PIMP DADDY TODD. Levi has no use for the 'CHIN' and her out of shape body. Bristol and Willow have had too many Pregnancies at such a young age. Any Wasilla High School Student can tell you the 'EASY TO GET' reputation of the 9 Month'MONO'
      Palin girls. 'SLUT' is what lives at the Palin Compound.

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM


      Wow, somebody has a hard-on for Sunny Johnston! Wonder what she did to make you hate her so much? Ex-boyfriend maybe? I hear Bristol Palin's available if you need a new girlfriend.

    4. Anonymous12:23 PM
      "her bleached out hairjob."

      Hmmpf...listen to week in London at "hair school" and now she's an expert on "bleached out hairjobs"...whatever Wallow!

      Hey...what's that noise?

      Oh you better go get your baby Wallow...she's crying to be fed...get off the computer girl and go feed that hungry baby! LOL!!!

    5. jcinco1:25 PM

      calm down bristle...Sunny is so much better looking than you, I know it's driving you crazy. :)

    6. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Anonymous12:23 PM

      Ooooh, this just reeks of jealousy. lol

      Sunny is a babe. So is Mercedes. Bristol? Um, not so much.

      Levi will be just fine. Just like the Pres makes Hoochie Mama Grifter nuts by totally ignoring her and she then shows her ass even worse, Levi is getting the same reaction out of the BarStool. That valley trash doesn't know any better.

      You need to chill, Wallow. Don't you have a kid or two that you need to be taking care of? Why don't you get on the treadmill and do something with yourself? Or else you're going to be Beefy II.

      Former Friends of the Palins

    7. Anonymous2:28 PM

      "her bleached out hairjob." Bwahahhahahahaha that's all they got against the beautiful Mrs. Levi Johnston?

    8. Anonymous12:23 PM

      i think you may be looking at Levi (handsome as a man, but admittedly rather ugly if you think he's a woman). Sunny is the gorgeous all-natural-beauty blonde to the left.
      Sunny didn't need numerous plastic surgery procedures to make her face gorgeous. She didn't need Lipo to help her take the weight off. She doesn't need paid nannies and sisters to be a parent to her beautiful newborn because she is a great mother.
      I'd rather go for the beautiful girl with the heart of gold from a poor family than the rich, selfish, plastic-surgery-ridden harpy Bristol is.

    9. Anonymous3:01 PM

      2:28 PM

      Wallow knows all about hairjobs.

    10. Anonymous8:54 PM

      And blowjobs, like her mom!
      "hauled his ass down"!

  17. Anonymous12:12 PM

    This is O/T - but, it really got me! A snippet of what Romney just said at a campaign rally.. but watch the end. It's only 1.18.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM


    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Yeah. WTF? At leats say what he said so we can search. I'[m suppsed to google Mitt ansd speech and cmpaign rally? WTF!

  18. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Bristol leads a sad life. She can't keep her lovers, keep her friends or make friends. Just like on DWTS when they were picking teams to dance together, who was left out in the cold standing by herself on the stairs after teams were picked?

    Wasilla's big chin Bristol Palin

    Sarah Palin's eldest daughter

    All this friendship Bristol was suppose to have built up on DWTS never existed. The star dancers and pros were happy to see Bristol leave.

    Where is Ben Barber?
    Where is Levi Johnston?
    Where is Gino?
    Where is Kyle Masey?
    Where is Trig?

    In a few weeks we'll be asking where is Joey Junker?

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Don't forget Johnny and Dylan. They tapped it pretty steady, too. Of course, no one brags about that later. It's not like you've done much when you're in waist-deep with Bristol. It just means that you drank enough to get past that smell. BTW, when you walk in their house, it has that distinctive odor. You know, like it was once a salmon cannery. Just sayin'.

    2. Ew, seriously?

  19. Anonymous12:21 PM

    How funny, Bristol just gets back from being publicly humiliated on DWTS and has a chance of returning home to Alaska and building a relationship with her son who should be starting school and what does Bristol do? She wants to jump in between somebody else's sheets as soon as she gets back. Bristol is not even interested in going to school or finding a respectable job and she is in love again.

    Damn, Sarah Palin has done a terrible job as usual in raising her kids.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      10 million people in LA county and not one of the guys there wanted to fuck Bristol.

      And she wonders why not?

      Look down, Bristol. Besides your chin, what do you see? Nothing. I rest my case.

    2. Some people can't see the world past the end of their nose. Bristol can't see the world past the end of her chin.

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Bristol is a serial public humiliation addict.
      She keeps doing that time after time.

  20. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Whatever happened to Tripp going to Sunday school or pre-school? Now Tripp returns to Wasilla and has to get used to a new trial daddy all over again. All Tripp knows is Levi, Ben, Gino, Kyle and now Junker. Bristol why don'tcha you get that boy a dog or a hamster. Something he can get to know since his mama is too busy looking for love in all the wrong places.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Lies of the day for Brancy.

  21. Anonymous12:30 PM

    'She [Bristol] was the sun of my life. We became secret camping lovers, scraping gnarly gnats off our lips before we kissed.' Levi Johnston (He also insists he was present for Tripp’s birth, despite Palin family denials to the contrary.)

    Did Sunny read 'Deer in the Headlines: My life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs,' by Levi Johnston?
    Bill Maher called Levi America's number one political prisoner.

    If you were Sunny would you want to know about this?
    "My heart went out to the delicate child. I picked him up, cuddled him" Levi Johnston

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Gnats were flying around Bristol's crotch. Family trait.

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Gnats were flying around Bristol's crotch. Family trait.

      Gnats? I thought they were shit flies? Those big flies that hang around dog shit?

    3. Anonymous2:41 PM

      1:57 PM
      Is it any wonder why Levi is keeping her secrets. He doesn't want Tripp to know.

    4. Anonymous3:24 PM

      beautiful - 16 year old Levi with Tripp

    5. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Anonymous2:40 PM

      Probably shit flies, too. But I was looking back over my shoulder while running away. At first I thought a bunch of dogs were chasing me, but when I looked back, I realized they were just excited about the disgusting stench of Bristol's lady parts.

      I was more concerned about self-preservation than identifying the particular flying insects that were attracted to that rank odor emanating from her draws.

      I just knew I didn't want to be downwind from her and lose my lunch.

    6. Anonymous4:08 PM

      3:24 PM

      Was Levi in high school when that picture was taken?

      There is so much to revisit. Levi may not know all the darkest secrets but he could clear up some dates and a few pertinent matters.

  22. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Could it be that Junker is using Bristol and Sarah to reap the benefits of the Alaska Film Tax Credits? Is there a reality show in the works for the Junker and the Chin?

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      He's gonna film himself using her chin as a stunt ramp ;-)

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      There are ramps and there are ramps. Not even Joey Junker lives that dangerous.

  23. Anonymous1:01 PM


  24. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Wasilla, Los Angeles, and United States are glued to your Blog, Gryphen. The TRUTH HURTS,Skanks like Gossip. BWHAHAHAHAWASILLA. Briscow lost the Battle, and is Seething with JUVENILE TYPE ANGER. She and Sarah had better stop the Lies before their Pregnancies plus Sarah's FAKE PREGNANCY are exposed to the World. The IRS Investigators have their Audits
    ready to go. How's that Sarahpac Scam TREATIN' YA?

  25. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I don't think that Levi or Sunny care about the Trig mystery. They only care to talk about the lies of Bristol regarding Levi and child support and visitation.

    FORGET ALL THE MYSTERIES ABOUT TRIG AND TRIPP. Where Levi and Sunny are concerned. They are on the same page with the Palins in that.

    The only Bristol issues are for Levi's reputation as a DEADBEAT and the visitation.

    1. betsy s2:43 PM

      Trig is somebody else's baby altogether. Bristol gave birth to Ruffles, who was FAS and nobody knows where that baby is. It might be that Levi was the dad of Ruffles--there are lots of photos with him and his
      dad with that baby, and he probably is the dad of Tripp. Why Tripp is named after Shailey is really interesting.

  26. jcinco1:29 PM

    well, no one ever heard of him before now. Of course he's using bristle to get his name out there then he'll dump her.

  27. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I read the link to Celebuzz, and noticed at the bottom of the article there are pictures of Bristol MAKING A MCDONALDS RUN!!!! Now folks, I have tell you, that just used up my gosh-wow budget for the week!

    Vero Guy

    1. Vero...I saw that TOO! And I laughed and laughed and then I laughed some more!

      Now mind you...Beefy went and got herself a whole new chin...and eye work...and even a new nose and that's the photo gallery that they used of thinks they REALLY don't like Beefy in Hollywood! LMAO!!!

    2. OMG-- I just saw those pics. Bristol is getting her double-chin back!

    3. Anonymous3:05 PM

      I hope they put it in the "cook book".

    4. Anonymous3:28 PM

      2:59 PM:

      That photo is from the first time she was in LA for DWTS. Ivy Frye was there as her "babysitter".

    5. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Fitness book. Now they will have Megan Junker's medical knowledge to help them write their secret tips.

  28. Anonymous1:40 PM

    SUNNY-- B. Palin cannot tell any truths about herself to make herself look good so she can only try to drag others down to her level in an attempt to put them below her, but you know this.

    All the money in the world won't get her a college education, and all the connections that her mother once had won't get her an internship somewhere significant if she did get that education.

    Levi couldn't fight B. and come out clean no matter what he did. (Unless he got a decent lawyer and let them do his bidding.)

    I'm glad Levi has Sunny on his side now. She may well be his best asset. She sounds smart and she sounds strong.

  29. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Good for Sunny and Levi. I am certain that I would have been as naive to the shenanigans of the Palins when I was 22. I wouldn't blame Levi for being a bit passive. The Palins probably can be very convincing when they want to fool someone.

    Now, however, he knows he can't work out any fair deal with these people; they do things for the wrong reasons. If he thinks Bristol is working towards the greater good or Tripp, he must know that isn't so. Her ability to use Tripp as a weapon to make him look bad will always be, unless she really changes.

    I just wish the best for the young couple, and it's unfortunate they have to deal with a narcissistic sociopath family when they should be so happy at this time in life. Ignoring a malignant narcissist is the only method that works. The narcissist will get so angry and mad at being ignored, they'll eventually do something nasty for attention which reveals their true nature. They HATE being ignored.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Tell Tripp to ignore his narcissistic sociopath family. He is the one they will do the most harm.

  30. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I think that the best that Bristol and Levi could do would be to live their lives in private and stop all of this publicity. I don't need to know that Levi had a baby and got married. And, I don't need to know that Bristol (in response to Levi's publicity) has a snow machining boy friend. Who cares. For the sake of their children, they should find a way to settle their differences, work out a visitation schedule and live a useful, productive life in private.

    Sorry to say, Bristol doesn't seem to be able to do that, since she found it necessary to put her car up for sale in such a public way. She must miss the attention, now that DWTS was her last gig.

  31. comeonpeople2:09 PM

    Megan Junker Ferguson worked nights at MatSu. Wonder if she was working overnight 4/17/08-4/18/08.
    Hmmmmm. Come on professional, the world has been lied to!!! There is a way to let that knowledge out and not violating HIPAA.


    FORGET ALL THE MYSTERIES ABOUT TRIG AND TRIPP. Where Levi and Sunny are concerned. They are on the same page with the Palins in that.

    I have suspected this for soooo long. "Tis why I don't get people who are such Levi fans.

    1. Anonymous10:11 PM

      I think she's only been working at MatSu a short time.

  32. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Here's one for you guys: Foxes Republican girls - I love that they include Christine O'Donnell, I hadn't even remembered her!

  33. Anonymous2:29 PM

    If Levi got $100,000 for his Playgirl spread, why didn't he catch up with his child support? If he or Sunny do any interviews from now on, they should apply all that to his support.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      So that Bristol can get a 2013 Challenger Hemi to replace her 2010 Challenger Hemi.

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      He was snookered by previous bad lawyer. He was burned bad and still trying to recover.

    3. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Maybe he did catch up, but now he can't make the payments based on his current income.

    4. AKRNC4:29 PM

      Levi really doesn't owe Bristol anything in child support because she stole his portion of the $300K they received in 2010 from doing their photo shoot with US Weekly. Actually, she owes him money since she stole it from him!

  34. Anonymous2:38 PM

    WOW A WHOLE $5000!

    Sarah Palin's political action committee made a $5,000 Halloween-day donation to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign, a symbolic and financial gesture of support from the former Republican vice presidential candidate.

    How much money has SarahPAC has taken in since its beginning and how much was donated to political candidates?


    1. AKRNC4:31 PM

      Palin has donated less than 1% of all her PAC money to candidates despite them being the alleged reason she initiated the PAC.

      However, she spends tens of thousands every month on "consultants". What a farce the whole damn thing is!

    2. Anonymous9:01 PM

      5K is the most she can give to any one candidate.
      But she always waits until the last min and just give "enough" since the time she got caught. Maybe when we get all Dems in we can put some "teeth" in the FEC and start shutting down these republican ATMs!

  35. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Hey Todd don't think we have forgotten about you and your prostitute girlfriend Shailey Tripp.

    That iceberg is still coming at ya.

    Sarah may have overlooked it but we haven't.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Has Shailey gone in to witness protection? have not seen anything about her lately. I really hope that Shailey and her family are well. Todd need to be in prison.

  36. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I feel queasy.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Mom!!! Tell RAM to make me popular!

      This is so contrived, it's really pitiful. lol

  37. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Anyone know who this Ryan Bender is, he is with one of the Trig' of the comments says..he looks just like his father..what could that mean??!/photo.php?fbid=2979766009468&set=pb.1121446618.-2207520000.1351904999&type=3&theater

  38. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Try again...Don't know why Mollys facebook comes up..strange!!!/photo.php?fbid=2979766009468&set=pb.1121446618.-2207520000.1351904999&type=3&theater

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Is that Trig's daddy?

  39. Anita Winecooler9:08 PM

    Haven't read the comments, but I feel that Sunny's going to be a great influence in Levi's life. She's beautiful, kind of reminds me of Mercede and a younger version of Levi's mom.
    I know some men like to talk about their exes, but it's a real turn off for the new wife. But since this all played out in public, and Sunny already knew most of the details, I'm certain she's ready to come to her husband's defense.

    Bristol isn't mature enough to accept that it's over. She probably felt he'd always be available should she ever want to cut the apron strings and take the plunge, but she's overplayed her hand. She's lonely, depressed, unhinged and has a lot of time on her hands. Sounds like Levi's on his way with his ged and a job.

    But exploiting Tripp in her quest to break up Levi's new family isn't in her nor Tripp's best interest. The further she goes down this path, the more ammo she'll supply to Levi once he gets good counsel and straightens this mess through the courts.


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