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How many times do I have to tell you? I got this! |
In the final monthly jobs report before Election Day, the government today said the U.S. unemployment rate for October ticked up to 7.9 percent.
The Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the U.S. economy added 171,000 jobs, stating that the number of unemployed Americans was essentially unchanged in October at 12.3 million.
Analysts had expected around 125,000 added jobs, according to Bloomberg News.
Bronars said October's jobs report was positive despite the unemployment rate increase, because more people resumed looking for work. He called the 171,000 jobs added "solid" and noted there were upward revisions to the reports of the past two months.
There were also increases in the employment-to-population ratio, at 58.8 percent, and the labor force participation rate, 63.8 percent, after both of the rates had stalled in the summer, he said.
Essentially this was the last hope for the Republicans to have some ammunition to use against the President before election day. With this report being considered by ALL analysts as positive news for the economy, that only leaves the option for Republicans of exaggerating the President's culpability in Benghazi. which is virtually nonexistent, as their last hope of damaging his credibility as Commander-in-Chief.
And considering that he is the man under whose watch Osama Bin Laden was killed, and who most recently has received unanimous praise for his handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, that hardly holds any water with voters.
In other words it appears to me that for Democrats it is clear sailing all the way to election day.
P.S. For some more good news take a peek over at 538 to see that Nate Silver now gives Obama an 80.9 percent chance of winning this election.
Romney is doing his negative spin of the news. Up is down for Romney. He wants a win by beating down the other.
ReplyDeleteYes. He has been a bully his entire life.
DeleteHe wants a win by lying, cheating, and buying it, just as he has done his entire priveliged life. I tell you, if losing your soul is what people give up to be super-wealthy, I am glad we were always solid middle class. And I ask any trolls: give me any example of an ex-President from the GOP doing good for the US and humanity after leaving office? Let's see, GHW teamed up with Clinton for hurricane aid..wanna bet that was a photo op? Oh, and he jumps out of planes on his birthday. Clinton and Carter have worked tirelessly for peace and the welfare of those not born into mansions, or even shacks. I need no other reason to stay a Democrat than to look at what the GOP does to people versus what the Demcratic Party WANTS for people, all people. No frickin' choice, folks.
ReplyDeleteAnd did you catch Rmoney's little slam today? "I'll work with the Democrat party and the Republicans to fix what's wrong." Democratic, Mitt, and YOU KNOW IT. I have hated very few things in my life, but the GOP is pushing it.
They will only talk about the UPTICK in unemployment without mentioning the reason for it!
ReplyDeleteThat clear sailing still has to contend with vote rigging.
ReplyDeleteOh, hell, just last week, Romney's running mate, FOX News, was declaring it "Obama's jobs report conspiracy". 'Jobs report being released AFTER the election to conceal bad news from the American people." Fricking tools.
ReplyDeleteThe unemployment rate is down to 7%
ReplyDelete'''U.S. Unadjusted Unemployment Down to 7.0% in October
17 hours ago – Gallup's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate is 7.4%, improved ... that Gallup did not poll because of the effects of Superstorm Sandy on ...'''
Gryphen .. do a post showing ALL the campaigning for various candidates Sarah has done during this election.
ReplyDeleteObviously, it will be a very short list.
Maybe it will wake up a few paint chip eaters at C4P.
Snowdrift Snookie campaigned for Mourdock during the IN primary, where he ousted Lugar. Now Mourdock is down 11 points and it's looking like a Democratic gain!!!
DeleteLet's hope this is the last thing to push us over the top and ensure an Obama victory. I just hope turnout won't be depressed in the northeast because of the hurricane...
ReplyDeleteI live on the south shore of long island, and we were hit HARD by gale force winds and a strong, high tide storm surge. After hearing what Romney has said about FEMA being immoral, the fund raising stunts him and Ryan have pulled, and seeing how wonderfully Obama stepped up and handled this natural disaster, I can assure you, we are all more amped up to vote even more than before.
DeleteMy father lives on the jersey shore, which was hit particularly hard. A life long republican, even he now has doubts in Romney being able to handle running our country, and like gov christie, was impressed on Obamas handling of aid, the recovery effort, and genuine boots on the ground compassion for those who have lost absolutely everything.
Conservatives, be careful what you wish for with Mitt Romney
ReplyDeleteRead more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/02/conservatives-be-careful-what-wish-for-with-mitt-romney/#ixzz2B4yFxxhD
LOVE that face! Onward, My President, ONWARD!
ReplyDeleteBut of course...
Naturally it's also good news for John McCain.
ReplyDeleteFOX News has been running its version of the 'Benghazi timeline' story for 2 weeks now non-stop, even airing multiple times a 'documentary' concerning the White House's version of the events. (That of course, according to FOX news, prove an Obama tangle of lies, distortions, etc., etc.)
And they continue to air this version of events during this week's catastrophic hurricane on the East Coast. Unbelievable, but true!
Well, here's an interesting story in the Washington Post concerning a detailed analysis of the event.
NO evidence that the White House impeded rescue efforts, or has deliberately misled the American people.
Go straight to hell, FOX News.
Geraldo called out his own network, calling it all a LIE.
DeleteI know, shocking
i gained a bit of respect for geraldo this past week ... chris christie too for that matter .... romney, palen et al can suk it ..
DeleteHot Damn that man is Cute!!!
ReplyDeleteA .1 increase in unemployment is not what the people are looking for and hence there is a drop in O's popularity on the HP polls. Ohio goes undecided again!
Deleteshut up
Anonymous9:57 AM
DeleteLMAO! You're funny!
Read 538, anon.
DeleteWhat an adorable picture!
ReplyDeleteYes. our President is adorable because he's got it covered. :)
this is pretty cool >>>http://www.7-eleven.com/7-Election/NationalResults.aspx
ReplyDeleteNumbers to know: 32 months of jobs growth, consumer confidence is at a five-year high, exports are up over 40% since the start of 2010.
ReplyDeleteIt's not only good jobs numbers. Housing market is turning around: strongest growth in home prices in 6yrs, most new construction in 4yrs.
ReplyDeleteI know the economy is getting better....three of my daughters friends went to Disneyland in the last two weeks! Disneyland is expensive...I should know I went two years ago and now I'm ready to go back again!
DeleteWhen bagger heads explode they sound like Rice Krispies.
ReplyDeleteROFLMAO! Good one!
DeleteConsumer confidence surges, factories, housing up
Sarah Palin is secretly happy. Four more years of Obama means that Fox might renew her contract. Then, she would get to appear on TV, insulting and bashing the president at every chance.
ReplyDeleteHey, Gryphen, did you read Sarah's latest Facebook comment? I think that she must have written it herself because she argues that we should not have our troops serving in the oil-rich countries which supply us with our fuel. We should be drilling right here, drill, baby, drill.
The problem with here "reasoning" is that Afghanistan does not supply us with oil. The countries that do, such as Saudi Arabia and Venezuela don't seem to have American troops serving there. With that kind of thinking, Sarah belongs on Fox, and no where near any elected office.
PS Please write about Joey Junker, who seems to have become Bristol's Facebook friend last August. Did we see him in Los Angeles, cheering for his sweetheart? The timing of the news about their relationship seems to be a big coincidence-- announced at the same time that Levi and Sunny got married.
Gryphen's thread on Joey Junker is on the update here along with a picture of Joey:
For those who have been wondering if Baldy will be screeching about Hurricane Sandy...she had an interview with her partner in stupidity InSannity a couple of days ago. The interview was by radio..so she may still be healing from the turkey neck overhaul!
DeleteBe warned...the screeching is for 14 minutes and most of it is of Baldy getting lost in her own sentence structures and InSannity babbling the same shit about Bengazi!
Note...Baldy did not revisit the "shuck and jive" comment...although I suspect she wanted to...but RogertheHut said..."I told you to STFU you crazy hillbilly" and Baldy had no choice! LOL!!!
I read somewhere that Joey Junker is about 30 years old. What a gentleman, to be dating a born-again-virgin like Bristol Palin. I'm sure a guy like that would be happy to respectfully date a young woman who won't have sex with him.
DeleteSex before marriage is a no no.
I don't know if Sarah would be secretly rooting for Obama so she can stay on FOX. Because if Obama is re-elected, that means 4 more years and he by law would have to vacate the White House at the end of that term. She was on for the last 4 screeching and doing her darndest to try and get him unseated. That's all she's worth to them. If it fails, and Obama is re-elected, what do they need her for?
DeleteIf Rmoney wins, she's not needed, either. Rmoney doesn't like her I suspect. What would she be needed for to screech and cry about???
I think she's toast, either way. And holy flying spaghetti monster, I HOPE Obama wins!
Palin does Hannity tonight...
Delete4 days to go until Election Day. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin weighs in on that and more tonight on 'Hannity'
I can't wait to miss it. I might watch reruns of DWTS (without Bristol, the dance-less cow) on DVR instead.
DeletePublic Records Reveal Romney Profited From Corruption, Fraud, and Racketeering at Bain
ReplyDelete...To understand the level of fraud Romney’s surrogates committed in bankruptcy court, imagine a child custody battle between a powerful attorney and his ex-wife. The husband employs his firm to represent him, and surreptitiously supplies his partner to represent his ex-wife. When the mother discovers her ex-husband controlled his and her counsel, she reports the malfeasance to the court, and to avoid an investigation, her husband arranges to replace the prosecutor with one of his firm’s partners who pretends to investigate and then drops the case.
A similar scenario unfolded when Bain Capital took eToys into bankruptcy. Bain Capital’s secret law firm, MNAT, colluded with Romney’s bankruptcy gang by committing perjury to represent the debtors’ counsel and creditor’s counsel to give the appearance of being on opposite sides and conceal the fact eToys was not broke. Controlling both sides, Bain Capital’s corrupt gang colluded to plunder the company’s assets without opposition, and give Bain Capital eToys for free.
Is this how he would run the country? The probability is high and Mitt will commit fraud to gain power.
DeleteI am not "envious" of people who achieve wealth dishonestly causing ruin to masses of people like Bernie Madoff or Bain destroying companies making off with pension monies.
Both side's polls are quite confidently predicting a win for their side in the president race. The Repubs are basing their logic on the fact that Obama is not going to be able to get the votes out the same way he did in 08. There is a lack of enthusiasm for Obama this time. Obama's side ignores this and relies mostly on Nate Silver's one time success in predicting the outcome. It really does look more and more like Romney has a good chance of winning this thing.
ReplyDeleteluv from Canada.
Anonymous9:37 AM
DeleteOh SHADDYUP Monty1! There is no lack of enthusiasm for President Obama...and how the fuck would you know anyway...your gloomy ass is in Canada!
Stop sniffing the dirty draws of Baldy...the toxic fumes are making you crazy! LOL!!
Nate Silver's one time success?
DeleteTell us again what the Repubs are basing their logic on. Something they pulled out of their asses?
Ha! You wish, you stupid twat. You show up here with your negative commentary thinking that we would even begin to take you seriously. Get ready, fool, President Barack Obama will be in power for another four years and your assinine trolling will be blown out of the water.
DeleteNO CHANCE of Romney winning unless they steal the vote. He will NEVER win this fair and square, ain't gonna happen.
President Barack Obama: My vision for America
DeleteBy Barack Obama, Special to CNN
The America we believe in is within our reach. The future we hope for is within our sights. That's why I'm asking for your vote this Tuesday.
Brutal ad uses Romney RNC Comments against Sandy backdrop
Delete'President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans. (LAUGHTER)
And to heal the planet. (MORE LAUGHTER)
My promise is to help you and your family. (APPLAUSE)
and then Sandy arrives...
Well, good thing this is election for the president of the UNITED STATES, but keep thinking that a rmoney administration won't have global repercussions.
DeleteI love the look on his face! It's like "Dang, they put me on hold."
ReplyDeleteInteresting video you guys. JFK urging Americans to get out a vote on November 6th.
CNN Poll: Obama At 50 Percent, Leads By 3 In Ohio
ReplyDeleteLCV Poll: Obama By 6 Points In Oregon
Minnesota Poll: Obama By 9 Points
Poll: Obama 52, Romney 46 In Michigan
Denver Post Poll: Obama Up 2 In Colorado
PPP: Obama Up 4 In Colorado
Purple Strategies Poll: Obama 47, Romney 46 Nationally
President Obama has opened up a 5-point lead in New Hampshire
CNN/ORC Poll: Among those who have cast their vote in Ohio, Pres. Obama leads Romney 63%-35%.
Betfair: Obama 76.6%, PredictWise: 71.8%, Iowa EM: Obama 71.0%
Thank you for posting this. I'm trying so hard to be positive and then I'll read something from the dark side...and it scares the bejeezus out of me.
DeleteWhat I'm concerned about (at this moment!)is the power outages in the Northeast..what effect will they have on voting on Tuesday? You cannot tell me that all the power will be restored and everything will be OK.
Oh, I'm just being a worry wart!
But seriously, thanks for this information.
Anon 1:23 - I live on long island, and some of us have gotten our power back, yet I'm still without. And some of us will be without power for a few more days (since Monday night, they said we may be out for 7-10 days) but the utility workers are working around the clock, and the national guard is here doing everything then can to help.
DeleteBut even if polling stations are without power, I assure you, generators will be up and running to keep voting running smoothly. The gas situation is rough here right now (some places have two+ hour waits and many stations keep running out of gas!) our public transportation, school buses and taxi services will be running in full force to get people to the polls.
Thanks for the information Chella. I suffer from the same anxiety anon @1:23 does.
DeleteNew Polls. Romney Broken.
Republicans Suppporting Obama
ReplyDeleteMany Republicans, those with still one foot in the camp of Reality, are breaking away from their Party, a Party that has broken away from them
-- and they are "bravely" taking a stand and supporting a very capable and Reality-based candidate -- President Barack Obama.
Many well-grounded Independents too, are also making that same decision this year.
16 swing state polls today. None show a lead for Romney. Not even Rasmussen, Gravis or We Ask America.
ReplyDeleteGreat snap of our POTUS, but then aren't they all?
ReplyDeleteThe polls are showing that Mittmentum just left the building.
Every clip I've seen today, Obama is energized and the crowds are fired up.
Mitt's all negative and defensive and the crowds look like they're waiting for the "Applaud" light to come on. Dead silence, Mitt yakking, Mitt looking side to side, awkward pause - applause!!
Doesn't look good for Romney, just sayin'!!