Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Mitt Romney apparently tried to save face by inviting Chris Christie to appear at rally with him, instead gets the cold shoulder. DENIED! Update!

Courtesy of the Huffington Post:

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who was effusive in his praise of President Barack Obama when the two leaders toured damage from Hurricane Sandy last week, turned down a request by Mitt Romney to appear with him at a rally on Sunday night in Pennsylvania, The Huffington Post has learned. 

Christie's decision will only add to questions among Republicans about what the governor -- who is up for reelection a year from now -- is thinking, and why he went out of his way to heap praise on the president, and then refused to appear with Romney. 

The Romney rally was held at a farm in Morrisville, Pa., not more than 20 minutes from Trenton, the New Jersey capital. The physical proximity of the event to New Jersey only added to questions in the Romney campaign about why Christie chose not to come. 

"You can't tell me he couldn't have gone over there for a night rally," a Romney campaign source told HuffPost. 

Oooh that's gotta sting!

You know this is beginning to feel like every Molly Ringwald movie ever made in the1980's.

Popular girl (Christie) has nerdy male friend (Romney), nerdy male friend secretly in love with popular girl.

Popular girl meets cool guy (Obama), and runs off with him, while nerdy guy suffers embarrassing humiliation in front of entire school (country).

Later popular girl tries to make it up to nerdy guy, but who cares because now the credits are rolling (election over).

The End. (Of Mitt Romney's political future.)

Or have I been watching too many Netflix movies lately?

Update: WTF? The Christie camp says they never received an invitation from the Romney campaign:

An adviser to Chris Christie is flatly denying a report that the New Jersey governor turned down an offer from the Romney campaign to appear at a Sunday night campaign rally in Pennsylvania. 

Asked if the Romney campaign extended the invitation, longtime Christie confidante Bill Palatucci answered with a simple "No." 

Palatucci said no one from the Romney campaign reached out. 

"They knew better than to ask given the situation here," Palatucci told CNN.

So just what the hell is going on? I seriously doubt that Huffpo made that whole thing up, so what exactly is the Romney campaign trying to accomplish by making themselves look pathetic, and Chris Christie appear unsupportive of the Republican ticket?

You know I think I owe Molly Ringwald an apology. Those John Hughes movies she appeared in were MUCH more mature and realistic than what is currently going on with the Romney campaign.

Seriously are these people stuck in the seventh grade?

Is Sarah Palin secretly their campaign manager?

And didn't they know this would be refuted?

I don't get it.


  1. Pat in MA6:09 AM

    Oh sure he could have just popped into PA for a visit, and how do you think the people (aka voters) of NJ would have reacted? Mitt, get over yourself, please! Can't wait to see this guy fade into black.


    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Chris Christie fired back about the rumor at news conference!!

      “All this other noise, I think, are coming from know-nothing, disgruntled Romney staffers who — you know — don’t like the fact that I said nice things about the president of the United States. Well, that’s too bad for them,” Christie said.


  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Gotta do something about the power of the incumbency. Giving a ride on Air Force One is just too much power to be controlled by a single person.

    (Not to mention being able to get Bruce Springsteen to talk to Gov. Christie.)

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Um, yeah, offering a ride on AF1 is a fucking big deal.

      Not like the power to send young men and women to fight in a foreign land or something...

  3. Leland6:12 AM

    Well, it MIGHT be that Christie is giving them the cold shoulder ...OR it could be exactly what Christie SAYS it is: I am too damned busy taking care of the people of my state!

    The Repubes have spent so long creating conspiracies about everything that the truth is probably too hard for them to accept!

    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks!"

    1. Romney:

      What a selfish brute, that Christie-Kreme! Yes, yes I know his house is burning down...but I'm having a dinner party, for Pete's Sake!

      Ann, get my horse! I must ride to alleviate my stress!

  4. This is typical of Romney:clueless. Is he just stupidly unaware or simply uncaring that Christie's state is in a real and serious crisis after the hurricane? It seems Romney's self-interest (like Palin's, actually)is so total that all things are considered only in respect to his own interests.I think the name for that is sociopath.

  5. Sorry Jesse, but I think this is just another big fib from the Rmoney campaign. Christie's people said they never received the invite.


  6. PollyinAK6:17 AM

    I can't understand Romney's strategy. According to Nate Silver, PA is solid blue.


    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      R. Maddow had a segment the other day that G put up.

      It was how the clearly losing Republicans choose to campaign in PA because it is their pathetic attempt to show that they are really "in charge" and "winning".

      You see, the point is that they are *SO* confident (or, more to the point - want to CONVEY confidence) that they are winning in the *REAL* swing states of OHIO, FL, IOWA, that they are able to campaign in PA for "shizz and giggles".

      The GOP has lost PA every time they had the GOPers hop in there the day before election day.

  7. Anonymous6:22 AM

    What is this? Perez Hilton?

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      You would know. Miss an exit?

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      @Anon 6:22 am.
      Go ask the GOP that question.

  8. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Had the Romney campaign told the truth about Christie's having turned down Mitt, it would have been one of the only times during their sorry and hateful campaign. Mitt had better get used to being ignored, I think. What a mean, lying clod.

  9. Anonymous6:58 AM

    NJ governor race next year.
    NJ has some serious housing and power problems.
    When the governor leaves the state, powers of government shift.
    Christie says he will vote for romney but he has no problem working with the current president to solve difficult problems.
    romney is a dick.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Christie may want to rethink voting for Romney. Another disaster in New Jersey could happen and he sure wouldn't want disaster relief handed over to Jeb Bush's company, for which "heck-of-a-job" Brownie is working.

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I noticed that Christie's actual words were that he intended to vote for Romney.

      Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but it seemed to me saying 'intend' instead of 'will' leaves him some wiggle room. What he does in the voting booth is his own business, but I also suspect Governor Christie may not vote for Governor Romney. After the treatment he has received from the Romney camp this week, who could blame him.

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      @Anon 8:24 AM
      I totally agree with what you posted here. Especially the last two sentences.

  10. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Well, Christie has spent time with Obama and Rmoney. WHO would YOU rather be around?? I read that it was very cold at that rally for Rmoney, people waited for over an hour, then were prevented from leaving even with cold kids. Typical Rmoney, force people to attend a boring speech.There are reports that the Rmoney campaign has so few volunteers, that they are paying people to canvas door to door. Why didn't Queen Ann ride her horse around?

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      were prevented from leaving


      Um, "Freedom"?????

      What. THe. FUCk???

      You can't even choose to LEAVE?!?!?!?!?!

      Um, yeah, this man *really, REALLY* cares about you...AND your family.


  11. Sharon7:14 AM

    My gut tells me this is just more bullshit from Robme morons....Christie was never asked because they knew he would never go. This isn't even stupid enough for high school, more like grade school. For whatever its worth....Bruce calling Christie from Air Force One just shows who is the big man (sorry for the pun)..and its Bruce. Regardless of past policies that Bruce hates, it takes a big man to say thanks for your hard work and leadership when it is deserved. I think Robme losing is Christie's blessing in disguise, so we shall see how he changes by next year in governing.

  12. Anonymous7:14 AM

    The only explanation is that Sarah is their campaign manager.

    If the former Alaska governor is looking out for her home state, her choice is clear

    Top Palinisms

    “Believe it or not – this was in the 60s – we used to hustle on over the border for health care that we would receive in Whitehorse…. Isn’t that kind of ironic now. Zooming over the border, getting health care from Canada.”
    -- Speech in Calgary, Alberta, March 6, 2010

    “I didn’t believe the theory that human beings – thinking, loving beings – originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea. Or that human beings began as single-celled organisms that developed into monkeys who eventually swung down from the trees.”
    --Going Rogue

  13. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Let's all spend the day looking forward to President Obama's acceptance speech tonight...and Governor Romney's concession speech.
    For old time's sake we could watch Sarah Palin's concession speech from 2008. Oh wait- that's right! They turned off the lights before she snuck it in - and told her to go home.

  14. Just another romney lie.
    Are we at 500 yet?
    Or 1000?

    It is obvious they do not care that they lie, because they have not had any consequences for the major lies they have told.

    I hope though, that the major consequence comes this evening,with the re election of POTUS Obama!!!

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Someone totaled Mitten's different lies and they Did total over 1000. Than was like a week ago and there are more. How in the Hell could ANYONE think of voting for this pathological lying sociopath??????????????????????????????

  15. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I noticed that they are running "Game Change" on cable again - it's been shown a couple of times within the past week! I suspect they are wanting us to see what a bitch Sarah Palin was in the last election. She was horrible!!! McCain was friggin' crazy to have put her on the ticket w/him!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  16. Just to be clear, I will NOT be posting anything about Sarah Palin today.

    Today is about the main event, not the circus sideshow. I simply don't care what the pinhead in the shit encrusted cage has to say on a day like today.

    However AFTER the election I will happily report on all of the various conservative mental breakdowns and finger pointing. Joyfully even.

    1. Gryph,

      I voted with joy this morning for PBHO and handsome Joe Biden. :-)

    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      The schadenfreude will be glorious!

      Lordily, I do so love the taste of Republican tears.

      Oops, how sinful of me.

    3. Anonymous1:35 PM

      That's great Gryphen! I agree!


  17. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Obama To Do 10 TV Interviews With Swing State Stations

    President Obama may not be on the campaign trail like Mitt Romney for election day, but he'll be doing a series of interviews with local television stations in battleground states. Most notable states not on the list: North Carolina (where Romney leads in polls) and Pennsylvania (which Romney is contesting at the last minute).

    The networks are:

    WHO: Des Moines, IA

    KWWL: Cedar Rapids, IA

    WTMJ: Milwaukee, WI

    WKYC: Cleveland, OH

    WKRC, Cincinnati, OH

    WFOR: Miami, FL

    WTVT: Tampa, FL

    WJLA: Washington, DC

    KMGH: Denver, CO

    KVVU: Las Vegas, NV


  18. Anonymous7:40 AM

    The fact that Romney would even ask such a thing is offensive, and his campaign’s response to Gov. Christie’s refusal is despicable. If you don’t live in New Jersey, it’s impossible to understand just how completely this storm has disrupted everything in the state. A hundred miles away from the shore, there are still gas lines and empty store shelves, residents without power, evacuees with nowhere to go, and we are the lucky ones. Regardless of how you feel about Governor Christie, the sheer elbow grease he has put into his response to the storm has been self-evident. That Mitt Romney thinks Gov. Christie is obliged to drop everything to campaign for him should hurt him politically, whether Christie intends it to or not.

    Update: CNN reports that a “Christie confidante” named Bill Palatucci denies Romney reached out. When Í asked Jon Ward about Palatucci’s denial, Ward said he stands by his reporting. For the record, that reporting consists of a Christie aide (not a “confidante”) and a Romney campaign source, and Jon Ward, whom I have known since he was the White House correspondent for The Daily Caller, is as solid a reporter as there is. Ask yourself why no official source has gone on the record, either from Romney or Christie, to deny the story.


  19. Anonymous7:42 AM


    That Mitt Romney guy *sure* has his shit together...


  20. Anonymous7:42 AM

    It's a GREAT. DAY to RE-ELECT PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Anonymous7:46 AM


    Send fancy panties back into the hole he crawled out of.

  22. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I believe this was another attempt by Rmoney campaign to smear Christie, just like they did by putting out that story about how their VP pick went down. I'm glad Christie refuted the lie.

    I want to tell you all how alone I am on facebook. Almost all of my friends, acquaintances and family on there (not all of them are on) are for Rmoney. And they post erroneous stuff about Obama all the time. If I refute it with facts, believe me, I look like the odd woman out. The likes and the comments usually come to a dead stop after I post contradictory info. I had an old family friend block me today because I made statements about how, no matter what party you are with, you need to be educated and informed on the facts. I thought she was a democrat and for Obama based on many posts she'd made but maybe she was just really good at trolling. More and more these days people get offended when you offer up information that is different than what they believe or want to hear. There is no reason or rational discussion. They just get nasty. Before she blocked me she made a comment on my profile pic that was nasty. It's a pic of me as a small child. Nice, right?

    Well, gotta run. Going to vote for our President now :)

  23. I think that Christie is staying as far away from The Stench as he can. He has a state in crisis and a re-election campaign next year. He knows that Obama will win and his state still needs lots of help from the federal government.

    He would be committing political suicide if he aligned with Romney at this point. Christie, for all his faults, is not a stupid man. The Stench of Romney was blow away by Hurricane Sandy.

  24. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Welp, the fix is in progress!


    video comments posted:

    ¨I initially selected Obama but Romney was highlighted. I assumed it was being picky so I deselected Romney and tried Obama again, this time more carefully, and still got Romney. Being a software developer, I immediately went into troubleshoot mode. I first thought the calibration was off and tried selecting Jill Stein to actually highlight Obama. Nope. Jill Stein was selected just fine. Next I deselected her and started at the top of Romney's name and started tapping very closely together to find the 'active areas'. From the top of Romney's button down to the bottom of the black checkbox beside Obama's name was all active for Romney. From the bottom of that same checkbox to the bottom of the Obama button (basically a small white sliver) is what let me choose Obama. Stein's button was fine. All other buttons worked fine.

    I asked the voters on either side of me if they had any problems and they reported they did not. I then called over a volunteer to have a look at it. She him hawed for a bit then calmly said "It's nothing to worry about, everything will be OK." and went back to what she was doing. I then recorded this video.¨

    President Obama has an Army of lawyers fighting for our democracy.

    We´re on this chit now.

  25. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Rudy (9-11!) would have done it. Hell, Rudy (9-11!) would have flown to all the swing states (9-11!!!)

  26. Romney is lying as per usual.

    The Underdahls voted for Obama/Biden.

    1. Me, too. It was a little brisk and breezy to be standing around waiting to vote for the PBO in a red state here, but when my home folk here get a clue one day and stop voting for these Neocons, I want to be in the parade.

      Two hours and it was nice to visit and laugh with some normal Dems, Reps and Indies who were tired of the Fox News warnings about the New Black Panthers possibly intimidating voters. No, we didn't see any. In a metro area with over half a million African Americans, we seem to have plenty of OWS and TeaNutters who could be Larry the Cable Guy's body double, but no Black Panthers.

      Be sure to vote. No excuses.

      Obama/Biden 2012

  27. Anonymous8:23 AM


    Chrysler gave everyone in Ohio and Michigan the day off to vote.

    Democracy in action hurts Mitt.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      A web address with part of it replaced with "..." is not very helpful. Try this:


  28. Anonymous8:28 AM

    This is not the sort of thing that winning campaigns are engaged in on the eve of the election.

    Just sayin'.

    Romney's campaign will serve as a lesson in years to come of exactly what not to do. It may have been even more poorly managed than McCain's, and that is saying a lot.

  29. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I think Mittens was trying to paint Christie as not a team player and disloyal to the GOP. It was clearly aimed at dicrediting Christie.IT was a craven and despicable retaliation for Christies praise of Obama. I think I hate Mitt more that Sarah.

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Yep. That's it exactly. Mitt is just being a vindictive p.o.s.

  30. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Since the Romney campaign and the Governor's people did NOT have a consistent story already prepared to give to the press, it's clear that Romney campaign is still not ready for prime time.

    A campaign appearance 20 minutes from the capital of a disaster state is a simple situation. One picks up the phone and tells the Governor's office "we're going to say we understand how busy you are" AND "don't fuck up the message on us or we will make you very sorry". Romney's campaign staff is abysmally childish (resembling their candidate in that way).

  31. Sally in MI8:41 AM

    I voted and saw the coolest thing. A middle-Aged man was voting and his teen son was right beside him, listening as the man explained what he was doing. I have no idea what the party is, but THAT is democracy. Also, we vote by drawing a line between
    Broken arrows. No touch machines to hack here in MI. Oh and things were running smothlly. My one gripe was that on every partison office, the GOP was listed first.

  32. Just voted for President Obama/Biden...brought my hubby along too! Daughter in college sent in her mail in ballot last week!

    No election tv coverage today...watching Netflix..."Millennium"..."5th Element"...and "Dog Day Afternoon" are all qued up! See y'all tonight!

    1. GinaM -- 5th Element is one of our all time faves. Hubby and I get a lot of mileage out of quotes from the movie.

      "Leeloo Dallas Multeepass!"
      "Give me the c-c-c-c-cash!"
      "That's a really nice hat."

      It never gets old. :-)

      Obama/Biden 2012

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Lol! Keep it, Iiiii donn't neeedd it..twitches..

  33. I live north of and work in New York City. I am seeing our communities struggling after being ravaged by Hurricane Sandy. I'm remembering President Bush having a slice of John McCain's birthday cake in Arizona while Katrina bore down on the people in Louisiana. I remember hearing about rape, death, and gun-toting thugs in an out-of-control New Orleans. I remember people who took food so they wouldn't starve got arrested for looting. An image haunts me - seeing a guy carrying a case of diapers being forced by the National Guard to "drop that" into the water swirling at his feet because he was serving under a President whose concern was to protect businesses from looting. I'm so grateful that President Obama is not George Bush. I see how involved and responsive President Obama's actions are in comparison, and that tells me what I need to know to vote like lives, futures, and national security depend on it - and they do.

  34. Super Fan In Atlanta9:26 AM

    Republicans Try To Spin Mitt's Un-Coolness"

    As for Mitt, there’s nothing cool about him. Hero worship is impossible! The first Mormon president will never make Eva Longoria swoon. But to quote Tina Turner, we don’t need another hero — we just want someone who gets the job done. Is Mitt the guy? Why not? At least we aren’t blinded by cool. So as the cool kids orchestra a countrywide version of high school with Will Ferrell and Bill Maher acting as dumb jocks taunting the uncool, it’s your turn, it’s time for you, it’s time for adults again facing up to adult world. We cannot wait four years for Obama to grow up.”

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/05/gutfeld-rips-bill-maher-is-jeremiah-wrights-arm-up-mahers-sagging-butt/#ixzz2BT5ndd7X

  35. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Here is a great letter for today:

    Dear Red States:

    We're ticked off at your Neanderthal attitudes and politics and we've decided we're leaving: “Legitimate rape” is almost reason enough!

    We in New York intend to form our own country and we're taking the other Blue States with us.

    In case you aren't aware that includes California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and the rest of the Northeast.

    We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation and especially to the people of the new country of The Enlightened States of America (E.S.A).

    To sum up briefly:
    You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states.
    We get stem cell research and the best beaches.
    We get Andrew Cuomo and Elizabeth Warren.
    You get Bobby Jindal and Todd Akin.
    We get the Statue of Liberty.
    You get OpryLand.
    We get* Intel* and Microsoft.
    You get WorldCom.
    We get Harvard (*Princeton, Penn, Haverford, Colgate, U of R)*,.
    You get Ole' Miss.
    We get 85 percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs.
    You get Alabama.
    We get two-thirds of the tax revenue. You get to make the red states pay their fair share.

    Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single moms.

    Please be aware that the E.S.A. will be pro choice and anti war and we’re going to want all our citizens back from Afghanistan at once. If you need people to fight, ask you evangelicals. They have kids they’re apparently willing to send to their deaths for no purpose and they don’t care if you don’t show pictures of their children’s caskets coming home.

    We wish you success in Afghanistan, and possibly Iran as well, but we’re not willing to spend our resources in those sorts of pursuits.

    With the Blue States in hand we will have firm control of:
    80% of the country's fresh water,
    more than 90% of the pineapple and lettuce,
    92% of the nation's fresh fruit,
    95% of America's quality wines (you can serve French wines at state dinners),
    90% of all cheese,
    90 percent of the high tech industry,
    most of the US low sulfur coal,
    all living redwoods,
    sequoias and condors,
    all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools plus Harvard Yale, Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT.

    With the Red States you will have to cope with:
    88% of all obese Americans and their projected health care costs,
    92% of all US mosquitoes,
    nearly 100% of the tornadoes,
    90% of the hurricanes,
    99% of all Southern Baptists,
    virtually 100% of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia.

    We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.

    38% of those in the Red states believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62% believe life is sacred unless we're discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44% say that evolution is only a theory, 53% that Saddam was involved in 9/11 and 61% of you crazy bastards believe you are people with higher morals then we lefties.

    We're taking the good weed too. You can have that crap they grow in Mexico.

    Stan Singer
    Citizen of the Enlightened States of America

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      That was an excellent comment, one I have thought about a lot. I love the new name for our country. I fear that it will even worse when PBO is re-elected tonight. I feel like we are being abused by these ugly people.

  36. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Guiliani has been running his mouth all over tv today saying FEMA response to sandy is worse than Katrina and he is getting away with it mika tried to shit him up to no avail

  37. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Still Spreading Santorum! Look at his latest twitter stupid.

    Today is the day for America to stop leading from behind. http://ptrtvoic.es/VyNt6m


  38. A little O/T but I thought this was funny. I know we're not talking about ***** today, but it reminded me about those serial whiners like ***** who never buck up and take responsibility.


    I'm one of those goofballs who reads the current health department score every time and I'll ask the staff what their most recent score was to see if they pay attention to food safety, cleanliness, etc.

    But I tip damn well, and I want the servers and kitchen personnel to be on top of what's important.

  39. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Don't paint EVERYONE who lives in a red state as the enemy. It's easy to be in the majority, but try being a faithful Democratc volunteer in your community when you're up to your asshole in teabaggers all around, and you'll understand what a real challenge is.

    Cut the crap on the Civil War nostalgia. We've been over that for 150 years. Bigger fish to fry than to complain about what once was or wasn't, but ain't no no more.

    Finally, please stop pissing on a lot of good people with a geographical challenge who are busting their ass locally. Our congressman is about as progressive as any "northern liberal", and catches shit from every direction because of it, but he doesn't spend his time bitching about those of us supporting him.

    He's busting his hump, and so are we. Think before you generalize and degrade like minded people. If we don't work together, we won't have the House majority until a Republican President is elected, which might be another generation down the road. This gridlock shit isn't helping our country at all.

    Just sayin'.

  40. Anonymous3:17 PM

    John Hughes, not Cris Columbus

    1. Good lord, you are right.

      How did I mix that up?

      Thanks for the correction.

  41. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Thanks for the blog. It was the least I could do.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.