Tuesday, November 06, 2012

One More Term

Sometimes it seems that many of you think with one mind, and I find myself deluged with similar links, or news items, or videos.

The other day was just such a day when I found links to one video arriving in the comments section and my e-mail inbox over, and over again.

It was this video.

One Term More from One Term More on Vimeo.
Now some of you may remember that I already posted this back in August, but today's a great day for an inspirational song so what the hell?

I hope it inspires you to vote regardless of how hard they try to make you feel like a second class citizen, or convince you that your vote simply doesn't matter, or how long they make you stand in line.

You vote despite of how hard they try to keep you from doing so. In fact take that as your sign that you are NOT a second class citizen, that your vote really DOES matter, and that the lines are in response to how much they fear you.

That is what the President meant when he said that "voting is the best revenge." And do you know what? He is goddamn right!


  1. Sally in MI4:13 AM

    My favorite musical ever (have seen it in Detroit three times, New York, and Toronto, and soon to be a blockbuster Christmas film!) and my favorite President ever (sorry, Bill, but Barack is about to eclipse even your accomplishments!!) Vote, people. This IS the most important day ever in this country. Either we allow two liars with an unspoken but evil agenda to further suppress the middle class, or we vote for freedom and integrity and our futures.

  2. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Thank you for posting this again. I just came back from voting to find it...must have missed it the first time...and now I'm sitting here, all choked up, and the dog's sitting beside me, howling with the chorus. Proud way to start the day!!

  3. I'm sick as a dog, but dragged myself and my daughter (first time voter!) to the polls at 6:30 a.m. to find a line already! Yay democracy. Now back to bed.

    1. Anonymous5:07 AM

      Thank you for going to vote despite feeling rotten.

    2. Yes Mimi, thank you very much for voting.

      Now you get some sleep because I think tonight is going to be a LONG night.

  4. Beldar J. Conehead5:12 AM

    Not so fast Mr. Fancy Pants Librul Alaska Blogger! This aint over!!

    Remember this is the first national election held under the 2010 Divided Electorate Protection Act which is intended to keep hostile partisan voters physically apart by voting on separate days.

    Sure, a lot of people will vote today, Democratic Voting Day, when every vote will be counted towards Obama. Big deal. The REAL excitement starts tomorrow, Republican Voting Day, November 7th, when The Mighty Red Tide supporting Mittens Rmoney will pour out of their homes like rats from a burning building and HUNDREDS of millions of votes will be cast for Mittens, The Slight Right White Hope!! HUNDREDS of millions, yo!

    So before you pop the cap on that chilled bottle of Zima you've been saving since 1999, wait until tomorrow night when ALL the voters have had their say.

    I urge all my fellow tea baggin' friends to shut off the TV, radio, and computer today and just sit quietly in your homes and seethe with rage - oh, and don't forget anger! - about the black man in the White House. Then TOMORROW let's get out there and show the world what we're made of!!!!

    And that is why I have endorsed Mittens "Mittens" Rmoney for presdient of Amercia. And That Other Guy, also, too.

    (remember, when Mittens is coronated in January, there will be a free concert featuring Kid Rock, Meat Loaf, Ted Nugent, and Tennessee's very own acappella Buffalo Chip Yodelers. See y'all there....)

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      The threat of hearing Meat Loaf destroying another song should be sufficient to turn the tide for Obama.

  5. Chenagrrl5:20 AM

    Thank you. I have facebooked as my stand for myself. It will not please my family and friends, whom I love, but who have had GOP-stamped on their butts since birth.

  6. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I'm on my way out the door now to cast my vote, wanna be there when the doors open. Straight Democratic ticket at all levels. There won't be any obstruction to my voting, thank heavens, I live in a very Democratic state. GOBAMA!!

  7. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I love that song and I think Victor Hugo would approve. He certainly was not a big proponent of the 1% of his day in France!

  8. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I'm in Virginia, and "One DAY More" has definitely been running thru my mind all morning. We have been slammed with all things political. No more clogging up the answering machine with Romney robocalls (haven't gotten the Sarah Palin, but did get the Pat Boone), no more piles of junk mail, and no more pesky relatives calling to make sure I'm voting Republican--which I most certainly am not.

  9. Sharon9:00 AM

    Thank you for re posting this video...there are so many wonderful endorsements for Obama, I can't remember any for Robme, not one. I still can't phantom anyone voting for that poor excuse of a human being, for that matter supporting any Republican these days. Just the thought of Ashley Judd running against Turtleman in 2014 thrills me to no end. I think after Obama wins, the next midterm election is gonna swing back toward Dems...lets hope that Cantor loses now and we get started in that direction. I am really hoping Ryan loses too, surely Wisconsin has seen him for what he truly is..sigh, we hope.


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