Monday, November 05, 2012

My daughter asked me to remind everybody just how much this President has accomplished on our behalf.

It is not often that I get suggestions from the young lady who lives with me as to what to share on this blog. Today was an exception.

The light of my life would like everybody who visits here to recognize and appreciate all that President Obama has done in these last fours years in the face of unprecedented opposition from the Republican party.  And you know, even with that, it is really QUITE impressive.

Now I know that most of you already have a good idea of just how much President Obama has done, but I guess it never hurts to remind ourselves. Especially one day before election day.

Here see for yourself.  

If you’re one of those who thinks President Obama is a “disappointment,” my condolences that you didn’t get your unicorn. But it’s time to grow up and get over it. You can either work for Obama and every other Democrat (yes, including Blue Dogs), or you can sit back and watch Willard Romney complete the job of taking apart the social fabric of the country that was first undertaken by Ronald Reagan 32 years ago. That is your choice. 

What makes the “disappointment” argument so irritating is that it’s simply not true. He’s done nearly everything we elect a president to do, and he did it all with little support from the left, and massive obstruction from the right. 

Is he perfect? No, he’s human. Does he deserve some criticism? Of course, but at this point, it really doesn’t matter. 

What does matter is that this president has compiled a STELLAR record given the circumstances under which he took office. If you can look at this list of the president’s accomplishments and not be excited, you have a serious problem with perspective. 

Pass this list around to everyone you know. And don’t be afraid; unlike many such lists, every item includes a link to a citation supporting it. 

So after reading that, is it any wonder that he STILL inspires such hope in those that have paid attention to his presidency for these last four years? If you have been paying attention then you already know the answer.

The forces gathered against him are doing their damnedest to keep us from reelecting this man. If they really thought he was such a poor president they would not even bother trying to suppress our vote. Instead their efforts prove just how much they fear his successes, both past and now future.

Let's show them that our rights, and the next four years, are too precious to allow them to steal them away from us.



  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    My husband and I mailed our ballots a couple of weeks ago.
    My hubby recently had a wonderful and very personal experience. His parents now require 24 hour care and are still in their home. They do not want to be given any life-saving procedures. Their plan is to die peacefully at home - my husband, his sister and brother along with help from 2 women cover the hours.
    They recently received their absentee ballots and wanted to fill them out. Mom, Pop, my hubby, his sister, brother and a sister-in-law sat around the dining room table and went through the ballot together. So - they were able to vote for the very last time - and for Obama, of course.
    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Thanks for sharing your personal story. It made me cry, but in a good way.

      I don't understand the rabid hatred for our President. I hope that he feels the love and support we feel for him and that it makes up for the rest. He deserves so much better.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Thanks for sharing, Pat. :)

    3. Anonymous1:04 PM

      I know what you mean about tears in a good way - dripping on the keyboard right now. Have a good one.
      Pat Padrnos

    4. Anita Winecooler9:55 PM

      Late to this thread-
      Pat, My family was going through a similar situation with my Dad in the last election.
      Smiling through tears here as well.

      My heart goes out to you and your family.

    5. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Hello Anita Winecooler -
      I always look for your comments on articles. Thanks for your thoughts.
      Pat Padrnos

  2. DetroitSam11:24 AM

    Pass it on: November Surprise - Obama Sanctions Force Shutdown of Iranian Nuclear Program via @AddInfoOrg

  3. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I can't help but think the extremely low approval rating for the US congress is an indication that voters realize the obstruction has limited President Obama's goals for his first 4 years. That said, what he has accomplished is absolutely amazing. You are so correct (I almost said "right" but I don't like using that word anymore) regarding the gop's attempts to suppress the vote and to continuously twist the truth in their ridiculous political ads. Regarding the political ads that are airing continuously on radio and TV, I never thought I would look forward to the day when viagra ads would be aired again.

  4. Irishgirl11:58 AM

    November Surprise – Obama Sanctions Force Shutdown of Iranian Nuclear Program

    "Today, the Iranian Foreign Policy and National Security Commission of Parliament Mohammad Hossein Asfari told the Iranian Student’s News Agency, the second largest news organization in the nation, that Iran was shutting down their centrifuges, suspending its entire nuclear program, as a symbol of “good will.”

    In the discussion, Mohammad admitted that the sanctions have been crippling to the Iranian people. With their trade effectively shut off, the exchange rate for their currency was slashed by over 80%, and continuing to plummet. The nation was facing crucial shortfalls of crucial goods, from wheat, flour, sugar, and red meat, as well as aluminum and steel. The sanctions have effectively turned Iran into an international pariah.

    Nuclear development is not something you can just suspend and restart at will. The materials degrade, decompose, and pollute themselves over time. Any successful nuclear program requires continuous active development. Once a program is shut down, in effect it will need to be restarted from scratch. Years of effort, gone.

    The Obama sanctions have restored balance to the region."

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Holy cow! Well, I think we just won ourselves an election. Mitt's war of choice is kaput.GOBAMA!!!!

    2. Leland1:13 PM

      Whops! Sorry folks, but Tehran's official news agency has now denied the report concerning a cessation of enrichment!

      Of course, who the hell knows with those idiots?

    3. Irishgirl2:55 PM

      Sorry about that. I thought it was legit.

  5. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Well said, Gryphen. As for me, I have never wavered in my support for President Obama, not one second.

  6. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Well stated as usual.

    Please vote! even you folks stuck in red states. :)

  7. Caroll Thompson12:42 PM

    I have said it before and I will say it again. President Obama is the best President that I have seen in my 57 years.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      I agree and I go back almost 69 years. And no president has ever had to cope with such a recalcitrant opposition party in Congress.
      Obama/Biden/Democratic Congress 2012

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I totally agree - President Obama is the best President I have seen in my 65 years and I knew he would be ever since I first heard him speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.

  8. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Last night Hannity and Palin on revenge...

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      More here.

    2. Anita Winecooler10:06 PM

      Ohh she's filming from a graveyard now! Good lighting for her complexion.

      Stoopid blames Obama for the lowered credit rating...

      She spews out "revenge" and "more of the same" in very measured, deliberate cadence.

      oh sean got fed up, cut the skank off at the knees - ha!!!

    3. Anita Winecooler10:13 PM

      Thanks for sharing! I like that it includes the clickable links, pass it on!

      I'm so glad Romney keeps saying talk is cheap and to look at Obama's record (as if that's a bad thing!).

      Pass it on!

  9. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I think this story will be enjoyed by many here. The link describes it.


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