Sunday, November 11, 2012

Talk of Hillary Clinton for 2016 started seconds after the election results were in. Is this a step forward for politics in this country, or backward in that it will return a Clinton to the White House?

Courtesy of the New York Times:

If Hillary Clinton ran for president again, she would probably be the best-prepared candidate in American history: one who’s lived in the White House, served in the United States Senate, a woman who knows virtually every head of state in the world and also has a strong opinion about the merits of the Peruvian minister of development and social inclusion.

As a big fan of both Bill Clinton as president ,ad Hillary as Secretary of State, I can find a number of reasons to support the idea of Hillary running in 2016.

Qualified? Not even a question.

Experienced? Please.

Yet another move forward for American politics, electing a woman right after our first African American President? Well yes and no.

On the one hand nominating a woman for President seems like a no-brainer for being the natural next step for the country. However nominating a Clinton seems like a blast from the past. A past by the way that has plenty of baggage which contains much that can be used against Hillary in 2016.

Her husband's embarrassing affair. His impeachment. Her "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" comments. (Though come to think of it, who does not realize there is a vast right wing conspiracy these days?) And of course her age.

Hillary will be 69 years old, essentially the same age as Ronald Reagan. Many believe, myself included, that Reagan had the early onset of Alzheimer's toward the end of his presidency, which has brought into question the wisdom of electing a person that could almost be in their eighties by the time they left office.

As much as I admire Hillary, and I really do, I think I would almost rather see an Elizabeth Warren or Kirsten Gillibrand take up the challenge instead.

Having said that, I think it may be inevitable that Hillary take her shot. And if that happens I think we all pretty much know what the contest will look like in 2016.

Well there goes MY last non gray hair.

So go ahead my friends, chime in. What are your thoughts?


  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Fear not, I am sure there are lots of electable Democrats waiting in the wings. Take Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator from NY, for instance.

  2. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I'm all for Hillary and I hope she does run. In 2008 I was torn between Obama and Hillary but finally voted for Obama in the primaries. Hillary is doing an outstanding job as SOS and she's got so much experience, I'm sure Republican heads will explode if she does run.

  3. Anonymous5:38 PM

    We've elected our 1st African-American as POTUS and given him a 2nd term, next we need to elect our first woman president and that would be Hillary Clinton!

  4. cuppajava5:41 PM

    I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary will have had enough of politics, especially in four more years. And, if by chance, her one-and-only daughter should present her and Bill with some grandchildren by that time, then that just might be the icing on the cake to kick back and enjoy her senior years.

  5. Olivia5:42 PM

    Hillary would be great, as would Elizabeth Warren or Kristine Gillibrand. It is exhilarating thinking of the capable women who could take charge in the next cycle. We have been so stunted by not considering women in higher office. It is time. It has been time for years. The Republikan model of stinky old white rich men is DONE!

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Wow...we've got Clinton, Warren and Gillibrand.

      The Republicans have Bachmann.

      No contest!

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Don't forget that the Repubs have Sarah Palin!

      Now that's a slam dunk.

      Or something. :)

    3. A. J. Billings11:01 PM

      No, they had Paylin until the Couric interviews, and until the Alaskan blogger heros stepped forward to reveal the depth of her ignorance, prejudice, and religious fanaticism.

      $arah is a national embarassment at this point, and in 2016 she's going to be nothing but a reality show has been like Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

    4. Anonymous9:56 AM

      AJ Billings: Sarcasm. *sigh*

  6. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Elizabeth Warren is only two years younger than Hillary. If she runs in 2016 she will be 67. Also on the older side.

    I think Gillibrand is well-positioned for a White House run in 2016. She will be 49. Like Hillary before her, she has positioned herself as a moderate who represents liberal urban NYers and conservative upstate types equally well.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Thanks, I wondered how old Warren was. But 65-70 is not that old if one has lived moderately. I think Hillary with Warren VP. Look at Cheney. (OK don't he makes me ill with disgust, too.)

      The problem with Warren for POTUS is that she will only have been a senator for two years.

    2. Leland1:16 AM

      Obama wasn't exactly long time Senator, remember!

    3. Anonymous4:41 AM

      Lets get real.

      We want someone with as much experience as possible.

      Also, wasn't Biden running mentioned?

  7. Sally in MI5:49 PM

    Hillary would be fabulous. She has more energy than people half her age.
    We'll see how she enjoys her upcoming 'free time.' If she misses politics, she'll be back. Can you imagine all three of these fine women running?
    As well as Beau Biden, or Sherrod Brown? The Democratic Party has so much talent and experience just waiting to run against the next Bush or Christie or Ryan. Bring 'em on!

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      I suspect that is why she is taking some time off. If she misses politics and feels she has the energy, she'll run. If not, she'll pass the torch.

  8. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I thought it was interesting that she said that she was going to take AYEAR to relax. A YEAR! They would put her in the start of the silly season.

  9. For a woman, 69 is the high side of middle-age.

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      True. And just because one president lost his marbles in his 70s doesn't mean another would.

      It's a factor, for sure, but it doesn't preclude her in my book.

  10. Anonymous6:04 PM

    My 16 year old grandson thinks that Michele Obama should run in 2016. Wouldn't that be something..not only a woman, but a black (or as Romney lovingly says, "blah") woman. Talk about making head explode!

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      It was Rick Santorum that said the "blah people" thing.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      It would be nice if she ran for Senate. Barack's old seat is up in 2016 and while Mark Kirk is okay for a Republican -- he voted to end DADT -- but it would be nice for it to stay in the Obama family.
      But. I don't think she will. I don't think she likes politics.

    3. Sally in MI7:14 PM

      Yes, Michelle would be awesome indeed!

  11. Bluedragon6:04 PM

    I supported Hillary Clinton in the NH primary. At the time I thought she had what it takes to be a great president and I still think she would have been good. When she didn't win the nomination, I then became a complete supporter of Obama in his first campaign and volunteered for his campaign this time. Because, you know we can't forget the issues!. In the the last four years, Hillary Clinton has matured as a political figure in such a fashion that is rare to witness. From her endorsement of Barack Obama as he won the nomination to her acceptance of a position in his cabinet, to her stellar efforts on behalf of our country, she is without peer at this time in her life. Her political stature is enormous!! I agree that Elizabeth Warren will be a fine senator and that Kirsten Gilebrand IS a fine senator, but neither of them have her political savvy, strength or resume. Perhaps someday they will and perhaps someday it will be no big deal to elect a woman, but for now, I say we need the one who can knock 'em dead!! And that candidate will be Hillary Clinton. We need to break that damn glass ceiling with someone who cannot be doubted to have the chops to do the job. I do love my President Obama, but since we seem to be talking about it already....Hillary Clinton 2016, I'm in!! And I'll be working the ground game for her as I just did for Obama!

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      In 2008 I think we got it right. The Republicans would die in the streets rather than let Hillary get a health care through. She had more experience in foreign affairs than Barack. Now, if she wants to run, I'll back her. One of the comments in the NY Times struck me though. Hillary to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg when she retires. I think that would be an even better idea.

      Elizabeth 44

    2. Anonymous4:46 AM

      I think the supreme court is a phenomenal suggestion.

      It would appeal to the lawyer in her,
      It keeps her in politics ~and very powerful!
      She would never have to run a campaign again...ever!
      And she would go down in history as a figure almost equal to her husband (apart from actually becoming POTUS, I don't think there is anything even close...)

  12. Dis Gusted6:09 PM

    nah, I don't think Hillary will go for it again. She's resigned as SoS and has no interest.

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      She hasn't ruled it out. It's a long time from now and the dust hasn't even settled from this election. I think she is considering it.

  13. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Those fools at C4PEE are pushing the UNQUALIFIED and Drug Addicted Racist Sarah Palin to run in 2016. She will tease them as long as they DONATE their Lunch Money to her SLUSH FUND also known as SARAPAC. The I.R.S. may cancel any Political Dreams that she might have.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Who cares, that group of loony racists gets smaller every day. And yes racist, they really exposed themselves after the election slamming latinos.

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Palin is total teabagger and they are dying though as we speak they are planning on taking over the Republican Party - it's all on tape and I say go for it Teabaggers! Palin always backs the most severely extreme candidates and will always want our country to go backwards. Voting is like driving a car Sarah, choose (R) to move backward. Choose (D) to move forward.' But you've chosen (T) for teabaggers and it's not even on the gear shift.

    3. Anonymous9:37 PM

      I think it is completely safe to say at this point that Sarah's political career is completely over.

      At most she will continue as a gadfly. If Fox doesn't renew with her, and I don't think they will, she won't even qualify as a gadfly.

      She may try to do some loony exercise thing or a cook book, or something along those lines. She is most definitely in a death spiral. She can still shill a few more folks that don't have a lot of sense out of their money, but it is going to get harder and harder and more and more sordid.

    4. Anonymous4:50 AM

      I care more about Ted Nugents Shit.Stained pants from 1960,
      than I do the people at c for p.

  14. Balzafiar6:09 PM

    My vote in 2016 will be for Hillary Clinton for President; I have already made that decision. I am also going to start saving money which I can then donate to her campaign, not that she will need it -- I am sure of that -- because she will have a huge amount of support.

    Hillary has all the plusses, and the negatives are really of little consequence in my view. They are certainly of little consequence considering all the other stuff that goes on in Washington.

    I didn't vote for Hillary the first time around because I was a bit put off by Bill's attitude toward Obama, but he has come around and become a real champion for Obama which I've very happy about.

    If Hillary declines to run, then Elizabeth Warren would be my next choice. Only time will tell.

    Hey, how about *both* of them? What a ticket!

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Been posting this for a while:
      2016 Clinton/Warren
      2020 Was going to be Clinton/'s age maybe Warren, but now knowing Warren's age maybe Warren/Castro (Julian or Joaquin) or Warren/Baldwin. Michele Obama, fine individual that she is has not held public office. I think she would be wise to run for Senator from Illinois first if political life interests her.

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      6:55 anon

      Nah, we need Mayor Castro in Texas. He needs to run for governor. He is much loved in the San Antonio area and I think he could pull enough votes to help us straighten out Texas.
      He has a lot of years left :)

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Just imagine the team backing them up: Barack, Michelle, Bill, and the Bidens!

      Elizabeth 44

    4. Anonymous10:43 PM

      @6:55 so what about his brother the state rep. (nice you have a spare Castro)

    5. A. J. Billings11:12 PM

      @anonmous, 7:16 pm..
      Did you say straighten out Texas?

      My friend, your sentiments are admirable, but there is no chance that Texas will be anything but hard core, ultra-righ, religious fanatics for the next 2 centuries.

  15. Anonymous6:10 PM


  16. As much as I admire Hillary Clinton, she looks exhausted. I really think we should have someone NOT named Clinton or (shudder) Bush. I kind of like Jennifer Granholm (former gov. of Michigan) or Kirsten Gillibrand.

    1. As much as I love Granholm, she cannot run for President as she was born Canadian, thus not a natural born US citizen.

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Jennifer Granholm was born in Canada.

    3. Sally in MI7:10 PM

      So how did George Romney, born in Mexico, run for President? When did the rules change?

    4. Anonymous9:39 PM

      George Romney was born outside the US but to American parents, so he was a natural born citizen, as the Constitution requires.

    5. Anonymous10:26 PM

      Actually G romney was NOT qualified. It was only in 2008 when congress passed that a citizen could be born out of the country, they changed this so McCain could run. He was born in Panama.

  17. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Hillary Clinton has been running for president, one way or another, for a good part of her life. She really wanted that job in 2008 when she ran against Obama. This time around, she has the power of more experience and a Democrat in the White House. I think that Bill Clinton has redeemed himself working on his Global Initiative, and he certainly helped the Obama campaign. I would hope that the Obama campaign would return the favor and lend their incredible organization and structure to Hillary.

    Because some of the Republicans made such an issue out of rape, birth control and trying to control women's reproductive health, Hillary would be the perfect backlash, playing their stupid remarks as a reminder that a vote for the Republican candidate is a vote for those idiots. Along with Hispanics and African Americans, women turned out to vote for President Obama is big numbers. I think that would carry over for Hillary in four years.

    The one idea that I saw on the internet was the possibility of President Obama appointing Joe Biden as Secretary of State. Then Obama could appoint Hillary to fill the empty VP spot. That would put her in a very strong position a year or two before the election. Would white rural uneducated men vote for a woman? They won't vote for any Democrat-- and we saw how effective their votes were for Romney. They will also be the only ones who still snicker about Monica. (If Petraeus, the hero of the Republicans could stray, anyone could.) There will be more minorities and more women who outnumber them, and look at the issues seriously-- as opposed to falling for the lies on Fox.

    Fox, oh, they would have a field day with Hillary. In the end, their garbage didn't help Romney, and it may have hurt him. Romney really thought that he would win. He must have been watching too much news on Fox. They appeal to a narrow, stupid minority that would never vote for Democrats anyway. Now, we have to find a good vice president for Hillary.

  18. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I have boatloads of admiration for Clinton, but I really hope the first female President gets there by making a name for herself, not by riding her husband's coat tails.

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Chauvinist much? She was a Senator. she is SOS. Try again.

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Fuck off Sarah , run along and see which of your daughters is currently knocked up.

    3. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Hillary, riding her husband's coat tails??? Surely you jest. She is better qualified IN HER OWN RIGHT, than most of those running for President.

      Elizabeth 44

    4. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Jesus, people, take a breath and chill out, willya? I'm a long-time friend of G and poster here, sometimes as Kat/JK, sometimes anon. And, yes, Hillary Clinton has an impressive record of accomplishment. But she came to a position of prominence by virtue of being Bill's wife. Maybe she would have been as accomplished without him, but we'll never know that.

  19. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I would gladly vote for Hillary, however I was really hoping for a Native American woman to run for president.
    Maybe Rep. Forrestina "Frosty" Calf Boss Ribs or Rep. Margarett Campbell both out Democrats out of Montana.

    Both have college degrees and have served as educator in the Montana school system. And lets face it both of these women have more experience and ability than Snowdrift Snooki............

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      As a Native American I would like that to. But sorry, they have NO name recognition at all.
      And what have they done? I haven't heard those names at all connected with anything?

      Little Rabbit

    2. Anonymous8:08 PM


    3. Anonymous8:49 PM

      I agree Little Rabbit that they have no name recognition, but I was just dreaming out loud. I can't wait until my dream comes to past.....

      Sarah Palin had no name recognition, but she had a good lobbyist....

    4. Anonymous10:27 PM

      I share the dream, but it would only delay the dream by putting forth a candidate that is nonviable.

      Little Rabbit

  20. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I think Hillary needs a new hairstyle - not that I want to pick at her style, because so many others have done that in the past, but she would be more attractive if she had a good haircut. Her hair is too long, and it makes her look older.

    As for her capabilities, I think she has them in spades, and Bill would make a good First Man -the FMOTUS? or First Gentleman? FGOTUS?

    The GOP would bring out the old ammunition, but I think the Clintons are strong enough to handle it. I'd vote for her!

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      First Bubba!

      Remember you heard it here first. :)

    2. I think one of her other shorter haircuts was more stylish and flattering, but she looks strong, happy, and confident. I read somewhere that she likes to be able to just pull her hair back for a neat, simple, fresh appearance at any time (particularly in warm climates, I would imagine).

      Now she looks better to me than ever. I wish I had that confidence in my appearance.

      She is a wonderful Secretary of State in my opinion.

      And yes, I realize that no one ever discussed Colin Powell's or Henry Kissinger's hairstyle!

    3. Dis Gusted5:50 AM

      would you say the same thing to a man?

      leave Hillary's hair alone.

  21. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I'd look out for Deval Patrick!

  22. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Forward, as much as I like Bill I've always thought Hillary was smarter and a little more progressive. And plus bagger heads will pop if we have a democratic woman president after 2 terms of a black male democrat.

  23. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I like Hillary. I initially supported her in 2008 but switched to Obama after she got nasty too many times for my liking. Like Gryphen said she would be nearly 70 when she took office and that is a concern.

    I'm leaning toward a Brian Schweitzer or Martin O'Malley as prez or VP, simply because they have executive experience as governors of Montana and Maryland. Schweitzer favors a single payer system like Saskatchewans. (sp)

    Kris Gillibrand would make a great president too, but I'm leaning toward Amy Klobuchar as a possible first female president. She has the highest approval rating in the Senate right now, and won 85 out of 87 counties in Minnesota last week.

    Elizabeth Warren is great, but she is still relatively new to politics, and she would be close to 70 as well.

    1. Anonymous4:17 AM

      People, 70 is not that old if you take care of yourself. My MIL is 89, in good health, takes no meds and travels the world independently. Hillary or Warren would be fine to govern at 70

    2. Otto Katz4:28 AM

      I came here to say Martin O'Malley. I'd put money on him being in the primary. He's going places. And I'm not from Maryland.

  24. Anonymous7:21 PM

    One other lady that should be mentioned:

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz

    1. WakeUpAmerica8:39 PM

      I LOVE her! She's smart, sassy, and capable.

  25. Not ready to think seriously about 2016 yet. But if Hillary wants it after some down-time, she'll be at the top of the list for the Dems. It's too far ahead to say she would be the perfect successor to Obama, but I can easily envision Hillary generating as much excitement and anticipation as an historic candidate as the Dem nominee as PBO did. She was a little bit hawkish in the Senate IMO, but that probably only adds to her constituency in cross-over voting and with independents.

    She has been a great SOS and was pretty damn graceful after a loss in the Dem Primary that must have been a real kick in the gut. I know that I've.never been ashamed to have her represent our country, even when she was getting a lot of shit about her wardrobe of a thousand pantsuits.

    But my endorsement will have to be put on hold for a year or so until I decompress from this one. I admit it make me salivate to think about Hillary chewing up the Grifter and spitting her out in a debate though!

    1. A. J. Billings11:21 PM

      Hillary debating Paylin? That would be like putting the Terminator into a boxing ring with a 10 year old kid.

      $arah was afraid to run against Rmoney, Sanctitorum, and Gingrinch in 2011.

      $arah would be TERRIFIED to run against Hillary, not that the Repubs will ever give her another chance.

      An uneducated, quitter, half term rogue isn't Presidential timber

  26. Anita Winecooler7:38 PM

    Just the fact that we're talking seriously about a woman running for office is something we have Hillary to thank for. She DID crack that glass ceiling, and yes - it's perfect timing to make history again by having a Female commander in chief.

    I'm kind of torn, I love Hillary and think she's more than capable, even at 69 years of age, of being Commander in Chief. A lot can happen in four years, if she becomes a grandmother, she may think twice about politics and decide to enjoy her later years with her husband and family. Whatever she decides, she's already made her mark.
    I'd really LOVE to see Liz Warren become President, she's one feisty lady who'll do a lot to move the progressive/liberal movement forward.

  27. Anonymous7:57 PM

    When you see the stamina of Hillary presently, I have no problem with her running. I think she would be excellent.

    The baggage -- they could try and hang it around her neck but it wouldn't stick. She's proven herself as Senator & as SOS.

    I'd love to see it be Clinton/Gillibrand. They've both been good for New York. Know each other. Have supported each other on issues for the State. Should Hillary decide after one term -- bring Kristen up with her gives her the footing to run. With all the experience Hillary has, it's a great opportunity in a way like mentoring Kirsten.

    As for Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- No. I liked her much more before she headed the DNC. A number of times in interviews, I wanted to slap her.

  28. Hillary is sharp as a tack, super intelligent and knows how to play with the big boys. If she runs, she's already shored up my vote. She's AWESOME.

  29. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I have no problem with another Clinton as president...hey, we had 2 Bushies! Hillary has all the qualifications, she just needs the motivation and desire to run. I do like SA Mayor Castro...lord knows, we desperately need him here in Texas.

  30. Anonymous8:07 PM

    If only Gabby Giffords hadn't been shot...

    1. Anita Winecooler8:50 PM

      Yes, it's sad to think of what good she could have achieved, but she's still a great inspiration and motivator for all of us.

  31. PollyinAK8:14 PM

    I think the GOP have a Hispanic candidate in mind, which would split up our current voting block between the Hispanic and women vote. We may have a larger "battle" in 2016. I'm going to have to sleep on this for a few years!

    Hillary is more than qualified. I personally, don't think she wants to have the presidency position in her latter years. I would support her if she did.

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Trotting out a 'token' which would likely be Rubio will do nothing to split the block. It will get them nowhere unless they drastically change their politices and in reality, everybody will have a hard time believing what they say as they've shown themselves to speak one way and act totally opposite. Think back of 2010 -- the GOP ran on jobs. First bill -- abortions. They wasted millions upon millions re-running a bill through to take down Obamacare -- if it didn't go through the system & signed the first time, why was it going to work the 23rd time.

      Their track record sucks and Hispanics have wisened up too to the game play. Don't underestimate them.

      They paraded the 'tokens' across the RNC stage like it was going to work -- NOT. And the lack of co-operation with Obama will only take them down further.

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Jebb is married to a Hispanic woman, and at least one son speaks Spanish and has been out campaigning (can't remember when). The Republicans can load their ticket with Hispanics, and that won't matter nearly as much as how they treat Hispanics. They will continue to lose ground if they can't tell the difference.

    3. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Please. Hispanics are not so stupid that they will overlook policies which are detrimental to their interests and vote for someone just because his name ends with an 'O'.

      They wouldn't do that any more than women flocked to the McCain/Palin ticket or Micheal Steele helped draw African Americans to the Repubs this time around.

    4. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Erm - we have a winner- the GOP nomination is Susanna Martinez' for the asking. Hispanic vote, women's vote. If HIllary runs. They will lose a large part of their base if they run Maritnez otherwise.

    5. Anonymous4:40 AM

      Republicans are dumb....they're probably still waiting for all those votes from women for Sarah as vp.

  32. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I vote Hillary Pres. & Michelle VP 2016.

    1. Anonymous8:52 PM

      That would be a dream team. Makes me think of Jimmy Fallon singing on he show and it mentioned Hillary & Michelle. Got a roaring cheer from me!!

  33. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Well maybe Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren because I want Michelle to have a baby! Wouldn't that be something? You'll NEVAH get that big black stick again Granny Menopausal Sarah!

  34. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Why is it Sarah that when you wished our President to "grow a big stick" that all America could picture was you giving Glen Rice a blow job? You're an idiot. Gnawed your foot off & sunk your own boat lol.

  35. emrysa8:34 PM

    the dems would win easily if they ran the right woman in 2016. they need to run a woman. is it hillary? she certainly is experienced. I'd love to see warren but she's too left for the country (she's not too far left for me, however). part of me thinks hillary is tired of politics, but you can never really tell. some people thrive on it and can't do anything else. I disliked the clintons during the 90's and later, but I think I am moving beyond that. I might could vote for hillary. she still might have the best chance at being the first female president.

    someone above mentioned supreme court justice hillary - I could definitely support that. might be something she'd rather do. lifetime appointment, lots of time off (can see the presumed grandkids plenty). might be a better lifestyle than being president.

    1. AKinPA3:43 AM

      I'd much rather see Hillary on the Supreme Court---lifetime appointment and she'd be another woman and liberal on the court. She's a lawyer and has been a great Secretary of State.

  36. WakeUpAmerica8:37 PM

    I just don't get the feeling that she wants to run for president again. I'm not sure her husband's health is that great, so maybe they want some time away from the every day grind of politics.

    1. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Does Bill have Parkinson's?

  37. betsy s8:47 PM

    I think it's quite amusing that none of the above commenters have mentioned the other photograph. As there is now no acclaimed Head of the GOP it seems that only Jeb Bush will be put forward to restore the reputation of that party. I bet that he would have beaten Obama in this election if the GOP had the nerve, or the gall, to put him in the primaries. The memory of GWB was still too unpleasant, to use a mild phrase. But who else could be head of the party? Not Grover Norquist!!

    1. If only they would put forth Jeb Bush. It would almost be like Rmoney.

      No one would want a third Bush. Jeb has no foreign policy experience.

      And there's all his brother's baggage.

      Jeb would be another gift to the Dems in 2016.

      The only way they could make it even better would be if Jeb chose Scott Walker as his VP.

    2. Anonymous4:27 AM

      Isn't Jeb supposed to be the dumb brother?

      I don't think Jeb could have won. i think most people remember how he stole the 2000 election for his brother. People don't get it but the obvious plot to suppress the vote was what most did the GOP in. Minority voting was two points higher than it was in 2008.

    3. Anonymous6:15 AM

      I don't think Jeb Bush has a chance in hell next go around. Too much comparing would be done to his brother's terms as President and his Dad's.

    4. Anonymous7:51 AM

      And Jeb is the nutcase who just started a private "disaster relief" firm - announced in the immediate wake of Hurricane Sandy. If that isn't opportunistic, what is!

  38. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Where are the trolls? I thought that Gryphen would have attracted at least one comment that 2016 will be Sarah's year to shine. We know the truth. Sarah will continue to tease her fans that she will run. They will print bumper stickers and buttons and donate to her PAC. But, she will never run for president.

    1. Anonymous6:14 AM

      9:02 PM It's so neat no one is bringing up Sarah Palin anymore - so STOP IT!!! I'm loving this blog even more because it is covering so many other subjects that are pertinent!!!

  39. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Speaking of the Clinton's, my how times are a changin'. It seems no one wants Petreus to go because he had an affair but yet the GOP spent over 4 billion dollars of OUR taxpayer money all just to prove that Bill got a blowjob. Everytime those wingnuts bring up Bill they all focus on the blowjob. Now watch them change their tunes in 1. 2. 3. Already they are pandering to the Latinos so there you go. Even the teaparty patriots are going to pander to Latinos

    But I was happy to see that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor stopped by "Sesame Street" to hang out with Abby Cadabby.

    People PAY ATTENTION to the SCOTUS reviewing the voting rights act of 1965! which they just decided to do (after the appeal has been thrown out of court numerous times) three days after the election. They couldn't buy the election by making corporations people so now they are hearing this again from a little county in Alabama. Talk about gerrymandering. This subject needs more attention in the press. Keep a close eye on this & keep bringing it up!

    1. The right will be attacking net neutrality too. They need to control the internet and muzzle social media to stifle Democratic networking and the 99%.

  40. Well, I certainly wouldn't worry about the dynasty part. Hillary is certainly her own woman and is NOT a puppet of her husband. I think the last four years of her service to this country has proven that.

    Bill will have been away from the White house for 16 years. That's a long time.

    And, given his history, there is always the possibility that Hillary might be a widow in four years. Not wishing anyone ill, but he's had a history of heart problems and even though he's doing fine now, no one can predict the future. McCain is still alive, but all of us were worried Palin would have been sworn in had he won.

    Whether she wins or not will have a lot to do with who is on the GOP ticket and what the GOP will do in the next four years to poison themselves in the minds of the people. I don't think she'll be lucky enough to run against a Rmoney/rAyn ticket or have an Atkins/Mourdock to help her along.

    A lot can happen in four years.

    But we can do a lot worse than President H. Clinton as our first woman president.

    Me? I'm thinking that either she or Bill might be on the Supreme Court before Obama's term is up.

    I would so support President Warren.

  41. I never really got on the Hillary train...I thought she acted as if she was entitled to win the nomination and at times got pretty mean and nasty.
    But after President O won, I told my husband he should appoint Hillary as SOS and have been so impressed by how she's done.
    I keep telling everyone I think a Hillary/E. Warren ticket would be OUTSTANDING. My husband said no way would anyone go for it. (This was after he made a big point about how women have been and will continue to decide the election!)
    I don't think 69 for Hillary or E. Warren is too old...they'll just be getting started on some of the best years! I think Kirsten Gillibrand although good would be much too inexperienced at that point. For a woman to attain this position, we need someone who is quite seasoned...and I just can't come up with another name besides Hillary. I've become a Hillary Clinton lover (still not so keen on the hubby...though he did score some major points with me the way he came out swinging for President O these last couple of months) and think she'd be the best candidate!

  42. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Hillary would be a great candidate, and would have my vote if she ran. That said, Patty Murray in 2016!

  43. Anonymous10:56 PM

    STOP with Hillary for SCOTUS. Much as I like it in theory - we need to get youngsters in there early . NO one over 50 sorry. DEM/lib leaning for balance of my life, please.

  44. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I caucused for Obama, but am now ready to vote for Hillary.

    I think she's been away from practicing law for too long to be a good match for the Supreme Court......................besides, I want Obama's nominees to all be no older than fifty!

    But 69 is not too old for a woman to become president. They tend to age better than men least in my experience.

  45. Anonymous11:38 PM

    seriously folks, hillary will not win no matter how much you like her- and no matter her qualifications. its a name brand thing. the clintons are loved by many, but unloved by more. this is an honest independent viewpoint -not- trying to stir the pot. she is insulated as sec of state. however, she will not win a general election. one other thing- i see a lot of speculation on other women besides hillary... naive... this isnt a race for the next woman president. the next president will hopefully be the most qualified to serve us all (gender unspecified).

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      I agree about needing to elect the most qualified and not making it about race or gender or symbolism.

      But I don't agree that Clinton has too much baggage from Bill. He has very high favorability polls and consistently wins polls by a huge margin that ask people if they could vote for him for president.

      Sure, there are still those that hate him, but those are the same people who hate Obama and that didn't get them anywhere.

      In any case, some people who don't like Bill wouldn't hold it against Hillary. I think she is the strongest Democratic candidate at this point, but it is far too early for any speculation to be meaningful.

  46. Caroll Thompson1:18 AM

    I think Hillary would make the best President in 2016. She could have another woman (Elizabeth Warren for example) as her Vice President. Hillary is the most experienced and if she runs, she has my vote.

    1. Anonymous5:33 AM

      It will not yet be Elizabeth Warren's time. Instead, how about Julian Castro from TX? That sound like an irresistible ticket to me.

    2. I don't care how good Julian is.

      I don't want any more Presidents or VPs from Texas for another 50 years. I've had quite enough of Texas politicians.

  47. Anonymous2:46 AM

    I'd much rather see another Clinton than another Bush.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      that's for sure.

  48. London Bridges3:30 AM

    Hillary is part of the Bush Crime Family. She voted for the Iraq war, and I really don't think she has had any real statesmanship accomplishments as SOS. I watch her almost daily via Democracy Now. She is incapable of speaking more than 3 words without referring to her notes - in otherwords she is close to brain dead. Also appears to suffer from depression as her hair looks like she never washes it it. She is the Republicans dream candidate. She'd cause an exodus
    to 3rd party votes. Both Rocky Anderson and Jill Stein were great 3rd party candidates, and truie Democrats in the non-corrupt tradition if there is any such thing.

  49. Anonymous4:07 AM

    I have said for a couple of years now that I would like to see Joe Biden appointed Secretary of State when Hillary steps down, and Kirsten Gillibrand be instated as the Vice President, giving her 3 years of experience and profile to go on to be the first woman president in 2016.

    She is bright, young, but not too young, experienced, attractive, and liberal.

    She comes from one of the most powerful states in the country and has had remarkable success in being a liberal voice from a conservative district.

    She also comes from a political family and grew up in the State capital.

    She went to UCLA law school, so she has a bi-coastal sensibility.

    I think she would be the next "big idea" after President Obama leaves office.

  50. Anonymous4:08 AM

    SANDERS/GRAYSON 2016!!! I know,I know - it's just a fantasy, but wouldn't it be GREAT!!!!

    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      You said it... but it will have to happen on an alternate universe!

    2. Unfortunately, Sanders is too old. But I love Bernie Sanders.

      I think people are forgetful of Al Franken or dismiss him as a comedian lightweight. The man has a brain in that head and knows how to use it. He's also erudite and eloquent. He takes his job seriously and does his homework.

      I'm wondering if Franken wouldn't be a good compliment to Grayson. Grayson tends to blast his point ticking people off, rather than presenting it and winning them over. I like his stance, he just doesn't always present it in a positive way. Franken might be able to mitigate that.

      I would vote for Franken/Grayson in 2016. Then in 2024 it might be Gillibrand.

    3. emrysa7:14 PM

      yep I'd sure as hell vote for that ticket!!

  51. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Andrew Cuomo or Julian Castro in 2016.

  52. Anonymous5:30 AM

    When Hillary was in our area, at the local arena, I was impressed with how small a womwn she really is, and how well she spoke. She, would get my vote.
    Finish the job on that ceiling.

  53. Anonymous6:09 AM

    It would be so neat to see a very-well qualified candidate such as Hillary Clinton run and be elected our next president! I'd support her 100%!

  54. London Bridges6:13 AM

    Jeb Bush made a small fortune from the company which made the equipment that caused the NO dikes to fail in New Orleans during Karrina. He is one of the authors of the Project for a New American Century neocons) that want permanent war and noted that we needed a New Pearl Harbor (9-11) to justify the Iraq invasion. He also ensured his academically challenged brother's George W's election in Florida 2000. If Jeb is allowed to run and Hillary is allowed to run, America will be so screwed. If one runs it will be justification for the other to run.
    Also, you all are familiar with the recent story about 8-10% of Republican primary big district votes being flipped for Willard. A similar thing happened when Scott Brown beat Martha Coakley a couple of years ago in MA. Well, surprise, surprise another identical thing happened in New Hampshire during the 2008 Democratic Primary. Hillary was dead in the water, losing primary after primary, then against all polling predictions, Hillary beats Obama. However, she onlt beat him in electronically counted districts. Obama won the others in NH. Why? The Re-Thugs control the voting machines (when they can get a way with election fraud) and they wanted Hillary to be the Democratic candidate, either because she was like them OR they figured they had dirt on her and could beat her easily in 2008. Ultimately, this NH fix dragged on the Democratic Primary allowing the Democrats to attack each other unnecessarily and potentially weakening their candidacy, much like the Re-Thugs own 2012 primary circular firing squads.

  55. Sorry for the reality, but when a woman runs for President, she'll most likely have to choose a male VP to balance the ticket.

    While -I- would vote for 2 women, there are unfortunately still a lot of people who would not. IMO

    1. London Bridges9:11 AM

      The Republicans use a different strategy: They pick the worse possible VP candidate, ala Spiro Agnew, Dan Quayle, Dick Nixon, Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin, etc. This way the person running for President virtually assures they will assassinated. Of course, they failed to realize that Sarah was a wacko with extremely unrealistic ambition. George H.W. Bush was the exception to the rule as he was picked to become president via his membership in the Bush Crime Family and CIA and possible JFK assination, after a deranged member of H.W.'s friends the Hinckley family tried to assissinate Ronald Reagan. At rthat point in time H.W. was an unknown who could not have been elected on his own.

    2. London Bridges10:50 AM

      Sorry: Assures they will NOT be assassinated.

  56. Anonymous7:49 AM

    If I were Hillary Clinton (and I know that I'm not) I would not want to run for president in 2016. She is doing a fantastic job as Secretary of State but it has been an extraordinarily demanding one and she is past 60 after all. If I were Hillary, I'd look to doing some teaching and writing and having time to enjoy life for a change. I certainly would not want the two years of campaigning, the thought of the vicious GOP lie masters just waiting to pounce, and all of the rest of it. I like and admire Hillary Clinton so much and I wish much better things for her than taking to the campaign trail again.

  57. hedgewytch7:50 AM

    I really respect Hillary Clinton, however, I don't see her as a viable candidate. The Clinton's have (had) their moment in the sun, like the Bush's and Kennedy's, its time to move on.

    Now Elizabeth Warren, there's a woman candidate that has a very good chance. Especially if paired with a solidly known and respected VP.

    1. She'll have only been a senator for 2 years, then she'd be spending 2 years campaigning.

      However, I think the Dems should seriously consider Warren in the VP slot. But that would be wasting her talents. She'd accomplish much more as a senator than she would as VP.

  58. bws588:36 AM

    I have always dreamed of a Justice Hillary Clinton.

    I think it would fit the family dynamics, and she could totally cement her legacy in a non-political way

  59. If it's a choice between Hillary or Jeb, I'd vote Hillary, no question.

  60. Elliegrl/mykidsmom10:07 AM

    Haven't read all the commentary yet but the idea of Hillary for 2016 worries me. I reread Game Change this weekend ( I *love* our president!) and was astounded at the dysfunctional Bill/Hillary relationship. All the Republicans would have to do is pick up a copy. Not that she isn't eminently qualified, but if she can't tell her husband to sit down and hush up when he's out of control...

  61. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I'm all for Hillary. I didn't support her in 2008. I thought she had a sense of entitlement that I found offensive, I didn't like the whole co-presidency idea with Bill, and I didn't think she could win because she was too closely associated with her husband. Eight years later, she would be a dream candidate and she would have my full support.

    I think she's taking a few years off to get in shape, maybe lose a little weight, have some plastic surgery, so she can come back looking young and strong in helping Dems in the mid-terms. And then, she'll be off and running.

    Think of the campaign. She'll have both Obamas out there for her, she'll have the Big Dog. If Jeb is her opponent, who is he going to have? GW? Not a chance. It would be a fun campaign to watch. And if Biden doesn't run, she'd just take over Obama's ground game.

  62. Anonymous12:27 PM

    To assume that Hillary Rodham Clinton has not evolved beyond the Clinton White House is absurd. She has since run for POTUS, served as Senator of NY State, and served brilliantly as Sec of State.

    Actually I am quite offended that anyone would say Hillary is stuck in the 1990s. There are probably few politicians who are so intimately aware of current conditions in the world as Hillary.


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