Well this sucks for Linda McMahon’s staffers. McMahon’s U.S. Senate campaign in Connecticut told WTNH-TV they were not paid after Election Day. After they received bounced checks, McMahon’s people stated that new checks would be mailed out (wink wink), but Twaine Don Gomes was punished for speaking to the press. Apparently, no one should know about McMahon’s cheap ass — who is only cheap with those working for her. McMahon spent $100 million on two failed campaigns for Senate.
Twaine Don Gomes was one of the people who first complained to News 8. While being handed a check, he states that the campaign told him they were mad that he reported the bounced checks, so he got a little something extra in his envelope, in the form of a condom, then promptly told him that he was screwed. Say what? OK, and to top this off, the ‘screwed’ staffers were part-timers who cashed their checks at M&M Check Cashing Company — meaning, they were low paid staffers who didn’t even have bank accounts, but they were generously afforded a big fuck you from the millionaire wrestling magnate.
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Courtesy of Political Carnival |
“Basically he handed me a check with a condom in it, told me I was screwed,” Gomes said. “That’s the rudest gesture you can ever do to a person, it’s like spitting in a person’s face.
By the way, the check that Gomes received ALSO bounced, so he was indeed "screwed."
But hey what does one expect when they work for a politician who made her millions by greasing up steroid infused morons and having them fake fight in a giant ring in front of idiots?
Though to be fair, this type of attitude is not completely unknown within the Republican party. As you may remember even the GOP presidential candidate himself cancelled staff credit cards only minutes after HE lost.
Oh those fiscal conservatives, they certainly know how to save a buck don't they? Of course it is by screwing over the little people, but isn't THAT the Republican way?
Grand Old Planet
...But we shouldn’t let go that easily. Reading Mr. Rubio’s interview is like driving through a deeply eroded canyon; all at once, you can clearly see what lies below the superficial landscape. Like striated rock beds that speak of deep time, his inability to acknowledge scientific evidence speaks of the anti-rational mind-set that has taken over his political party.
By the way, that question didn’t come out of the blue. As speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, Mr. Rubio provided powerful aid to creationists trying to water down science education. In one interview, he compared the teaching of evolution to Communist indoctrination tactics — although he graciously added that “I’m not equating the evolution people with Fidel Castro.” Gee, thanks.
What was Mr. Rubio’s complaint about science teaching? That it might undermine children’s faith in what their parents told them to believe. And right there you have the modern G.O.P.’s attitude, not just toward biology, but toward everything: If evidence seems to contradict faith, suppress the evidence.
The most obvious example other than evolution is man-made climate change. As the evidence for a warming planet becomes ever stronger — and ever scarier — the G.O.P. has buried deeper into denial, into assertions that the whole thing is a hoax concocted by a vast conspiracy of scientists. And this denial has been accompanied by frantic efforts to silence and punish anyone reporting the inconvenient facts.
But the same phenomenon is visible in many other fields. The most recent demonstration came in the matter of election polls. Coming into the recent election, state-level polling clearly pointed to an Obama victory — yet more or less the whole Republican Party refused to acknowledge this reality. Instead, pundits and politicians alike fiercely denied the numbers and personally attacked anyone pointing out the obvious; the demonizing of The Times’s Nate Silver, in particular, was remarkable to behold.
What accounts for this pattern of denial? Earlier this year, the science writer Chris Mooney published “The Republican Brain,” which was not, as you might think, a partisan screed. It was, instead, a survey of the now-extensive research linking political views to personality types. As Mr. Mooney showed, modern American conservatism is highly correlated with authoritarian inclinations — and authoritarians are strongly inclined to reject any evidence contradicting their prior beliefs. Today’s Republicans cocoon themselves in an alternate reality defined by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, and only on rare occasions — like on election night — encounter any hint that what they believe might not be true.
Wow... ever tried commenting on the actual article posted?
DeleteYikes! Way to hijack Gryphen's blog for your own use. Ever hear of saying, "Here's a great article on Rubio," and using TinyUrl to convert and post the link?
DeleteWhat a doofus.
I don't understand the need for name calling.
DeleteAre you running your own sub-blog here in the comments section?
Nothing wrong with sharing an interesting article. I would have copied an excerpt only, but it was helpful to me as links don't work in the comments on my cell phone, and it can be difficult to copy/paste from here.
DeleteThem again, how many people use cell phones as their primary computer?
Great article and thanks for sharing.
DeleteRather than name calling, I'll just point out that it is internet etiquette to quote only about 10% of the article and provide a link.Before I knew that, I had posted full articles in the past. Yikes...did I endure a firestorm.
Nevertheless, it is Gryphen's blog...and he allowed the comment!
And I enjoyed your post. :)
Well, since they are Anonymous, how the hell are they trying to HIGHJACK G's blog?
DeleteWhat a doofus.
Also, G decided to print the comment, so it WAS G's decision,
**YOU** guys are trying to tell G how to run his blog!
Bask in the irony, dolts.
Maybe uncle G can move Anon 6:36's post to Rubio's section!
DeleteCan we have ice cream in a little while, Uncle G?
DeleteThey could all sue, a check is a promise, an acknowledgement of payment due.
ReplyDeleteThe people who worked to try to get the assholes in question elected might have paid better attention to what their candidate stood for in the first place and they might not be surprised. Screwing over the majority of the population is their basic game plan. It's a rude awakening, but awakening nevertheless.
ReplyDeleteI live in Connecticut where Linda McMahon ran. Those workers were mostly black and supported President Obama and the Democratic candidate Chris Murphy. But they were very poor and needed money; and the republicans needed to get someone in the democratic neighborhoods.
DeleteThey just needed money and were willing to work for someone they didn't agree with to get some extra cash. Not everyone is in a position to only work for those they agree with. Ask the any Walmart worker.
I once signed a petition to get an independent candidate on the ballot even though he wanted to repeal Obamacare. The reason I signed it is the person standing in the Hartford streets got $2 a signature. I almost wanted to give her the $2 instead but I'm sure she felt better earning it.
Yes the republican party is horrendous but they need to be held accountable. They are not above the law.
I'm in CT also and the "new" grandmotherly Linda was such a joke. I'm proud the citizens of my state didn't buy this sudden transformation.
DeleteI hope the people who received these bad checks run to their local prosecutor to file charges. This was deliberate. Didn't McMahon run on her business expertise? Not writing hot checks is Business 101.
ReplyDeleteWe all need to encourage this.....
DeleteAt least they support contraception.
ReplyDeleteWhat's worse? Obviously it could have been a used condom.
ReplyDeleteOr a used washcloth, right, Toad?
DeleteThis re election has really ushered forth so many good things...the sleeping giant (us) have been awaken. Denying Linda twice despite her money, Mitt and his fans...it looks better and better for 2014. They are scum, money can't erase that.
ReplyDeleteThe billionaire corps like Papa Johns, Walmart, Olive Garden....and esp Trump/Macys being rejected by the peasants, its wonderful. McConnell is gonna get the axe and with luck Nancy will put Cantor in his place. Putting Ryan back on budget is gonna be Bohner's downfall, Obama is going to crush that little snot. I have seen more than one blog talking about making Bill SOS and moving Hillary to run his foundation, now that sounds like a dream team. He is fit and well rested and itching to get back and she needs to rejuvenate and relax. He needs Bill to get out there and explain Obamacare...the poor people in the most impoverished states are being screwed over by their GOP governors, esp Texas. That list of states showing who is supporting the welfare states is all over the web, and it's about damn time they realized it. I wonder what the % of young people leave the south as they figure out how backward the thinking is.
Thanks, Sharon, your comment says it all so well. The Republican Governors better get their act together, Boener's acting like we gave him a mandate, if they fall in step, they're setting themselves up to fail.
Deleteeeewww... too low for words except it is so Republican. She is a business manager?
ReplyDeleteOT Who was the biggest turkey at the Patraeus house this Thanksgiving? Who had cook and clean up duty?
Friends have revealed that the former head of the CIA has given up his relentless schedule of high level meetings for ‘self-imposed exile’ and grovelling to his family.
This is the stupidest thing to do ever. Did the Morons on Parade!
ReplyDeleteDid the McMahon staff even consider that this is NOT the 1940's where they possibly could have gotten away with this? No, now its on the internet, and its going to go everywhere and be out there forever. McHahon just screwed any further political aspirations, AND they committed a criminal act that can be proven. (Deliberately withholding pay). Oh, and don't bounced checks come with penalties? What a way to save the campaign money!
The fact that this multi-millionaire is WITHHOLDING the PAYCHECKS that these people have EARNED, is beyond reprehensible!
Deleteeven Mittens' staff had credit cards - that wasn't their money, after all.
But THIS?!
The bitch should be charged, for sure.
I am glad that person did not get elected. I will not call her a "lady".
ReplyDeleteThat is beyond disgusting. I guess she figured that she will never be in politics again because this little gesture of kindness will sink her chances forever.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the Romney staff credit cards, do we really know who cancelled those? I'm thinking a discontent billionaire supporter was watching election night and getting angrier and angrier as it became apparent Romney would lose. I would think that such a person would feel betrayed after so many assurances (Fake News) that a Romney presidency was a sealed deal. I can picture that billionaire sitting in his recliner in front of the TV, picking up the phone, and cancelling the cards. Just a theory, but it would make a funny political cartoon. I could see Gary Trudeau doing it.
Sounds like a crazy wrestling storyline. That's Linda for ya!
ReplyDeleteThey all put their faith on Karl Rove and they all got screwed! Atta boy Karl!
ReplyDeleteRest assure those condoms weren't sent by Todd Palin... we know by Todd's girlfriend Shailey Tripp that Todd doesn't use Magnum condoms. They're way too big for his 4 inch pecker.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Sarah uses Magnums?
DeleteHow come a story about condoms goes viral on the internet but nobody wants to follow up on the Todd Palin prostitution ring?
ReplyDelete"Linda McMahon campaign worker: I got a condom and a bad check"
That's not fair of the Republicans.
ReplyDeleteThey're against giving women birth control and condoms but they are sending out condoms to men who didn't even ask for them.
They are a never ending source of irony aren't they?
DeleteSo essentially working for the GOP is just like volenteering... but you get free condoms?
ReplyDeleteHow much of this garbage will people tolerate?
ReplyDeleteDid Anonymous Save the Election from Karl Rove? (Part 1)
Part 2
No big deal! Nothing personal.
ReplyDeleteThe condoms the staffer was sent was in lieu of severance pay.
Worth more than her checks.
DeleteI think that the condoms look too small. I wonder did they come with an exchange policy?
ReplyDeleteI would be flattered. Now all the ladies knows he is packing since Linda McMahon sent him Magnum condoms.
ReplyDeleteWhat a crude woman. I am so glad the people of Connecticut were wize to her avarice. I am relieved for the rest of us who would have had to endure her as a part of the Senate. Do we know if she and Leona (Queen of Mean) Helmsley were related? Seems like Linda felt taxes were just for "the little people." So glad we 47% have a voice in whom can govern us.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of condoms, anybody seen Todd?
ReplyDeleteI don't want to sound racist but is McMahon's staffer black? I've never heard of the first name Twaine before and they did send him Magnum condoms.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if You Know Who gave Glen Rice a box of Magnum condoms.
ReplyDeleteWow the GOP truly is the party of "values." Remember that? When somehow they were the only people in America with values? Now, more and more information is coming out about exactly who these people are and where their values come from...disgusting.
ReplyDeleteMagnum condoms? Ohhhh Sarah is getting all wet just thinking about her Alaska college dorm room one night stand.
ReplyDeleteLinda McMahon must be rich! Do you know how Magnums cost?
Sorry to hear that.....
Linda McMahon must be old. Her neck looks like Sarah Palin's wrinkled neck.
ReplyDeleteShe might as well have hit them over the head with a folding chair.
ReplyDeleteHe can take them to small claims to recover the amount, plus service charges and court costs. If they don't show up, he automatically wins. If they do (and it can't be a lawyer) and they lose same thing. And if they don't pay, he can garnish wages, property or put a lien on something.
ReplyDeleteWould be worth it to take Linda to court. Make her show up and pay up. In cash this time.
Needs moar "cage"............
ReplyDeleteI would advise them to contact the DOL and as a group contact a class action attn. then hand her back her condoms and say just who is f-ed here!
ReplyDeleteGOP family values are pretty messed up! I was raised to believe there's human dignity in work, This poor excuse for a woman or human being berates men who worked for her by denying pay and adds insult to injury by placing a condom in their paycheck?
ReplyDeleteThen the ultimate humiliation, they have to go public with the fact they worked for the GOP in general, and this bitch in particular?
"Those people" (Linda, Mitt and one percenters) don't care for anyone but themselves.
Working for pay for any political campaign is risky. It's not limited to conservative candidates. I know. I've done quite a few paid campaigns, some statewide ballot measures, some for individual candidates. You really need to get paid up front. If that's not possible because it's an ongoing effort then you need to make sure you get your last paycheck - and cash it - before the election. If the campaign wins they don't need you any more. If they lose, ditto. Plus they lost. I once was given credit for winning on a big deal ballot measure that kept coming up every election. Got paid fine and got a big bonus for it too. Had worked on this same measure when it came up the previous election. Both times working for the same lobbyist. He paid up the first time too. Third time we also won but he stiffed me out of a promised bonus that time. Last time I did anything for him.
ReplyDeleteIt was Sarah's SISTER'S dorm room where Sarah had her conquest. Klassy.