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"What? You mean they're gone? ALL of them? Oh, well that seems sudden." |
At some point, early Wednesday morning, when Gov. Mitt Romney and family were tucked into bed, a quiet call went out on the radio channel used by his Secret Service agents: "Javelin, Jockey details, all posts, discontinue."
Of all the indignities involved in losing a presidential race, none is more stark than the sudden emptiness of your entourage. The Secret Service detail guarding Governor Romney since Feb 1. stood down quickly. He had ridden in a 15-car motorcade to the Intercontinental Hotel in Boston for his concession speech. He rode in a single-car motorcade back across the Charles River to Belmont. His son, Tagg, did the driving.
There is no formal guideline for the Secret Service agents in this situation; it's up to the discretion of the detail leader, who usually consults with the local police to make sure that his protectee's home won't be overrun by protestors and supporters all of a sudden.
But the Service leaves quickly. No more motorcades. No more rope lines. No more bubbles. Familiar faces disappear, never to be seen again.
Oh THAT'S gotta sting! One minute you are the great white hope of your political party and the next day you wake up with a bag over your head and some guy's severed arm under your neck. (Coyote ugly, look it up.)
However who can blame the Secret Service from beating a hasty retreat away from this arrogant, overly entitled prick. Let's face it, NOBODY really likes Mitt Romney.
In fact after the election Chris Christie, the next great white
Asked if he had done the same for Mitt Romney: “No; we exchanged e-mails last night,” Christie said.“We haven’t spoken on the phone yet.”
Ohhh damn! I wonder if even Romeny's kids are speaking to him anymore?
But before you go feeling sorry for "Mr. 47%," just listen to how he treated his own campaign staff MINUTES after finally realizing he had lost:
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
"Fiscally conservative," sighed one aide the next day.
"Fiscal conservative" my ass! Try cheap bastard.
What can you say, the guy's a douche. And fortunately for the country, even after spending hundreds of millions of dollars and aggressively attempting to steal this election, the voters decided they would MUCH rather have the biracial. Hawaiian born, intellectual in office rather than the Mormon over privileged, fake tanned douchebag, in the Oval Office.
And just when I had almost lost hope in the American people.
Ann is happy.
ReplyDeleteShe does not have to pretend to shop at Costco any more.
But...But....But... They got a Three pack of really nice shirts there!!??
DeleteWhat an asshole! To stiff the people who put up with the bullshit that surrounded this candidate and wife! This proves Queen Ann's comments about his violent temper. Once a bully, always a bully!
ReplyDeleteOT..I live in the deepest red part of Ohio..all my neighbors are devout "christians" (no capitalization on purpose). I keep hearing the meme that the only reason Romney lost was the hurricane. I like to ask them where they believe weather comes from. Since their god creates hurricanes, the next logical step has to be that God must have wanted Obama to be president. The logic of this stumps them every time.
You're so right. All we ever hear from these fake Bible thumpers is "God's Will". How can they say that everything is "God's Will" except for Obama's win...TWICE?!
DeleteMy favorite troll line is that Obama is the Anti Christ. Really, AND?! The evangelicals keep bragging how they are going to be saved when the End of Days comes. If they REALLY believe that God Has a plan, why do they fight HIM on it? I suspect that they are nothing more than bigots.
You have it exactly right! It is my personal experience also that the devout "christians" very rarely think things through to there logical conclusions. I have heard it too many times to count with my Mom and a friend. I don't challenge them for obvious reasons but just know they very surface thinkers. Analysis is not their strong suit.
DeleteThere is no 'christ' in these people what so ever...they are x-tians. I had a former FB friend who posted a picture of the bible with the most vitriolic comments about Pres Obama from her fellow xtians. Hypocrites all.
DeleteWhat, actually, is an "Anti Christ"? I see Pres. Obama feeding the poor, giving shelter to the homeless, caring for the sick. How is that "Anti Christ"? Seems those are the exact thing that their christ told them to do.
DeleteBilly Graham spent huge amounts of money on those full page ads in the Sunday papers. People give him their hard earned money and that is how he spends it? How can anyone believe he is following what they perceive as "christian"? Think of how much good that money could have done. I personally love that it didn't work for him.
Ann Romney abandoned her Facebook page. People are begging her to give them directions for the future. I guess she doesn't have any more time to give to "those people" who didn't hand her the White House.
ReplyDeleteThe fools actually think she wrote the damned thing!?!? They should know it was one of the staffers who got stiffed on cab fare. No wonder it isn't "live" anymore.
DeleteThat's funny! Did anyone else notice that Ann looked drugged on stage for the concession speech. She also looked like she cried all her makeup off. I think they had to hold up the speech to wait for the drugs to kick in for Ann.
DeleteJust search for Angry Ann on Pinterest!
DeleteNot so fast there, Mr Fancy Pants Alaska Librul Blogger!! You didn't think Mittens was just going to fade away, did you? Because today he announced that he would definitely NOT just fade away! He has many, many, many options to explore, including being co-president.
ReplyDeleteRemember, that while your precious Obama only managed a small step above LAST PLACE in the election, Mittens DECISIVELY won the SILVER MEDAL with almost no effort whatsoever. In fact, I don't think he really want that crummy job which only pays $400K/year. That wont even keep a dressage horse in oats! Think how much better Mittens would have done had he tried, even a little bit!
And so with that theme in mind, I proudly present a scene from the Seinfeld episode entitled "The Revenge" where George gets fired and raps with Jerry about what he might do with his life after his humiliating defeat. (as always, I will be performing the roles of Jerome Seinfeld, a NYC stand-up comic and George Constanza, Jerome's neurotic, balding sidekick. I also perform the bit part of "ethnic-looking taxi driver", but that role isn't included in this excerpt.)
JERRY: So, what are you gonna do now? Are you gonna look for something else in real estate?
GEORGE: Nobody's hiring now. The market's terrible.
JERRY: So what are you gonna do?
GEORGE: I like sports. I could do something in sports.
JERRY: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. In what capacity?
GEORGE: You know, like the general manager of a baseball team or something.
JERRY: Yeah. Well, that - that could be tough to get.
GEORGE: Well, it doesn't even have to be the general manager. Maybe I could be like, an announcer. Like a caller man. You know how I always make those interesting comments during the game.
JERRY: Yeah. Yeah. You make good comments.
GEORGE: What about that?
JERRY: Well, they tend to give those jobs to ex-ballplayers and people that are, you know, in broadcasting.
GEORGE: Well, that's really not fair.
JERRY: I know. Well, okay. Okay. What else do ya like?
GEORGE: Movies. I like to watch movies.
JERRY: Yeah. Yeah.
GEORGE: Do they pay people to watch movies?
JERRY: Projectionists.
GEORGE: That's true.
JERRY: But you gotta know how to work the projector.
GEORGE: Right.
JERRY: And it's probably a union thing.
GEORGE: [scoffs] Those unions. [sighs] Okay. Sports,...movies. What about a talk show host?
JERRY: Talk show host. That's good.
GEORGE: I think I'd be good at that. I talk to people all the time. Someone even told me once they thought I'd be a good talk show host.
JERRY: Really?
GEORGE: Yeah. A couple of people. I don't get that, though. Where do you start?
JERRY: Well, that's where it gets tricky.
GEORGE: You can't just walk into a building and say " I wanna be a talk show host."
JERRY: I wouldn't think so.
GEORGE: It's all politics.
JERRY: All right. Okay. Sports, movies, talk show host. What else?
And... scene.
Hey, Mittens, you could always fall back on "vulture capitalist". You're a lot better at that than you are at politics...
I was going to suggest he could go back to being Gramps, but his grandkids seem to prefer Obama's smile too.
DeleteSurprise, Mitt's a douche!
ReplyDeleteBut did anyone ever hear what was up with the networks announcing that that angry old cuss John McCain would address the crowd at Mittens' "Victory" (Ha!)party on election night?
I haven't been able to find this info anywhere.
I'm willing to bet McCain refused to go on in place of or in advance of sulking Mitt Romney. He did the concession thing himself four years ago and should never have been expected to do the same again! Romney used McCain to reassure the right wing when he did his flip-flops in time for the second and third debates. The morning of the third debate McCain issued a harsh statement on foreign affairs as if anyone cared what he had to say.
Here's another awkward moment: You tweet about moving to Australia because God and Obama and Freedom. You are 18 and kind of stupid, and don't know much about Aussies.
"Fail: Anti-Obama teen wants to move to Australia because we have 'Christian, male president' ...
Neel's tweet quickly went viral as bemused Aussies retweeted it more than 1400 times, many pointing out that Australia actually has an atheist, female Prime Minister.
"Our Prime Minister is a woman, an atheist who lives with a man she hasn't married. I don't think you'd like it here,'' tweeted Ian Cuthbertson, TV editor at The Australian.
"I think you meant Antarctica. Move there,'' tweeted @post_rock0.
"Congratulations on being the dumbest person in the world,'' tweeted @Patrickavenell.
Neel's Twitter account has since been disabled."
Oh and with the magic of internet cache it's not too late to read an earlier tweet from Neel.
"Kristen Neel @KristenNeel_
@SSParramore you best be coming to my house real soon cause I miss my nigga forrrrreaalll doee <3"
Either SSParramore is trying hard to pass as white, or Neel just thinks "my nigga" is a cool way to say friend.
Not Antartica! Then penguins wouldn't like it to have some racist teenager moving in with them. Besides some penguins are reportedly gay.
DeletePlus, penguins are BOTH black and white...at the same.time!!!
DeleteShe might be racist and stoopid, but she is an xtian! Be making someone a fine trophy wife. Hey Mitt and Ann, about those grandsons looking for wives...
Delete"In fact after the election Chris Christie, the next great 'white whale' hope of the Republican party"
ReplyDeleteGryph, let's dispense with the very rude comments on Christie's weight. Regardless, he does a super great job for his state and his physical appearance should not be factor.
Actually, he does not do a 'super great job' at all. This sudden adulation of Christie's response to the hurricane reminds me of how wonderful people thought Guiliani and Bush were right after 9-11. "Oh, they are so unifying. Oh, such strong men."
DeleteMeanwhile, Bush was already planning to invade Iraq, and Rudy was planning to get out and run for President.
And Chris? He nixed a much needed tunnel to NYC that would have meant a whole bunch of jobs, and lest we forget: his state screwed up education data, costing them a bunch of federal dollars. He looks like a leader now, but he's the same old Republican he's always been...and he has a mean temper with anyone who crosses him. Beware.
Christie is a repugnant asshole.
DeleteYou are correct; it has nothing to do with his enormous size.
Although, the man obviously can't control himself, and it is a TERRIBLE role model for kids.
Even Huckabee got off his fat assssss because he needed to get healthy and he brought that concern to his state, promoting fitness.
Christie did screw up NJ education info.
DeleteHe would be a decent looking fellow if he lost the weight. He is morbidly obese which is unhealthy. He looks like an ooompa loompa...very unfortunate. It could be glandular.. but it could be a food addiction..it could be a compulsion. I 'd want him to get therapy and lose weight before I'd elect him president. You don't need extraneous pysch problems when you are president.
The virtue of empathy for the suffering of others is regarded as a fundamental part of human love, and a cornerstone of social interconnection and humanism. It is foundational to the highest principles in society and over the past four years it seemed that for a large segment of America, compassion was dead.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans thrive on the lack of compassion among bigots, religious extremists, and the self-indulgent, and they diligently cultivated cruelty and hatred from the earliest days of President Obama’s first term in office.
However, Republicans underestimated the compassion inherent in most Americans and it cost them in the election that saw the epitome of callousness, Willard Romney and Paul Ryan, fail as more Americans chose to support President Obama’s concern for all Americans than the greed and contempt promoted by Republicans.
Mitt arriving to give his concession speech on election night in his large motorcade and then having to return back to the hotel in a rental car driven by his son after losing reminds me of the line from the movie Jerry Maguire.
ReplyDeleteDraft agent Jerry and NFL football player Rod Tidwell arrived to the NFL draft convention in a limousine and left in a taxi after Jerry lost his number one draft player to another agent.
Rod Tidwell to Jerry Maguire: Is it my imagination or, didn't we arrive in a limo?
Gryphen, that image is priceless. It's as close to a warm, genuine, sincere, human smile I've ever seen on Mittens' handsome visage. And yet, it's still just another pathetic shit-eating grin on a sad-sack shellshocked loser.
ReplyDeleteNot to belabor the point, but the Secret Service didn't "skulk away" from Mittens, even if he may have thought that they had. The agents assigned to his detail simply and quickly redeployed to protecting the actual leader of the Free World and America's commander in Chief instead of this pathetic wannabe.
What a relief....
The surprises continued when departing their hotels and trying to fly home...
ReplyDeleteStaffers working for the Romney 2012 campaign got a sudden and unwelcome lesson in fiscal conservatism Tuesday night and Wednesday morning when they tried to check out of hotel rooms or travel home.
"I LIKE to fire people!"
DeleteSo do we Mitt. You're fired!
Ace of Spades reports on Romney's PROJECT ORCA!
ReplyDeleteFrom Business Insider:
"What is Project Orca? Well, this is what they told us:
Project ORCA is a massive undertaking – the Republican Party’s newest, unprecedented and most technologically advanced plan to win the 2012 presidential election.
Pretty much everything in that sentence is false. The "massive undertaking" is true, however. It would take a lot of planning, training and coordination to be done successfully (oh, we'll get to that in a second). This wasn't really the GOP's effort, it was Team Romney's. And perhaps "unprecedented" would fit if we're discussing failure."
Read this, the whole thing is a huge WTF! Maybe this explains why there weren't more confrontations at the polls. The Romney watchers could not get in due to the credentials snafu!
Breasking! Petreaus resigns! I'm sure he delayed it until after the election hoping Willard would win.
ReplyDeleteDude was just learning to make pancakes, too!
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of our President's victory. I LOVE all the pictures at theobamadiary.com showing our first family and magazine covers from all over the world celebrating too. Brought a tear to my eye!
ReplyDeleteRomney's so cheap he made his son go out with him to retrieve a lost boat anchor that his son neglected to tie off to the boat.
ReplyDeleteWhat a major douch*bag. I can't wait to hear the stories his form staff will peddle.
ReplyDeleteWell, you just have to feel for marieAnntoinette Romney..
ReplyDeleteShe so wanted to be First Lady. She's 63 and it would have been her first job!
It is all so enjoyable, all the little tidbits surrounding this victory. Has anyone noticed that the various media are having a great time exposing all the humiliation? More so than even the last time.
ReplyDeleteKimisabe1:42 PM
ReplyDelete"I LIKE to fire people!"
So do we Mitt. You're fired
Hey Mitt, KARMA IS A BITCH bitch
Why does Romney always look like he just farted and he expects someone to come up to him and congratulate him on the volume and the odor? What a schmuck,Now go away Mitt and take your horrible wife and your horrible family with you.
ReplyDeleteRomney was so confident about winning that he procured a fireworks display permit for Boston harbor between 7 and 12 p.m. election night to celebrate his victory. No money for cabs but plenty to go up in lames. Jerk..BTW, his campaign pocketbook has to stay open for months to pay his bills. He just believes he shouldn't have to care about his underlings even when they worked their butts off for him for little or no money. Compare that to President Obama's thank you his young staff. Big difference!
ReplyDeletePut some rogue on that face... Nail a bad Wal-wart fright wig on the head... A THICK coating of $ .39 lipstick on the lips and some $ 3.99 CVS reading glasses, POOF !!!
ReplyDeleteIT'S THE MONKEY QUEEN!!!! I thought she was sealed shut when Bullsh*t Mountain collapsed on Tuesday?? This bozo would make an interesting stunt double....
What I found really odd is that after Romney's loss, I read several stories about how he was really shocked by it. From what I read, he honestly was prepared for victory.
ReplyDeleteAnd I was like, WTF? Does he not realize that beating any incumbent President is very difficult, no matter who it is? Look at the history, look at the facts, people! Hell, George W. Bush won a second term without a lot of trouble!
Romney is a smart guy with tons of money. So did he just surround himself with liars that would tell him what he wanted to hear, rather than what he NEEDED to hear in this campaign? Since all reports are saying that he was genuinely shocked by his defeat, I'm going to assume this is what happened. Good riddance.
I want the most reality-based President. Reality isn't always pretty, but you can't do a damn thing to make it better if you won't face it.
Mitt thought that Karl Rove would keep his promise to flip the voting machines in OHIO to steal the election. Also, too, they did not expect the people to stand in line to vote for 6 - 8 hours, up even past midnight and 2 am.
DeleteWillard actually believed Faux and the other skewed info. Remember they did their own polling to adjust for liberal bias. So he was living in a rosy dreamland where he was sure to win. Maybe that's why he always seemed like he was just going through the motions of a done deal.
DeleteI gotta say, it's hard to pick my favorite mental image of this campaign form among these:
ReplyDeleteBill Clinton, the Big Dog, let off the leash and loving the attention, reminding us again why we liked his so much, the great explainer and just full of himself but oh so effective, giving Obama his best shot
Hilary in her sunglasses - and in nobody's binder, thank you very much - working her ass off at State and graciously accepting responsibility for what happened on her watch - and in doing so reminding us that she is a great secretary of state and she's got this
Joe Biden being, well, Joe Biden his ownself - muscling Eddie Munster in the debate and then charming ALL of the ladies on the campaign trail.You have to love that man.
But Chris Christie hugging Obama and then later getting the Obama special treatment of his dreams: talking with President Obama by phone, who says if he's got a minute there's someone who wants to talk to him - Springsteen, who's on board Air Force One with President Obama just hanging out and flying around to their joint appearance (for crying out loud - Obama and Springsteen: no wonder they won!) The back story is the Boss' ongoing, longtime rejection of Christie's fan overtures, outright snubs and ignoring Christie as his security detail takes him through backstage after performances.And Christie, self deprecating at a press conference, describing what it meant to him. Just awesome. I think that man has it in him to become at least an Independent, maybe a Democrat.
And then we have the wizard, Nate Silver. And the best post-election meme with the "Drunk Nate Silver Tweets"
all this against the memory of Karl Rove going down in flames
Good times!
thx for the drunk nate silver....THAT was funny
DeleteOne request: stop taking these cheap jabs against Christie about his weight.
ReplyDeleteWe all know he struggles with it - mostly he knows himself.
Yes, he's an ass at times. Name ONE effin republican who isn't.
Personally, I kinda admire him: huge personality, huge person physically, speaks things as he sees them. We may or may not agree.
But stop the cheap shots about his weight, please. Being a big woman myself, trust me, he KNOWS he's fat.
As a New Jerseyan affected by Hurrican Sandy (power just came on for us yesterday; eleven days with no power, although we were very blessed to have kickass generators already set up and we also suffered little to no damage to our property)....I've been very impressed by the tone Christie has taken in press conferences, in remaining incredibly accessible and working his ass off; this is a guy that this liberal gal would happily get behind as he moves forward in politics since we've been seeing the real dude so much lately.
DeleteMedia Insider aka Jennifer
He needs to get a handle on it though. Is it an eating addiction? Is it a compulsion? Is it his thyroid? If it is a psych issue, it needs to be addressed as a president shouldn't have miscellaneous psych issues to deal with on top of his day/night job!
DeleteI call bullshit on the "there is no protocol" part of the story. He ran on being a "severe conservative", so the White House decided to save some money QUICK and pulled the Secret Service detail. Just to give him a dose of what it feels like to "get fired".
ReplyDeleteHis entire family was with him, and Tagg rented one land vehicle? Where did the whole fam damily fit? On the roof?
Where did the whole fam damily fit? On the roof?
DeleteIt was good enough for the Romney dog!
The Secret Service's departure really speaks volumes of what they think of him. Four years ago, they offered to escort McCain back to his ranch before they left. George W. and Laura Bush always loved and appreciated their SS. When they were leaving the White House there were tears on both sides. The Obamas have spoken with affection and appreciation of their Officers. Yet, with Mr. Romney they did their duty and nothing extra. Very interesting.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth 44
The Secret Service detail guarding Governor Romney since Feb 1. stood down quickly. He had ridden in a 15-car motorcade to the Intercontinental Hotel in Boston for his concession speech. He rode in a single-car motorcade back across the Charles River to Belmont. His son, Tagg, did the driving.
Yes, he's not a nice person, and the SS gave him his just due by leaving. His whole family are most likely pains in the neck, although I don't know that personally.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was really stupid of Anne to insult our military and veterans by saying that her boys and Mitt served missions for the Church, and that was the equivalent of serving in the military. Yikes! Talk about clueless!
Like having to put your life on the line in the service of our country is equal to knocking on doors, handing out Books of Mormon, and talking to people about joining the LDS church. It makes her seem like Marie Antoinette all over again.
She made the comment about this when she was on the View, without Mitt, who was not doing interviews.
I have never seen a sitting US President become the target of so much hate, so much vitriol, and so many lies being spread about him. Too many on the Christian right still believe Obama is a Muslim who hates America, and is out to destroy it.
People hate those who voted for our dear President. I don't see them getting over it anytime soon. I pray that they will stop acting like such babies, grow up, and get over it, but I worry that they will never understand that he is a very good man, and the right leader for our times.
So if you thought it was over... be careful. The right will still do anything to make President Obama look like a bad guy.
"The Secret Service detail guarding Governor Romney since Feb 1. stood down quickly."
ReplyDeleteCheese and crackers that didn't take long... How long did Scara have ss protection after?