Friday, December 07, 2012

Another contribution by way of my daughter.

My daughter posted this on Facebook today and I thought it was really something worth sharing.

I feel this every day of my life. That TODAY is a wonderful time to be alive. And that tomorrow will be even better.

It is as if our ability to learn and make progress is gaining momentum every time the sun rises. And I find that exhilarating.

However I am also very aware that there are millions of people terrified to let go of their beliefs who are frantically stomping on the brakes as the rest of us are pressing down on the accelerator.

Personally I would rather be hurtling toward an uncertain tomorrow, than cowering in a corner pining for the comfort of a yesterday.

But hey, that's just me.


  1. I'm sure it took some
    time to persuade men out of those caves so long ago... patience is key here.

    1. Too many (half?) Americans are still in them & want to go back to some movie-inspired fictitious past when fathers ruled and women cowered and stayed home.

      Change was 'blowin' in the wind' then and still is. Catch the wave, it will always be a bumpy ride but worth the risk.

  2. Anonymous7:18 PM



  3. I'm with you, I don't understand why people keep trying to back up, as if what's behind them is better than what's in front of them. I prefer to think we should be like kangaroos, who can't hop backwards but can only bound forwards in great leaps!

  4. Leland2:39 AM

    I wonder how much of this expansion of progress is due to an increase in the number of people leaving their religions behind? (And please note I said religions, not faith.)

  5. Anonymous5:02 AM

    I love your daughter's optimism. Maybe it's because I'm much, much older but I lost my optimism years ago. Wish I could find it again.

  6. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Love your daughter's thoughts - they echo my own, which in turn echo what I was always taught by various teachers in the indigenous communities:

    All Your Power Comes from This Present Moment

    Media Insider aka Jennifer


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