Friday, December 07, 2012

Alaska gift store employee training video goes viral. Oh this is not good!

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:  

According to the New York Daily News, Alaska gift shop "Once in a Blue Moose," in downtown Anchorage, once made a little motivational training tape with a lot of originality, but as the Daily News put it, the outcome is so "bad you can't take your eyes off it." 

The good part is that the Internet can bestow instant fame on such simultaneously bad and awesome cultural artifacts. 

“It was supposed to be really hokey, over-the-top corny,” Hillary Fisher, Once in a Blue Moose’s office manager, told the New York Daily News. “All of our training videos are injected with a little life.” 

Fisher added that the gift shop is a small family business that likes to make all of its training videos with a twist of humor. (Humor some say only Alaskans could appreciate.) 

Fischer says, “Your typical training video is usually a snoozer." Once in a Blue Moose -- true to its pun-tastic name -- aims to make its videos entertaining as well as informative.

As of this post the video has already received over 91,000 views. Well good I certainly would hate to think that only a handful of people were laughing at my state.

And here you thought the most embarrassing thing that Alaska had produced was Sarah Palin.

You know, never mind, she is STILL the most embarrassing thing to come out of Alaska. And probably always will be!


  1. cuppajava3:26 PM

    Ugh. I couldn't get through all of that.

    Just shoot me now.

  2. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I can't un-see this.

  3. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I recently met some dude who went ON AND ON AND ON about Sarah Palin. He was saying he doesn't begrudge her at all, that she's human like the rest of us. But wishes she hadn't morphed quite to far into the Sarah we see and hear. He misses the old, fun, awesome Sarah from not too long ago.

    1. Miss that one? The one that never was? Delusion reigns!

    2. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Barstool Sarah has graduated to lines.

  4. Balzafiar4:06 PM

    Less than thirty seconds and I hit the stop button! God-awful is putting it nicely.

  5. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Oh, lighten up, people. At least it doesn't put you to sleep like most training videos!

  6. LOVED IT!!!! Would love to see salespeople in these parts with that level of enthusiasm!

  7. Anonymous4:21 PM

    3.08 minutes I'll never get back..........

  8. Go on, it's humorous and cute. They're having fun, so don't put them down. Hokey, sure, but who cares.

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      I agree, Lynne. I kinda liked it and watched it all the way through. Wonder what happened to that gal that almost fell off of whatever she was standing on? lol

  9. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Hey, these guys are trying to be dorky. Palin has no idea what she's like.

    (But I admit, this is one of the great examples of why pale northern white folk shouldn't try to rap.)

  10. Anonymous4:53 PM

    It is hokey but I'd watch it again before I'd watch any of the political ads that ran continuously all summer and fall.

  11. Anonymous5:29 PM

    That was tough to watch, but not as difficult as sitting thru the Alaskan who was recently on dancing with the stars. Now that was some bad shit!

  12. Randall6:16 PM

    Oh please...

    Do you really think that little film was more embarrassing than Sarah Palin up there screeching "pallin' around with terrorists"?
    And Sarah's "reality" show?
    And Bristol on "Dancing With The Stars"?
    And Sarah on just about any episode of Hannity?

    I don't think so, Gryph.

  13. Anita Winecooler7:28 PM

    I've slept through worse "training" videos and presentations. Gotta give him credit - it's gone viral and he got his website posted.

    Here's a "real" comedian who makes a snooze button funny in less than 23 seconds and it got less than 4 thousand hits.

  14. Groovin'!9:07 PM

    They are having fun-- there is no embarrassment to this.

    Except, "Buy an uzik, and you will have it made!" Yeah, you'll have it made with a walrus boner! Service. . . is selling! And selling is service!" Baaaaaaaaa duh dumptadumptaduuuuuuuuuuum

    I'm groovin'!

  15. WakeUpAmerica9:34 PM

    It's for their own employees who probably got a real laugh out of an otherwise boring meeting. Big deal. It's not like they're marketing it to other companies. I would think it was funny as hell if my co-workers made a video like that. Oh come to think of it, our district office personnel did do one to the tune of "Call Me Maybe." It was totally hokey and hilarious. We loved it.

  16. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Every one of those people have more personality, rhythm and better dance moves than that embarrassing Alaskan on DWTS.

  17. An European Viewpoint1:11 AM

    I find it sweet and funny. Not embarrassing at all.

  18. Anonymous1:57 AM


  19. LisaB25955:59 AM

    I enjoyed that immensely. That one of my go-to stores when I needed an "Alaska" gift to send. It was one of the last stores I visited before we moved. Somewhere I have an unopened packet of "Once In A Blue Moose" playing cards.

  20. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Waiting for Sarah Palin to complain about this or is it too close to home?

    BP Oil Spill Flow Rate Vastly Understated For Weeks, Emails Show

  21. Gretchen10:19 PM

    We're not laughing at you, we're laughing with you. I thought it was cute.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.