Monday, December 24, 2012

Betty Bowers takes time out of her busybody life to instruct American's about God's view on abortion. Don't forget to take notes kids.

By the way if you found this offensive then you simply must not have read your Bible.

I have read the Bible completely once, and partway through a second time.

Besides the fact that I found it be one of the most poorly written books I have ever had the displeasure of wading through, I was also surprised that the God described within its pages was one of the most horrific and evil entities known to man. Essentially much of the Old Testament is filled with things you better not do if you don't want to be punished in any number of truly barbaric and pornographic fashions, and the New Testament is a demonstration of those barbaric methods visited upon God's only son.

And I used to think Stephen King was scary!


  1. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Did you catch who the popup "adulterous" loooked exactly like early on?

    1. Hah! I was wondering how long it would take people to catch that.

      That's why we love Betty Bowers.

  2. Gee Gryphen, why do you think so many people have spent their lives studying it? It was the only interesting material out there; read sex and violence all day, and still get a couple meals and a robe; bonus!

  3. Randall5:30 AM


    I, too, have read the entire Bible once, and portions of it many times. (The King James version and the Douay-Rheims version - as well as the Koran, the Book of Mormon including all of the Doctrine and Covenants, etc.)

    And because of that, I am absolutely NOT a Jew, nor a Christian, nor do I want anything to do with any religion based on those sickening books.

    And I wonder about those who DO say they subscribe to the "teachings" in the Bible. I wonder if they've read it? And if so - I question their reading comprehension.

    And, as always, Betty Bowers finds the head of the nail and HAMMERS it.

  4. Leland5:30 AM

    The Bible was INTENDED to be as scary as possible! It was the best way to anchor the power and control of the priest caste!

    Fear is usually the hardest emotion, or condition if you will, to overcome, which is why we are only now seeing a major movement away from the fear-crazed religions of the past and movement toward either a complete disbelief in a supreme being or toward a FAITH belief not centered around any intelligence embodiment. (Of course, intelligence and science didn't hurt any!)

    Personally, I am grateful for the fear-mongering and hatred presented by the Bible - and the books from which it was taken. It made it easier for me to question and then break free!

    On a happier note, I want to wish only the best for all those who participate at IM. Happiness, family and peace to all.


  5. Anonymous5:52 AM

    LOL!!! Bottoms up Hooker!

  6. Anonymous7:49 AM

    OMG that was hysterical. I LOL'd several times. Thanks, Gryphen.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.