Monday, December 24, 2012

Pretty sure I've discovered where Sarah Palin has been keeping herself in between rants on Fox News.

Yep, must be the place.


  1. jcinco6:36 AM

    Hopefully come January there will be no more rants as she will no longer be under contract. You'll note: no anti-gun control rants from her on fux and you know she's chomping at the bit to screech about her 2nd amendment rights. Of course, Rupie, her boss, is for gun control. Her platform isn't allowed on fux these days.

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      When was the last time you heard her mention guns? Seriously. Think about it.

      You're a sad creature. If you'd just objectively analyze your President yourself, then you wouldn't be so confused. He's a liar. He's not the God figure G paints him to be. Admit it and move on. Most of the people here sadly follow G's sickening left propaganda and lies about the right and it isn't helping anyone, especially the left.

      You need to demand answers from your President for once. Stop ignoring the deception.

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Gabby Giffords. She can keep her trap SHUT since she was complicit in it.

    3. Anonymous7:33 AM

      She hasn't mentioned guns so much since Gabby Giffords. Otherwise, she'd be right out there posing with the NRA.

    4. Anonymous7:49 AM

      7:15 AM We are still waiting for Sarah or Todd to DENY the PIMPING and SEX TRAFFICKING Allegations that are true. Why does everything that you post involve President Obama? Over 53 percent of the VOTING PUBLIC disagree with your opinion of President Obama. How many think that Sarah Palin's opinions matter? Why do the Fox Employees laugh at Sarah's Rants? If you are not Sarah, you should sign yourself into The Evaluation Center for Disturbed Women ASAP.

    5. jcinco8:02 AM

      anon 7:15 am: fuck off and have a merry Christmas, whichever palin or palin leech you may be! :)

    6. Olivia8:26 AM

      Once again, please fill us in on the lies and deception you accuse President Obama of. With citations and proof, of course. Anything parroted from Faux Noise or Drudge will be heartily ridiculed and easily refuted, so please produce something original.

      I don't know of anyone who paints the president as a god figure except for jealous teabaggers and sour grape sucking Republicans.
      You sound a bit jealous yourself.

      I haven't seen any lies coming from the left about the right so go ahead and fill us in on that too, please.

    7. Anonymous8:32 AM

      @7:15 Of course Palin isn't saying much now that the damage is done. She started spewing about guns in 2008 and hardly stopped until
      recently. Now she sits back, and has set back, and watched the carnage her nasty mouth helped propel.

    8. 715, you are an idiot. the insufferable bitch put all her hope in guns, grifting and lying. GMAFB. she is a first rate fool, like you.

      President Obama is the best president in modern times. Unlike the repug presidents who were warmongers, cheats, imbeciles and dangerous.

      832, You have got that right. she is gun nut.

    9. Anonymous12:19 PM

      I'll betcha our wonderful President Obama will end up on Mt. Rushmore eventually. Think he'll go down as one of our best presidents and I can hardly wait for the Republicans/Tea Baggers/Palin/McCain/Boehner to REALLY revolt!

    10. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Yeah, um, didn't Bristol make a big deal of buying her a pink gun for her birthday? Just a few months ago?

  2. As comforting as it is to know she's safely tucked away, I know as soon as the heavier meds wear off griz will claw her way out of there again. But, hey, a couple days without having to look at that face or accidentally hear that voice is gold.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Remember how Hannibal Lector got out of his cage?


      Merry Christmas!

    2. Anonymous12:47 PM

      A couple of days? Ummm, she's been living privately for months. Doesn't stop you from slandering and acting like idiots though. It's had you have no lives. At least it leaves US room to become successful and make the money you COULD be making. What does YOUR retirement account look like? Mine is at a million. I don't waste my time fabricating details of strangers lives.

    3. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Pssst, 12:37 troll: slander is spoken, libel is written. You're so stupid you must be a Palin.

    4. jcinco1:40 PM

      Mine's at 1.5 and I still work and will for a few more years. 2012 was my best earning year since the Clinton era!! I just like to come here once in awhile to read the palin dirt. I found her to be one of the most frightening people to ever be in the running for such a high office in this country. I honestly do want her to fail and go away as I consider her a threat to our country with her hateful rhetoric towards our president. She's toxic and evil.

    5. Anonymous2:08 PM

      12:47 PM You had better save some of that 'GRIFTED PIMP money for all of the Lawyers you'll need for Tax Evasion, LOSER.

    6. Hey 12:47, all you 'millionaires' for Palin crack me up. Thought you'd be busy out on your yacht or gassing up the Lear but, no, you've still got time to come here in hopes of defending your queen. What unbridled loyalty! You might want to check the antenna on your tinfoil hat tho as you must be missing the latest $arah spiels on Faux which hardly qualifies as living 'privately'.

      Don't fret over my retirement pkg. It's full by thousands and each and every one of them bucks was earned by the sweat of my brow and diligently saved over the past 50 years. Not one solitary nickel was earned spewing lies against the President for the likes of murdock, ailes or foolish folks like you. Maybe you ought to consider making an early 401 or IRA withdrawal for some therapy. There's got to be a better lot in life than trying to defend the indefensible and your efforts to do so here indicate that you may have reached a pathological level of need.

      We are still waiting for you to list the 'lies' of our President. tap tap tap. Hmmm, you wouldn't be partaking in a bit of slander spreading yourself now, huh????

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Love it! LOL!

  4. Let's face it...Sarah Palin was the Pet Rock faze of 2008.
    Cute for awhile, but still just an inanimate object dumb as a rock.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Ha-ha! Love it. That's perfect.


    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Rather childish in my opinion and even though it refers to Palin it's still in bad taste.

    3. I'm glad to know Palin left a bad taste in your mouth...join SarahPac and you can be screwed over at the same time. Its a lose/lose no matter which direction.

    4. Anonymous10:37 AM



    5. Anonymous10:49 AM

      @9:56 AM "Bad Taste" describes everything Palin.

    6. Anonymous12:17 PM

      I thought her family was going to have her committed to API in Anchorage, AK!
      Kind of like - get her in there and then throw away the key!!! Sounds good to me.

    7. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Palin left a bad taste in your mouth


      Nah, Todd uses washcloths...

      But Sarah, well, even Pitbulls are "delicious", not so with Sarah...

  5. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Off topic. Really sad news. How can firefighters open carry on the job? Won't the bullets get hot and fire themselves? They are left defenseless to the armed nuts.

    Four firefighters were shot Monday at the scene of a house fire in Webster, New York, according to the local ABC affiliate and the Associated Press. Two were reported dead.

  6. Dinty8:55 AM

    I can't tell if that's where my girlfriends come from, or go to after we've broken up...

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      You probably screw them up bad, like G does with his lies and immorality.

    2. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Haha..Probably both? Thanks for the laugh!
      Merry Holidays to you!

    3. Anonymous2:06 PM

      12:44 PM Is that what you did to Gino, Ben, Kyle, and Dylan?

    4. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Anonymous12:44 PM

      You probably screw them up bad, like G does with his lies and immorality.
      So G is "immortal" now? Whoa! G I didn't know you were into "twilight" but you do live in Alassska.....
      Krusty you are such a stupid kunt.
      Really, the only other dumber than you is the Queen kunt herself.
      And yes the "insane Asylum" is where you reside.So again STFU & Fuck off Krusty!
      ~All IM'rs

  7. Anonymous10:35 AM

    This is off topic, however it does concern one of the crazy Palin women.
    Bristol is still drumming up votes for her new man, seems he can't win in a fair competition. Please go vote against him at this link, I voted for the young lady running against him.

    1. jcinco10:52 AM

      sorry, no way I'm giving them my email address...

    2. Anonymous12:43 PM

      How is it unfair if she asks for votes? That is what people do. You're an idiot. Unfair is having lax rules regarding PAC ahem Obama.

    3. Anonymous2:04 PM

      12:43 Unfair is using The Governor's position to procure BP Clients for Todd's Prostitutes.

    4. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Unfair is having lax rules regarding PAC so Palins can soak the naive populace and support their high fluting life style. 12:43 You're an idiot.......

    5. Anonymous8:04 PM

      WTF is a "PAC ahem Obama"???

      Bitch, you best PRAY the FBI AND the IRS are DUMB enough to leave the Pathetic paylins alone!

      The IRS took down Al Capone, fuckface.

      They. Don't. Mess. Around.


  8. Anonymous11:00 AM

    @7:15 (although why bother?) What lies does Jesse post? No one ever mentions Obama as God except the right (I first heard it from Fox, well bec=fore the 2008 election.) We are plenty critical of things he has and has not done, but we realize he inherited crisis after crisis, and has dealt with them as best as he could with littel to no help from 'you people.' Your lies and belief in the right does nothing but make this nation weak.
    I pray for the day the right wakes up, rubs the crud out of their eyes, and tells Fox and Norquist, the Kochs and Adelson, to shove off and make their profits off another country. This one is staying democratic, and we refuse to become facist or worse in the name of money.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      The Palins would be the first to sue if there were even little white lies. Everyone, including bots, know about all the threats and that nothing is there to sue. Hopefully, someone else will be sued by Palins one day soon. Once the depositions are under way it will be a good thing.

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      No ones been sued over Babygate or Pimpgate! Oh they did try to threaten a professor tho. Hey now that shit don't fly in the lower 48 Baldy!

  9. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Sarah Who? Let's hope her contract isn't renewed at Fox and the less we hear of her and her lying, grifting family the better for all of us.

    1. jcinco1:43 PM

      If her contract isn't renewed it will have a major impact on her relevancy. She already took a big hit when she wasn't invited to the republican convention, that's unheard of...

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      This may not be popular but I am all for the Fox/Palin bondage show to go on. I think she is unwittingly doing some good by showing the world what Fox is about. When Fox wants they can be more sneaky and cover up their craziness. With Palin part of the productions there is no doubt they are losing their grip.

    3. Anonymous8:05 PM


      If her contract isn't renewed, That. Is. It.

      She really is done.

      SarahTV my ass!!!


  10. Hey, Gryph -- This is O/T, but it appears one of the Palin groupies is stalking Sunny. Could be Krusty. I wonder if it's the same troll who tries to post here about Sadie.

    From Sunny's FB page:

    "We didn't sell any pictures to TMZ somebody else did or they got them off here. Just to clear that up."

    "I don't really care but I hate all the annoying messages saying we like to sell our lives."

    "It's just the same person she just goes under different names... Jenny still or becca Hansen usually.. All the other messages I've been getting are positive besides from her."

    "She writes to me and then blocks me immedietly afterwards and then unblocks me whenever she feels like harassing me then blocks me real fast so i cant block or delete her. she also has several different accounts." (need to be logged into FB to see)

    Here's the TMZ article; Krusty is in the comments as well as that creepy "Blake" individual.

    Well, back to cookies and wrapping presents. Merry Christmas to Gryph and all my fellow IMers!

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      That person is a stalker and worse. One day their IPs will all be involved in some serious court cases. They think they are too clever for their own good. They need more rope and let them implode because that is what they do.

  11. For disturbed women?

    Because disturbed men are never insane.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Disturbed men find the drugged up anorexic look "hot" and some men are cool with that for a woman. If a woman was hot and bothered over a death warmed over man, she would be considered insane.

    2. Anonymous8:10 PM


      It's not demonizing women *only* - it's serving as a *Safe Place* for women *only*, like shelters, etc.

  12. Anonymous12:12 PM

    When they show pictures of the retard in the media, I wish they'd show current photos. She's aged horribly during the past four plus years due to the evilness of her spirit.

    As I've said before - hell awaits her!

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Really because I saw her out with her daughter (the middle one) at a rodeo about a month ago and she looked smokin.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      You're right. I wish they would show two pictures of her everytime... The one with her in a superwoman outfit at Steele's campaign stop. And the one of her in LA in her skinny jeans and that hideous top.

    3. jcinco1:49 PM

      lol, anon 12:42, oh, lou sarah, we know how you love to post and sing your own praises, it's common knowledge since Frank Bailey's book.

    4. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Other drug addicts do actually find the skank boney look "hot".
      They are into bad health. The death look turns them on.

      Tragic decline is "hot" to other mental cases and addicts.

    5. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Anonymous12:42 PM

      Really because I saw her out with her daughter (the middle one) at a rodeo about a month ago and she looked smokin.
      Really? You must be smokin' the same shit she does, if you think that dried up kunk looks "smokin'"
      Yea, krusty you were at a rodeo in your flippin' dreams...

    6. Anonymous12:27 AM

      She will rot in hell for what she has done to so many innocent people. Karma is a BITCH, Scarah!

  13. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Don’t believe the accounts of HBO's movie Game Change that say the film humanizes Sarah Palin. The story line is exactly the opposite. Sarah Palin, as we all knew, was a desperate Hail Mary Pass by John McCain, completely unvetted and incompetent for the job of Vice President. The film confirms this. It also portrays her as ignorant beyond our wildest imagination and verging on mental illness, veering between bouts of catatonia, manic behavior and paranoia, coupled with having mini-meltdowns.

    By all means watch it. Even though it confirms much of what we already knew, it still produces chills. Had McCain, then 72 years old, won the election, this woman would have been next in line to be President.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      McCain didn't vet Sarah Palin because he figured he could take care of everything like in the story of his life. Blowing up planes, dumping crippled wife, getting the C-wife out of drug and stealing from orphans charges, Keating 5 and so much more. It was always easy for him to fix things. Meth-mouth must and seem like a simple fix for the old man.
      Sarah Palin (long version)


  14. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Palin's greed and extreme narcissism paved her way down a one way street with a dead end. She will no longer be relevant in politics. Her stupid empty responses and cocooning herself away from any type of educational debate pretty much secured the fact she will no longer be any kind of influence with the general public. After reviewing many responses from different blogs, news sources, and online media, the concensus is she is loathed and despised by 90% of responders after reappearing with her latest rants. People are tired of her. Her jealousy of President Obama is so much more transparent that more and more are noticing her obsession. Everytime she opens her mouth to pontificate her family values, her persona she paints as a lifelong hunter and modern day frontierswoman who can juggle it all maintaining to raise a wholesome family while managing to preen and prance like Cindy Crawford is challenged by the hypocritical evidence of quite the opposite. She literally painted herself into a corner. Comments after embarassing comments show she is reviled and no longer relevant. If her latest rant is her way of fishing for an indicator of her decreasing popularity, she got her answer. I find it hard to believe she reads all the publications put in front of her all these years but I feel that she does read this blog. Sarah, you're done. You've been done but you refused to believe it. Party's over and you're the only one left since you managed to alienate everyone else who attended. Go home.

  15. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Anonymous12:42 PM
    Really because I saw her out with her daughter (the middle one) at a rodeo about a month ago and she looked smokin.


    really ?!?
    i didn't know the great western hotel on the dead lake had a rodeo about a month ago ... you palins are fraudulent, lyin' sac's-0-shit ... enjoy

  16. Anonymous2:05 PM

    hey $carah,

    who murdered kurt menard jr and dar miller ?

    also, what'd you guys use to start the fire with in "your church" where the records were kept ?

    1. You've done your homework.

  17. ibwilliamsi4:45 PM

    'kin I go thar?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.