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"Well that's not funny. That's not funny at all." |
8. Palin calls Time magazine irrelevant for naming President Obama its Person of the Year, when really it's irrelevant for still trying to be in the print media.
7. In response to the mass shooting in Newtown, Palin sums up this horrific tragedy with a Cee Lo song and a crappy joke about the president.
6. Palin's son Trog (or something) gets a divorce after 18 months of marriage, and his family-values-having mom has no comment, because… family values.
5. Palin apologizes after telling Republicans to stop being "wusses" during fiscal cliff discussions. Yet she still hasn't apologized for her crimes against grammar and logic.
4. This terrible pun: Sarah Palin on Monday said Democrats who "still have that addiction to the hope-ium" President Barack Obama peddled four years ago need to "open their eyes" and vote for Mitt Romney this November.
3. Palin mocks President Obama's Christmas card for featuring Bo, instead of baby Jesus coming down from heaven to give the Constitution to Paul Revere or whatever.
2. As the battle for Chick-Fil-A/America's greasy soul rages, Palin jumps into the fray to prove that a) she has no idea how the First Amendment works and b) she still hates the gays.
1. Despite raising hundreds of thousands of dollars through her Super PAC, Palin gives Mitt Romney nothing except a half-hearted endorsement wrapped in a long screed about Barack Obama.
So there you have it, the worst Sarah Palin moments of 2012. And to those of you wondering who cares about Sarah Palin any more, the answer is: not even Sarah Palin.
And let me just say that the PERFECT people to be covering Sarah Palin are the folks over at Comedy Central.
After all IS there a bigger joke? (Well to be fair Mitt Romney certainly came in a strong second.)
Funny! Sarah's a political joke, all right, and irrelevant and has been for a while but what really did it for her was when she wasn't invited to the RNC. I wonder if she regrets upstaging Romney in New Hampshire when she did her fake vacation bus tour...what an ass.
ReplyDeleteActually her renting space at the Tampa mall next to the convention should be included. She rented space...perhaps to hawk T-shirts and books, but wasn't invited to the party.
Deletedidn't the $kank bail on the mall space too ?
DeleteShe was so sure she'd be the main attraction at the RNC and get all that publicity...and steal the limelight from Romney with her adoring fans.
DeleteAnd just think she sold herself for money and it's not paying off anymore! Her speeches are worthless (and have always been worthless), her books never really sold, and I hope that Fox will not renew her contract as her 15 minutes of fame has expired! Fox is just plain ugly! Good bye, Sarah!
Delete"I wonder if she regrets upstaging Romney in New Hampshire when she did her fake vacation bus tour..."
That would require self-awareness; not her strong suit at all.
She has been relegated to a Comedy Central round-up of stupid moments for the year. A fitting end to her inept and inglorious career, following the ignominy of not only being excluded from the republican convention, but also getting bitch-slapped by fox during the convention and being sent to her room and grounded for a night like a badly behaving child during their convention coverage.
You can thank deposed Queen Ann for not allowing Princess Palin to be invited to the RNC. She made sure Cinderella Wasilla would not be present to dummy up her husband's event. She reportedly went apeshit when Sarah and her bus tour roamed nearby during Willard's announcement and vowed to get even. Now that's a catfight I would pay to see !
DeleteThat rental space was for Tawd to traffik women into.
DeleteAlso too when $creech wasn't included in the Alaska shindig earlier this year that showcased its most notable women in politics ! What a snub!!
DeleteSeems the Palin curse went both ways in 2012:
Delete1. President reelected!
2. The perky one, Katie Couric, has a top rated show!
3. David Letterman receiving Kennedy Center Honor! (Tina Fey making introductory remarks)
"Palin calls Time magazine irrelevant for naming President Obama its Person of the Year, when really it's irrelevant for still trying to be in the print media." Hmm...She actually said it best on Greg..I mean Greta because Time Magazine mentioned her once as being influential. As if.
ReplyDeleteThis list is so-so in my opinion. Palin has said and done some incredibly stupid things over the course of the year, that's documented.
"Palin's son Trog (or something) gets a divorce after 18 months of marriage, and his family-values-having mom has no comment, because… family values." Well, it was a shot-gun wedding to begin with, that is fact. Never mind the divorce. How is having to get married a Christian conservative family value???
And what about Tri-tipp or whatever the fuck that kid's name is...spouting off the word faggot on TV? Not a word out of Palin. Because you know, her daughter is a 'Christian conservative' and Tri-tipp was a product of rape in a tent, not Bristol having premarital sex.
These Palins are disgusting, vile, venomous and hateful. The woman will never be elected to anything ever again. Not that she cares, anyway. It's more lucrative to grift money out of people whose knuckles drag the ground and believe she's the second coming of Christ...
Hey Sarah...Next month, Barack Obama will be inaugurated to a second term. That must make your asshole tighten up, huh??
Three and a half weeks til inauguration!
DeleteAnonymous 1:17 pm: You go! You are right on with everything!
DeleteIs it too soon to hope that we are seeing the demise of the Palins in politics and the media? I hope 2013 will be Palin free.
ReplyDeleteWe are seeing Palin self destruct. That can't be denied since someone published that Christmas picture where they sat on her and only the head part was partially seen.
DeleteTremendous symbolism. She shrunk so deep she can never reload. That is not to say she won't put on another show at some time if she can sell her soul and there is anyone who will buy her now. I totally don't have a problem with her doing comedy. Until the law knocks down her door that is.
We have Sarah's "fitness" book coming out in 2013 - that should be worth a lot of hoots.
DeleteComedy Central - Sarah's future. please tell me that her Fox contract has not been renewed. We cannot take another year of her snarling teeth sunk into our president's ankle.
ReplyDeleteshe really looks like a guy in that picture. she's not attractive at all anymore.
ReplyDeleteAnd to think she spent all that postage money to make herself look beautiful (in her eyes only).
DeleteShe will want more postage to keep the work from falling. If she is lucky she will need work only every 5 years. She is not so lucky.
Deleteshe never was atractive, only flashy, and trashy.
DeleteWith Sarah,there can be no "worst".......with regard to aggrandizing rhetoric,she firmly believes in equality.......
ReplyDeleteYuppers, as long as Sarah continues to breathe and her heart still pumps ice water through her arteries, there will be Palin lowlights to come. We've only seen the "Worst So Far".
DeleteWait until Sarah is almost broke, and can no longer afford her personal ghostwriter/speechwriter/worshiper, RAM to make her look "smart", an impossible task that has only fooled the under-80 IQ baggers.
By the way, Sarah, what's up with the androgynous "Pat" look? Pretty creepy the way your looks have degraded so much in the past two years. I hate that for you, bless your heart and withered bony ass.
Wow...where are all the Palin troglidite/trolls that were out in force over the Palin Christmas photo???
ReplyDeleteSleeping it off, I guess..
Is there something we didn't cover in the holiday photo? I think we hit all the high points, but please, if we missed something I hope you can cover it! Also too, it's spelled troglodyte.
Delete2:40 PM Sarah has lost her appeal. Her 'condition' has driven her loyalists away. Not long ago, a Sarah Palin Posting on IM would garner at least 200 responses. Now, she is lucky to break 100. Even Palinbots grow weary of Grifting and Begging for money.
DeleteAnon: 3:11: What, you have a PhD is Palinisms? You poor thing...it probably cannot be washed off, can it?
DeleteGet some shots, not from a bar..and wash your nasty ass thoroughly...
Someone who is a troglodyte..can certainly spell it...except for Wallow. If it has hair on it, she might be able to part it. But that's a long shot..
A person who lives away from the coasts and metropolises, once referred to as a 'hinterlander' but no longer deserving of that otherwise-dignified term. He regards himself as a "real American" and his culture as that of such. He is adamant about his Second Amendment rights but isn't very interested in those other, less-relevant amendments that only the judges and politicians- who he scorns as being "leeches"- care about. He hates the idea of more laws, government or regulation of anything that reduce what he regards as "freedom", itself a word that he flings about without care. He hates non-real Americans, i.e. American citizens who are unlike himself, and those who he hates the most passionately are Muslims, all of whom he associates with the 9/11 attacks. In his telling you what's wrong with the U.S. and the way things ought to be, he could endlessly expand this definition without even knowing he is doing so.
Troglodyte: indoor-smoking, hard-drinking, pickup truck driving, Muslim-hating, liberal-hating, foreigner-hating, homophobic, gun-loving, self-assumed Christian who hasn't set foot in church in "only God knows when".
Yep that certain describes the Palin Family.
IM h8'rz
And where's GinaM??? Packing for her wonderful trip to Washington, D.C. to the inauguration? Have a good one...take some pictures for us and send them to Gryphen to post...
ReplyDeleteI'm jealous!
I'll take hopium over dopium any day.
ReplyDelete“Children are abandoned to their own devices, homes are dirty, meals are cold or fast food, clothes are filthy.”
ReplyDeleteNo... that's not some h8tr spreading rumors about Sarah. Well maybe it's a h8tr though.
Merry Christmas!
"A Catholic priest in Italy has created a firestorm by claiming that women bring violence on themselves by serving cold food and dressing provocatively.
Father Piero Corsi of Liguria sparked outrage after members of his congregation posted his Christmas bulletin onto Facebook."
That insufferable woman is what the gop is all about. Even in defeat the bitch goes on and on, like her fucking head lice, about President Obama and his wonderful family.
ReplyDeleteIt get pretty weird when the gop calls her ass crazy and irrelevant. she is a washed up uneducated racist liar.
she needs to take her craziness, her Chibi hair and dysfunctional family and go the way of romney, craig, rove and gop.
Let that silly pee pond post their endless talking points ad nauseum daily, quote Bible passages, hang on Chuck Jr.'s every adulterous word, and send money they don't have. She is OVAH. Can hardly WAIT until they realize how they've been duped....the smart ones have!
ReplyDeleteThe trolls here are a HOOT. Just who are they trying to convince? Themselves?
You know WHY she's so quiet? "The Fiscal Cliff." She has been encouraging this revolt all along and now that it's here, does anyone think she's going to open that world salad mouth of hers?? We know she knows nothing or would get all her little cards mixed in her head, and after announcing the last time she was irrelevant???
I love this website!
ReplyDeleteBOy, she is turning into a hag.
ReplyDeleteShe looks all wee wee'd up with itchy cohones in that picture! What's next for the fraud now? Her looks are fading, and she's no longer relevant in politics. She's a proven grifter and a has been liar. I hope the long arm of the law headlocks her by her turkey neck. Here are some puzzling questions found on the net:
ReplyDeleteThe windows bought and paid for in the Palin home had the lot numbers that were ordered for the Wasilla Sports Center....but the Sports center did not use those types of windows at all.
Why was there a furnace order for the Sports Center in addition to the Industrial Furnace already installed? The whereabouts of that second furnace is in question. Where was that 2nd furnace placed?
Why were there photos of the very same contracting company that got the NO BID contract for the Sports Center working on the Palin home when they were building it?
Awww, c'mon 6:08PM, you're muddying up the waters. Everyone KNOWS Todd and his buddies built that house in record time...just like they "fortified" the fence to keep Joe McGinnis out.
DeleteQueen Esther wink to ya!
When the virtually unknown hag was selected as VP, a cadre of reporters descended on Alaska to seek information on her background. What they found were breadcrumbs and leftover stains to whatever the McCain campaign were able to scrub. Some reporters left after finding nothing, some stayed and got fed scraps and some decided to stay and interview folks.
DeleteA few persistent ones decided clamp their noses with clothespins and proceed to dig past the bs.
This was posted back in 2009. Old article but a good read on her crony-ism and back room deals as mayor and governor. There's also info on the Sports Complex. This article is revealing proven simply by what actions she has undertaken since she tanked McCain's chances at getting elected. She is morally and ethically corrupt and was always, always about the money. She wielded the power of her position to gain loyalty and gratuitous reciprocation.
The many times I cringe and wipe my brow to think that she was that close to being elected as number two to the most powerful country on this planet.
Anon 7:52PM Yeah, have you seen that fence???? If this were any of Todd's building skills, there is no way he and his "buddies" built that red house. Todd's a fucking liar. That house was a product of good ol' I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine routine.
DeleteForgot the link: http://sarahpalintruthsquad.wordpress.com/tag/wasilla-sports-complex/
DeleteAnonymous6:08 PM
ReplyDeleteHmmm? Interesting. do you have links for that or????
B/c otherwise, I think you need to talk with Uncle G.
OMG! You’ve gotta check out Andrew Sullivan’s line up for the Dish Awards at the Daily Beast.
ReplyDeleteGuess who’$ name does NOT appear in the nominees! Among them: The Malkin Award - named after blogger and FOX blowhard , Michelle Malkin, is for shrill, hyperbolic, divisive and divisive and intemperate right-wing rhetoric.
$creech Palin doesn’t even merit a mention! $quawk!
$reech also fails to score in the category called The Hathos Alert - for moments when you want to look away but cannot. Hathos is the attraction to something you really can't stand; it's the compulsion of revulsion.
Sarah Paylin to a T- but no mention! True Irrelevance!
Is that Sonny Bono without the moustache? What a Man, no wonder she is always saying,"MAN UP". BWHAHAHAHA
ReplyDeletethe SHILLA from WASILLA.
"Palin mocks President Obama's Christmas card for featuring Bo, instead of baby Jesus coming down from heaven to give the Constitution to Paul Revere or whatever." Ahh I remember that one well!!
ReplyDeleteMy how the shitpile has lost it's luster! A few years back, this idjit was making big bank talking at schools, army bases, hotel conventions in India, demanding two closed bottled waters and two bendy straws be placed by the podium. Now she's gasping for air, trying desperately to rekindle the glory days.
Comedy Central calls her for what she is, the brunt of a bad joke.
Oh my. ... And to think that Uncle Ted's political career tanked over indictments for taking about $200,000 in 'wrongful'gifts'!!
ReplyDeletePalin's smell is all over shady deals in the Valley. Blame the development sprawl on that bilious bubble head, thinkin' $he and Todd would just kinda do some wheelin and dealin in all the buildin and hustlin' and bustlin' goin on. Yeehaw!
Remember that big cabin somewhere out in Big Lake(I think)that the Palins hadn't paid taxes on for years? Thatcabin had a lot of the same building materials as the House that Todd Built. What a hypocrite.
Great post Anon 6:08
not Big Lake but the marijuana growin' place on Safari Lake
DeleteI am so glad she uses the TOXIC LAKE as a prop. When peeps are gasping for every little breath and drowning in their own excrement, they will never admit, but they will see they made mistakes.
ReplyDelete"Yet she still hasn't apologized for her crimes against grammar and logic."
ReplyDeleteThe paylump responds:
Well, Charlie, being one who understands what it is I want to, on behalf of the Rill Americans, to put forth as our birthright, as is IN the Constitution, so bravely and living as A document, which the founding fathers said would give us the rights to bear arms. We should be, with a mind of patriotic mindfulness, in being of not a mindset to allow Barack Obama to have his fiscal cliff notes, NOT on his hand, which is, of course, the American note reading way. I read the word Benghazi, one word but only allowing for, as our founding father patriots didn't want, socialism for other patriots. We NEED, if for our patriots in my simple, I don't know, moose chili way of putting it, less crony capitalismistic ways to stop Barack Obama and his (super hot chocolate) fascist ways.
Fuck you, Sarah Palin. If only for your "death panel" attempt to derail health care reform. You disgust me.
Smirnonn, perfect Paylump word salad!
DeleteSarah Palin, your Ugliness has superseded your popularity. Hardly any of the postings for you are positive. Get your Lawyers ready, 'THE TAXMAN COMETH'. Karma is about to take you down.