Thursday, December 13, 2012

Elizabeth Warren appointed to Senate Banking Committee!

"Oh it's on now!"
Courtesy of TPM:  

Consumer advocate and Sen.-elect Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) will serve on the Senate Banking Committee once the 113th Congress convenes in January, Majority Leader Harry Reid announced on Wednesday. 

“I am excited to work with the members of our expanded majority," Reid said in a statement. "Our caucus is more diverse than ever, with a record sixteen female Democratic senators serving in the next Congress. These committee assignments will allow all members of our caucus to bring their unique talents and expertise to bear as we work together to advance the interests of the middle class.”

There was so much happening yesterday that his bit of wonderful news slipped right past me.

Senator Warren is going to do an incredible job, and I have to imagine that their are some sleepless nights ahead for certain fat cats on Wall Street coming up soon.

Damn is it good to see the country moving in this direction or what?


  1. Some really great news!

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I am still SO excited that she won. I am still on cloud nine about the win of President Obama, and Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren.

  3. Very good news, but watch your back Professor Warren, there’s a lot of money involved.

  4. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I love the look and sound of Senator Elizabeth Warren!

  5. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Dems seem to appoint committee members based on their expertise while Rethugs seem to appoint people who are totally without a clue (e.g., the fundamentalists on the Science committee).

  6. Excellent choice for Senate Banking Committee by Harry Reid.

  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    With the news from Michigan sounding like they've decided to mimic the government of Uganda, it is really heartening to hear of some progressive steps being taken, federally.

  8. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Here's another great appointment...

    Democrats Confident Tammy Baldwin Knows 'The Facts,' Assign Budget Committee Spot

  9. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Competely OT but here goes...

    Someone named TexS2012 posted the following about Sarah:

    "That's why I love Sarah Palin who always honors our military and never forgets their sacrifices, she showed that while Governor of Alaska, while running for President and I don't expect her to ever change her appreciation."

    Uh, dude, that was McCain who ran for president in 2008.

    C4P provides a never ending supply of laughs.

  10. Anonymous10:03 AM


  11. fromthediagonal10:13 AM

    Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Baldwin... hope for the third to be Tammy Duckworth! Let's keep going!

  12. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Kick their @ss, Elizabeth!

    Too harsh?

  13. Anita Winecooler8:50 PM

    Consider the tigress unleashed!
    Excellent Choice!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.