Friday, December 21, 2012

Joe Scarborough once again meets the new Republican party. Doesn't like what he sees.

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This Rep. Tim Huelskamp guy is a complete asshole and essentially uses the exact same talking points that Wayne LaPierre used later in the day, and in so doing managed to insult Scraborough's concerns since the school shooting in Connecticut.

This courtesy of Think Progress:

 SCARBOROUGH: To push a political agenda? 

HUELSKAMP: Oh, absolutely. This president and his folks are using this to push – 

SCARBOROUGH: What was your feeling after September 11th, Congressman? Were there some changes made in this country because of the tragedy of September 11th? Was that just using a tragedy, 3,000 deaths, to try to make Americans safer? Do you dare come on my show and say I am using the slaughter of 20 little 6 and 7-year-old children, I’m using that for political purposes, Tim? 

HUELSKAMP: Joe, how many children do you have? 

SCARBOROUGH: I’ve got four children, Tim. Answer my question. 

HUELSKAMP: So do I. And I refuse to let you say that because you have children, or anybody else, that we need to actually politicize this. But I see folks in Washington — I don’t know about you. I don’t watch your show… 

SCARBOROUGH: Tim, I’m not going to let you say that I am, quote, politicizing the slaughter of 20 children…. So we can’t at least talk about guns without you questioning my integrity and saying that I’m using the death of 20 children to try to make life for my children a little bit safer? We can’t even talk about it without you coming on this show and insulting me personally?

 Earlier in the exchange Huelskamp essentially draws a line in the sand and says that his group, the Teabagggers, have no intention of voting to raise taxes on ANYBODY.

So let there be no doubt when it comes to negotiations on solving our fiscal crisis of protecting our children fro further harm, the Republicans have essentially been rendered useless.


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    There's a reason some of from KS call him "Huelschump". Never voted for him, never will. Look for our state to implode shortly with the tax short-fall. Mr.Brownbackistan thought they were all gonna get positions in the new Republican admin. Ha!

  2. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I don't trust Scarborough, we'll see. Maybe he will tell the truth about the coroner that did the autopsy on the young intern found dead in his office.

    4 People Dead; 3 Troopers Injured In PA Shooting Spree During NRA Press Conference

  3. Anonymous1:17 PM

    My blood pressure went up watching this asshole! I wanted to deck him! Especially did not like him saying our President was politicizing this gun issue.

    This is what the Tea Baggers look like in Congress? No wonder things are in such a fucking mess!

    People better pay closer attention for whom they vote. Republicans need to be voted out of office in Congress next go around - there is no doubt!

  4. Don't you know when it comes to politicizing tragedy, only the Repub1%Can'ts are allowed to do it.

  5. This is a true bagger... doesn't listen to reason, and can only say "No" because he's afraid of the Grover Norquist crowd in the party coming after his seat in a primary. He's a chicken-shit chicken-hawk in a welfare red state. A Party-first guy.

    It's like talking to a brick wall in trying to have a discussion with these nutters.

    I don't care that much for Boehner, but these nutters make him seem very reasonable and accommodating by comparison. No wonder that Boehner drinks like a fish, with him trying to lead idiots like Hull-skampi. Boehners' job must be like trying to herd a bunch of cats b/c they don't even listen to THEIR OWN elected leadership.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Huelskamp should be sent to Afghanistan on a black ops mission where he can show his real patriotism with a fully automatic weapon. Hopefully then he may return (or hopefully not) with his shit stained underwear.

  6. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I'm glad he's getting his eyes opened. I was livid watching this loon.

  7. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I cannot stand Joe Scarborough. I don't care how many times he 'changes his mind' on an issue. He's a scum bag. How the fuck he ever got the morning slot on MSNBC is beyond me.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      He will say what he needs to say to be liked or popular by whoever he wants to impress at any given moment.

  8. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Sen. Joe Manchin: Between Obama and the NRA, another path to stopping mass violence

    Manchin Elaborates On Gun Control, Addresses NRA Presser In WaPo Op/Ed

  9. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I think it is absolutely amazing that not one Republican official, state or federal, in this country is willing to stand up to the NRA, the Koch Brothers, ALEC, Grover Norquist or the Tea Party. Not one elected Republican has any integrity or courage.

  10. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I thought what the NRA is proposing was called fascism. It is acceptable in some circles now?

  11. Anonymous9:12 PM

    "Taxes doesn't solve the problem at all"
    He's pissed because Harry Reid is getting "leied" in Hawaii.

    What a heaping helping of WTF? He makes Scarborough's skin crawl about as much as Scarborough makes mine!

  12. ibwilliamsi11:13 AM

    Scarborough has no business being the standard bearer of being appalled at what has become of the Republican Party. He led the charge, and was too busy drinking in the fame to notice the carnage he was dragging behind him.

    The death and destruction has finally caught up to Scarborough's demographic. Well-off white people in an upperclass community. He didn't care one whit about the 3,000 kids a year who died of gun violence prior to that. Could it be because 50% of those 3,000 were black while blacks make up only 15% of the US population?

    I'm not giving Scarborough a pass on this - yet. Let's see where he's at on this issue in 6 months. I'm not a big fan of converts who follow the money.

    2,947 total firearm fatalities
    2,037 homicide
    748 suicide
    162 accidental or undetermined
    2,577 boys
    370 girls
    2,571 between ages 15-19
    408 under age 15
    148 under age 10
    88 under age 5
    1,488 White
    1,371 Black
    563 Hispanic*
    46 American Indian or Alaska Native
    42 Asian or Pacific Islander

    2,793 total firearm fatalities
    1,855 homicide
    800 suicide
    138 accidental or undetermined
    2,434 boys
    359 girls
    2,439 between ages15-19
    354 under age 15
    151 under age 10
    85 under age 5
    1,515 White
    1,211 Black
    566 Hispanic*
    40 American Indian or Alaska Native


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