Thursday, December 13, 2012

Largest iceberg breakup ever filmed. Part of movie "Chasing Ice."

My God that is breathtaking and sickening all at the same time.

I have heard repeatedly that THIS movie may the one that finally shuts the global warming deniers up for good. I have seen interviews with people leaving screenings who were so shook up they could hardly speak.

Here are some of the reviews from the "Chasing Ice" official site.

"You've never seen images like this before.. It deserves to be seen and felt on the big screen" – Robert Redford 

"A magical, yet horrifying film which both astounds and enlightens in equal measure." 5 – Cine Vue 

"The term ‘game changer’ barely does the film justice, and the big screen is just the place to see it in all its ominous splendour. " 4 – Time Out 

"Visually spectacular montages of ice floes receding that will make you gasp and move you to tears." 4 – Total Film

Well it's about time that something came along that might wake people up to the fact that this warming trend is here to stay and that it is already causing devastation all over the world.

Already we have seen the greatest loss of ice on record for 2012.

One of the most dramatic examples of the record year of losses that the Arctic saw in 2012 was the nearly complete surface melt of the Greenland ice sheet over a stunningly quick 10 days in July, illustrated in the following NOAA graphic: 

The question can no longer be MUST we do somthing, it should be are we already too late?


  1. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Two more to watch: Extreme Ice and the last episode of Frozen Planet.

  2. It's gonna require some Magic... Grace... and likely an admixture of sheer lunacy. We will survive, as the fat man once sang.

  3. Leland4:56 AM

    What has always surprised me the most about this problem is the way so many people can't seem to grasp one of the most frightening things about this melting. As the ice and snow melts, the RATE of melting increases due to the reduced reflectivity or albedo, of the planet.

    Less white means more dark which means more solar energy absorption. What the hell is so hard to grasp?

    Also I remember years ago hearing someone arguing against global warming and the ice melting by saying that a glass of water and ice NEVER overflows when the ice melts. He was slammed when the scientist on the radio show informed him that the overwhelming majority of the ice on the planet was on LAND! And thus would add to the amount of water in the "glass". (The idiot could be heard swearing as he hung up, STILL unconvinced.)

    I am very happy that as a senior citizen I probably won't be around to actually see the horrendous destruction and deadly wars that will come because of the sea rise. I still do the best I can by conserving and recycling, even so.

    1. fromthediagonal6:51 AM

      Leland, you did not touch upon the effect of a warming North Atlantic upon the Gulfstream!

      There is an "escalator" effect at work in the interaction of warm vs. cold water. The more severe the temperature between the currents, the less intermixing of opposing flows.

      As the arctic ocean warms, that separation of currents lessens and slows down the Northbound current and distorts its Eastbound path from Cape Cod to Northern Europe.
      The changes for both the Eastern side of the North American continent and Western Europe will become progressively more devastating and will trigger other changes, again accelerating the process of warming, just as surely as will methane gases escaping from newly thawed, exposed tundras' dark peat soils in North America and Siberia.

      I also am on the far trail of this Life Path and my concerns are for the next generation who will bear the brunt of our follies.

  4. Anonymous5:34 AM

    At about 1:58 you can see a whale.
    This is amazing footage.

  5. I thought it was a whale for a moment too, but I am inclined to think was just the deep blue of the undersea ice and the water it displaced as it turned over. has certainly left me stunned after seeing this ice breaking off.

  6. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Yes, it's too late.

    BTW, the #1 cause of global warming is buildings (heating, cooling, etc.). The #2 cause is the meat and dairy industries and "animal husbandry". The #3 cause is transportation. Not one single leader has mentioned the impact that eating meat has on the environment. Not one. Ever.

    To some degree, global warming is our karma for the horrific brutality of meat and dairy factories. Period.

    A very inconvenient truth for people who can't stand the consequences of eating their beloved bacon cheeseburgers, which they bought at the drive through window sitting in their SUV.

  7. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Read and weep.

  8. Anonymous8:26 AM

    How many of you "concerned" people will become vegan for the good of the planet? One? None?

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Not only is changing to a plant based diet good for the planet, it is also good for our bodies.

    2. fromthediagonal9:59 AM

      Obviously Not enough... but One at a Time would be a very good beginning.

      I, for one, have not eaten the flesh of land dwellers, nor that of the winged ones for almost thirty years, though I do have to admit that the sea dwellers are not completely safe, neither are eggs, and I drink milk.

      Now, how about you, Anonymous @ 8:26?
      Your comment comes across as a bit self righteous, as the "concerned" in quotation marks leads me to think that you aren't interested in becoming at least one of us garden variety Vegetarians???

      Feel free to correct me if I misinterpreted...

  9. Lucas M8:41 AM

    An interesting thing to consider. 250 million years ago the Great Permian Extinction event killed 95% of all species on the planet. Why did this happen? Global temperatures increased 20 degrees over 1 million years. So how is global warming NOT a possible problem?

    Now that said 1000 years ago there were active working farms on Greenland which couldn't possibly survive now, so obviously the climate was warmer for a while then too.

  10. Nothing will shut them up or change their (little, tiny) minds.

    They will deny to their graves.

    Of course, since many are also quite elderly (Republicans), time will eventually take care of the deniers, just as it's taking care of the extreme right wing nutjobs. They're simply dying off.

  11. Yes, it is too late. The head of the federal Mineral Management Agency gave a keynote speech a few years ago to an Oil & Gas conference here - he explained the actual amounts of CO2 were increasing faster than the projected timeline, so what was predicted for 2050 would be happening in the 2030s.

    Bottom line, two things: he said it was considered irreversible at that point, and three-quarters of the world's human population would not be surviving the devastating weather of the next few decades.

  12. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I am not sure I want to be part of the "extinction generation"..,....but it appears I am not going to be given a choice.......

  13. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I am a jersey girl. I don't live on the coast but rather more inland. When Sandy hit although there were only 4 inches of water outside the house I got 5 feet of water in the basement as a result of sewer backup/overflow. My neighbor who had a sump pump and generator got 7 feet because the water pressure was so astronomical that it knocked out the pump and generator. The tall evergreen trees outside were bending at a 90 degree angle. The electricity was out, it was pitch dark and this is the first time in my adult life that I actually panicked. I quickly called up a relative who lived across town and told him to pick me up asap a block away from my place since the water outside the house was getting too high. The scariest part in all of this is that the 5 foot water build up occurred over a 3 minute period! I don't think updating the sewer infrastructure or having a seawall engineering project will provide much relief because the major battle isn't with an overflowing river but rather is a battle with a raging Atlantic Ocean. Many years ago when I used to do my digging in the garden I would frequently find seashells. I assume that this meant that a zillion years ago a good chunk of the state used to be part of the ocean. Well, it looks like mother nature is trying to reclaim lost territory. (I also feel that this horrific problem is not confined to coastal/inland areas. If sea levels rise sufficiently the ocean could spill onto the middle third of the country via the Miss. river and rice paddie cultivation could just replace corn production.)Just sayin'.

  14. Anita Winecooler9:19 PM

    I saw a preview to this movie, a "The making of" type documentary. They had to build each camera housing and ensure that they could withstand high winds, temps etc. He engineered the tripod structures using robots from Star Wars movies as examples. They showed small clips like this, then went on to explain the science behind it. Can't wait to see this movie.

    I was on the edge of my seat throughout this clip.
    I hope the people who deny global warming see this documentary, but I doubt it'll change their minds.

    I hope this is a wake up call.


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