Friday, December 07, 2012

May become my favorite picture of President Obama ever!

This is the ACTUAL moment when President Obama received the call from Mitt Romney conceding the race.

That was the moment when the whole country was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

(More great pictures over at the Obama Diary.)


  1. OT: SCOTUS will hear Prop 8 and DOMA constitutionality cases. (Keep yer finners crossed!)

  2. Sally in MI1:04 PM

    So cool. And after what is happening in Michigan, which is being taken over by the GOP fascists as we speak, it gives me some hope. We voted DOWN Emergency Managers, and Snyder turns around and the GOP has a law all ready for him to sign starting them up again. We voted against a constitutional amendment guaranteeing unions because we didn't want to change the Constitution, so yesterday they rammed through the right to work for pennies garbage law. This is bad, really bad.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Michigan is genuinely teabagger land now, unfortunately. I had a robot phone call from Planned Parenthood the other day because the anti-women laws are on their way here to join the anti-union one. Gov. Snyder played it cool for his first two years but he's as bad as Walker in Wisconsin. The Koch Brothers own the GOP now and we're going to get a grand dose of fascism before we know it. God only knows what is in store in the future. I really worry about the world our grandchildren are going to inherit.

  3. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I love the picture of the FLOTUS getting off the plane in Des Moines. Her beaming face shows how much she loves her husband.

  4. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Obama to Romney: Speak up biotch, can't hear you.

  5. Anita Winecooler8:11 PM

    The west wing videos show how much work he accomplishes. I love the photo of Flotus with Kimmel, but this one's powerful.


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