Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Sean Hannity has a freshly scrubbed and deloused Sarah Palin on his show to lie about the President, ALMOST apologize for being a bitch, and to teach us all a little about history. (You don't HAVE to drink alcohol before reading this, but I strongly suggest it.)

In response to a survey which indicates that Americans have a more favorable opinion of socialism than he can stomach and a less favorable opinion of capitalism than he considers patriotic, Hannity decides to ask the Lunatic from Lake Lucille her opinion, because well contractually he still has to.

"I think what the survey represents Sean is perhaps some survey recipients (I'm pretty sure she met "participants" here) who answered the questions are confusing corrupt, dirty crony capitalism with genuine free market capitalism. Which is the good kind of capitalism. You know we've shown a bright light on the problems caused by crony capitalism in recent months and last year to, and I think that capitalism in general has taken a hit because of this new public awareness, because of that light that has been shown on crony capitalism perhaps people are believing that capitalism in general isn't such a good thing, of course that's a mistake to believe that."

In his next question Hannity COMPLETELY misrepresents the President, the situation the country faces, and the reason for the situation. Of course mooseshit is where Palin wallows, so she doesn't bat an eye in responding.

"Well first let's address President Obama's flip flop on his philosophy thee when it comes to raising the debt ceiling, he certainly condemned President Bush in those years of raising the deb ceiling and..uh..look where he's taken this country. (Obama explains the change in his point of view about the debt ceiling here: "I think that it's important to understand the vantage point of a senator versus the vantage point of a president. When you're a senator, traditionally what's happened is, this is always a lousy vote. Nobody likes to be tagged as having increased the debt limit - for the United States by a trillion dollars. As president, you start realizing, you know what, we, we can't play around with this stuff. This is the full faith and credit of the United States. And so that was just an example of a new senator making what is a political vote as opposed to doing what was important for the country. And I'm the first one to acknowledge it." Oh and look he even takes responsibility for his naivete.) 

Snowdrift Snooki continues: He's taken us in to a state of bankruptcy...um..with his changed idea on it being a good thing to raise the debt ceiling. A very scary proposal was recently revealed to by Geitner essentially saying let the President have free rein in raising the debt ceiling to whatever level he wants it. That's a very scary thought because Barack Obama is a socialist, He believes in socialism, in redistributing the wealth, in confiscating hard earned dollars of our small business men and women so that they cannot reinvest their dollars and hire more people, and grow and expand. Instead he believes in these failed socialist policies, and I say that not to personally condemn our President (Ri-i-i-ght!). I say it because I face reality (I'm sorry, you face what?), and I see what's going on, and I see the path that we are on and the fact that Barack Obama has not had a budget in the four years he's been in office and not been worried about it and continues to spend recklessly other people's money, and that is a sign of that idea of loving socialism."

Next Ins-Hannnity makes us all chuckle when he tries to use "math" to make his argument and then uses the old Romney talking point of claiming that people want "free stuff" and that is why they support Obama. He then reminds Klondike Kardashian that she called Republicans "wusses" during her interview with Greta.

"Well I guess I shouldn't call politicians names."

Hannity: "Why not?"

"I apologize for calling the "wobbly ones" wusses (Did Palin just apologize? Can somebody check the temperature in hell for me?) because that distracts from the point that has to be made (Oh never mind, still hot as ever, and likely to stay that way), and the point is that we are a bankrupt country sixteen trillion dollars in debt, and with entitlement..um..future lookings..um..really we're sixty...seventy...eighty dollars in debt. (Did that economic genius Sarah Palin just arbitrarily increase the national debt by sixty plus trillion dollars? Are we sure her father was a teacher?) There isn't enough money in the world to pay back the future generations that we have stolen from, AND foreign countries that we have borrowed from, AND through quantitative easing..uh..the money that's been printed out of thin air so I say, Republicans, go back to what the planks in your platform represent. It represents reining in government, putting back the power and the responsibility in the individual, not in the state, not in government. Again, that gets us towards socialism. What goes beyond socialism…is communism. I know I’m going to get slammed for speaking so bluntly about what’s going on here, but that’s exactly what is going on. Just, you know,  read history, see what's going on, see how these once very mighty empires have fallen because of government being so burdensome on the people and taking away opportunity, and freedom. Taking away individuals work ethic that leas to the downfall of that country, of that empire.” (You know interestingly enough historian Mark Curtis attributes the fall of the English empire, to in his book 'Web of Deceit: Britain's Real Role in the World', to the exactly appositive reason: "The reality is that British governments bear significant responsibility for global poverty-not only as a former colonial power that shaped many of the current unjust structures, but in their championing of a world trade system and economic ideology that enriches the few and impoverishes many more...Yet I do not think I have ever seen a media article that mentions that Britain might in some way systematically contribute to poverty in the world. Is this not extraordinary?" Remarkable certainly, and extraordinary perhaps so, but somehow this tallies with everything anyone who merely wishes to be honest about the British Empire, and about the realities of empire; those of unequal power and wealth relations, and of little or no moral culpability or responsibility. The fuel of the British Empire was not coal or wool after all, but an incredible lack of concern for those trampled underfoot in the quest for bigger and bigger profits.)

Wow, math lessons from Sean Hannity and History lessons from Sarah Palin, I can almost hear my brain cells screaming in anguish.


  1. Anonymous12:47 PM

    So Palin is for unfettered free-market capitalism and against the unfettered quest for profits. Well, okay then.

    Whoever is responsible for the education of Mrs. Palin during her Fox News contract negotiation auditions must be so very proud.

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Who the hell is she to tell anyone what to do? Do we needs to bring up HER record again? Overspending? Socialist policies?

    STFU, you insufferable bitch!

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Its really rich how the Paylump calls POTUS socialist...now if he took 1K from the corporations and gave it to each man woman and child...I would call him socialist...Oh wait!
      That's already happening in Alassska! Each child, woman and man is paid Over 1K every year and SHE HERSELF UPPED it!!!
      Oh and raking up the debt, that's another Rich one...LMAO you mean like given a TAX CREDIT for Dumbassed "Reality" shows to be made in your state at TAXPAYERS EXPENSE THAT SHE SIGNED INTO LAW AND HAS USED AT LEAST TWICE?`
      STFU you hypocrite!
      Karma is just about ready to knock at your door, dipshit!

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    You know she has her little talking points googled to her, and does absolutely no research into the facts or figures at all.
    She responds in a way that really suggests that she has memorized these talking points, but still can't quite put them together in a coherent way.
    Nothing spontaneous, or thought-provoking.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      No memorization necessary when you have a teleprompter (or palm). ;-)

    2. Does this raving bald headed alkie really thinks anyone gives a shit what she has to say about ANYTHING? I think not!

      BaldyPac is on fumes...today the Asylum posted a link to her latest SEC filing...it's from Oct 18 - Nov 26...here's the link...


      That performance on InSannity's show was Baldy's pitiful attempt to show Roger The Hut that she CAN read what's on the teleprompter! But she's such a dumbass that it doesn't matter at this point...her shit ain't being renewed! She's trash and she needs to take herself out to the curb because the stench of her has been ass is stinking up my nose!

      It's 2012 almost 2013...Baldy is still hanging out in 2008 waiting for that phone call to ask her "to serve"...stupid ho doesn't realized that she...GOT SERVED... by the American people...now fuck off dummy! LOL!

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    You know, all this BS that she spews is the same old BS that she has spewed for years now, and especially in the weeks leading up to the election. And still, it didn't turn the tide, it didn't get the base out en masse to vote against the president.
    So, in that regard, she has failed at her No. 1 job at Fox and that was to rally the troops to vote against the president.
    Will she get her contract renewed? I can't believe that she will.
    I suspect to keep Palin on the payroll it actually costs Fox News. Someone has to constantly keep her up to date and filled with new talking points, plus sweep the studio she has in her (at last count) two homes. That upkeep on the studios can't be cheap.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Morris and Rove were benched today by ailes..

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    way OT but highly important

    Is the author of Sarah's Scandals (left side of your blog) truly as bad off as she sounds? Can we pitch in with money? It sounds too horrible to believe, but surely Gryphen is in a position to know.

    Jesse - please get in touch with Russ Baker at "WhoWhayWhy" He just raised $50,000 from Kickstart for his investigative journalism project (he's quite an investigator I might ad. Jesse - he might have a place for you on his team


    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      People already offered her a plane ticket for her son, she wouldn't accept it, and she won't sell any of her belongings because she doesn't want people coming to her house to pick them up and pay for them. She seems to only want cash and I find that rather suspicious, and I know she offers to sell the pens but not everyone want a to purchase a writing instrument. Maybe someone could offer her a pre-paid gasoline card or something, I don't know, it won't be me because I just don't do anonymous internet giving; did it once, and was burned and that was enough.

    2. Wait...doesn't her HUSBAND make the pens? Aren't they custom made? So if he's in the hospital how can he make the pens?

      And also wasn't she a co-author with Shailey Tripp on "Boys will be Boys" book?

      Something kind of smells funny about this...I hope everything works out for her...but *SHRUG*...who knows.

    3. Sally in MI3:35 PM

      My sister, who runs a small business in CO with her husband (and complains constantly about taxes) put her new Kindle "with its hand-tooled leather cove" in the washing machine by mistake. She then went online and ordered another, which she can afford. THEN she got on a blog and told her sad story of woe. People told her to set up a gmail account so they could send her Amazon cards. She did, they did, and she took them with no shame. This from a woman who berates the lazy people on food stamps for getting 'something for nothing.' The right is insane.

    4. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Completely agree with the "things that make you go hmmm" about the SarahScandal site. There is WAAY too much asking for people to buy the pens to pay for things that others have found funds for, or given advice to find funds for, or offered to pay for with other methods than buying the pens (which aren't that great).

    5. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Gryphen - It looks like you censored my comment. I have a personal rule to only criticize or question a blogger on their own site. Awhile back, I left a respectful comment asking similar questions at Sarah's Scandals and it was deleted. There may be a case made for letting the kind, trusting souls who want to make donations do their own investigation and ask their own questions. Then there's this:

      "Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity."
      ~Christopher Hitchens

      Since your blog roll seems to endorse the site, I hope you'll check it out.

    6. Anonymous6:21 PM

      As long as people keep sending money she will keep begging...why isn't she applying for Medicaid if they are so broke and have so many health problems?

    7. Anonymous6:27 PM

      It's been 3 days and Blade doesn't even up date her supporters as to if her husband is still in the hospital or not...wonder what excuse she would have if everyone sent her gas cards for her son to come and help her.??

    8. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Yes, she's updated on her husbands condition 3 times.

      Anonymous6:21 PM

      Pride...maybe she has a lot of pride.

    9. Anonymous9:55 PM

      WHY does this lady ask for $ to buy her son a plane ticket? If he is a grown man and REALLY wanted to help his parents out and buy a plane ticket WHY isn't HE scaring up the dough HIMSELF? Is he also handicapped?

      About 35 years ago there was a lady I met who bragged and bragged and bragged about getting free stuff. You know how she did this? Her hobby in life was buying stamps and writing letters to people like Hunt's corporation and telling them she found a HAIR in the can of tomatoes and she would get a FREE case of canned tomatoes! She got all kinds of "FREE" stuff with her ruse. She was so sure she had them in her back pocket afraid of her as a consumer that she would SUE them.

      Then a couple of years ago here in my city on Craigslist, this lady was begging for free stuff because she was so poor, had 3 kids, no food, etc. etc. sob story. UNTIL this happened so many times that people found out who she was, some people knew her personally. Unknowing people felt sorry for her & GAVE her free stuff. THen she got caught by saavy Craiglister people turning around and selling it under another name/identity. Found out she lives in a nice house & all.

      I read the pen lady's blog begging once again and how they can only sell wood pens to make a living and all that and I was embarrassed for her and my first thought was PATHETIC! Her woe is me tale is old & now beyond sickening.

      She doesn't deserve to be on your blog roll Gryphen anymore than Glenn Beck should be advertising gold buying scams! PLEASE - she's EMBARRASSING!!!

    10. Anonymous10:12 PM

      I know 2:49 she seems to reject EVERYTHING people offer even though she's begging. All suggestions are just not possible. She's so alone in a wheelchair, everything is so sad and pitiful in her life - she likes it that way. I'm beginning to believe all she wants is attention and sympathy. No real solutions are accepted - except for cash that is.

      We don't own a house, we have no medical insurance, we work full time paycheck to paycheck. We could be homeless tomorrow. Feel sorry for me! Maybe we should start a website full of our sob story begging for money. Someone suggests maybe she has too much pride? Well, I have too much pride to beg.

      There is no pride like that of a beggar grown rich.~ French Proverb

    11. Anonymous7:46 AM

      9:55. I knew a similar woman who boasted she was "clever, and no fool" who lived by her pathalogic principal "why should I spend my money when I can get it for free?". She volunteered to load her car with stolen goods "i volunteered, I'm no fool not giving my time for free!" then sell goods taken under a guise of christian do gooder. She stole medications from clinics bashing and blaming poor won't take blood pressure meds to not pay for hers.

      Her ruse was she was so poor, she gave all providing for others to manipulate people to pay for and give to her. She and her family would tell any lie to get money and things for free at great expense including destroying peoples reputations, lives, and relationships.

    12. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Anonymous9:55 PM
      And the other bashing Blade. one word for y'all STFU!
      If you don't like it don't go there, and don't tell G what person he should or should not "deserve" to be on his blog roll and it is not "his responsibility" to check it out.
      I don't know what is or IS not going on with her.
      If y'all think she is a scammer don't send money. Simple as that.
      Don't come here attacking her...that is silly and immature, whining and tattling on another blog.
      We all know or have heard about scammers, and I remember the Famous "mudflat" scammer. I thought the people giving her money were dumb. But that was THEIR Choice!
      So, this is a palin post not "attack Blade" post.
      If all is true about what is happening to her, your all lacking in compassion.
      And that is FREE.
      Think about it.

    13. Anonymous2:46 PM

      @10:29 Attacker attacking the attackers - lol. Grypen is the one that let our comments through. He very often allows O/T comments through. It's his blog. You don't have to read the O/T comments. So go and take your complaint to him.

  6. WakeUpAmerica1:08 PM

    All I have to say to the Tundra Turd about crony capitalism is, "Mat Maid Dairy."

  7. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Fox pays $20,000 a week to Sarah to spit this shit.

  8. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Trying to translate into English whatever the hell it is Nitwit Palin is saying is too much like listening to Oswald Bates from In Living Color.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:40 PM

      Thanks! I forgot about Oswald Bates - great comment!

  9. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Yon harpy harridan puppet hath screeched upon shawinsannity's puppet show.

    Same as it ever was.

  10. Anonymous1:34 PM

    She really is an idiot.,And it's pathetic that Fox has these ridiculous people on national television and try to call their station " news." I think Hannity is a dolt and honestly Sarahbis ridiculous! What a joke.

  11. angela1:41 PM

    Hannity is an idiot and Palin is an idiot with her head up her own ass.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      A succinct description.

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      And, although it seems impossible, they each have their heads up each other's asses.

  12. Virginia Voter1:42 PM

    Oh for fucks sake, this woman really is a one trick pony, isn't she? Blah, blah blah...CRONY CAPITALISM, blah, blah blah, SOCIALISM, blah, blah blah, COMMUNISM, blah, blah, blah FREE MARKETS, blah, blah blah. Sarah Palin has absolutely nothing left to say that we haven't heard ad nauseum for the last 4 years. Time to exit stage left Wigzilla...I just saw a clip of this on Hardball, and that wig looks like cheap polyester when viewed on my 50 inch HDTV. Yikes.

  13. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Gryphen, are we ever going to get rid of her? Have you heard any rumors about her contract with Fox being renewed? If she is renewed, I won't be able to take it, I tells ya, I won't!


  14. How the fuck do you "take away" someone's work ethic, Sarah? Care to elaborate on that?

    Also too -- Communism is not a superlative of Socialism, you dumb twatwaffle.

    1. AKinPA3:57 PM

      Pol @ 1:44 PM. I don't know how you "take away" someone's work ethic, but Palin should know. Someone has obviously taken away hers and Bristol's.

  15. Kimosabe1:44 PM

    WAS her father a teacher? I know that's what the "official" story line is, but really, was he ever more than an occassional substitute? Does anyone know?

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Yep, he was a science teacher for 20 years+ at Wasilla. Doesn't mean any of it rubbed off on Sarah.

    2. Sally in MI3:37 PM

      I doubt much rubbed off on his students. I mean, she is dumb as a board, and HE was a teacher? Usually teacher's kids are pretty sharp..not his.

    3. Anonymous3:38 PM

      And her kids seem to have no interest in college though they're always talking about continuing their education -- just never quite doing anything about it. That's a better measure of Palin's respect for education. Obviously never any family expectation there.

    4. Kimosabe4:02 PM

      Thanks, anon 2:44

    5. Anonymous4:40 PM

      It didn't rub off on HIM.

    6. Anonymous8:00 AM

      I don't trust Chuck Sr. He may claim to be a credited science teacher. I doubt it. May have gone to school enough but he is probably more con then authentic or deserving.

    7. Anonymous9:48 AM

      He went to some no-name community college, rounding off his career as a rat-catcher after 9-11. Getting a sixth=grade teaching certificate in the wilds of Alaska didn't ake much brain power.

  16. jcinco1:45 PM

    see you know she reads here, she got rid of the raccoon eyes and put on her longer, less filthy wig for this one. however, I'm trying to figure out if her shirt is on inside out or if the collar is all fucked up...

  17. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Dumb & dumber. Take your choice for which is which.

  18. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I read the first paragraph and then quit...she rambles nonsense. I'm not wasting my time reading her bullshit! What a effin' idiot!

  19. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Sarah, you are out of your fucking tit. What an asshole.

  20. Anonymous2:00 PM

    In another world....... If Sarah Palin sat down with Paul Krugman in an informal, not televised program, what do you think they'd talk about? Economics? Dancing With the Stars? You can bet it would not be economics! Palin does not have any idea what the hell she is spouting. She does not have the ability to speak in depth about her talking points. She would be unable to defend her points of view and explain what her point is. The woman just regurgitates talking points fed to her. She has no grasp of economics on a world level.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Remember in "Game Change" Steve Schmidt said she was a good "actress" and fed her her talking points, anything else is too complicated for her...she'll go into a fetal position.

  21. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Sarah Palin is referring to Todd Palin's Prostitution Ring when she says 'FREE MARKET CAPITALISM'. Since when is a Professional Grifter, with no experience in the Business World, an expert on 'FREE-MARKET CAPITALISM'? Or is she talking about the PALIN BABY FACTORY in Wasilla? Her Family exercises their Free Sex Capitalism more often than all other citizens in Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      By the way Sarah, where is that low life, pimping, murderer of a husband of yours anyway? Is he in hiding? Are the FBI and IRS looking for him? They will be soon coming for you too BITCH.

  22. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Her big wig is sitting flat.LOL Willow has failed again.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Somebody spilling the beans on teh peepnd (peebeans? to go with their and 4carah's peabrain?) Anyway :

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      Don Today 01:38 PM

      DocBarry1 Today 10:09 AM

      Just a side note Gov Palin on
      Greta's had very dark hair and with Hannity her hair was lighter and she looked
      absolutely well rested and beautiful

      Question was it the studio lighting
      or something else
      Pip4Palin and 2 more liked this

      AZwannabee Today 10:22 AM in reply to DocBarry1

      There was a tweet yesterday that a professional hairdresser was on her way to Sarahs house to "beautify" her. Maybe she doesnt always have that or have the time to have pro come in. Hair dye takes 1.5 hours to do. No big deal. And lighting and cameras can make same person look totally different.

    2. LMAO! Yes...I saw that last night! Here's the poor soul who had to make Baldy "less mannish looking" (hi Toad!)Tweet about it and Twitter address!

      "Allison Pynn @AllisonPynn 4h
      Headed to beauitfy Sarah Palin for her FoxNews interview tonight :)


      The nuts at the Asylum are acting nuttier than usual...they've been badgering CreepyJr something awful about Baldy's "future plans"...stupid ass Creepy doesn't want to tell them Baldy's "future plans" consist of figuring out how much longer she can fleece the flock of their Social Security checks and couch change...he's just trying to sell books! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Looks like it too multi-coats of the heavy duty spackle and shellac. Put here's teh AZ Pynnhead who did the dirty work:

  23. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I love your blog, Gryphen. And it has been responsible for me being a sort of Palin expert--although on Thanksgiving when I told the table that Todd was a pimp and Trig wasn't Sarah's baby, everyone thought I was a little crazy. Anyway, I have read Sarah stories with great interest over the last few years, but now they really aren't interesting any more. I support your not reporting the type of garbage reported in this story. I can of course choose not to read Sarah stories describing her thoughts on current events that you post and I will do so and wait for any news of her or Todd going to jail or revelation of the truth about Trig before I read about her again.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      I'm with you 100%.
      I feel the same way.
      Give me Trig truth or news that Palin has finally been caught.

  24. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Wonder who put that together for her? We all know she isn't knowledgeable about the information and that the words were written for her. She's a fraud and idiot folks and can't fight her way out of a paper bag!

    I'm eager to find out if FOX renews her contract. She is probably already aware of their decision. To my way of thinking, the only reason they would even consider doing so is because President Obama was reelected. She could continue spewing lies, rants and bashings for another few years!!! Yikes! I'd like to suggest that they'll lose even more viewership if they do so.

    Read any of the commentary about Palin anymore and it is 90% negative stuff. She is not liked or respected across the nation!!!

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      She spews the same old shit. She is so predictable that she is boring!

  25. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I would like the millionaire Palins to reimburse all us taxpayers for the decades of free healthcare. Pay for your own healthcare, Sarah, then you can bitch about entitlements.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Great idea. This would make a great tweet to her!

  26. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Sarah, you dimwitted SLUT. Have a Coke and a smile, and STFU.

  27. Anonymous2:22 PM

    So, correct me if I'm wrong, but is the Quitter Queen saying that all her eye-opening talk about crony capitalism made the populace prefer socialism? Just how far up her ass can her head go?

  28. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Stupid bitch doesn't know the difference between good and necessary.

  29. Anonymous2:32 PM

    WTF is a cappelism?

  30. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Hannity and Palin - two people that have become multimillionaires by filling the world with more stupidity, fear and hate.

  31. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Didn't she fail economics in college, according to her own account?

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      "Didn't she FELL economics in collge, according to her own account?"

      there, fixed it for you:)

  32. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I've noticed over at the peepond, the grifting for 2016 has already begun. Brother Chuckie has been teasing the gullible minions with "2016" battle cries... getting them all hopeful and stirred up so they'll pony up more cash for SarahPAC.

    She's NEVER running for President. She knows herself she can't handle it. She certainly cannot handle the job itself and she MOST DEFINITELY couldn't handle the daily criticism that comes along with it.

    However, that PAC money does come in handy, and so much of it can be hidden under "expenses". A couple of her usual "talking points" speeches, a tight-fitting sweater, a pair of stilettos, and her fans will be ready to mortgage their houses for her.

    They'll fall for it all over again. Easily. They're already signing their posts with "Palin/West 2016". Like either of those boobs will ever see public office again. Suckers.

    1. Sally in MI3:40 PM

      OMG..Palin and West? On the same stage? Maybe for a boxing match.

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      That would be so awesome; a Loser and a Quitter, what a ticket!

    3. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Isn't West a black man? How will Sarah handle that? Won't happen -for soooo many reasons.

  33. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Fox News Has Been Keeping Karl Rove Off The Air Post-Election, According To Report

    According to multiple Fox sources, Ailes has issued a new directive to his staff: He wants the faces associated with the election off the air — for now. For Karl Rove and Dick Morris — a pair of pundits perhaps most closely aligned with Fox’s anti-Obama campaign — Ailes’s orders mean new rules. Ailes’s deputy, Fox News programming chief Bill Shine, has sent out orders mandating that producers must get permission before booking Rove or Morris…

    Inside Fox News, Morris’s Romney boosterism and reality-denying predictions became a punch line. At a rehearsal on the Saturday before the election, according to a source, anchor Megyn Kelly chuckled when she relayed to colleagues what someone had told her: “I really like Dick Morris. He’s always wrong but he makes me feel good.”

    A few Fox News sources say that Roger Ailes was angry at Rove for his on-air election night fight because while Ailes was the one who decided to send Kelly down a series of hallways to confront the Fox News decision desk, it was a bit of a public relations hit for the network.


    Fox News Puts Karl Rove on the Bench


  34. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Greta and Hannity lost the 24/54 demo to Msnbc when Palin was on. Tvbythenumbers.com has the info.

  35. Anonymous4:03 PM

    For the love of God, PULEEEEEZE get this damned worthless skank OFF television. She is as worthless as one can get and has NOTHING of any substance or intelligence to offer anyone. Even her idiot followers are dumping her as fast as they can. Her contract with Faux ends in January 2013 and they best dump her idiotic, dipshit, ugly, dirty, disgusting, anorexic ass.

  36. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Could this by why Palin spent some $ on her appearance? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/04/fox-news-karl-rove_n_2240883.html

    $carah's runnin' skeert.

  37. 61 comments here about this crappy idiot and only 3 comments on Lawrence O'Donell's piece about what happened this weekend in football with a gun! What is wrong with all of you? Who the heck cares about this Palin crap anymore when there are really important things happening that require our attention! Wake up!

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Would you please stop hijacking all the threads with your little statement of disappointment? If you think we're going to solve the gun issue in America this century then you must be high.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Make that 62...63...64...65...66...67...68...69 and counting. Oh wait, there's more he didn't post yet. Please come back and correct your count, it's REALLY important.

      Do you separate your skittles by color, then save any "odd ones" for the next batch?

      Me Too!

      I gave up on M and M's when they added colors, and what's with the brown ones? We know they're chocolate, do you need the candy coating to remind us?
      We're NOT stupid!

      Oh well, Their loss!!!!

  38. I can't even "read" what ever the hell she is saying..she makes NO sense!!!...time for the drink now,my head is spinning

  39. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Something's wrong with her voice.

  40. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Congratulations to Gryphen and IM'ers. If you can stomach the video, there is your visual proof that
    Sarah does indeed read this blog. There were many comments on her appearance and to better herself on a few last posts. Voila !! New and improved Sarah!

    Now some more critiquing. The wig is very apparent in this video. The lighting clearly defines the hairpiece on top of her head. Whoever was sent over did a good job but can you ever really blend a nylon wig and natural hair? You can try but it will look fake.

    As far as trying to better herself, c'mon, really? She still speaks gibberish word salad. Whatever she said which was written for her was obviously being read off a telepromter. She can try to sound smart but I think it's a little too late. She won't go out of bounds within Fox because she's cocooned within their confines. She's afraid to be engaged by other reporters outside of the network that coddles her for fear of being proven the ignorant idiot that she really is.

    She parrots the same thing over and over. It may sound different each time but is basically the same tired meme. What is a Palin interview without the following (interview filler) talking points:

    Obama and his "felled" socialist policies
    Reigning in government growth
    Shoring up our economy
    Reigning in government spending
    Health care reform
    Job creation
    Reducing taxes
    Fundamental transform and reform America

    I'm not sure why the "mainstream media" doesn't investigate and call her on her claimed degree in communications majoring in journalism. If I was a reporter, I would be deeply insulted that this dimwit once majored in my chosen profession. How is it that no one in the media investigated her educational background after her flub of Paul Revere's ride starting with "he who...." There are hundreds of videos out on the net of her speaking. How many run on sentences does it take to for a reporter to ask "did she really graduate from college with that high school vocabulary -with a degree in communications" and not look for proof?

    1. Anonymous9:19 PM

      A degree, if she has one, from the University Of Idaho is nothing to brag about. Like getting your degree off a matchbook cover advertisement.

      A little higher than "hair school," though!

  41. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Just pushing the comment count off '69,' the Palin females' favorite number.

  42. Anita Winecooler8:14 PM

    She's on the edge of gory, even with the recently de loused wig! She's high as a kite and/or drunk- not a good combo with the sedatives and whatever mental meds she must be on. Note the set decorations- I guess she stopped studying Syria and moved on to Martha Stewart. The flag motif mini coffin is balanced by the shitload of crap on the other side. Shout out to Beefy and Propp!

    Wow, she calls POTUS a socialist and communist- does she recall her entire career in Alaska?

  43. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Let me get this right, she has a Fox approved studio in her Arizona mansion???

  44. Anonymous9:40 AM

    And the conservative hotentots did a tribal dance when President Obama gave the statue of Churchill back to the British Embassy, from which it had been on loan. He know his Colonial history, Sarah, darling. Churchill was not the saint you pretend he was.


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