Friday, December 21, 2012

Senior adminstration official confirms that John Kerry WILL be nominated for Secretary of State.

Courtesy of CNN:

President Barack Obama on Friday will nominate Sen. John Kerry, the former presidential candidate who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, to be the next secretary of state, a senior administration official told CNN. 

The senior senator from Massachusetts is noted for the experience, gravitas and relationship-building skills that could help him succeed Hillary Clinton, the outgoing top U.S. diplomat. 

Kerry has traveled the globe on behalf of the Obama administration to mend frayed relationships. Most notably, he traveled to Pakistan after a series of incidents, including the raid that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, that had set relations back. 

He has support from Republicans as well as Democrats. The nomination will be sent to the Senate for confirmation. 

You know I hate to second guess the President, because he is so often many moves ahead of all of us, but I have to say that I just really HATE even the perception that the President lost his fight to nominate Susan Rice for this position.

In my current mood I would have relished a knock down drag out fight for that confirmation ,and i have little doubt the President would have won and come out looking stronger for it.

Yes I think John Kerry will do a fine job, but just the fact that John McCain and Lindsey Graham want him in this position bothers me to no end.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Does anyone know for sure that Obama was going to nominate Susan Rice? Was it on record somewhere? I'm thinking he was always wanting to nominate John Kerry.
    McCain and Graham may have wanted Kerry out of the Senate so as to get a Republican into his seat. But that won't tip the balance of the Senate. Democrats will still have the majority.
    I just hope that Scott Brown doesn't get Kerry's seat.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      President Obama did not and it was not. Her name was thrown out there to get attention from the GOP (think shiny object) and it did. She was a sacrificial lamb of sorts so Kerry's nomination would slide in easily. The GOPpers threw every bomb they had in their arsenal at her, they all went off, she still has her job, and now Obama can nominate a person who HAS NO BAGGAGE (like Keystone Pipeline stock). You really have to think far ahead with President Obama and not take stuff at face value.

  2. I feel the same way G. And being from MA, I don't really trust the dems to put forth a candidate who can beat Scott Brown in a special election - even if he did lose some support for his nasty campaign against Elizabeth Warren. Fingers crossed.

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    DOn't think for a nanosecond that either McCain or Graham want Kerry to be Secretary of State....they are simply salivating at the thought of ripping him to shreds and then NOT confirming his nomination. I have a feeling what they have planned will make the "safeboat" thing look like sunday school. These are not NICE people.

  4. Shari9:53 AM

    This leaves a sour taste in my mouth as well but you are 100% correct when you say that the President is always several moves ahead of everyone else. He would not have backed down from the Susan Rice nomination if he didn't have something planned. The words "Please proceed Governor" come to mind! I anxiously await the smack down that McCain so richly deserves.

  5. Anonymous10:02 AM

    This is how we got Jan Brewer when O grabbed Dem Napolitano from AZ gov's seat!

    If Scott Brown gets back into Senate because of this ...

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      It is their plan to get Scott Brown back into the Senate. They torpedoed Rice - doesn't THAT make them look like winners. McCain and Graham: tweedle dee and tweedle DUMB. Now that Boner has pulled his stunt, they ALL have exposed themselves for the traitors they are.

  6. Anonymous10:12 AM

    A part of me wants to believe that this whole thing was a plot to sucker the GOP into leaping at Kerry, and then delivering the knockout punch in the race for Kerry's seat.

    But I believe Rice's regrets were real, so I in the end, I don't believe it's a put up job.

  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Don't lose too much energy on that Gryphen, politics is a brutal arena to play in and Susan is the one who recognized the reality of that and moved on. She will ultimately serve in another way that will be important, maybe more important the SOS. I think Kerry will do very well in this capacity and as much as I would have liked to see Susan represent us, I just simply won't expend my energy on those that may be gloating about this. Something much bigger is in the works, you'll see. In the end, McCain and his merry band if idiots will pay a price. I promise.

    1. I believe you’re right. Obama, Reid and Kerry himself may have some surprising plan.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      I wish Anonymous would release the docs on McCain's trips to Libya and his dealings with arms dealers.

  8. Anonymous10:31 AM

    John McCain is a bitter angry old man, sore loser. He is my senator from AZ and he is totally living in his own world. I believe I have been black listed from his email because he never sends a reply, even when I ask for one. I can't wait until this big piece of obstruction gets kicked to the curb.

  9. Anonymous10:49 AM

    And once again, in an effort to fill space on your blog, you have gone back to your politics instead of staying with the issue of the day. Proving once again that you are always the quickest to move on. Again quicker than even Palin. You useless hypocritical fucking cunt.

    1. Does someone tie you to the chair and make you read the blog? You seem to be a jerk.

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Oh some one has their knickers in a knot. Geeze dude have a valium or something.

    3. Anonymous 10:49 AM

      Merry Christmas, Wanker of the Day.

    4. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Hi, little man! @ 10:49!

      Where's Mama "Tripp has discipline issues" Junker?

    5. Anonymous5:59 PM

      10:49 AM How dare you describe your Family in such Amorous Terms. We know how much you enjoy TROLLING here, but please leave your Family out of the Conversation.

  10. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I hate the idea of Scott Brown getting Kerry's seat - that's the worst thought (not even about him as a "regular guy", but b/c of the tea party backing.


  11. You may still get it. I understand the Republicans are fighting Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense.

  12. London Bridges10:59 AM

    When Ted Kennedy died the MA Governor, Deval Patrick announced an interim Senate appt using his statement that the interim would not run for the seat in the election. This time he can change the rule and nominate a Dem to give them some experience who will run. I think he should take the seat, himself, and then run and the Dem LT gov becomes Governor.

  13. Pat in MA11:09 AM

    I'm not convinced the President wanted Susan Rice for the job but certainly he hated her being attacked by McCain and Graham. John Kerry will make a good Sec of State. There's still lots to do, the President has to pick his battles carefully. I think it's important for the 2014 midterms that the administration and the Democrats show control and cohesion while the Republicans continue to spin out of control - we need to get the House back! I'd rather see him save his energy for Supreme Court nominees for example. I'm more concerned that Scott Brown will now get back in his pickup truck and start trying to tell us he's one of us again. Heard Ed Markey is a possible opponent, that could work.

  14. London Bridges11:09 AM

    Nate Silver on whether Scott Brown will bet elected in MA to Senate:

    1. Well, fuck.

      *This* is why I didn't want Kerry as SoS.

  15. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Yeah, I agree but it does open another opportunity to take defeat that jerk Scott Brown. Especialy if somebody good like Daval patrcik, Vicki Kennedy or one of the other high profile Dems in the state run. The Dems have momemtum there after the Elizabeth Warren win. The only reason that Brown won in the first run-off is because of that horrible, awful capaigner martha Coakley. They will have a strong candidate this time against Brown. And his Wall Street ties have now been exposed.

  16. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Wanna bet the GOP blocks this too?

    1. After they fell all over themselves swearing if Obama appointed Kerry, Kerry would be approved?

  17. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Susan Rice still has children who need her to not be flying around the world all the time. I was always under the impression that she allowed herself to be a decoy. But for whom?

    If John Kerry is nominated, then McFart and his girlfriend are already on the public record extolling his virtues...

    and who's to say that a fabulous candidate hasn't already been chosen to run for Kerry's seat when it comes up? Imagine if it was Hillary.

    1. Anonymous8:56 PM

      'Susan Rice still has children who need her to not be flying around the world all the time.'

      I suppose she should quit as US Ambassador to the UN, then. Put on an apron, barefoot and pregnant, cook. clean, and make sure hubby's happy.

  18. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Obama ruined any chance Susan Rice has for a prolonged political career by basically supporting her horrid lies.

    AndJohn Kerry is a moron.

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      that was funny! Not ha ha funny, just clown funny.


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