Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The NRA breaks their silence.

From the NRA-ILA:  

The National Rifle Association of America is made up of four million moms and dads, sons and daughters – and we were shocked, saddened and heartbroken by the news of the horrific and senseless murders in Newtown. 

Out of respect for the families, and as a matter of common decency, we have given time for mourning, prayer and a full investigation of the facts before commenting. 

The NRA is prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again. 

The NRA is planning to hold a major news conference in the Washington, DC area on Friday, December 21. Details will be released to the media at the appropriate time.

You know I was trying to come up with something articulate in response to this press release, but all I can think to say is FUCK YOU!

The NRA has worked tirelessly to spread the gun culture throughout this country, and paid off various politicians to fight ANY legislation that limits access to guns of every type and caliber, and the result of that hard work is 20 dead school children.
John McCain number one receiver of NRA political donations

I could care less what they have to say on December 21st, unless it is to say that they recognize how wrong they have been all these years and are firing their lobbyists and closing down their organization.

In my opinion the NRA IS what is wrong with this country and their disappearance could only make America a better and safer place to live.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    So, What will it be? Arm the teachers, so they can defend the children from lunatic gunmen. Oh, and let's arm the children, so they can defend their fellow students from a teacher-gone-rogue, or from whoever overpowers the teacher and takes their gun. Make perfect marksmanship a prerequisite to enter school. That'll keep everyone safe!

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Isn't it something They don't like teachers, want them to all take pay cuts,have no uniuon to represent them.---- but want teachers to have guns to blow someone away at school.Wouldn't that entail more training, and maybe getting combat pay????

    2. Anonymous9:06 PM

      we're just about full blown 3rd world

  2. WakeUpAmerica1:04 PM

    The NRA pulled the trigger. It's that simple.

  3. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Sarah and Todd will spew their favorites: God, Guns, and Grifting. Their use of Sarahpac for Vacations, care for Trig(Bristol's son), care for Willow's Baby, and Willow's 'HAIR SCHOOL'. While their main focus should be around Track's mental problems(CAIN'T GET RIGHT) and his numerous access to guns. Track might be the next MASS KILLER.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Does anyone have any idea about what kind of stock pile the Palins have? The Heaths? Sometimes when reading about the Lanzas for some reason I am reminded of the Palins.

      Sarah Palin is disciplined and very safety conscience? Well schooled with weapons? Track had the regular military training? He did learn how to shoot straight?

    2. Did you see $P on her.....uh......"reality" show? From the clips I've seen, it looks like she's never shot a weapon before.

    3. Anonymous2:09 PM


      Sarah and Bristol pose. They can't handle a gun. All the more reason to be concerned about them pretending to be what they are not.

      Who knows what type of stash they have and how easy or not it could be to access?

    4. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Senator John McCain = NRA + Sarah Palin Sally Heath with defense informant William Fulton

      Fairbanks militia leader compared to cult leaders
      It's an unusual position for the man who until now had made his career chasing bail jumpers, selling weapons parts and military surplus goods, protecting politicians, and once, handcuffing an Alaska Dispatch journalist at a public gathering for a political candidate, a move that generated national media attention.

      Armed and Dangerous (The NRA, Militias and White Supremacists are fostering a network of right wing warriors)

      If the weapon in this picture looks remarkably similar to those you’ve seen toted around by military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as by law enforcement “special weapons teams” and other highly trained units, that’s no accident. It is.

    5. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Sarah and Bristol will never need to handle guns. Other than to model and sell the image. There will always be militia types to do their shooting for them.

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    The NRA is EXACTLY what is wrong with the country. From supporting the sale of assault weapons to the public to the lobbying of our representatives.

    A comment written by a typical NRA supporter:

    "I am seeing a Democrat war on men all over the place. The democrats do not want men to be able to protect their families nor provide meat for the table. I think men should be able to choose to own a gun or not."

    They just don't have a clue.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      By the time you get your license, isn't it just cheaper to go to the supermarket?

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      By the time you buy the gun, buy the ammo, buy all the crazy camo gear that men seem to need to "put meat on the table" you still could shop cheaper at the butcher or grocery store. Add to that the cost of processing the meat (additional $1.50/lb at most places) and then you've just spent more a on moose than on Angus from Fred Meyer or Valley Meats. Even if you process it yourself (keep in mind NOT to get any feces or internal organ material on your meat, if you don't want to make your family very sick...) you still spend more than at the store.

  5. Fuck the gun lobby and the NRA.

    O/T, but check out this comment from "autumng" on the Brancy blog:

    "I feel so bad that your friendship with Mark took a toll. I don’t feel you should have done the all star season. It left you in a “worse light” than the first time. You new it would take hours of daily practice and EFFORT that you weren’t willing to put it. At least the field producers are being honest. Mark tried to be a good friend to you after the first season and you never kept in touch as much…that’s fine…but you shouldn’t have expected people to drop everything for you when even other contestants said you were unhappy doing the show. Seriously, was the money worth the humiliation? DO your son a favor and stay out of the limelight. The worst thing your mom did was to exploit her family for personal gain. Willow not that bright, Piper is rude, Track knocked up a girl and getting a divorce (marriage a sham anyway according to D.), and your son repeating what he “hears” from your family….SMH…..stop trying to be a reality star….just be a mom. Your show had barely any ratings and you had no where near the fans voting for you on dwts for a reason….look in the mirror."

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      BWHAHAHAHA, that posting actually got through?
      The TRUTH hurts, and I'm sure that Briscow is steaming about that posting.

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      It won't last long I'm sure. The Payme's are allergic to the truth.

    3. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Did they keep that one up?

    4. Anonymous5:38 PM

      (marriage a sham anyway according to D.)

      who is D ?

  6. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Get rid of the NRA!


  7. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I just received an email message saying that MI Gov. Snyder vetoed the legislation that would have eliminated gun-free zones. I am grateful as I was when he vetoed the dreadful voter suppression legislation. I was afraid Gov. Snyder would sign it over the weekend or early next week when no one is paying much attention to the news.

  8. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Dec 21st? Seriously? They couldn't find a better time slot?

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Ha Ha! That's what I was thinking. It's the end of the world!! And the NRA is going DOWN with it!!

    2. Maybe they're hoping the world will really end and they won't have to make a statement.

  9. It took them this long to comment because they wanted to finish the cases of champagne first. Gun sales through the roof. Again. Whoopee!!!!

  10. Anonymous1:46 PM

    They need, "... a full investigation of the facts before commenting."

    What a pathetic statement. I guess they are all hiding in their bunkers clutching their assault rifles until it all blows over. These folks are pathetic.

  11. Anonymous1:46 PM

    HA HA maybe they picked the 21st because they think the worlds really will end.

    Because...why else wait so long to make a comment?

  12. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I am willing to hear these fucktards out. Either they will try to be reasonable for once, which I am hoping, or they will use this press conference held between the shootings and Christmas to make asses of themselves. If it's the latter, people who did not associate them directly with these mass killings will then do so. So, we shall see.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Reasonable like supporting Todd Akin.

  13. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I just got my husband's membership renewal statement for NRA and since I pay the bills in this house I took your sentiment, Gryphen, and posted 'FUCK YOU' on the statement and sent it out today. I saved us $35.00 in the meantime!

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Good for you! I love it!

    2. YOU are a patriot. An' don't let no gun-slingin', bahbl-spoutin' Xtrian tell you otherwise.

    3. Anonymous4:44 PM

      LOVE IT!!!!!!

    4. If they bitch, just tell them it's your family's personal decision on an austerity budget.

    5. Anonymous3:23 AM

      I did the same thing after my dad died and I as sent the bill for renewal. More like this please, especially high profile people. Hit the fuckers where it hurts, membership numbers and the wallet.

  14. Anonymous2:12 PM

    The top Republican with jurisdiction over firearms regulations in the 113th Congress has shut down talk of gun control in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., massacre, a sign that the House will be the largest obstacle to reforming nationwide gun laws.

    Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte of Virginia told CQ Roll Call Tuesday that he does not favor tightening controls on firearms, such as banning assault weapons or high capacity clips, after 27 people, including 20 children, were gunned down and killed in Newtown last week.

    “We’re going to take a look at what happened there and what can be done to help avoid it in the future, but gun control is not going to be something that I would support,” he said.

    Goodlatte, who has an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association, has been elected by his conference to chair the House Judiciary Committee next year, where he will have jurisdiction over firearms regulations.

    His comments are the most unequivocal statement yet from a high-ranking Republican shutting down the idea of gun control after what happened in Connecticut.


    1. The Senate makes laws. The House does the budget.

      Fuck whatever Goodlatte. He is not the boss of anyone in this.

    2. Anonymous3:24 AM

      Mr. Goodlatte may find himself without a government job soon if he isn't careful.

  15. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Here is what the NRA is all about. Getting it's bought legislators to pass laws like requiring the NRA's Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program in all schools. Required by law. Schools have to BUY the program from the NRA .

    It's all about some kind of freedoms. Just not the schools or the teachers or the students. "...School personnel and program instructors shall not make value judgments about firearms..."


  16. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Michigan Concealed Carry Bill Allowing Guns In Schools Vetoed By Governor Rick Snyder


  17. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Guns For Teachers Legislation On The Rise In States

    State lawmakers across the country are in the process of introducing legislation to allow the arming of teachers, in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut.

    Lawmakers in at least six states have outlined plans to introduce legislation in 2013 to allow teachers to carry guns into schools or require several teachers to be armed in school buildings. Proponents say that by arming teachers, school shootings would decrease, since teachers could fight back.


  18. Anonymous2:17 PM

    The National Rifle Association may have gone dark on social media following one of the nation’s deadliest shooting sprees at a Connecticut elementary school on Friday, but the pro-gun lobbying organization has continued to publish new online video broadcasts from its official gun-related news arm, NRA News.

    NRA News, which is run by the NRA and bills itself as “your first source for Second Amendment news and information,” published a series of new video broadcasts on its section of the organization’s website on Monday and Tuesday.

    NRA News, which typically offers a daily afternoon video program called “The Daily News,” on Monday published a new installment leading with the news of the massacre on Friday which took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., and resulted in the deaths of 28, including the shooting suspect.

    “Topping our news today: Heartbreaking and challenging days ahead for the small town of Newtown, Conn. Today, another somber reminder of that senseless school massacre, when family and friends turned out to say goodbye to two of the littlest victims, Jack Pinto and Noah Pozner, who were both 6 years old,” NRA News host Ginny Simone said at the beginning of the video, later noting that “this tragedy has sparked a national debate on the need for tougher gun laws,” before leading into a call with National Review columnist John Fund.

    Another regular live NRA News program broadcast live simultaneously online and on the Sirius XM Patriot Plus network, “Cam and Company,” diverted from its regular show format to devote the entirely of the episodes on Friday and Monday to discuss the Newtown school shooting.


    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Maybe Anonymous will go after the NRA next? One can only hope.
      M from MD

  19. Anonymous2:19 PM



  20. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The religious right believes in the culture of life yet they want to flood the nation with guns.I don't get it.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      They like the death penalty and war, too.

      This is good news, Palin's pedophile pal and firearms enthusiast Ted Nugent will not be return to the Discovery Channel.


    2. They're all about life until you're actually alive. Then they don't give a shit.

      I read on Huffington Post that all school lunch programs should be eliminated. If parents can't send a sack lunch to school to feed their kids, then they should have any.

      With A Christmas Carol playing on AMC for the last few nights, you'd think none of them had ever seen it.

  21. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Notice they're still not responding? They're stalling. The last day of work before Christmas will be excellent cover for them.

    1. Not to mention Friday is a dead news cycle day. That's when you dump everything you don't want people to pay attention to.

  22. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Discovery Channel got rid of old shitty pants gun nut. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/12/18/discovery-channel-kicks-ted-nugent-to-the-curb/

  23. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I'm with you, Gryphen. FUCK THE NRA! And good for you, 2:04.

  24. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Man shot at St. Pete pizza joint had been complaining about slow service


  25. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Fuck the NRA and fuck the train they came on.

  26. I think it's pretty obvious already (it's only Tuesday) that despite the NRA maintaining silence until this statement today, they've given their puppets in the GOP their talking points and marching orders.

    I've seen some of the most tone-deaf demurrals about "assault weapons" being an equitable target for banning from such luminaries as that idiot who helped pillory Susan Rice -- Jason (in the House) Chaffetz, his pal bitch-mother Kelly Ayotte, and Gov. Invasive Probe, Bob McDonnell.

    Now that pro-gun, #1 NRA fan John McCain has gotten what he wanted with Susan Rice's withdrawal from SoS consideration, he can pivot to attacking President Obama over 20 little dead bodies. What a hero!

    1. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Susan Rice should never have been considered due to her conflict of interest in the Keystone Pipeline.

  27. WakeUpAmerica5:46 PM

    My ex was lazy about changing his mailing address, so every time the NRA sent a ballot about some issue, I opened it and voted against every single issue. Yeah, that felt good!

  28. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I think if there was one trained, law-abiding citizen with a gun at the school, we'd have a different story. If you object, please don't market "gun-free" zones. There are much better ways to repel the threat.

    1. Anonymous3:28 AM

      Yeah, more dead kids and another dead adult.
      No way could anyone have gotten a weapon in a locked cabinet, out, loaded, and ready to aim before being blown away but the very talented shooter who shot up the school.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Your mistaken. Its probable no one dies as an armed faculty serves as a useful deterent and protects our kids. No shooter wants an armed conflict.

  29. emrysa8:30 PM

    fuck the goddam nra. they want to put out a press release sounding like they're so "thoughtful" well bullshit - finding the easiest way around an issue does not equal a compassionate response. the only thing that brings me solace is knowing that they, like so many other fucked a-hole orgs of this culture, are fading into obscurity. maybe not as rapidly as I would like, but it's happening as it should.

  30. The NRA is prepared to offer "meaningful contributions" to help make sure this never happens again.

    WTF are meaningful contributions?

    Are they going to offer teachers a discount on firearms purchased through their members and free training?

    Well, FUCK THEM.

    Too little, too late.

    If only Anonymous would turn their attention to the NRA after taking care of the Westboro Tax Dodging Cult.

    So let it be written. So let it be done.

  31. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Gotta say they are right with "Guns don't kill people"
    Just legislate a cartridge tax so bullets cost $100 each. Use the funds for victims,education etc.
    Also penalize any shooter of another human by cutting off all their fingers.
    And if they continue their mayhem they lose their right to bear arms, both of them.

  32. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I have been around firearms most of my life. My father tought me how to safely handle a firearm when I was growing up. These murderers that kill innocent people are not NRA members. These criminals that go on killing sprees are disturbed mentally and emotionally.
    When a horrible murder takes place, why do so many people blame the NRA? I have never heard the NRA champion gun crimes.
    These cowards that commit these murders do not take on police or other armed people, they go where they can inflict injury on those that can not fight back. Usually these murderers make complicated and detailed plans to kill innocent people well in advance of commiting the act. When the murderer accomplishes the cowardly act ,the media blames the firearm...and the NRA.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.