Thursday, December 13, 2012

Track Palin sure has his priorities straight. Guns first, kids last.

This according to TMZ:

 Track Palin and his soon-to-be ex-wife Britta filed divorce docs which tick off who gets what. 
-- 23-year-old Track -- an Army reservist -- gets the $30,000 Wells Fargo bank account, $500 in tools, and his $1,000 gun collection. 

-- 22-year-old Britta gets her $2,500 bank account and her $4,000 in jewelry. 

According to the doc, Track rakes in $42,800 a year -- and has agreed to pay $642 a month in child support. Track and Britta have agreed to split any other child-related expenses, including medical and travel. 

Britta gets physical custody, and will share legal custody with Track. 

Jesus, what a guy.

So essentially Track gets off scott free with his cash and his toys, while Britta gets the responsibility of raising their child, some trinkets, and a piddly $2,500.00. Damn she got screwed when she got pregnant, screwed when she was forced into a Wasillabilly shotgun marriage, and screwed again in the divorce. Poor kid.

Okay does anybody have any idea how Track earns $42,800 a year as an "army reservist?"

From what I could find online he should only be making a fraction of that. I know they get more when they are on active duty overseas but it is almost impossible to find out how often, if ever, he was actually deployed.

And since we're talking about this topic, HOW in the hell does he only have to pay $642 a month with that kind of steady income while Levi had to pony up $1,750 a month when his employment was anything but steady?

Oh that's right, Track didn't hire Rex Butler to represent him.

Well anyhow all I can say is that Britta is lucky to get away from the family at such a young age when she still has years to recover mentally. Let's face it living with, or around, the Palins must be like visiting a mental hospital for the criminally deranged.

Hopefully she can raise Kyla as far away from their influence as possible.


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Sarah is slick. She had it all worked out for Track before the tip to TMZ. She is learning.

    Britta is probably so darn happy to have it end but it sounds like she got the worst deal. Didn't they save any money in the year of "marriage"?

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Don't you think the FBI has talked to Britta. I bet she didn't lie to them.

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      What are you talking about? Stop the ignorant opinions. It's sad and makes democrats look petty. I know you typically are or Gryphen wouldn't have a blog used to spread lies, but DUDE. Admit it. You're ignorant on things that have nothing to do with your lives.

    3. Anonymous4:22 PM

      HEY!!! Krusty is back! Where you been Krust? In the crazy hospital huh! Did you finally get that question answered from Beefy?

      Welcome back Krazy! LOL!!

    4. Anonymous4:34 PM

      I am not a Democrat.

    5. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Dude. I am happy you are concerned with how Democrats look. Dude. Adolescent mentality running rampant. GO TO SCHOOL. YOU nor anyone else has done a single damned THING to prove "Gryphen spreads lies." Your lip-licking,trashy, strutting heroine is repulsive. A national joke.

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    you hit the nail on the head--she is beyond happy just to get herself and the baby away from the grifters..i am sure her family is happy as well and expect we will hear a little more about the fam down the road...

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Which is why Bristol still babysits. Huh? Get a life.

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Beefy is babysitting her OWN kid? Well that doesn't make any sense Krusty...kinda like you! LOL!!!

  3. Anonymous3:12 PM

    it is almost impossible to find out how often, if ever, he was actually deployed.

    If he was deployed there would be documentation. Don't forget how often in 9 months he returned to Wasilla, not how it is when deployed. They may have treated him to a trip to see Afghanistan but I don't see how he was deployed like other troops.

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      He returned home from A. ONCE in the last year. Grow up. Dont opine on things you know nothing about.

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      The son of the VP candidate would not be put in harm's way. Not then, not now.

    3. Anonymous4:23 PM

      "A"....WTF is A? Is that your ASS Krusty? Because that's where you seem to be talking from! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous4:38 PM

      4:23 PM

      Track left Feb/Mar 2012. He last returned right before Thanksgiving 2012 (via his Uncle). Bristol had pictures of Track in LA last summer. There was another time. That makes three times in 9 months.

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    It would appear that they both had money in the bank when they got married and they both kept what they had when they settled. Track's was allowance from Sarah... Britta probably worked for hers.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Track has worked since high school and after. Then he joined the army, then the reserves. And yes it sounds like they kept what they brought to the relationship.

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      How would you know what Track has been doing Stalker! Oh my bad...I forgot you can "see" the hillbillies from your nasty pee smelling bed! LOL!!!

    3. Girl, you are in rare form today!

  5. Anonymous3:17 PM

    She should get 50% of everything pooled together of their assets and way more child support than that. What the hell is up with the laws in Alaska? Where did he get $30,000? Was that from his military income and then why shouldn't she get 50%? Isn't that considered 'joint property'? That's cash to live on rather than 'valued' property like the jewelry/guns/tools. They should split the bank account.

    She keeps her jewelry. He keeps his guns and tools, both as personal property.

    And $642.00/month for how long? Til Kyla is 18? That's a pittance for raising a child. Is Britta going to go back to work? Will she have to pay for child care? How often will Track see Kyla? Will the baby have overnight visits with Track? Glad she has PHYSICAL custody.

    So what about furniture, household appliances, cars, insurance policies, electronics...all that has value too.

    This is so tilted towards Track, it's disgusting.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      You are disgustingly judgmental and ignorant.

      Jon Gosselin pays like 800. My bff's husband pays 800 for 2 kids.

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      WOW. Of coure Britta will work. She is in school and is functioning member of society. Your sad mentality is showing.

      Im sure he sees Kyla often. Bristol babysits her.

    3. Anonymous4:38 PM

      curiouser and curiouser....

      Was their marriage a sham? They never lived together? Was Britta living in the Palin Compound all this time?

      How did she manage to escape with her baby?

    4. Anonymous4:25 PM & Anonymous4:26 PM

      Dang Krusty! Take a breather before you hurt yourself Stalker! And STOP telling everyone that Beefy "babysits" her OWN KID!

      That's why she had her lawyer send you ANOTHER CEASE & DESIST need to're blowing (hehe!) Beefy's cover dummy! LOL!!!

    5. Anonymous5:46 PM

      How can Bristol babysit??? I thought she worked "full time" and went to school???

    6. Anonymous6:17 PM

      4:26..Hold on there girl..I thought Bristy worked in a derm office as a office manager, does she take the kids to work with her? Which is it Krusty?

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM

    You can bet that Sarah Palin was very involved w/this from one end to the other. Track isn't smart enough to have done this on his own.

    I'll betcha Britta got a lump sum payment (via Sarah in some manner) to keep her mouth shut about her life w/Track and the Palin family.

    Also, would guess that Britta and her family are delighted to be away from the Palin Klan...will be interesting to watch just how much involvement Track has w/the child. Only time will determine this and what all comes out eventually.

    1. Curtis would be aghast.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Wouldn't it be funny if Britta did a DNA test on her kid?
      And it wasn't a Paylin?
      A Menard? Maybe that's why she is divorcing?

    3. Anonymous7:48 PM

      I think that Britta knows that her child spent some time on a dance floor, in the womb of her sister in law.

  7. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Did you expect anything different from those grifting wasallibillies?

  8. Anonymous3:26 PM

    If Track is in the guard, he can have other jobs too. How much is dad paying him to work on the slopes with him. Does he have another job? She must be scared and wants to cut ties as fast as she can. She did not have a good attorney for child support and bank account, her parents were no help. Maybe she has some book or tv deals in the making to make money.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Todd Palin doesn't work on the North Slope - hasn't for a number of years now. He is living off his horrible wife and being a pimp!

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      He was in the Army. Now they claim he is a reservist. I don't think he is in the Nat'l Guard, they wrote about him playing football, dinner with Governor and troops going to serve in Afghanistan at the last of February 2012.

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM

      It's obviouly a mutual agreement as nothings changed with daily life concerning the child. They all still see her. Grow up, all of you.

    4. Anonymous5:11 PM

      WHEW...okay Krusty...thank heavens you stop saying that "Beefy watches Kyla"...that shit was getting old...quick! LOL!!

  9. jcinco3:31 PM

    what a man...not

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Nice projection.

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Nice bedpan.

  10. Anonymous3:31 PM

    LMAO! $1,000 ??!!!
    Heck I've got target shooting and biathalon rifles that cost more than that. He must have a cheap deer hunting rifle and a cheap pistol. But no $1,700 a month child support? I though that's what the Palin's thought was fair.

    1. Virginia Voter4:15 PM

      I was going to say something teenage son is on his high school rifle team, and competitive air rifles START around $1,000 each. Track musta bought his guns at Walmart. What I want to know is how a private in the reserves accumulates $30,000 in cash on such a modest income in a high cost of living state. Track is living off of Mommys wingnut welfare, probably rent free in the turret on the lake.

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Um, that could be life savings. By age 23, I had 60k accumulated since I was 16. You're ridiculous. Alaskans know what work is.

    3. Perhaps the $1,700 a month Levi is assessed for child support is going toward TWO CHILDREN?

      Looking at it that way, it makes a lot more sense.

    4. Anonymous5:08 PM Krusty...why you gotta lie like that? If your lazy bed ridden ass "had 60k accumulated since 16"...WHY ARE YOU LIVING WITH YOUR MAMA...STINKING UP THE POOR WOMANS HOUSE WITH THE STRANGE SMELLS COMING OUT OF YOUR BEDROOM!

      Huh Krusty...Huh? What's your answer Stalker! LOL!!

    5. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Anonymous5:08 PM

      Um, that could be life savings. By age 23, I had 60k accumulated since I was 16. You're ridiculous. Alaskans know what work is.
      Krusty STFU.
      Yea Alassskans know how to run down to the PFD office and registrar for their grifter money each year. That's where the money comes from.

  11. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Don't piss off Britta or she'll write her book about the Palins.... oh no don't tell me Britta signed the Sarah Palin Confidentiality Agreement before she signed her wedding contract?

    NEVER EVER sign the Sarah Palin Confidentiality Agreement!

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Unlike all other politicians, Sarah doesn't use CAs. And grow up.

  12. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Could that 30k be for his appearance on SPA? Or maybe from fishing? Regardless of where it came from, it appears that Britta just wanted out with the baby and didn't care to fight it out. I don't blame her, if she has the means to support herself and her child. If she finishes her education and gets a job, she'll be all set - and in the meantime I bet her parents will step up (if they haven't already - which would explain the lack of other physical assets if she/they were living with them) I say RUN, girl. Oh, and I bet Levi was paying so much because it was to support TWO kids?

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Not from fishing, he was a failure. Watch SPA again. It may have been what is left from his television career or a payoff of sorts.

    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      He fishes. And works odd jobs most Alaskans do. Check Sarah's finan disclosures. Alaskans with practical skills can make bank.

    3. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Stop obsessing over shit you will never know anything about.

    4. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Based on the amount that Track has to pay, Levi's rate suggests that he is supporting THREE kids

    5. Anonymous5:06 PM

      YIKES! I think the retarded Beefy done showed up here y'all!

      I see YOU Beefy! Especially with that big ass CHIN and bulbous forehead! LMAO!!!

  13. Anonymous3:39 PM

    How much does SarahPAC pay Track to wash the SarahPAC rv? $5,000 a month?

  14. Anonymous3:40 PM

    She clearly wants out.

  15. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Kyla? I thought her name was Breeze Beretta.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Breeze is the baby used to make money off the media because some people still don't know how to work honestly. Kyla is an adorable little girl who has 2 lovely families.

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Breeze is Levi's daughter.

    3. Anonymous4:33 PM

      That's Levi's daughters name.

    4. Anonymous4:19 PM

      STFU troll! You don't have a damn CLUE about baby Breeze...ya' fucking stalker!

      Poor Kyla has the misfortune of being related to a bunch of retarded..inbred hillbillies who attract like minded dummies such as yourself!

      Little baby Breeze is DAMN lucky that she doesn't have that tainted gene pool floating in her baby blood! LOL!!

    5. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Tripp is the one that makes the Palins line their pockets with OPM. If not for Tripp Bristol wouldn't now be a Welfare Queen.

      Breeze Beretta is Levi's daughter.
      Kyla is surrounded by weirdos that aren't straight shooters, can't trust them.

    6. Anonymous5:18 PM

      question for anon 4:19.........

      What honest work are the Palins engaged in?

    7. Anonymous6:42 PM

      They pose for cameras with fishing nets. Honest work.

  16. lostinmn3:43 PM

    We know where some postage money went.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Precisely my thoughts. He licks stamps for Sarapac.

      10 cats

  17. Anonymous3:52 PM

    OT, but something happened today (besides the 1850 MI legislature voting to make abortion unobtainable in MI, and passing the Emergency Manager bill that we voted out a month ago. My husband has worked for a major company for 35 years, and weathered the ups and downs of employment with them. We are not rich, but we are savers, never bought above our means and have no debt. The company is going through another downsizing, but he has been handling a project for several years and no one else has his knowledge set. Last week his boss called and said he was to meet with HR today, but that they want him to stay past when he wanted to retire this May. He came home from that meeting and they asked him to stay another two years, at double compensation.
    Here was my "Aha" moment. He is pleased, but the first words out of his mouth were, "I almost feel guilty, with others losing their jobs." Ah, my closet liberal! Can you imagine a Republican in the same situation? "Well, I'll stay, but I need stock options and three times my salary, or I'm out the door." Seriously, no matter what offer is on the table, the GOP brain says, "NO! Not enough cuts. Too much revenue. You can't penalize the job creators, even if they haven't created any jobs in 8 years. More subsidies. Kill Grandma. Kids don't need food or dental care. More guns. More ships. Obama is still a Muslim and I'm not."

  18. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Governor Palin Designed Tax Credit Paying For Bristol’s Reality Show

    ...Helping Hands LLC, the company that produced Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp, received a$354,348 subsidy from the state. Total “Alaska expenses” have been reported as $995,275, but this is misleading and potentially fraudulent because it includes money paid to people who don’t live in Alaska in addition to Alaskan citizens.

    This “tax credit”, or subsidy, comes from Alaska Statutes 44.33.233 (AS 44.33.233), designed to promote film-making in Alaska. Fairbanks Daily News-Miner writer Dermor Cole writes “Calling it a “tax credit” is a misnomer since the recipients pay no taxes. The subsidy is equivalent to a cash payment from the general fund.”

    Many states have similar statutes in place to entice movie producers to make movies in their states. The idea behind this, of course, is job creation, revenue, and most importantly, the expansion and development of film production industries in the states. Much of Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp was filmed in California, which is also an issue, but that’s not the big story here.

    ...But wait a minute. Who, or what, is Helping Hands LLC? Here is where it gets really interesting.

  19. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I feel like being mean.
    Britta looks like Tori Spelling. What an odd long face.

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Britta looks like a Heath. And Tripp. She's a pretty girl. Im glad they're on good terms. Bristol still watches Kyla. Gryphen's still ignorant.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Take your meds Krusty....your comments are starting to sound like Beefy's retarded stuttering! LOL!

    3. Anonymous4:53 PM

      You mean Bichtol is watching her Dancing With The Stars baby?

    4. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Anon @ 4:17

      Why would Britta look like a Heath? Or Tripp? And how does Bristol have all this time to watch Kyla? I thought she was working full time managing a medical office.

    5. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Bristol should be watching 'ALL OF HER OWN KIDS'. Hopefully she has learned to close her legs. She has BIRTHED enough 'MISTAKES'.

    6. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Why would Britta look like Tripp??? They share ZERO genes! What, are you spilling the beans on a family secret?

  20. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I wonder if that $30,000 in his bank account came from SarahPac.
    The Palins are the biggest 'con-artist, grifter family', this country has ever known.

  21. Anonymous4:17 PM

    track has never been right, he has no relationship with his father, he is more like his black sheep uncle JD, track has never been a stable young man.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Someone must do a book on what happened to him.

      It is probably a sympathetic story if all truth could be told. He will always be a wild card and not one to control his own life or public image. I know he didn't want any of it but it is what it is. He would do better if he could quit Sarah and find his own publicist.

    2. Ya think his adopted father killing his biological father had anything to do with it?

    3. Anonymous6:52 PM

      hrh5:48 PM

      As a child the adults must have traumatized Track emotionally. I detect some violence happens with Track. It may have originated in his relationship with Todd. It may have been to do with guns and fear of a fatal blow.

      Since it is unusual today for a father not to share physical custody I wonder if he didn't have critical anger issues in that relationship. If Britta is his beard, he may have grown extremely frustrated having to play the role he found himself in since Sarah arranged that mountain photo/wedding set up.

  22. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Isn't Alaska a community property state? Did Britta wave her share of the income from their marriage? Was she really eager to get away from this mess? Does Britta know something we don't know yet?

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      I think she had to talk with the FBI and her eyes did start to open. But she is bound.

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Dude, stop talking. The world doesn't need more ignorance.

    3. Buffalo Rude5:03 PM

      According to the all-knowing internet, and it's attendant legal websites, Alaska is a quasi-"community property" state wherein a married couple can agree to stipulate that certain assets are, as we say in the legal biz, "their sole and separate property." So maybe they had an agreement or a pre-nup.

    4. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Alaska is NOT a community property state.

    5. Anonymous5:02 PM

      STFU Krusty! And stop it with the "Dude" sound like a high school dropout bad...Hi Wallow! LOL!!

    6. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Britta was front and center during the Juneau/Wasilla gov year, before Sarah became Quitler. She was there when all the Dairy emails that were redacted were active. Of course, the FBI would want to talk to her.

    7. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Anonymous5:02 PM

      Dude, stop talking. The world doesn't need more ignorance.
      I was all set to call you Krusty then it hit me.. DUDE
      Wallows! Dude its Wallows! So how's hair school little bitch?
      Are ya bald yet? I bet you quit like your kunty mother quit on Alasssska!
      Dude, fuck off! I love saying fuck off to a Palin!

  23. Anonymous4:19 PM

    How could a 23 year old high school dropout, national guardsman, have $30,000 in the bank, and be making $42,800 a year? That family are nothing but crooks.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Maybe SarahPAC paid Track to lick some envelopes. That is a high paying job for Heaths and Palins in Wasilla. Only a few are qualified to do it.

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Fishing. Working those odd jobs Alaskans work. It's not a stretch.

      You're nothing but a hateful, slandering idiot.

    3. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Awwww....we're sorry Krusty! I guess you've been trying to get a job at BaldyPac "licking some postage" yourself sound JEALOUS!

      But I guess your crazy was even TOO MUCH for the inbred hillbillies to deal with...well...better luck next time Stalker! LOL!!

    4. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Fishing, working odd jobs got that high school dropout all that money? BULLSHIT!

    5. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Name calling is a way that some people use to feel better about themselves, 5:01 PM.

    6. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Odd jobs eh, pimpin?
      Someone on here the other night said Track was cheating in Britta...which is clearly a heath/palin trait.
      So dude, is he takin' over the Todd Palin Pimpin' biz?

    7. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Track would return from Afghanistan often enough to be delivering opiates. That is another way he could have built up his savings. It is a more common occurrence than you might think, just because it is taboo to talk about does not mean that drug trafficking in the military does not happen often.

    8. Anonymous7:58 PM

      didn't Britta make a whoppin' amount as $carah's secretary some years ago?

  24. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Why are you judging things you have no clue about? If that's even true, it sounds like the two parents kept what was theirs all along. They're on good terms, so all was obviously agreed upon. Why turn this ugly? Oh that's right. Thats who YOU are.

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      According to Bristol, everything belongs to the single mother... even the ex's dreams, thoughts, future and testicles.

      So why should Track get off so easy? Is he made of Teflon too?

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Why are you judging things you have no clue about?

      No...the question is....Why do you pee in your bedpan Krusty when there is a perfectly good bathroom down the hall! LOL!!!

    3. Virginia Voter4:53 PM

      Hey, look everyone's favorite troll, Krusty Fartullo is back and better than ever. Holy shit Krusty, where ya been girl? I thought you were dead or someone finally staged an intervention or something.

      Good old Krusty, still pining for the Palins, while her own family goes ignored, even during the holidays.

    4. Anonymous5:14 PM

      4:20 PM It got ugly when Track impregnated Britta out of Wedlock. It got ugly when Sarah Palin forced them into a FAKE'SHOTGUN WEDDING'.
      If they want to be left alone, they should tell
      Sarah Palin to mind her own business. Oh that's right, that's who YOU are. Wasillabillies publicizing their TRAILER PARK Drama.

    5. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I'm betting they haven't been on good terms since the day they found out she was pregnant.

  25. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Child support in Alaska is calculated based on the non custodial parents income since he gave her primary custody. The $642 is based on a mathematical formula. She got what any court would have granted in that regard. If Track had the $30K before their marriage and never co-mingled the funds with marital funds, that would be granted to him by the court also. Britta getting primary custody and making a quick clean split is the best thing for her and her child. No shuttling 50/50 between households and distance between the Palins. She will be fine and better for this arrangement.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      There is no distance between the Palins. Bristol still watches Kyla as she has since early this year.

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Okay more time! Beefy "watches" her OWN KID!

      Kyla is the baby that Beefy dropped after she was on DWTS...the first time!

      Funny...Kyla's name sounds strangely like Kyle Massey's!

      But then that baby may have been exchanged in Haiti when Beefy was being a "humanitarian"...try to keep up Stalker! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous5:54 PM

      I agree, no distance from the Palins. Britta is easy for Sarah to control.

    4. Anonymous6:28 PM

      5:00..did you forget that Bristol works at the derm center as a office manager...or did they finally fire her for not showing up?

    5. Anonymous7:07 PM

      I only saw some clips of Bristles failed reality show, but I saw enough to say I would NEVER let that foul mouthed, lazy. untalented female watch MY child. Look how Tripp has turned out, calling people faggots, plus sticking his tongue out at people. He is a BRAT.

    6. Anonymous7:56 PM

      7.07 wasn't Bristol's show about her saying she couldn't parent (take care of her one kid)? It is stupid for them to now say Bristol is watching the child of someone who went to nursing school. There is nothing about Bristol, the real Bristol as she proved herself to be in her show, that any parent would allow their child to be subjected to her. An authentic nurse would not be part of putting a child with Bristol.

      If Kyla is Bristol's DWTS baby, in that case, Britta would have Kyla watched by someone like Bristol, since it is all a sham.

  26. Anonymous4:24 PM

    This is just an odd crazy twosome. It is too bad that one of them couldn't find some moxie and speak up for themselves. They are adults and need to own the situations of their lives. At this point it sounds like FU and more BS to only say the privacy crap. If Track has a speech problem or lacks ability to present himself well, when he had a wife, she needed to step up.

    Dan Savage denies breaking up Sarah Palin’s son’s marriage
    Governor Palin Designed Tax Credit Paying For Bristol’s Reality Show

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      What are you talking about? It's not their fault TMZ stalks courtview.

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Krazy Stalker Krusty said...

      "TMZ stalks"...LMAO...oh are a barrel of laughs!

    3. Anonymous5:57 PM

      TMZ went to court to check out the "tip". Previously someone called in with the first presser to say they were divorcing.

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Anonymous5:57 PM

      TMZ went to court to check out the "tip". Previously someone called in with the first presser to say they were divorcing.
      Link please? Otherwise Krusty you are a no-nothing stalker and ass kisser4paylyns!

    5. Anonymous8:01 PM

      tmz 12/12/12 SARAH PALIN Son Headed for DIVORCE COURT


  27. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I'm guessing Britta gave up most of the money in exchange for uncontested physical custody of their daughter. I don't blame her.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Um, why the ignorant judgment? They share legal custody. It's not weird for a mother to get solephysical custody. It's not like Track or his family doesn't see her.

    2. Anonymous4:56 PM

      You don't know what they share Stalker! You've probably been burning up the hard drives in all them damn computers you got in your bed trying to find out though! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      The court signed off on the physical custody ONLY to Britta. She would have been stupid not to share legal custody. Old school was when the mother would have sole physical custody. Now when fathers care they will fight for joint custody. Track appears cold toward the child. Only Bots believe anything the dishonest Palins say. Not many will believe what Bristol tells about her brother. She does public relations for the family.

    4. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Bristles does public relations for the family? How is she qualified to do that? The woman is not qualified to work at McDonalds.

    5. Anonymous8:05 PM

      No one said she is good at public relations. Her Brancy blog bullshit is public relations. She helps create the image of Track Palin and the Christian family from frontier Alaska.

  28. Once again, Alaska is like the upper Midwest. I saw women working seventy hour weeks and basically wearing rags. Their children were in desperate need of dental care.

    But Daddy had guns, snowmobiles, a truck, a boat and much more. He hung out in bars with his friends. That was common.

    One poor woman had about four kids, I’m not sure, but she was saving her money and cutting corners to make a down payment on a house for her family (she was in desperate need of dental care). Came time to make the down payment, all the money was gone. Daddy had spent it on gambling and cuter women.

    Run Britta, run Sunny. These guys don’t change until they are old and sick, and maybe not then.

    Attack if you like, I write from my experiences.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      If you go to Sunny Johnston FB, you will see a new Levi. He just needed the right woman. Their family is beautiful and he loves both of his children and his wife. It took a while for Levi to grow up, but he did. I give Sunny credit for that. He was young when with Bristol and between his attorney and the Palins, he had no chance. I would be proud of him now if he was my son.

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Dude, you're ignorant. You're making a huge judgment call about people whom you know nothing about aside from a few surface details. All else is liberal fodder to drag down democrats into a pit of murkiness.

      You all need to grow up.

    3. A camper! They had to have campers for when they went fishing out of town, or an RV, and ATVs of course. I know I sound ghastly cynical, but it was the truth. Those of you who live in some place like NYC have no idea.

    4. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Wooo...check out the new word...."murkiness"...something the Palins live in...along with "darkness"..."ugliness" and "Baldyness"...LOL!!!

    5. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Anonymous4:55 PM

      Dude, you're ignorant.
      Dude or Dudette Wallows you need the STFU!
      Don't you understand what Indictments are?
      Comin' for y'all! You best STFU and get off the blogs and figure out who gets the house when the toad and baldy get arrested.

  29. Anonymous4:30 PM

    That's a handsome lookin' young man in the picture. Anybody know who his daddy is?

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Maybe Sarah does? One of two guys?

    2. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Are you talking about Track? I don't understand this comment. He is looking more and more like Todd daily.

    3. Anonymous4:30 PM

      LMAO!! The Toad is reading this and saying to Baldy...."Not me...right Juicy" who ain't so Juicy no mo'! LOL!!

    4. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Oh Shut up Krusty! Even Track KNOWS who his real father is...and it ain't no teeny tiny two toned penis Pimp with the voice of a woman! LOL!!

    5. Anonymous5:48 PM

      He looks nothing like Todd. He looks like his real daddy.

    6. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Anonymous4:49 PM

      Maybe Sarah does? One of two guys?
      How many baby daddies does Sarah have anyway.

    7. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Was. Curtis.

    8. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Track looks nothing like Todd. He is so much a Menard it can't be hidden.

    9. I would like someone to take the above picture of Track and put it next to one of Curtis Menard at about the same age/angle. Just for giggles.

    10. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Just think of how much money Britta could have?
      A hair from Kyla's head and there must be palin hairs lying around.
      DNA! Bingo!
      Track is a Menard.
      not a palin. She could write a book that would make BANK! Who wants to be her ghost?

  30. Anonymous4:32 PM

    It sounds like the marriage was nothing. Most couples have something together. What kind of man doesn't ask for joint physical custody? He may not be the sperm donor and he doesn't want that much connection? Just to have Bristol and Nancy illustrate on that bloggy what a wonderful father blah, blah. Chuck Jr. loves to spin, also, too.

    O/T Governor Palin Designed Tax Credit Paying For Bristol’s Reality Show

  31. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I find it amusing that Sarah goes on Fox and slams the president and Ms. Rice and others with great authority, like she knows something.

    When is the last time she defended her children? Did she say anything about Tripp using foul language on tv, Bristol living with all her boyfriends, Willow and how she is doing in beauty school, and now Track.
    All mothers defend their children, but we will never hear anything from Sarah. Is she ashamed of them? All hell would break it the media printed stuff like this about my children, true or not.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Sarah has always been a bad parent. If only Curtis Menard had not been silenced.

  32. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I wonder how long it will take Track to put another muffin in the oven? Maybe it has already happened.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      He may be like his Uncle Chuck. First they divorce the first wife. Next they marry the knock up. Soon a baby pops.

  33. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Perhaps Britta will write a book. Certainly, that would add some bank to her account. I might buy it if it is good, or I just might read about it on your blog. But I bet Sarah would pay her off to keep quiet about any family secrets.

    One day someone connected to this family is going to spill the beans.

  34. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Why don't you respect their privacy? I know TMZ stalks courtview salivating on the possibilities. Itdoesn't mean every immature 50 something blogger has to stoop to that level.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Wait! Uh Krusty...when did you turn into a "50 something blogger"? Because the only stalking going on here is from your crazy ass!

      You are the only one on here who gets personalized CEASE & DESIST letters from the ignorant hillbillies...but knowing your crazy probably have them all framed and stare at them from your BED every day! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      TMZ doesn't stalk the Palins. The Wasilla Hillbillies have TMZ on speed dial.

    3. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Then there are supposed "celebrities" who call the tabloids to plant stories, but have to be paid. Wasn't $carah known for that?

    4. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Anonymous4:51 PM

      Why don't you respect their privacy?
      Krusty you dumb kunty bitch? Why don't you STFU? we know sarah has TMZ on speed fucking dial and this was let out to deflect from DairyGate.
      And Shay's PI who has FLIPPIN' proof... of Todd's pimpin!!!OK?

  35. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Has anybody ever hear Track talk? Does he have a girly voice like Todd or more of a manly voice like Curt Menard Jr?

  36. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I don't understand your blog title. He's supporting his child and wants say in her future. He still sees her. His family still adores her and they're on good terms. Why make every non-story a negative hit piece only a typically-irrational and hateful liberal could write?

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Krazy Krusty said...

      "I don't understand"

      We KNOW Krusty...we KNOW! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Anonymous4:53 PM
      I don't understand your blog title. He's supporting his child and wants say in her future. He still sees her. His family still adores her and they're on good terms. Why make every non-story a negative hit piece only a typically-irrational and hateful liberal could write?


      conservative/liberal makes no difference relative to the thread you braindead dipshit

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Give us a break. Track is a Palin prop like all the others. Not one of them want anyone to know who they really are. They are all about branding and creating myths. It is their business.

      Did Track have a choice to not pay child support. No. Neither he or Britta mentioned whether or not he has been supporting the child, that may be why they ended up in court, she wanted it documented he must pay so much.

      Not everyone buys into their family mythology. They are grifters, frauds and now it is out that they are Welfare Queens. That includes Todd and Track if they are paid by subsidy or any other trick.

      There is a huge story in all this, not that Track is the main story but they are hucksters who claim to have a 'family values', an image that fewer people can believe anymore.

  37. Anonymous4:55 PM


    - 22-year-old Britta gets her $2,500 bank account and her $4,000 in jewelry.

    1. I think we should all be wondering how much money did Britta TURN DOWN to stay with Track?

      Because as we all know...none of Baldy's spawn can keep a relationship without money being's why the Toad became a pimp!

      Right, Baldy? LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      The $4,000 in jewelry was probably when they were wooing her and buying her so to speak. Nice the allowed her to keep that much.

  38. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I think his income is due to his salmon fishing business that Todd turned over to him. No real estate was mentioned. Were they renting a house???

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Not the fishing farce. Watch SPA.

  39. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Britta tell us about Shailey Tripp.

    Who fathered Tri-G?

  40. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Track really looks like his real dad Curtis Menard Jr. in this picture.

  41. Anonymous5:01 PM

    His daddy died in a plane crash. Someone messed with his gasoline.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM


    2. Any thoughts who that mighta been? -:)

    3. Anonymous6:26 PM

      What happened to the missing 5 gallon gas can used to fill the plane before the crash? Menard filled three 5 gallon cans with av gas and two empty cans were found at the dock where the last flight began. The third???

    4. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Any thoughts who that mighta been?

      Sounds like somebody was awfully upset with his daddy and wanted to get him out of the picture?

    5. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Wasn't there a story about Todd, Levi and a gun? Todd was somehow threatening towards Levi? Something similar may have happened with Track. If he ever heard the stories about Curtis Menard's death may not have been an accident, there could have been a deep fear factor between Todd and Track. When Track was a child Todd would seem big and powerful.

  42. Anonymous5:02 PM

    How much is rent in Alaska for Britta to house the baby? Plus diapers, clothes, food ,utilities, daycare and transportation? Sounds like Track got off easy.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      She was lucky to escape.

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      All Alaskans have annual subsidies. Britta would collect for both the child and herself. If she is also working and living where it is cheap they could survive.

  43. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Did Britta find used condoms rolled up in facecloths in his pocket? You know, boys being boys.

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      It is probable that Britta was naive about Todd's business and after marriage found out something about Track. She would want out and even take a bad deal to get full physical custody of the little girl.

  44. Anonymous5:12 PM

    will never understand why some people seem to get such a perverse pleasure out of seeing decent, hardworking people in pain. It’s those people that probably need to look in the mirror and do more soul searching than anyone else.

    I would go one step further and say how sad it is faceless strangers under Anonymity feel free and happy making up fully fabricated details and stories about other people, despite said people being "famous."

    Seek help.

    1. Sally in MI6:33 PM

      Why don't you opost that to Sarah, who does nothing but spew hate and lies at our First Family and anyone else who dares to cross her? No one wants Britta or the baby to be in pain. If you know of a Palin other than Willow who seems to be decent or hard-working, do share, Anonymous.

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Why do you make judgments?

      Anonymous is a very popular American name!

      He / she is not a faceless stranger!

      Take it back!

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM lazy bitch! You stole this off of CreepyJr's FB page from today...oh and guess're a "faceless stranger" to the family of gargoyles...LOL!!! smell.

    4. Anonymous6:56 PM

      We might be related? We have the same last name Anonymous! My dad did get around a lot in high school.

    5. Anonymous7:00 PM

      STOP IT....we can't laugh any more lest we split in two! GOD you people are stupid!

    6. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Palins -- decent? We know they aren't. We've read their books and seen their tv shows.
      Palins -- hardworking ? It takes a lot of sweat to find the cheapest ghostwriters and crooked accountants.
      Palins -- in pain? We've never seen them do anything other than attack.
      Palins -- famous in their own minds.

      Love ya,
      Anna Moose

  45. Anonymous5:35 PM

    We don't know that there was a wedding. All that we saw was a posed photo and a story planted in People Magazine. If there was a wedding, it didn't have much of a chance. The reason that Track came out with so much money in a community property state is either no marriage or a pre-nup.

    I read an interesting theory on another blog. Levi pays far more in child support and he doesn't make the kind of money that Bristol does (or did). What if Levi is paying child support for two of his kids, Tripp and Trig??

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Well somebody has to pay for the Tri brothers Tri-P and Tri-G.

      It's better their daddy pays than us Alaska taxpayers.

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      No wedding? Then what was that on the side of the road? They had flowers and everything. Doesn't all governor's executive secretaries marry the governor's son on the side of the road in blue jeans and a maternity blouse?

  46. aj weishar5:41 PM

    Some one misread the numbers on Track's Reserve pay. I'm a retired Defense Payroll Systems manager, and his annual pay should be in the $3,000-5,000 range. It looks like they used his Active duty pay to come up with the $42,800 number.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      He is a real life combat vet according to his mama who raised him. Maybe its combat pay?

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      How does Active duty pay bring $42,800 up from $3,000-5,000 range? That is a huge difference.

      We know he did not do well with fishing and he did not make money that way.

  47. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Seems to me Britta wanted out of that marriage as quickly as possible, otherwise she would have fought harder for what she's entitled to.

    I think something is up with Track; that's why the divorce was quick.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Maybe DV who knows?
      Oh yea, krusty and wallows (dude) know? eh? Oh Track he is like dude a hard (on) worker ya know, just working and fighting for our freedums...

      yea right.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:53 PM

      Yeah, and he's full custody of his gun collection!

      Sleep with one eye open, Britta!

  48. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Britta maybe you can enlighten America?

    Bristol can't stay in any relationships. There was Levi, Ben, Gino, Kyle, Joey and whoever else.

    Willow was engaged and that's over.

    Track and you are through.

    Sarah's sister Molly is remarried.

    I think Sarah's brother is remarried.

    They said that Sarah threw her wedding ring into Dead Lake Lucille.

    What's wrong with these people and their relationships with the opposite sex?

    I know they are against same sex marriage but maybe its their cup of tea and they don't yet realize it?

    What's your opinion?

  49. Sally in MI6:35 PM

    I was looking at the Thanksgiving photo of the whole happy clan. When I blew it up, I noticed that Bristol arm is resting on something black, but the two men in front of her are both sitting on beige loungers. I think she was photoshopped in.

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      It is obviously Photo shopped.

  50. Anonymous6:43 PM

    So does Track get one of the Palin's compound houses to live in by himself or does he shares it with his friend Todd while Piper and Sarah lives in the other house?

  51. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Alaska is NOT a community property state like California is for an example.

  52. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Britta did Track graduate from high school?

    The GED plan?

    Was he sent away to Michigan because of his juvenile behavior?

    Was the Army Reserve part of his probation sentence?

    Was Track a combat vet like his mother said or was she lying again?

  53. Anonymous6:57 PM

    $642? WHO ARE these people? Sarah 2016! OMG, I'm doing a Gina here.....

  54. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Judging from the lackadaisical response from Britta to one of those gossip sites, she doesn't sound too hurt or upset. I guess each state has it's own laws, but usually the bank accounts and such are split down the middle. Poor kid, she's got only $2500 in an account - that's all she has to claim after being a busy worker bee for Sarah and her campaigns and governance. Does Britta have to pay for her nurses' training? She may be finished, but still has many financial responsibilities, renting, finding daycare, work, and trying to keep Sarah away from her little girl.

    If rumors are correct, and if Kyla is a grandchild of the late Curtis Menard, then Sarah would want to have control of that child in some way. That's what narcissists (extreme ones do) - it's about control. It's a way to have control over the one that got away, and that can be done through the offspring. There will be drama, as there always is when a narcissist is involved.

  55. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Run Britta Run!!! Write a tell all book. Does anyone else find it disturbing how sick it is that Piper now looks like $arah did before she was tapped for VP? Sick, sick people!! Poor kids!

  56. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Anonymous4:17 PM
    track has never been right, he has no relationship with his father, he is more like his black sheep uncle JD, track has never been a stable young man.


    I wondered why his friends called him "Caint Get Right"?

  57. Anita Winecooler7:36 PM

    I love Mailonline's take, it chronicles the entire sordid affair from dating to wedding to divorce. Quotes from the family were a riot, knowing now how it all turned out.

    Yeah, How DOES Track make an obscene amount of money as a "Army Reservist" compared to, you know, ACTUAL "Army Reservists" who defend our country honorably?

    Wow! Did Brita consult her own lawyer, or did she fall for the "Let's save money, and use my Mom's lawyer?" line.

    17 years of hell dealing with that family is a steep price to pay.

    Spill,Baby, Spill!!!


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