Monday, December 17, 2012

Was there a Right Wing connection to the shooting in Connecticut?

Nancy Lanza, mother and victim of Sandy Hill shooter.
Courtesy of the Daily Mail:  

The mother of Newtown school massacre gunman Adam Lanza was a survivalist who was stockpiling food because she thought the world economy was on the verge of collapse. 

Nancy Lanza began hoarding food and water because she feared that the onging financial crisis was going to bring about the end of civilized society. 

She reportedly became 'obsessed' with guns and taught Adam how to shoot, but on Friday in a grim twist he blasted her to death while she laid in her own bed. 

The disclosure raises the prospect that Adam could have had the same apocalyptic views as his mother, and that she could have even encouraged them in him. 

The Mayan Apocalypse, which the ancient Mayan people thought would mark the end of the world, will supposedly take place on December 21, although it is not clear if Adam thought that was the case. 

In an interview the killer's aunt said Nancy Lanza was 'self-reliant' and indicated she was a 'prepper', or a person who prepares for Doomsday by learning essential survival skills - like how to shoot a gun. 

Speaking from her home near Chicago, Marsha Lanza, 57, said: 'She was stockpiling food. We talked about prepping a lot. She was getting ready for the economic collapse.

So where exactly does one get the idea that the economy is going to collapse, the world is going to become apocalyptic, and that the answer to survival is to stockpile weapons?

Much of that information comes courtesy of Fox News and Right Wing radio, which has stated emphatically that the reelection of President Obama would usher in the end of America as we know it and promoted the idea of safety as requiring possession of handguns and assault rifles.

Fox News is well known for trumpeting EVERY incident of a person defending their home or business by brandishing a gun, in order to reenforce the notion of handguns as a deterrence to crime, and of course the bread and butter of Right Wing radio is the constant relaying of Obama conspiracy theories.

However it is impossible to lay all of the blame on those fringe sources of information, since the National Geographic channel incredibly has a program dedicated to this, entitled Doomsday Preppers.

In case anybody wonders where the harm is in frightening people with a constant barrage of crazed conspiracy theories, well now we know.

I am going to tell you right now, that if we DON'T soon learn that Nancy Lanza was not a constant listener to Right Wing propaganda and Fox News it will because somebody is working to make damn sure that news does not get out.


  1. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Someone who knows them said she took her son Adam to the gun range to perfect his aim. And we now know he used that perfect aim to target little children. This is why he went to that school.

  2. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Daily Mail missed one little snippet of info.... National Geo channel is part of dear ol' Rupert Murdoch's empire. I do hope there is a Hell and that it has a very specal place set aside in it just for that man

    1. Sally in MI5:35 AM

      Thank you...I was going to post that. History Channel, too, yes? My husband has been watching some "Leaders of Industry" on History for the past month or so, and when I catch some of it, I realize that it is the anti-union propaganda at work...these millionaires did it all by themselves.

    2. Thanks, I did not know that Murdock was behind those channels. (I refer to the History Channel as the Hitler Channel.)

  3. Anonymous4:30 AM

    “I am a conservative Republican who received the NRA’s highest ratings over four terms in Congress,” Scarborough said. “I come to you this morning with a heavy heart and no easy answers. Still, I’ve spent the past few days grasping for solutions and struggling for answers — while daring to question my own long-held belief on these subjects.”

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      The "past few days"? And he's still not sure! What will it take to convince Joe Scarborough that assault weapons and military-grade ammunition and bazookas and canons do not belong in households? He's just starting to dare to question his beliefs in guns!

    2. Sally in MI5:34 AM

      When Scarborough actually comes out against anything the NRA and ALEC preach, it WILL be the apocolypse. Ain't gonna happen.

    3. Anonymous5:55 AM

      These idiots are sitting on the fence trying to figure out how to stay popular with their old belief pattern.

    4. I watched MJ and Scarborough was near some sort of breakdown - or breakthrough. He was completely at a loss to defend his former position. It took the murder of young children in a school to do it. Let's hope that his come-to-Jesus moment lasts past this news cycle.

    5. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Scarborough is playing rope a dope. Say some noncommittal things and wait for the storm to blow over. Just as the controversy dies down the NRA will try to introduce laws that allow kids to bring guns to school to defend themselves!

  4. Yet another reason to Ban Fox News and Right Wing media

  5. Anonymous4:45 AM

    A Group Of Dogs Was Sent To Newtown To Comfort School Shooting Survivors

    Read more:

  6. TRUE... i got a couple of those in my own in-law family; they are FAUX zombies too.

    BTW there are RW-nuts and/or RON.PAUL.idiots (i'd guess) are making crazy and heartless comments on the youtube video of the grieving father of the EMILIE PARKER, one of the victims.

    they are claiming it is HOAX, did not happen, it's a conspiracy to get your guns; i've never read such astonishing blindness and cruelty....

    1. a j Billings6:14 AM

      There are worse nuts than that out there.

      I read over at C4P that some of the inmates think the shooting of Newtown children was Obama's master plan to get assault weapons banned.

      Yep, you heard that right, they are actually saying the President authorized a false flag attack to slaughter 6 year old kids because he's for abortion, so why not?

      And these are the people who we are stuck with for fellow citizens.

    2. Anonymous7:49 AM

      There are more mentally ill people out there than we know..C4P is just a small example.

  7. Anonymous4:48 AM

    So far, the White House has not released any photos of Obama's meetings with the families. But the family of Emilie Parker, a six-year-old victim of the shooting, posted these photos to their memorial fund Facebook page:

    Read more:

  8. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Tou keep getting the name of the school and town wrong. It's Sandy Hook, not Hill and the school was not Newtown Elemetary. Sandy Hook School in Newtown is correct.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Learn to read. It says "Newtown school". Please note the lower case "s". "Newtown school", as it is written, means "a school in Newtown". It does NOT say Newtown Elementary.

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      No. I can read better than you. It is an error. The capitalization of the "s" makes no difference. There should be either a "the" in front Of Newtown or an apostrophe added to Newtown. That error is what makes it read like Newtown Elementary. And it still says Sandy Hill under the picture. Now, I wasn't gonna nitpick G, my brief post (on my blackberry) was just to give him a heads up. He's usually a tidy guy and when typos are pointed out to him, he's always been gracious. You...not so much.

  9. Anonymous4:54 AM

    i am a writer. and though i have been fortunate enough to have some "hits" in the country music world and have always had the need to put words to music, rarely i have felt the need to sit down and write something in direct response to an event. even more rare is the desire to take advantage of Facebook or any other social media in this manner. this is the exception. it is not meant for monetary gain, my only hope is that it gets paid forward and it it is meant to be, may it be heard by those in pain. there is no pretense, my voice is hoarse and the sound is not good, (it was recorded in my garage on my phone), but the message is what counts. God bless the victims and their families.

    1. Anonymous6:30 AM


    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Tears. What a lovely tribute to those who lost their lives and those who are left to grieve.

  10. indylindy5:10 AM

    I saw a snippet of the interview with the sister in law and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. She came across as a doomsday prepper too...

  11. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Agree that Fox News and the like have some influence in trying to scare people into thinking that America is on the precipice of some negative radical change, but parents have a responsibility to their children and being rational is one of them. If people are so stupid to believe everything they hear, then there is that element that we live in a society that is glued to television and trust every ridiculous utterance of complete strangers.

    When a group of morning show personalities are sitting on comfy couch in a studio with gleeming white straight teeth, slim and contoured bodies, and polished blond locks, and a change of outfit every day, being paid close to a million bucks to spew out some propaganda, most people are smart enough to know how shallow and trivial such words are that come out of these people's mouths. Most people wouldn't believe it.

    There's got to be something more with this family that lost their compass, and we'll be speculating forever, but the fact is, there are people out there who are paranoid and are turning their kids into unhappy fearful hopeless paranoid maniacs. How does this go so wrong?

    What is so distasteful is men like Huckabee who are rewarded with great salaries to work for propaganda machines like Fox, then go about blaming a terrible tragedy like this on the lack of God in schools. Little does he know he's part of the problem.

  12. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Unfortunately I am related to a lot of these kinds of people. Yes they are mostly all Fox watchers, Obama haters, bigots, most are racists, but every single one believes in their "right to bare arms" Funny how the second amendment always trumps my right to freedom of religion. Yes they are all 100% self proclaimed Christians who do NOT respect my beliefs as a non christian at all.

    The majority of them have been in a rant since the news broke about the mother being a gun nut, saying that it wouldn't happen to them cuz they teach their kids to handle guns responsibly! Don't they realize that so did she? All that did was make him a better shot!!!!

    Most mental illnesses do not present themselves until the child is in late adolescents at the least, meanwhile you've already armed them, and taught them to kill! IMO Kids should NOT be taught about guns period! Other then to say don't touch them etc.Not even the second amendment gives children the right to bare arms. Think about it!

    And yes you have the right to raise your child the way you want but you then bare at least some of the responsibility of their actions. And I have the right to condemn you for yours including teaching your child to KILL without first teaching them COMPASSION.

    I have no hope for our future. We just lack too much common sense, civility, and compassion for our fellow man now. Sad :(

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      it wouldn't happen to them cuz they teach their kids to handle guns responsibly!__________

      No one was more responsible than Nancy Lanza.

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Every US soldier involved in the Me Lai massacre was trained by the US Army to handle weapons. So was everyone in the Army's 5th Stryker Brigade. That was Jeremy Morelock's unit. The souvenir collectors.

      Training can help promote safe gun handling. Training can help prevent accidental discharges. Mass killing sprees are not caused by unsafe gun handling or accidental discharges.

  13. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Soledad O’Brien Clashes With Gun Advocate John Lott: ‘Your Position Completely Boggles Me’

    1. Saw that too. Guy was claiming that the assault weapon used was "just like a hunting rifle." Soledad was completely gobsmacked that this idjit would say that on national TV.

  14. Anonymous5:36 AM

    'Did we just kill a kid?'

  15. Sally in MI5:36 AM

    More dead Americans, brought to you by the GOP. Bless you, Glenn Beck. Some of those kids were probably children of liberals, huh?

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      WTH! What a horrible thing for anyone to be thinking at this time.

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Horrible to hear the truth.

  16. Anonymous5:36 AM

    She was a ball of fire, “our little CEO,” Richard recalled. “She was the boss.” He and his wife recalled getting the call on Friday morning, rushing to the school, and holding onto the hope that they would find her among the other students who were taken to the fire house.

    After hearing the tragic news, Krista said they returned home and “got into her bed that she had just gotten out of.” It’s not real, she said, that “my little girl, so full of life, and who wants a horse so badly, and who is going get cowgirl boots for Christmas, isn’t coming home.”

    She also shared a page from a journal of Jessica’s, which includes a drawing and says, “I love you, Mama.”

    “It was like she knew we were going need something to help us get through this,” Krista said. “That’s just like what an amazing little girl she was.”

    The family also released a statement paying tribute to their daughter:

    “Jessica loved everything about horses. She devoted her free time to watching horse movies, reading horse books, drawing horses, and writing stories about horses. We had promised her she could have her very own horse when she turned 10. She asked Santa for new cowgirl boots and a cowgirl hat. She was a creative, beautiful little girl who loved playing with her little brothers, Travis and Shane. She spent time writing in her journals, making up stories, and doing “research” on orca whales – one of her passions after seeing the movie Free Willy last year. She said her dream was to see a real orca. Thankfully her dream was realized in October when she went to SeaWorld.

    Jessica was our first born. She started our family, and she was our rock. She had an answer for everything, she didn’t miss a trick, and she outsmarted us every time. We called her our little CEO for the way she carefully thought out and planned everything. We can not imagine our life without her. We are mourning her loss, sharing our beautiful memories we have of her, and trying to help her brother Travis understand why he can’t play with his best friend. We are devastated, and our hearts are with the other families who are grieving as we are.”

    Jessica’s funeral is on Tuesday.

  17. God bless the victims and their families ?? It is a little late for that I would say God must have been keeping watch over some other tragedy and was to busy to prevent this one.

  18. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I have actually wondered about this December 21st conspiracy thing, Gryph.
    I know this sounds sick, but is it possible that this young man, the shooter, got confused and thought that the end of the world was coming? Therefore, in his deranged mind, he would have been "saving" all those children from the impending apocalypse that his mother was preparing and stockpiling for. This is obviously an awful thought for me to have, but in the absence of any other clear motive, and with what we know of the family, this seems entirely possible. There's no way what he did will ever make sense, but I confess I am quick to judge people like Nancy Lanza and her family. Keeping guns in a house with a child who is clearly disturbed is just utterly, completely unforgivable.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      He may have been convince the world would end 12/21/12

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      I don't think it's sick that you thought that, it's a possibility, and one I had also thought of.

    3. Shughes28536:03 PM

      Looks like Nancy Lanza was right about the end of the world. Self fulfilled prophecy i'd say.

      There are very disturbing elements to her mindset and behavior - a sane person does NOT have guns in a home where a mentally challenged person resides.

      Nancy Lanza strikes me as being kind of bizarre and her behavior probably had a lot to do with the end result.

      Not looking to blame her - just doesn't make any sense how a mother could make such tragic and stupid decisons with those weapons.

  19. Anonymous5:51 AM

    No wonder Sarah P. was so generic with her FB statement. Was she on Fox after that? Has she addressed anything or is she the SOS POS? If the Heath/Palins felt they could speak their minds they would talk more like tea bagging Preppers.
    Is this all Chuck Heath Jr. has to say about children and guns?

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:14 AM

    Over at the "Shhh! He's Black!" website (aka: the Sea O'Pee), they're going on and on and ON about how teachers should be highly trained sharpshooters who can defend their classrooms by quickly and quietly operating the combination on a gun safe, removing the weapon and opening fire with pinpoint accuracy. All while under pressure of an attacker on the premises, or possibly in the room. And am I mistaken, or did I hear that the Sandy Hook shooter was wearing body armour(?) Did Mom have that on hand as well, in case someone showed up to take her stash after the "apocalypse"? As horrible as this all is, and if it IS true, I'm betting she was so focused on "survival" that she turned a blind eye to the effect of all this hideous foreshadowing on her son's mental condition.

    As for Gryphen's last paragraph--the mainstream media will never widely report it, or it'll be shoved under a rug. The Doomsday supply industry is a HUGE moneymaker for those who are paranoid about the Kenyan Muslim Socialist Communist Marxist Anti-Colonialist in the WH. They are truly panicked that the President, his wife, daughters and Bo will turn up on their doorsteps to take their action toys away, and instill martial law so he can become Dictator of the United States.

    I'm hoping that these victims, child and adult, past and recently, didn't die in vain. Friday is supposed to be the end of the old world and the beginning of a new, enlightened age. Let's hope we can all work towards making it hold true.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      What exactly are those children in that classroom suppose to do when the teacher is busy unlocking the safe to get her gun and what is a hand gun suppose to do against a semi-automatic rifle? These people are talking out of their asses and don't have any common sense.

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Your second paragraph is absolutely true..I've heard people talk like that with my own eyes and ears..they are NUTS!! In fact 2 of those people live in Alaska and said exactly what you said in your comment about having something happen so he could declare martial law, take their guns and put people in Fema I said we have a lot of nuts out there armed and dangerous!!!

    3. Anonymous8:07 AM

      something happen so he could declare martial law, take their guns and put people in Fema camps..

      THOSE NUTS ARE ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. That has been going around for a long time. Many are totally convinced that is his plan.

    4. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Adding more guns to the situation is akin to trying to put out a fire with more gasoline. Only the truly gifted idiot would think that is a good idea.

      Hmmmm... wonder what they are thinking over at C4P?

  21. Anonymous6:21 AM

    She (Marsha) said her former sister-in-law (Nancy Lanza) was meticulous about never leaving guns out, but made no secret of having an imposing firearm collection.
    During 15 years of playing together at alternating homes, Mrs Lanza's turn to host the game was always skipped, said Rhonda Collens. Fellow players and her neighbours described her as generous but reserved, a "nice lady" who loved to make small talk about their gardens.
    But others noted that beneath the mellow exterior, she was highly-strung and appeared to be "holding herself together".
    described by a neighbour as "just a stay-at-home mom".
    That said, the experts note that if he had mental problems, these, combined with years of social isolation, inadequacy and the easy availability of an arsenal of firearms, could have been a recipe for disaster.

  22. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Well, here you go:

    "She was definitely NOT a survivalist."

    Was this friend lying or did they just not know? I think the sister-in-law's statement is more credible but who knows.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      The police will know more in time. Hope they can get the computer info.

      I am curious about inside the house. It was said she decorated outside and mentioned no one could see it. At the same time she did not allow anyone inside the house.

      People did say she hoarded food and guns. Did she hoard anything else? Was she the neat organized person described?

      People with access to her have so many various takes on who she was.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      It will all come out eventually.
      M from MD

  23. There is an advertisement at the bottom of this page, Gryph. It says "Concealed Carry Magazine. The most important magazine printed for those who carry firearms for personal defense." I know it's automatically generated from the page content, but... UGH!

  24. Anonymous6:48 AM

    "Goin' to Disneyland" The Palins react to Newtown massacre of 20 children and 6 adults

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      And Toady is dressed like a cowboy..cowboy hat and vest..sissy Toady trying to be a real thing they'll be buying horses for their Arizona home.

    2. Anonymous7:33 AM

      LEAVE SARAH ALONE! She is living it up in Vegas. Everyone reacts to grief in a different way. She is not from Connecticut, why should she grieve for children lost thousands of miles from Vegas?

      You know her attitude toward media. Press kept in the dark over bus tour, left to chase her across country
      Palin: 'I don't think I owe anything to the mainstream media'

    3. I hope they were both wearing those belts with their name etched across the back. That way, if ever they get their heads out of their collective ass they will at least know their name.

    4. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Gee, they look dead to the lives of the massacred and what happened to our country.

      Feelings turned off and pleasures pursued.

      The way Sarah treated her own children said she has no functioning maternal instinct. I guess it is not a surprise she turns away from the slaughter her beloved assault weapons do.

    5. Anonymous8:51 AM

      What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.


  25. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I am not going to support the right to bear arms so vulnerable or mentally sick people act out conspiracies they have been fed.

    What was happening in the present for the Lanza family to need ammunition to woumd or kill hundreds of people? We have yet to learn how much more ammo was in the house.

    The mother, thus far, did not tell her landscaper friends or neighbors she was a prepper. She was secretive passing herself off differently as merely having a hobby. Sadly, the only real conspiracy in her life was under her nose, on a computer she was oblivious too.

    I wonder if this young man was troubled living her lies? We never know what goes on behind closed doors.

  26. eclecticsandra7:44 AM

    This is so confusing that we are eager to find someone or something to blame. All indications are that Nancy did what she could. She may not have been prepared for the changes that come with age in a child with problems.

    Maybe shooting was the only thing that would divert Adam's interest from electronic games. She probably yearned to have something to share with him.

    If he had easy access to the guns, why would he have tried to buy a gun the day before? She probably had them secured, but when motivated he figured out how to get to them.

    There were 28 victims. There are many possible objects/persons to blame. Let's get many more facts before we start blaming.

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Nancy's sil talked with her regularly. Also, others said how organized and prepared she was. If they are right she was prepared and ready for the end.

      She was a dedicated mother to at least one son. She quit her job to home school Adam. She would have some idea of what video games today are about and what her son played. The police will learn if he played games that are realistic and like military training on how to take out a village.

      Nancy knew not to turn her back on Adam and she would have her assault weapons and guns safely locked up. It is not about blaming Nancy, they just want to know how it all happened.


      Especially with the coincidence of a powerful gun lobby operation so close to her, making this even more intriguing. No one thinks there is only one person or object to "blame". There are many things that created this fatal tragedy.

      In time the part the divorce and the father played will be revealed. He too is a victim. It is said he gave Nancy the house and was paying about $200,000 annually in support. He did not financially neglect his first family. As routine, it is the job of police to look at anyone who financially benefits from a family members death. That does not mean he is in any way complicit, it is only police procedure.

  27. Anonymous7:45 AM

    The Aunt:

  28. Anonymous7:54 AM

    A conflation of things is often going on in the mentally unbalanced these days; susceptibility to being progressively depersonalized and desensitized to violence through violent video games and movies; following hateful, fearful rhetoric in the media; mainstream religions' constant "End Times/Apocalypse" programming; and the New Age/alternative thought/conspiracy crowds and their tendency to for some reason latch on to just about any old "prophecy" (even though the Mayan calendar stuff is completely being misinterpreted; their long count calendar ends but their planting calendar does not; also they were predicting the end of an era for their OWN people, who have largely already retreated from this world as their tribes got mixed in with the Toltecs and other societies and no longer retain full tribal solidarity.)

    I have spent the past 27 years working my ass off deprogramming cult members of ALL stripes and colors; from mainstream religionists raising their poor kids to believe that Armageddon is right around the corner (so why plan for anything) to New Age type gurus preaching crap and fear to their followers and promoting dependency and helplessness and fucking suicidal ideation. I have had friends who became suicidal from this crap, many of whom never went to college, pursued relationships, or entered into real adulthood because of falling victim to this crap at a young age.

    ALL OF IT IS CRAP, okay. Especially the stuff about prophecy. I say this because I was a full-time professional time traveler for ten years, working as a psychic in my own private practice (working in a business office, no neon sign or gypsy turban; the real deal). I LEARNED how time works; we create our future based on feelings, expectation, actions, and willpower; we set up various probabilities or "timelines" if you will, and they can all be changed.

    Seven billion people are not at the moment all aligning their willpower perfectly to create the end of the world. So all this prophecy crap about the end of the world is just various manipulative groups and people who WANT YOU TO BE AFRAID.

    And in that fear, they want you to give them MONEY (CATHOLIC CHURCH, DOMINIONIST CHURCH, etc.) and they want you to be personally, financially, and spiritually enslaved.

    Become a SOLE practitioner of whatever spiritual path you enjoy and lose the need to "join" and be controlled by a man at the top of the hierarchy, who claims to speak for "God," and I guarantee that your life will return to sanity, groundedness, health, and joy.

    Jennifer aka Media Insider

    PS I sometimes ask people recovering from cults to post guest articles; check out this amazing one by a former Jehovah's Witness member and you'll see how this woman was programmed since infancy to embrace Armageddon, depersonalize others as non-human since they weren't JW members, and worse:

    Cult Survivor Reveals Information About the Cult of Jehovah's Witness

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      we create our future based on feelings, expectation, actions, and willpower;

      Nancy Lanza certainly did.

  29. Suggested edit:
    "I'm going to to you eight now"

    Fight darkness by shining a light on ignorance and falsehoods... you're countering a lot of the Fox madness daily with your work here.

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Ermagawwwwwwwwd! Danger! Danger! Spelling and grammar errerz evywherez!!!

  30. Anonymous9:17 AM

    If Adam Lanza didn't kill children and school staff this would just be another dead relative story. No one would pay much attention to a son shooting his mother four times in the face while sleeping.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      She must have not had a Bible in that house.

  31. Anonymous10:05 AM

    One thing is for certain. All who reject Jesus Christ, and especially those who preach a false message in his place, will be eternally sorry for doing so.
    Oh how utterly arrogant, vile, self righteous, and despicable this generation has become. Everyone one with their own little god...who they made up themselves after their own desires.

    Keep preaching your own ideas as truth. Keeping moving further and further into darkness--worshiping yourself--becoming more and more calloused to the truth.
    You think you're better than a murderer or his mother? At least this boy was mentally ill...what's your excuse?

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      10:05 AM Your invisible Savior is the reason that you are so Brainwashed. How do you know that anyone will be eternally sorry? Prove it.
      There were many 'Bibles' of many different Faiths written. Who can emphatically say which ones are the Truth? Your Faith is not the only Faith in this World.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      And we should all drink a dead guy's blood and eat his flesh every week in "Communion?" Sorry, that's black magic; vampirism, cannibalism. Nothing to do with what the real Jesus is said to have been and supported in the FIRST documents written about him, the Gnostic texts, written by his first students and followers. If you can't get that part right, why should we trust anything else you claim as the "right" way to do things? :)

      Jennifer aka Media Insider

    3. Anonymous1:42 PM


      Yes, that boy was mentally ill and you are too as religion is merely a form of mass mental illness. I guess that's how you were able to recognize it in Adam Lanza. Mass hysteria, mass delusion, religion at it's finest. I hope you are able to break free of your cult one day and truly live.

    4. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Anonymous 10:05.
      Keep your dark vision of Christ to yourself. I've had enough of it (and I was raised Baptist). I'll stick to the path of Love and Compassion that the Buddha laid out.
      M from MD

    5. Anonymous7:46 PM

      1:42 PM You seem to know a lot about Cults, you are the Jim Jones type KOOLAID DRINKER. Who asked how you were raised? You need help.
      FYI, I am not the least bit religious, TROLL.

  32. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Have some lead with that late night grease?

    FAIRBANKS — Fairbanks police seized four guns from several members of the military early Sunday morning after receiving a report of shots being fired in the parking lot of Denny’s Restaurant on Airport Way...

    Police were called to the scene at 3:24 a.m. after shots were reported in the parking lot...

    “I really have no idea what precipitated this,” Thompson said. “These guys were all out drinking and playing with guns.”"

  33. No matter how the GOP Politicians spin this,they and The Gun Lobby are as responsible for all these deaths as those unhinged people that pulled the triggers.Standing in the way of responsible legislation that makes every effort to keep automatic weapons out of the US Market is a no brainer ! To quote one commentor "I don't hunt with an automatic weapon and I don't know anyone else who does" I hunted for quite a few years and I never saw one myself nor would I even think of using one.By the way while in the USMC (Circa Nineteen Fifties)most of my time was spent on guard duty in Norfolk VA and Ammo a machine gun platoon.

  34. Anonymous2:04 PM

    The divorce was worked out a lot like Track Palin and Britta Hanson. They present a nice public face and not much else. American divorce.

    Peter was paying a pretty sum in support. I guess he was cool with that. I heard he hadn't been in touch with ex or son for a long while. Brother Ryan, it was said 2 years since he saw his mother and brother. Peter's sister is the one who talked to Nancy on the phone.

    Nancy Lanza, Peter Lanza Divorce Documents

    1. Anita Winecooler8:06 PM

      "Nancy Lanza, received $289,800 in alimony this year. It was to continue until December 2023, with slight increases each year for cost of living."

      Whoa Nellly! Think about that for a second. They're filthy rich, the kid needed help and she took him out of class, home schooled him, taught him how to use weapons?

      I read a link on a comment earlier,where they interviewed people who owned a restaurant she frequented regularly,she'd go for salad and usually stayed and bought rounds of drinks all night, she would pay other people's tabs, write checks for people who needed money to pay a bill or needed a loan. She was sweet and kind and loving... No wonder everyone LOVED Nancy. She bought all her "friends/".

      What's wrong with this picture?

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      What's wrong with this picture?

      PLENTY! Someone created a perfect storm.

      I am curious about the father. Obviously a good provider and a lovely divorce and all. His position at GE is interesting, it is said he saved the corp millions or billions on taxes.

      Mrs. Lanza was also worked in finance. She was convinced of financial collapse. I doubt she had a problem with corporations that could afford to pay large salaries to employees that saved them from paying taxes. But she must have blamed someone for creating the financial collapse she FEARED.

      Did Adam's father not know the situation he was enabling and financing? He was a wonderful father just out of touch with the family he left? There was nothing he could do to make sure the boy was in the right care and treatment?

      The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  35. Anita Winecooler8:11 PM

    I felt badly for my feelings about her, but the more information, articles and news I read about her life, the more I'm convinced she was living a "Charmed" life and in denial about her son and about herself.
    I think once the investigation is over, we'll probably get profile much like you did in this post.

  36. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Thank you Gryph for ALL you do. The victim mother is sanctified due to being a dead victim and some think it is wrong to inquire into what happened as far as the family victims. At least, until she is buried. The last I heard the bodies of Nancy and Adam had not been received by the family. When are the burials?

    "Nancy Lanza loved guns, and often took her sons to one of the shooting ranges here in the suburbs northeast of New York City, where there is an active community of gun enthusiasts, her friends said. At a local bar, she sometimes talked about her gun collection."

    I am confused since on one hand she didn't want Adam unsupervised. He had to be watched at all times. She did go to the bar regularly but nothing about who was watching Adam?

  37. I disagree with you on this one.....I have food ( husband went two years unemployed 2008 to 2010) I am atheist, I wouldn't be caught dead listening to the hatred spewed on Fox News and I voted for Obama! I believe in human rights especially homosexuals the right to choose and marry whom they want, I am white, I am 46 I am married for the third time ( no comment on that lol) I own two guns , I work at a cash for gold, and I am a woman. I don't know how to define or label my self or my husband. We store food for personal responsibility and because a few extra dollars a week is easy to mange.....I don't know what would happen if we both lost our jobs and had to worry where the next paycheck was coming from...lets face it this is not our grandparents America anymore,I have minimal savings as most people do. I look forward to the enlightenment that we are going through and am glad to witness some really great changes even though people are kicking and screaming. My point is, I know that we are going through a climate change and if we can eat we can it's unemployment, a natural disaster or whatever, I don't feel that being lumped in with doomsday prepares is the same as doing our part to stay off the government cheese if we can afford when others may need that help! Peace out an d Happy Festvus!


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