Sunday, December 16, 2012

“We will destroy you. We are coming.” Anonymous takes on the Westboro Church of hate.

Warning at around the 3:21 mark this video issues a high pitched sound that is extremely obnoxious.

Courtesy of Salon:  

Hacker collective Anonymous were swift to respond, releasing private information of Westboro members including email addresses, phone numbers and home addresses. This video, decrying the church for spreading “seeds of hatred.” The video warns, “We will destroy you. We are coming.”

I am not a fan of hacking, or spreading around people's personal information, but  if EVER anybody deserved this kind of exposure it is the Westboro ass clowns.

We Are Anonymous. 
We Are Legion. 
We Do Not Forgive. 
We Do Not Forget.

Works for me!


  1. Can anonymous do this to the clowns at Fox News too, please?

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Please, please please.

    2. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Pretty please, with sugar on it!

  2. fromthediagonal1:21 PM

    LOVE IT!!!
    ... and that includes the screech at the end of the video, for it saves me from having to find a secluded spot in which to scream to the winds without having the neighbors put me into a straight jacket... THANKS!

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Agreed. Chilling in its intensity. Hope is scares the shits witless.

  3. I believe these guys could disrupt/destroy nearly anything. I hope they always stay on the side of justice.

  4. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Thank you anonymous, if you or one of you sees this, thank you. Take 'em down! Publish their social security numbers, open credit cards in their names, take them down financially!

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Yeah, baby!

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Would be neat to see them take down Sarah Palin - but, she's a 'has been' now and not worth the effort.

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Better yet - who are their donors. Names and towns, please. Social ostracism is a wonderful, non-violent tool and perfectly legal.

    4. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Anonymous1:28 PM:

  5. hedgewytch1:37 PM

    Anonymous took down Karl Rove's little plan on Nov 2. And because of that I LOVE THIS GROUP.

    Take 'em down Anonymous!

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Yes... Anonymous has Karl KKK Rove shaking in his boots, and his bathroom stall..Take a massive shit, Karl? Anonymous will be there to analyze it...plan accordingly, Karl. Your ass is on file...

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      I'd like to see them take down John McCain.

    3. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Put him at the controls of a fighter jet. He'll take himself down - again.

      I think he's failed and fails at everything. Too bad we pay him so much. What a waste.

      Paul in Indiana

  6. Anonymous1:39 PM

    It's all fun and games until they target you, or an organization that you support, rather than one you don't agree with. Vigilantism is rarely the answer.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Agreed. But when congress won't DO THEIR JOB, vigilantism rises.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I firmly believe that the group, Anonymous, is responsible for thwarting the right wing, Rethugs, Karl Rove, plan to utilize what they had in place to once again steal the election.

      We know that a huge number of voting machines, in many states, were owned by Rethugs companies, including Tagg Romney. We know that thousands of the Ohio machines had "patches" applied, no doubt illegally, that would permit wireless transmission of the votes to a site where those votes could be switched.
      We know that some voting machines changed the votes for Obama to Romney because thoughtful voters took videos with their phones showing the change in real time.

      Anonymous' threat to Rove was no doubt the reason for Rove's tantrum and his demand that Ohio not be called for Obama, not just yet. Rove still hoped the skullduggery could be pulled off and Rmoney would prevail.

      Thanks Anonymous folks and keep up the good work!!!!!

    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Non violent information is the answer. It is the only means to stop them. They want to invade the privacy of others, pass judgement and invade the grieving process so shining a light on their private information seems fitting. They want to be biblical, try this...eye for an eye!

  7. lostinthemidwest1:43 PM

    Thank you Anonymous.

  8. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Yeah, well. Anonymous was going to release some information about Rove about a month ago that would supposedly take him down.
    Has anyone heard yet what it was? Anyone? Anyone? Buehller? Anyone?

    1. I watched that video or read the letter or whatever it was. As I recall, they warned Karl that if he tried it again, they'd release all of their proof and put him away. So as long as Karl walks the straight and narrow, he's safe.

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Have you ever seen anything other than Fox?

  9. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Same for me. The more info on them, the better I'll feel.

    (still recovering from after-effects of severe sciatica attack. #ouchie)

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      OCHIE is right!!I feel your pain PMom..had that problem for 1 straight yr until I had surgery.

  10. I agree.

    But for Westboro (tax dodging loonie bin) "Church" I will make an exception.

    I've reposted the video and linked to the exposed information.

    May Westboro get back more than they've given. May all the hate and damage they have dealt come back THREE-FOLD to them. (My Wiccan friend tells me that's how it works. I certainly hope so.)

  11. Anonymous2:12 PM

    No, @1:46, Anonymous was going to release information about Rove if Rove was successful in breaking the password protection code that Anonymous put on Rove's voting machine results in Ohio. Rove's goons tried 151 times to get past the password code. That's why Rove was caught with his pants down around his ankles on Fox live election night. What a tool! I appreciate whoever Anonymous is and I hope that they (or somebody) can shut that hateful group up.

  12. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Okay Anonymous, now go after the 31 pro-gun rights senators and rip them open for all the world to see.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      ...and add to the list, every traitor who signed the Norquist anti-American pledge, thank you.

      Paul in Indiana

  13. Balzafiar3:08 PM

    One of the things I gather from that video is that Shirley, that paradigm of virtue, either has a bastard child or a child because of an affair. I couldn't quite make out all of the audio in that portion.

  14. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Gun Control Laws: After Sandy Hook, Poll Finds Bump In Support For Greater Restrictions

  15. Anonymous3:19 PM

    The NRA’s Soft Underbelly: 70% of Their Members Favor Gun Restrictions

    First, NRA is clearly not representing the majority views of its individual members but rather of the gun manufacturing sector of their membership. This is the case even though NRA’s reported $200 million annual budget comes in large measure from some four million members, mostly casual gun owners who enjoy hunting, target shooting, or just collecting guns.

  16. Anonymous3:20 PM

    All 31 Pro-Gun Rights Senators Declined to Appear on Meet the Press

    ...The reason the NRA has so cleverly made it poisonous to discuss gun control post-tragedy is that they can’t afford to have a discussion on the issue. The majority of Americans do not concur with the NRA on this issue; Sixty-three percent of Americans support a ban on assault weapons, and that’s from a poll taken before this tragedy.

    Cowards do what they do best. Hide.

  17. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I grew up in Topeka and went to school with a couple of the Phelps kids many years ago. I am angry that my hometown has been subjected to their ugly rants for about the last 40-ish years and now subject the rest of the country to their hate. For those of you who don't know, yes, they protest inside the city against their usual causes just as much as when they go across country to do their ugly deeds. Does it make it right? Absolutely not! Do the citizens of Topeka often wish we could find a way to silence them? Absolutely.

    I am ashamed that when one thinks of my hometown or hears its name it is immediately associated with the WBC. Their hate colors so many people's perception of what Topeka is and what it represents even though the perception is often wrong in many cases. Sure, we have rednecks and other hate filled groups and individuals, we have gang issues and other problems that we share in common with many other cities across the country but we are not the WBC. We also have decent citizens who go out of their way to help their neighbors, who care about each other, and their quality of life.

    I don't condone Anonymous' actions but I totally understand them doing it because it may be the only way to get them to stop their actions. But it may not necessarily be enough of a deterrent if daddy Fred declares it to be the work of Satan who is trying their faith. Action such as this while extreme, don't always have the desired effect in those who consider themselves true believers, like the Phelps.

    Will it stop the WBC? Only time will tell, but I'm hoping that it will so we can finally be rid of the Phelps scourge once and for all.

  18. Anonymous3:29 PM

    We’re going to talk about it.

    We’re going to talk about it because our thoughts and prayers are not enough. They were not enough after Columbine (15 dead), or the Amish schoolhouse (6 dead), or Virginia Tech (33 dead), or Tucson (6 dead), or Aurora (12 dead), or the Wisconsin Sikh temple (6 dead), and they are not enough now that another 28 once living, breathing people have been added to the tally. To offer only thoughts and prayers is to say “Well, that’s a damn shame. Sure hope it doesn’t happen again.” We have done this every time. And every time, it’s happened again. So we’re going to talk about it.

    We’re going to talk about guns.

  19. Anonymous3:31 PM

    KKK Counterprotests Westboro Church Picketing School Shooting Scene (Video

    ...Westboro’s URL is and the members can usually be found picketing fallen LGBT soldiers and celebrity funerals. In a word, they are crazy—so crazy in fact that the Ku Klux Klan plans counter-protest them. When the KKK steps in as the voice of reason, you know you are dealing with the bottom-of-the-barrel crazy.

    Anonymous – @kyanonymous, and Internet ‘hacktivist’ have taken credit for hacking the WBC website and have sent a message to the church in a video for the Westboro group. Anonymous explains that the church’s hate supersedes reason and they warn:

    “We will not debate, argue or attempt to reason with you. Instead we have unanimously deemed your organization to be harmful to the population of the United States of America and therefore have decided to execute an agenda of action which will progressively dismantle your institution of deceitful pretext and extreme bias…We recognize you as serious opponents and do not expect our campaign to terminate in a short period of time.”

  20. Anonymous3:36 PM

    O/T but very important.

    Why You Can Kiss Public Education (and the Middle Class) Goodbye - All around us, our public institutions are disintegrating, and the most important public institution of all – our public education system – will likely be the next to go.

    ...Raudonis foresees a future in which there’s a “new type of public school” as a result of this move toward charter schools. He describes this new public school as, “one for those children whose parents were not motivated enough to move them into a charter or private school or for whom there were none available.”

    After all, there will be a lot of low-income parents who simply can't afford to pay a bit more for a private education for their child or whose low-income neighborhood wasn’t chosen for a new charter school location. And, tragically, there's no shortage of poor parents who are dysfunctional because of the poverty-associated diseases of drug addiction and mental illness. The kids of these parents will be forced to into cash-strapped, forgotten public schools. As Raudonis concludes, “public schools will come to be viewed similarly to public housing and public hospitals, as places for children whose parents, for whatever reasons, cannot find a better alternative.”

    This will mark the beginning of the end for not just public education in America, but also for the American middle class itself, which is shrinking faster and faster each day. Public schools will be the new dumping ground for the poor and the working poor. And just as public housing provides the bare minimum for its inhabitants, and just as public hospitals provide the bare minimum for their patients, the new ghettoized public schools will provide a bare minimum of education for low-income students.

    The public education system itself will no longer be America's great equalizer, churning out successful students from all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Instead, it will shackle the poor, keeping them from learning the essentials needed to find that great job for the 21st century and move up the economic ladder into the middle class – to achieve the American Dream.

    America needs to "just say no" to public funding of private schools

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      disagree - charters are profitable. So there will be charters in low income neighborhoods, they will just be the Walmart charters - with teachers barely literate getting minimum wage pay and basically warehousing kids. Meanwhile, affluent neighborhoods will have the Nordstrom version - equipment supplies, etc Much provided by the parents.

  21. angela3:38 PM

    The military industrial complex.
    Karl Rove.
    Westboro Baptist.
    Fine by me . . . . . .

    1. angela4:06 PM

      Also . . . .having just glimpsed the Westboro loon's information--I could almost feel bad for them, if they were actually human. Go get
      'em Anon.

  22. Anonymous3:39 PM

    How ALEC works with the NRA to corrupt state legislatures and keep assault weapons on our streets.

    "We’ve endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years," President Obama said in response to horrifying shooting massacre of 20 little children and six of their educators in Connecticut.

    "Whether it is an elementary school in Newtown, or a shopping mall in Oregon, or a temple in Wisconsin, or a movie theater in Aurora, or a street corner in Chicago, these neighborhoods are our neighborhoods and these children are our children. And we’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics," he noted.

    "Meaningful action" has been thwarted, largely because of the power and wealth of the National Rifle Association (NRA). One of the key avenues it has used to exert its influence is the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). For decades, the NRA has helped bankroll ALEC operations and even co-chaired ALEC's "Public Safety and Elections Task Force," where it secretly voted on bills alongside elected representatives. At ALEC's annual meeting this summer, the NRA had the biggest booth at the convention in Salt Lake City and also underwrote a shooting event along with one of the largest sellers of assault weapons in the world.

  23. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Some Are Turning In Their Guns Following Connecticut Shooting

    In the aftermath of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, some Americans are turning in their guns as part of local government buy-backed programs.

    Residents in New York City, New York, Camden, New Jersey, Baltimore, Maryland, and San Francisco, California, sold hundreds of weapons back to the government no-questions asked, with some attributing their decisions to the Connecticut tragedy.

    “After the incident yesterday, it was time to get it out of the house,” Sonia White, a 65-year-old Baltimore County grandmother said. A man in San Francisco explained, “I’ve got kids, man.” “Kids are curious. Kids don’t know any better. I had it locked in a toolbox, so I don’t know. … I just know it had to go.”

    Following this month’s killings by Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher, who shot his girlfriend dead and then turned the gun on himself, at least seven NFL players have gotten rid of their personal firearms. One player reportedly turned in multiple weapons to his franchise’s security detail, “telling his team’s personnel that he didn’t trust himself with the guns.”

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Thank you, Anonymous--for this and for the election

  24. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Why America Lets the Killings Continue

    ...I came to realize that, in essence, this is the way we in America want things to be. We want our freedom, and we want our firearms, and if we have to endure the occasional school shooting, so be it. A terrible shame, but hey — didn’t some guy in China just do the same thing with a knife?

    Still, whatever your position on gun control, it is impossible not to react with horror to news of the shootings in Connecticut. Our horror is nuanced by knowledge of what those families are going through, and what they will have to endure in years to come.

    More horrible still — to me at least — is the inevitable lament, “How could we have let this happen?”

    It is a horrible question because the answer is so simple. Make it easy for people to get guns and things like this will happen.

    Children will continue to pay for a freedom their elders enjoy.

  25. Anonymous4:19 PM

    If Palin's hateful flying monkey club fans can expose people's real personal information because someone doesn't like their barbie moose queen, why not Anonymous for a good cause? I'm all for it in this case.

  26. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Westboro's website doesn't seem to be working very well. . . . . . . . . lol

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Anon lists all their websites. So far I've found that NONE of their videos work hahah. They also tweeted that they just declared Shirley Phelps dead and blocked her SS#. She is the one who announced that they would protest the vigil and praise the shooter.

  27. Anonymous5:16 PM

    All the WBC phone and address info:

    Suck it, WBC.

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Westboro Baptist Church Dox! -

  28. Anita Winecooler6:07 PM

    Yeah, I HATE when private information is released on the internet.

    On the other hand, and totally unrelated, I LOVE my unlimited nationwide phone plan!!!!!

  29. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Is there anything Anonymous can do about exposing Sarah Palin's dairy and baby gate??

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      I wish someone could reach out ot Anonymous and do that very thing!

  30. I love Anonymous. And so far, in my opinion, the previous subjects of their attacks have been deserving of the exposure in every way. I applaud them. Plus I love how they do their announcements.

  31. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Nice to see a kick ass group of people on the good side finally. How do I sign up?

  32. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I wish Anonymous would take down Palin's lies. She is a destructive force in this country and has been for years.

  33. I am not a fan of anonymous threats and retribution, but for WBC I think it would be all too easy to make an exception.

    I really hope they are kept away. The last thing the families of Sandy Hook need are a bunch of lunatics "praising God" for the deaths of those children. Awful.


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