Thursday, January 31, 2013

It should come as no suprise that the 'facts" presented by pro-gun advocate, Gayle Trotter, in her testimony before the Senate do not hold up to scrutiny.

Courtesy of Salon:

Gayle Trotter, a senior fellow at the conservative Independent Women’s Forum, made an appearance on Wednesday to pink up the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun violence. 

“Guns make women safer,” she testified. “Using a firearm with a magazine holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, a woman would have a fighting chance even against multiple attackers.” 

But Trotter is wrong about women and guns, dangerously so. Far from making women safer, the presence of firearms in situations of domestic violence (which occur far more frequently than any other crime in the United States, Trotter’s “stranger danger” scenarios be damned) dramatically increases the likelihood a woman will be killed by her abuser. As Amanda Marcotte reported for Slate, the Violence Policy Center conducted research to quantify this point and found that 83 women were killed by an intimate partner for every woman who used a gun in self-defense. 

Trotter added that, “Scary-looking” guns give women “more courage” when “fighting hardened violent criminals.” Here is something else that “scary-looking” guns do to women: Coerce, threaten and intimidate them into remaining in abusive, often deadly, relationships. 

According to a recent study on firearms and intimate partner violence, “Even when guns are not fired at women directly, they are often used as a tool of intimidation to facilitate other types of physical and psychological violence,” with many women reporting that their abusers would “clean” their guns during arguments.

Yeah my BS detector was going insane as I watched this woman's testimony.

You know your Uncle Gryphen used to be self defense instructor back in the day, and this issue of guns came up more than a few times.

So let me tell all of you what I told my classes back then. 

If you want an effective form of home defense, get a dog. It does not even have to be a big dog, just one that will bark it's ass off at the sound of somebody breaking in.

Most burglars obviously don't want to get caught, and the barking of a dog is going to alert the people in the home to wake up and be aware of what is happening. And to call the cops. And, as far as they know, grab a gun.

You don't necessarily have to own a gun to make somebody afraid of getting shot, or even perhaps of having their ball sack ripped off by an angry, defensive animal.

I am an advocate of alarm systems as well. I have one myself.

Really the idea is to prevent a burglary, or home invasion, in the first place. Make it seem challenging, and not worth the effort, and most likely it will never happen.

But I will tell you what WILL attract a burglar. One of those big glass display cases filled with guns, that's what! Having that on display does NOT deter a burglar, that is catnip to a burglar:

Firearms are a favorite target of most burglars. They can be sold on the illegal market or used to commit other crimes. Most people do not properly secure their firearms. 

Unsecured fired arms are a burglars dream. Residents place them in closets, drawers or under beds. The seasoned burglar has seen all this before. They know where the uninformed will hide firearms. 

When the NRA talks about criminals having guns, this is what they are talking about. 

The bad guy does not have to sweat a background check. All he has to do is let the gun enthusiast go through all the paperwork, and then break in and steal the very weapons that he bought to "feel safe."

Happens every day.

You know Fido may not have an extended clip or hollow tip bullets, but he will also never be picked up and used to injure his owner. I'm just saying.


  1. Gryphen speaks the truth. The little yappy dogs are the best! My Yorkie and Pomeranian can be heard throughout the entire neighborhood when someone comes to the door. Unfortunately, the nice mail carrier is also scared to death of them, even though they're behind the door.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      I have always had German Shepherds, and well they do the job pretty well. :)

      Why do you think police use Dogs to search or at burglary scenes? b/c rarely (It has happened tho) will a person with snappy large ass teeth barreling at them at 50 miles a hour stop and reload, b/c Dog is faster than man and few men as G says want their flippin' ballz bit off!

      Now the woman who killed that guy that this bimbo is going on and on about HAD a big SCARY German Shepherd, in fact her husband had TWO of them before one "got shot and killed" a few days before the robbery....Target practice?
      Well many cops are amazed at how cold blooded this bitch was, but RW say "She was protecting her baby". Bullshit.
      Yep shine more light on this bitch b/c I don't think she can stand it. Would be nice to see her sent up for murder, the guy and dying husband.

      She was remember a teen mother? with a 58 yrs old husband?
      Shine the light on her. Thanks Trotter, I hope some law enforcement take a second look.

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Yep. GSD's rock On our 4th. I've had people cross the street(to the other side, when I'm walking ours, but they have all been great kid dos and even babysitters.

    3. Anonymous4:23 AM

      When our neighborhood had a break-in, the local police advised the homeowners in the neighborhood to get a dog. We had been thinking about getting one anyway, so off we went to the pound. We got a 20-pound, mature (older than 5 years) dog who was an excellent friend and companion for the next 12 years.

    4. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Hey, you can't get all those things, friend, protector, love,devotion,HEART,Bravery from a gun!
      Dogs Rule!
      Here's a pic of First Dog Bo for y'all good Morning!

  2. I have 2 dogs, a yappy little mutt and a Cane Corso Mastiff. My big dog rarely barks but she ALWAYS places herself between me and any stranger that happens to come to my door. At 130 pounds, she's very intimidating and I have no doubt that she would protect me with her life. I have no need for a gun, but I do have an alarm system - and lots of dog hair!

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Cane Corso is a LOT of dog. I volunteered to take care of one for a month a couple of years ago when a close friend's ex was going into a 28-day rehab program. I was 'warned' about his size but there was a huge backyard and plenty of space for his kennel inside, so I didn't hesitate. He had been trained well and was very responsive. Very smart dog. Only downside. He weighed 170 lbs and scared anyone who saw him. Noone, including myself, had ever seen a dog that large. Beautiful animal, but a helluva lot scarier than a pink rifle.

      My son took a picture of Caesar when he jumped up on my king-sized bed, and it really looked like a large dog on a twin bed. We missed him after he was gone, and ended up getting a couple of rescue dogs. The first was a chihuahua, made that photo of Caesar seem even more like a photoshopped pic.

    2. Yes, they're a lot of dog, very muscular, powerful and territorial, so training is extremely important. They also have a strong tendency to drool, which is just about the only bad thing that I can say about them.
      This girl is my 2nd Cane Corso. My 1st was a 160 lb. male, who unfortunately died from cancer at age 3. I call this one "my velcro dog" because all she wants is to be by my side and maybe get a little belly rub too!
      I just love the breed!

  3. Best advice ever.

  4. My landlord has an attack cat (Ummm, she does have a few mental problems) who will wait at the top of the stairs for anyone coming in (not me finally after a year, but I still tread lightly). She will draw blood and lots of it. The yelling and cursing is guaranteed to wake anyone up in the house.

  5. Did anyone see Lawrence O'Donnell vs. Gayle Trotter on Last Word? Satisfying take down. The woman is the sole member of her group but possesses a thousand name mailing list. That qualifies her as an expert. She spun a scenario about a brave frontier woman protecting her babies with an assault rifle against five armed intruders. That has never happened, nor will it. A dog and an alarm system are the best protections for women. (Sometimes a cat can be pretty scary too.)

  6. Yay! Love your perspective.
    We have three dogs! Two loud barkers: the Papillon/Border Collie mix who thinks he's a tough guy, and an equally loud and persistent Corgi. And the third one is a shepherd mix, who may not bark a lot, but looks threatening when she feels threatened: her hackles go up.
    Love our doggies.
    Hate guns.
    M from MD

  7. Where did this idiotic fool come from? I can't believe they let her speak before the committee, but they wouldn't let Sandra Fluke speak! Sandra was articulate and she knew what she was talking about! This one! The nicest things I can say about her is that she's a featherbrain, a numskull, a bonehead, a dimwit, a moron, a nincompoop -- need I go on?! The republicans and the house are so dummied down it isn't even funny! It's a crying shame!

    1. Anonymous1:49 AM

      She is just the type of woman the gop likes. She wold say ANYTHING they tell her to say. When my husband passed away, I took both of his guns to the sporting goods store and sold them. What a relief to get them out of the house. My dogs protect me.

  8. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Gayle Trotter is certainly too unstable to be allowed near guns.. or kids. Hello Child Protetive Services.

  9. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

    Your advice is absolutely right! Dogs are fiercely loyal and protective. We always allow our dog full access to every room in the home, especially when we're away. I've never once felt I had to check the house when nor felt like I was in danger upon arriving home.
    I had "peace of mind" and "courage" to spare. The Trotter gun fetishist's fantasy dominatrix babe is a total fraud, joke and wack job.

    1. Her scenario would have applied only if the hardened criminals were xenomorphs and the threatened woman was Sigourney Weaver.
      M from MD

  10. Anonymous6:38 PM

    We have the sweetest dog ever, but no way would anyone want to try to get past her to harm anyone in my family. She is an 85lb lab/pit mix who never barks unless she thinks we don't hear/know what's going on. When she does decide it's time to bark, look out. She's scary fierce looking...but unless there was danger, she wouldn't hurt a soul.
    Jilly G

    1. Anonymous1:52 AM

      My beautiful rottweiler ws the same way. Lost her to cancer at the age of 6. Also had a doberman one time who was very protective, but a sweetheart.Felt fully protected when I had them. This woman would be better off getting rid of her guns, and getting a dog. The kids would bond and the dog would protect them.

    2. Anonymous6:46 AM

      The woman Trotter was blabbling about, her husband had TWO GSD's! after her husband died, one was "shot" and killed a few days before the robbery. Some might say if was the robbers, but my bet says it came from her gun if the dumbassed cops investigated or put 2 and 2 together....
      All they can say is how "cold" she was after shooting the guy? Duh there's a clue right there.
      Well she had already killed her husband's dog? I really wish the cops would take a second look? Already stuff is coming out, she said it took 20 mins for the cops to come and they say only 12?
      She a liar and a killer.
      She should be behind bars not celebrated as some kind of mama grisley!

  11. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Gayle's whole "we women are sitting ducks who can't possibly defend ourselves from the big bad violent men out there" attitude disgusts me. Aside from the fact that she's just way off base anyway, that makes me mad because that is exactly the attitude that needs to go away. Men are not out there to hurt defenseless moms, yk? And if she thinks that she could actually GET TO her "defense" weapon, unlock the case, get it out and load it - all while dealing with God knows what with her crying children, perhaps all in different rooms of her house - and defend them with a gun that literally sprays bullets all over the place, she's smoking something more than tobacco. She is delusional if she thinks she speaks for millions of women. What an idiot. What a shameful example of what happens when we buy into a paranoid and fearful world view. I feel sorry for people who live that way.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Precisely JillyG.


  12. Anonymous6:47 PM

    "Lunatic fringe? We all know you're out there."

  13. Anonymous7:20 PM

    My Mom had a female German Shepherd that always seemed a bit dingy to us, almost frightened of her own shadow at times. She never barked at the UPS guy or delivery people or anything. One night I was visiting my mom and the doorbell rang. My mom opened the door to a guy standing there asking if he could use the phone as his car broke down. As my mom reached over to unlock and open the screen door suddenly her dog was between her and the door making the most terrifying noise I have ever heard. That guy turned white and headed for the hills. The dog would not leave the front door until my mom had bolted it and put on the chain lock. Then she just went over and laid down in her usual place. After that I never worried about my mom living alone as long as she had that dog. They are the best security system there is.

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Great story! GSD's and ALL dogs Rock and the best security system evah!

  14. Anonymous7:33 PM

    When I was a girl I worked in the dodgiest part of downtown Anchorage and walked to my apartment in an equally dodgy neighborhood, Fairview. When my male friends realized I was carrying a knife for safety they laughed and demonstrated just how easy it would be to disarm me and use it against me. I've never had any interest in guns, but I do have 3 dogs, and I've never been robbed.

  15. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I'm just going to say it.... If you can't hit what your aiming at 'within 10 shots' AND disable or KILL it, then you shouldn't have a gun in the first place. 10 shots. First shot might be slightly off, second fix the target (whatever your shooting at) and the rest should be on target. Can't do it AND unwilling to practice until you can? Then don't own a gun.

    1. Anonymous1:57 AM

      That would be good advice for Sarah P. Remember her trying to shoot the animal who was tethered?This Trotter woman's kids are in more danger living with her than they would be elsewhere. If she is so gung ho to own weapons, where does she live - in the 'hood? More likely a gated community someplace. I hope she does not home school her kids also, too!!

  16. Anonymous9:48 PM

    But what Stewart found most amazing is why this controversy was so blown up in the first place. He asked, “Since when did the ability to fire a weapon become a badge of honor, a patriotic achievement? All you need is a finger!”

  17. We have close neighbors who have hunting dogs and beagles............boy howdy. If a bird farts in a
    tree these guys bark.... If the dogs hear footfalls in the dirt road(we live in rural Mo.)they bark.

    So if you don't want a dog, move next to someone who has one! I also keep a baseball bat at front door just in's wooden but I prefer a skinny plastic one....ouch!

    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Beagles or "Bagels" as I call them have quite the nose! One time one of them found a Kitty that had gotten loose at the Vets office.

      It was hiding up in the cabinets and would come out and eat at night. Barney "Google" found the kitty!

      You can't beat a dog. Ever. Dogs Rock, Guns NOT!

  18. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Where the hell are these women living where home invasion by MULTIPLE men into homes with women and children are happening? I get there are some shady areas in every town/city, but DAMN how have I missed this in the news. I live in a large city and don't recall hearing about this type of crime EVER.

    And I agree 100% about getting a dog. Best home protection you can get.

  19. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I can't believe this idiot was even allowed to testify. Is she the best that the right could find or the only woman on the planet who would say such stupid things on behalf of women?

  20. Leland4:40 AM

    I retired from the alarm industry after 30 years. Any time I went to a potential customer's house I always suggested things that could be done short of getting a gun. (And I'm a gun owner!)

    Alarm system (which they were inquiring about). Dog (for noise and protection). Really vicious plants like yucca or or tall-growing roses or pyracantha (for obvious reasons).

    Why those three? They aren't going to turn on the owner and they always do their thing.

    Ever think about what would happen if you fell into a mass of yucca plants? Or even lovely roses?

    1. My grandma had two big dogs and a front yard full of cacti when she lived in New Mexico.
      M from MD

  21. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Perhaps she's auditioning for the role of the next irrelevant and ignorant "warrior" a la Sarah Palin. What a fool she made of herself. Love that she's referred to as a "Senior Fellow" of an organization that really does not exist.

  22. Randall5:05 AM

    How about an alarm system that has BOTH a loud siren AND a recording of a really loud, really big (sounding) dog madly snarling and barking as they do when in all-out attack mode?

  23. Anonymous6:19 AM

    It seems Ms. Trotter isn’t really an expert on women and gun control. It seems that, instead, she’s a stooge for those on the conservative side of the political spectrum. I think Senator Whitehouse realized that, although her hair was long and she’s obviously a woman, she really doesn’t speak for women on the issue of gun control. I’m afraid Ms. Trotter’s qualifications have been debunked.

  24. Anonymous6:20 AM

    NRA Bully, Wayne LaPierre, Takes A Beating At Senate Hearing

  25. Chenagrrl7:08 AM

    Anyone who begins their testimony with "Young women are speaking out ..." is starting a con. The rest of her testimony was a pitch for assault rifles.


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