Thursday, January 31, 2013

Just a brief peek inside the minds of the Sarah Palin supporters. Subject: Death Panels.

Courtesy of The Incidental Economist:  

In this month’s Medical Care there’s a great study by Brendan Nyhan and colleagues: 

Context: Misperceptions are a major problem in debates about health care reform and other controversial health issues.

Methods: We conducted an experiment to determine if more aggressive media fact-checking could correct the false belief that the Affordable Care Act would create “death panels.” Participants from an opt-in Internet panel were randomly assigned to either a control group in which they read an article on Sarah Palin’s claims about “death panels” or an intervention group in which the article also contained corrective information refuting Palin. 

Findings: The correction reduced belief in death panels and strong opposition to the reform bill among those who view Palin unfavorably and those who view her favorably but have low political knowledge. However, it backfired among politically knowledgeable Palin supporters, who were more likely to believe in death panels and to strongly oppose reform if they received the correction. 

Conclusions: These results underscore the difficulty of reducing misperceptions about health care reform among individuals with the motivation and sophistication to reject corrective information.

So in other words those Palin supporters who were paying attention to politics, most likely through the filter of Fox News, were FAR more likely to reject the corrected information about death panels, and suspect that the information was liberally biased, than the people who did not care for Sarah Palin or who did not pay much attention to politics or Fox News.

To put it plainly, if Sarah Palin says it, MUST be true! If one of those atheist scientist guys, or liberal democrats, say it, totally obvious attempt to attack her family and take away our freedoms!!

I think that is a pretty accurate description of the kind of die hard Palin supporter that continues to look for the day when the Grizzled Mama rises from the ashes like a frostbitten phoenix and suddenly becomes relevant in American politics again, or...dare they hope...runs for office.



  1. Boscoe4:20 AM

    I'm not the least bit surprised by this. I know a lot of conservatives and I can say that I've never actually had a meaningful discussion with a single one of them.

    I mean, I've had enlightening chats with them where they explain why they believe what they believe, but there's no meaningful exploration of the topic. This is because people with conservative brain orientation are incapable of dealing with the idea that they might be wrong, or misinformed about ANYTHING.

    Bring up a fact that challenges their belief system, and their response never fails to be "you're wrong", "that isn't true" or "that's a liberal media lie".

    There's NEVER any possibility of reflection or introspection. There is no "really? I'd better go look that up!". Conservatives NEVER need to go look anything up because they already "know" the answers.

    You can see this effect elevated to psychosis when they're faced with issues like Sandy Hook that cannot be interpreted or spun. Only a conservative could be faced with a room full of dead kids and respond with: "it never actually happened, it's just a conspiracy to steal my guns!"

    ...Or they go the Palin route and simply ignore the event itself, instead focusing entirely on their own perceived victim-hoods, i.e. "blood libel".

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      It isn't JUST Pathetic....its Pathological! Psychology Today had a article about conservatism being mental illness
      Now I'm sure Krusty or Wallows will be on here saying that's part of the "libril media" saying that, Google "Conservatism is a mental illness..."?

      And speaking of Krusty, she is over at Malia's under so many different "Socks" battling with Shawn's Mom and wild child Wallows is over there too.
      Drug running to Russia and Interpol are things being discussed.
      I think Baldy better get ready to do the "perp" walk soon....
      Everyone chill those bottles of Champagne y'all been saving...Soon, soon!

    2. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Just fyi, hat's not really Willow Palin that posts as Willow over at Malias.

    3. It's cognitive dissonance. The overwhelming majority of the Republican party is religious and they don't like logical arguments that don't go hand-in-hand with their religious beliefs. They react to logic with anger, insults, and frustration because to argue against their "opinion" (if you can call an opinion that comes from brainwashing really an opinion) is to argue against the moral fabric of their lives. They don't separate the two. Their religion is the moral high ground and morals should dictate how we write laws. There is no separation of church and state.
      It's sad but true. That's how they see things. It's not right, it's not fair, and above all it's not logical. I used to be a conservative republican (thankfully before the Tea Party days) and after leaving home I learned to think for myself and make my own decisions. I've changed my voter registration to Democrat and I have honestly never been happier.
      The most pitiable thing about the die-hard conservatives is that they are miserable. They are angry all the time, they think they are better than everyone (not because they're upholding any values with the hate they sling, but because they are Christian, end of story), and the are the worst pouters I have ever seen.

  2. Anonymous4:47 AM

    So where were "Medical Care" and the AMA and the ABA when Sarah Palin and GOP members of Congress were spewing forth their lies during the health care debate? Oblivious and silent. It's a little too late now. Just think how comprehensive health care reform in this country could have been if the media and national medical organizations and the ABA had stood up to the lies at the time. Just think how wide reaching it might have been if the disease-related fundraising organizations that keep sending all of us begging letters and stickers had all come out in favor of universal health care.

  3. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Making statements like this is identical to saying all liberals are welfare junkie lazies.

    Didn't your mother teach you not to generalize?

    1. Anonymous5:03 AM

      This is a false equivalency. Not even close!

    2. My mother taught me “Believe nothing and verify everything" and she got that wisdom into me before age 10.

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      @4:55 AM If you are not Krazy Krusty Patullo, you are a Twin. Your Doctor must be prescribing the wrong Meds for you.

  4. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Keep in mind that Canada's socialized healthcare is horrible. People die because they can't get medical help.

    Sigh. I really don't think democrats are capable of thinking on their own, or at all. I am basing this statement on the stupid shallow posts far left believers write.

    1. Anonymous5:07 AM

      "Keep in mind that Canada's socialized healthcare is horrible. People die because they can't get medical help."
      Prove it. Ive read no such stories that in the end haven't been proven total B.S.
      You seem to be the example that proves this post to be correct.
      David, Baltimore

    2. Anonymous5:20 AM

      News to this American who lived in Canada for more than 30 years. Yes, there are shortages of services, mainly in rural areas, but with the ongoing drain to the better-paying U.S. it's not surprising. We never had any problems getting treated, although living in a rural area we did sometimes had to wait for something like knee surgery. Horrible - NOT!

      What about the large numbers of uninsured Americans who don't get treated? Guess you far right believers don't care about them.

    3. Anonymous5:55 AM

      My entire family lives in the UK, and would never change their National Health Service for the US "healthcare" NEVER. My brother in law is going to be 88 this month, in the last three years he has had 2 hip replacements, prostrate cancer treatment, ear surgery, eye surgery. He is STILL going strong, he sings at various functions and drives himself. My relatives are appaled when they hear about the US non-system.

    4. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Hey...I live in Ontario, Canada and love my doctor (yes, I have one) and all the health care I have received. We have great preventative measures that have saved lives, including mine. And after all the tests and procedures I'm still here and healthy and not bankrupt! Don't bash a system that you know NOTHING about!

    5. Anita Winecooler11:51 AM

      Forgive her, It was SO bad that her Idol used to go across the border to get treatment... Proves the post above as totally factual!

      Thanks for participating, Have a Vibrant Day!

    6. Anonymous12:07 PM

      I live in Saskatchewan and this is not true-just a right wing talking point. It is the US that people die for lack of health care insurance.

  5. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Just proves you can't teach a person who is convinced that Jesus Christ is a "founding father". The depth of their ignorance is yet to be explored completely.

  6. Anonymous5:15 AM

    There IS no reasoning nor meaningful debate with those who are convinced BIG BROTHER is out to get them even when FACTS reveal otherwise.

    "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."

  7. Anonymous6:16 AM

    They must have spent a lot of time looking for "die hard Palin fans" as they are few and far between.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Yeah, who are these politically knowledgeable Palin supporters, I've never met either one of them.

  8. Not “pathetic," Gryph--pitiable. One hopes you cannot think or feel as such miscreants do.

  9. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Gryphen, Here's a Washington Post article about Palin. The comments are excellent:

  10. Anonymous8:02 AM

    This is the best advise for Sarah Palin, advice that she will never follow:

    "And when she campaigned for the McCain-Palin ticket, parents would show up with their special needs children because they felt a special connection with the candidate. When Palin worked the rope line, the most touching moments were when she spent time with the children and their parents. It was a rare site: an ugly political campaign pleasantly interrupted by unmanufactured moments of empathy and love.

    "Why doesn’t Palin keep her convention pledge and be a friend, an advocate and a hero to families with special needs children? She could use her name, her charisma and her impressive fund-raising ability to help those families."

    Palin won't do this because she has proven that she really does not care. If she had, there would be a long list of accomplishments for special needs advocacy. If her fans would only pay attention to the real Sarah Palin and not the fraud who promises the moon and delivers...nothing.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Spokespersons for those types of charitable organizations are not typically paid the big bucks. Their expenses are reimbursable, but often the spokesperson donates their own time and money as well to the organization because they have a vested emotional interest in helping ithe org succeed.

      Sarah, on the other hand, does nothing without remuneration. Never had and never will. Whatever she is promoting, you can assume it is benefitting her directly. Neither Sarah nor any member of her family have donated one goddam penny to her PAC, which is supposed to be a no -profit educational organization. They all believe in it so little that they have to be compensated just to open the mail and deposit the checks they grift off of seniors on fixed income that they've managed to swindle.

      Sarah is petty, selfish, and a crook. She will receive her due comeuppance before it is all said and done.

  11. Anonymous9:16 AM

    You can be sure that Paylin's 'article on death panels' was ghostwritten, most likely what ran in some papers back when the issue was at the forefront. If they gave readers the real Paylin goods it would be loaded w/jibberish sentences, lousy grammar, etc. $crreeeecchhhhh!

  12. Anonymous10:09 AM

    You want to see an EXTREME example of religious beliefs impacting someone's lives, this is something out of the book of the bizarre. Can you imagine the horrific life they chose, just to hold on to their indoctrination? It's a pretty astonishing tale of survival, but survival for what?

    For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II

    ...Slowly, over several visits, the full story of the family emerged. The old man's name was Karp Lykov, and he was an Old Believer—a member of a fundamentalist Russian Orthodox sect, worshiping in a style unchanged since the 17th century. Old Believers had been persecuted since the days of Peter the Great, and Lykov talked about it as though it had happened only yesterday; for him, Peter was a personal enemy and "the anti-Christ in human form"—a point he insisted had been amply proved by Tsar's campaign to modernize Russia by forcibly "chopping off the beards of Christians." But these centuries-old hatreds were conflated with more recent grievances; Karp was prone to complain in the same breath about a merchant who had refused to make a gift of 26 poods [940 pounds] of potatoes to the Old Believers sometime around 1900.

    Things had only got worse for the Lykov family when the atheist Bolsheviks took power. Under the Soviets, isolated Old Believer communities that had fled to Siberia to escape persecution began to retreat ever further from civilization. During the purges of the 1930s, with Christianity itself under assault, a Communist patrol had shot Lykov's brother on the outskirts of their village while Lykov knelt working beside him. He had responded by scooping up his family and bolting into forest.

    1. Anita Winecooler11:54 AM

      Great Article! The same can be said for the miscreants that worship and adore Syrup Ailin', to a lesser extent. Their pride in their willful ignorance has no bounds!

  13. Anonymous10:27 AM
    The best comment ever about snowdrift snookie.

    By Buddydog
    A better way to summarize Palin's impact is this: she gave a voice to stupid.

    Millions of people across the land with lots of angry opinions but little understanding of how government worked suddenly had a champion, someone like them at the highest levels of power. Someone who didn't make them feel stupid with a bunch of smarty talk. She inspired a lot of stupid people, and energized a new constituency.

    That stupid energy became the Tea Party - the big, hulking, stupid anchor chained to the GOP. And that has led to government dysfunction, and diminished prestige. The rest of the world looks with concern at America, and why it looks so stupid all of the sudden.


  14. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Anonymous11:01 AM are you saying that Sarah Palin does nothing without remuneration and only started paying attention to Trig after he became a useful tool and prop for Palin's bid for fame and notoriety?

    I agree with you

  15. Anonymous11:55 AM

    What happened to Facebook Sarah? Its been 5 days since she last raised her head from the last frontier and that's unlike Me Me SarahPalin. I thought she wanted to communicate more?

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Could be that Facebook Sarah has first degree blisters on her fingers from ranting so hard on her keyboard that's keeping her from spreading her message of stupidity to her followers.

  16. Anita Winecooler12:06 PM

    Hard to tell with "Old Juicy", her speaking voice and the literary voice in the ghostwritten blahhhg posts don't sync up, my guess is she's even stupider than she sounds in real life.

    The interviews of teh crazy during her book tours should have been included in the study.

    Here's eight minutes of hilarity!!! (with subtitles, even!)

  17. Anonymous12:30 PM

    What happened to reality star Bristol? She used to be so vocal and needed to be in the media? Is she okay? Is Bristol just chillin'? Working on to how to make her comeback or is she just taking her loot and is satisfied with her take?


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