Wednesday, January 16, 2013

President Obama announces gun control plan.

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Courtesy of MSNBC:

"While there is no law or set of laws that can prevent every senseless act of violence completely, no piece of legislation that will prevent every tragedy, every act of evil," Obama said at a mid-day announcement at the White House, "if there's even one thing we can do to reduce this violence, if there's even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try it." 

Acknowledging the difficulty of the Congressional fight ahead, Obama appealed for public support, slamming - as he did in a press conference earlier this week - conservative commentators and the most vocal pro-gun activists for "ginning up" opposition to gun reforms for political reasons. 

"I will put everything I've got into this and so will Joe [Biden], but I tell you, the only way we can change is if the American people demand it," he said. 

Some of the main legislative proposals backed by Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are: 

  • requiring criminal background checks on all gun sales, including private sales 
  • banning "military-style" assault weapons 
  • limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds 
  • strengthening penalties for gun trafficking 

"The most important changes we can make depend on Congressional action," Obama said. "They need to bring these proposals up for a vote and the American people need to make sure that they do."  

The president also signed a series of 23 executive actions - free from a Congressional blockade -- intended to strengthen existing laws, augment mental health measures and promote federal research on gun crime through the Centers for Disease Control. 

Personally I was very heartened by this announcement.  And though we have far to go, as Vice President says, this is a start.

I was very touched by the inclusion of the children that came to show their support. They have already been attacked by the Right Wing who is calling them "Obama's shields." (Yeah like we don't know WHO was the person most famous for using children as human shields to deflect criticism.)

Of course while damning the President for including children in the debate, the NRA had no qualms about using the protection provided to the most threatened  President in history's children to make a ridiculous and shameful point of their own.

Apparently the NRA's solution to gun violence is to assign every child in America Secret Service protection.

This is beyond disgusting and I am amazed at the thought that the NRA thinks that this kind of thing helps their agenda in any way.  Personally I am repulsed by this and am beginning to think that membership with his lobbyist group might the indication of mental illness that justifies the removal of weapons from your home.

I'm just saying.


  1. As far as the NRA goes, they don't give a damn about what you think your Second Amendment rights are. What they do give a damn about is their corporate sponsors who are members of Friends of the NRA, a multimillion dollar fundraising organization. Pardon the length of this post, but here's the list I found of corporate Friends of the NRA, and a short blurb about what these companies do:

    MidwayUSA ("Just About Everything® for Shooting, Hunting and the Outdoors" - their slogan)

    Benelli (firearms) ("The Benelli M3 12 gauge, used extensively by American SWAT teams. Benelli recently introduced the Benelli M4 Super 90, an unusual gas operated semi-automatic shotgun intended for military use in urban warfare" -- from Wikipedia)

    Brunton, Inc. (basic non-gun outdoor equipment like compasses and GPS)

    Boyt Harness Company (gun cases and other sporting equipment)

    Hunter's Specialties (non-gun hunting accessories)

    Legacy Quest - (non-gun clothing and hunting accessories)

    Lockton Insurance (sells insurance, I don't get why they're an NRA supporter)

    Smith & Wesson ('nuff said)

    Weatherby (guns -- their website has a special section called "Threat Control")

    Winchester Ammunition ('nuff said)

    These are Big Money companies, and a lot of their success (with the possible exception of Lockton Insurance, and anyone who knows more about Lockton, please feel free to add the info) is due to being able to sell products to the hunting/shooting/bow-using population.

    If the NRA backs down even the slightest bit, they might lose some of their sponsorships.

    I would love to know how all this fundraising money gets spent.

    1. blind_dog_smith11:36 AM

      MidwayUSA sponsors an entire evening (seven hours) of gun porn on the Outdoor Channel available nationwide on multiple cable systems, Dish TV, and DirecTV, every Wednesday night. The primary host for this evening takes every opportunity to drum up support for the NRA and offers reduced cost memberships.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Why would the NRA even consider backing down now? They even have Obama doing their bidding for armed guards around schools. Mainly because all politicians are more concerned with saving their own asses as opposed to saving the asses of the kids. So how's that presnit workin out for ya'all so far?

    3. hedgewytch3:05 PM

      Insurance - hunting, sporting insurance. Just in case your shooting buddy gets you in the face instead of that bird. Also covers theft insurance for high priced collector type weapons.

    4. Anonymous4:57 PM

      The NRA won't back down until there are more shoot outs and they can start seeing more federal and state workers shot. That is their goal. Sure they have their bigger targets, too. Movie theaters, malls, schools are just a first phase and minor. They want a war. They are making killing the govmint cool and collateral damage is fine with them.

  2. A tone-deaf ad, but what does one expect from old white men who aren’t used to being challenged?

  3. I'm thinking I heard either RM or LOD say, last night, that the reaction to that comercial for the penis-extender lobby had been so overwhelmingly negative, it was removed from the NRA website.

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      fanned for

      penis-extender lobby

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      … it was removed from the NRA website.

      Not at that time, and apparently not yet. Lawrence stated later in his show that the temporary unavailability of the ad had resulted from overload of the NRA's server.

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM

      LOD first announced on his show that it had been removed and then stated later that it had NOT!

      Obviously, it was never removed! The NRA executives are showing themselves to be a pretty nasty group. I'm sure they are going to lose membership due to the stands they are taking.

    4. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Some peens just can't be extended, go ask Todd.

  4. Anonymous11:03 AM

    The NRA is heartless and blind to what they don't want to see. Homeschools work well for them to grow their point of view and power.

    Kids Shooting Kids

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      The military and gun culture have thrown kids under the bus. Guns guarding schools are a lifestyle change with psychology considerations that no NRA is going to discuss.

  5. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I would like everyone to know that gun control is a topic at all levels. In Texas, Travis county is close to banning gun shows which are the primary purchase point of weapons with no background checks.
    It may not sound like much, but any gun control in Texas is a huge deal.

    Little Rabbit

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      It is a big deal for sure, and I hope they do it. In Frisco, they are opening a new indoor shooting range this summer that will be the largest in the country. There is a huge yuppie gun nut wannabe market in this part of Texas, unfortunately.

    2. jcinco2:57 PM

      That is a huge deal!! I wish they would ban them in 6 flags over Jesus aka Colorado Springs, CO as they have them every weekend...

  6. Those children are citizens too goddamm it! And they are are most innocent, helpless citizens, well, except they took to pen and paper to express their grief, fears, and desires for a better and safer country, didn't they? Because they know. And it was their peers who were lost at Sandy Hook. So if the President wants to surround himself and the whole White House with children, then let him go ahead. The unfortunate loss of so many children at Sandy Hook is finally the impetus for something to be done. This does not negate the death of anyone else, past, present or future at the hands of a gunman, but instead serves to wake up passive Americans and legislators to the fact that the issue of gun control must be dealt with. The NRA and supporters are running scared, and I am glad!!

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      if you don't mind.. may I have your permission
      to copy and re post ?
      you have summed up the whole "debate" in a nutshell..

    2. Anita Winecooler6:45 PM


  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I see the NRA once again probes new depths of hypocrisy and hatred. I felt sick at mention of the Obama children in the NRA ad. I can not imagine such an ad being run with the mention of the Bush twins. I can not comprehend the sickness in the mind of the person(s) responsible for the ad.

    In my personal campaign, I'm limiting myself to this single statement: "I want to hear every idea that might limit the firepower available to mentally unstable people." Although the scope of what needs to be done is so much larger, I'm trying to be a voice that short circuits the crazy I'm hearing all around me in this trigger-happy mid-west state.

  8. OMG, if even 1/4 of the American public is as Gullible and as ignorant as the people that posted above, than we as a country are seriously in trouble. First off Wolfbitch why don't you stop worrying about what the NRA does with the money they receive from their corporate sponsors and why don't you start worrying about where our social security is going or why don't you worry about who is paying for the hospital bill that the illegal just incurred, oh and worry about where OUR TAX DOLLARS are going. Secondly if you people actually would take a second and look around you and see what is actually going on before opening your horrifically uneducated mouth, you might actually realize what is needed to be done to stop the gun violence in this country. So try and pay attention: 1st the majority of gun related deaths/crimes are commited with ILLEGAL guns NOT by a law abiding citizen who had exercised his/her 2nd amendment right, so if the government would make extremely and I mean extremely strict penalties to anyone caught with an unregistered firearm than crime rates would drop rather quickly. 2nd: mental health issues should at least be shared with the ATF, and FBI.
    3rd: I along with most others and even the NRA agree with background checks for all firearms sales.
    4th: if any and all mentally stable law abiding citizen was allowed to carry a handgun once again all crime not just gun related would drop by a huge percentage.
    5th: just an FYI if the government takes away our right to bear arms, the only firearms that will be left are those that have illegal firearms and these are the people that you DO NOT want to have a firearm.
    Last but not least, they already tried an assault weapon ban and guess what, it did absolutely nothing. So the law abiding gun carrying citizens have already sat back and tried it your way. People like you have ruined this country and you don't even realize it that's how ignorant you truly are.

    1. Your rant would be more impressive if it contained facts.

    2. lostinmn12:30 PM

      You do realize that there is not one "top tier" country that has to deal with gun violence like we do here. Look at world maps and you'll see the US gun violence rates are equal to third world war torn countries. Having everyone walking around carrying a piece isn't going to reduce crime or killings, it's going to give every hot head a chance to open up when someone cuts them off from an interstate exit ramp. Get serious.

    3. Anonymous12:40 PM

      3rd: I along with most others and even the NRA agree with background checks for all firearms sales.
      What exactly do you think is the value of a background check that's 1,5,10,20 years old? Does everyone in your fantasy world stay sane?

      You better start thinking about "how ignorant you truly are" because your stupidity is such that you are a danger to yourself and others.

      And your communication skills are sorely lacking in the persuasion department. You have no hope of getting anyone on your side with your mindless rants. All you'll get is feedback from the echo chamber of your mind.

    4. blind_dog_smith12:50 PM

      You're getting your talking points mixed up:
      1)Guns don't kill people, people kill people-- there are no illegal guns.

      2)So you're OK with databases about collecting information about a person's mental health issues--something they have no control over--but are unwilling to have a registry of gun owners available--something that they make a conscious choice to acquire?

      3)If the NRA is so behind background checks, why have they consistently blocked them?
      --TODAY: Gun Lobby Would Scrap State Database That is Best in Nation

      Richmond, Virginia— The National Rifle Association (NRA) is calling on its membership to help repeal a 1989 law that created the Virginia Firearms Transaction Program (VFTP). A state-of-the-art database that is second to none in the nation, the VFTP works in conjunction with the FBI’s National Instant Background Checks System (NICS) to check the background of those purchasing firearms in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
      --April, 2012: "NRA Supports Colorado Bill Repealing State Background Checks"

      4)Well, here in Alaska, that's pretty much the case and our gun crime doesn't seem to be falling that much.

      5)NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT TAKING AWAY GUNS. Not mine (yes, I own and enjoy firearms) and not yours either.

      6)My country is doing just fine, thanks--sure, there's room for improvement, but the only thing that I've seen ruined lately is the reputation of the NRA and the Republican lapdogs they support.

    5. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Challenger in Law Enforcemnt
      hmmmmm.....first off your RANT is WRONG!
      The Sandy Hook shooting was done with Legally bought GUNS!
      Second I'm WITH WOLFBITCH on where the money goes...why? Its TAX FREE MONEY that could be payin' taxes dontcha know! You know for that "illegal" that you keep yappin' 'bout? And to sum it up I will you your words...."OMG, if even 1/4 of the American public is as Gullible and as ignorant as the idiot who posted the rant at 12:02pm" we are going to hear a lot of whining crying LYING toeing the NRA Kool-aid like above.
      Its over. covet your 30 ammo clips b/c they are no more. Unless your a cop!
      Hope your a GOOD cop and not a BAD cop?

    6. Anonymous3:05 PM

      It's simple. If you legally own guns and you don't have mental health issues...what are you whining about? If you aren't a criminal or mentally ill then you should agree with REASONABLE gun restrictions. THE END.

    7. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Challenger must be a RIGHT WING NUT JOB who has listened to Rush the OXYCONTIN KING and FAUX NOISE too much. Kid you need help and soon. You are not far from committing an Aurora, or Sandy Hill. Are you lacking your MEDS? Gun Nuts like you are dangerous but are also Wimps without your Security Blanket(GUNS). Take your finger off the trigger before someone alarms you by yelling: 'BOO'. That alone would send you into a shooting frenzy and many innocents would be shot. Get Help, KID.

    8. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Challenger you disqualified yourself on your 4th point: you are MENTALLY UNSTABLE, so give up the Guns.

  9. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The NRA is trying to narrow the discussion to just schools to distract from the real problem. Our kids go to playgrounds, scouts, churches, movies, malls, etc. The NRA is trying to get everyone focused on schools as if that solves the problem. It's an idiotic argument. Fortify the schools, but ignore the school buses! The NRA can not sell me on this mutually assured destruction theory. It's the big lie, that has to be exposed for the evil it is.

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Well the NRA is wrong if they are only concerned with the children's safety in schools. No child is safe from the gungoon violence anywhere in your country anymore. So hey, why not just make sure that every new parent is forced by law to arm their babies at birth and be mandated to teach the baby how to shoot and pack heat before becoming school age. Ya think that'll work?

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      An armed school is a lock down school. Has the NRA considered what lock down armed schools for students would fester? Can you imagine being on lock down with coaches and teachers like Jerry Sandusky? Schools would only become more ripe for picking on the vulnerable. Big strong heroes in uniform are there to protect kids from outside attacks from assault weapon enthusiasts. The Jerry's are set up to be more comforting and protective than ever. The ones like Jerry don't need to be more needed and more of a comforter and carer of any kid. Who is going to open up about a Jerry when they are more savior and glorified than ever before? The same for people like Chuck Heath who would have more of free range to operate in his fashion. Schools must put children first and stop catering to predators of all ilk. Predators of kids and young men and women don't need a better hunting ground. Lock down schools would only make matters worse for kids.

      The whole NRA idea on this is wrong in every way. No way could it be successfully carried out.

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Anon 4:18 Lock down schools would be no different then they are now to pedophiles like Jerry Sundusky. A locked school doesn't keep other responsible adults away from children who they can always run to for help, the same as they can in an unlocked school. OSHA mandates that all doors in schools or all other facilities have emergency push bars to exit, you just can't come inside a door during a school lock down. You also assuming that a locked down school would scare children. Why you believe that I don't understand. Many schools like Newtown are locked down under normal circumstances everyday, not just during a period for when an outside threat occurs. Newtown was locked down with an armed alarm system the day the mass murderer occurred.

  10. Anonymous12:14 PM

    The executives of NRA, that directed the advertisement about President Obama's girls, are worse than I thought!

    The NRA's likability is soon going to match that of the U.S. Congress! I have had a gun for years and never EVER had the desire to join the NRA - my instinct has been proven correct!

    I love seeing how quickly President Obama and VP Biden brought their legislation forward. Our President is on the move this second term, there is no doubt!

  11. Oh and 1 more thing, it's really amazing how unbelievably STUPID, Yes STUPID that you morons really are. The NRA video message doesn't say to give every kid a secret service agent, it states that Obama's kids have SS agents, and that we as parents should allow out children to be protected as well, 1 or 2 armed security guards for an entire school sounds pretty good to me, and I'll tell you what I WANT MY CHILDREN PROTECTED, if you choose different than fine take your child out of school, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      "... 1 or 2 armed security guards for an entire school sounds pretty good to me..."

      hmmm, you're not going to arm the school buses? How STUPID are you?

    2. Donal1:22 PM

      If you aren't part of the solution, you ARE the problem. And you have proven it with your STUPID words. Do you think Obama's kids have SS protection because O is an elitist or because he and his family receive death threats (from extremist gun nuts) daily? The NRA stance is ridiculous, like a bunch of redneck hillbillies. Go ahead, 2nd amendment nuts, start a war. Let's see who dies and who survives. But at least you'll go down screaming.

    3. Donal1:23 PM

      Than does not = then

    4. Anonymous1:34 PM

      I'll try to keep simple, since you seem to have issues grasping basic facts.

      The Obama children have armed protection because their father is the President of the United States.

      No one is saying anyone's children should not be protected.

      Columbine High School had an armed security guard. How did that work out?

    5. Anonymous1:44 PM

      I'm a school teacher. My husband has an arsenal in a locked gun cabinet at home. Both of us think putting armed guards in an elementary school is ridiculous. Have you even been to an elementary school lately? Sheesh! Right now, the majority of High Schools in my state have an armed guard. It hasn't kept violence out of the school, although I will admit we haven't had any mass shootings. Both my husband and I think there should be a limit on magazine size, ban automatic weapons, and do back ground checks.

    6. I don't want armed gun fanatics around my children because they are dangerous! You all think you are so macho and badass with your dick substitutes. One of you shot his own child in the chest recently. Another shot himself in the foot. Another shot an unarmed teenager 8 times because he didn't like their music. Another shot someone over a pizza order.

      So no, you braying morons make everything worse. Because your solution to everything is violence and more violence.

      And as is obvious by your foaming at the mouth NRA talking points, you lack any critical thinking skills. So you and all your like thinking knuckle-dragging bloodthirsty animals stay the hell away from any school where my loved ones might be.

    7. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Why don't you head over to the pee pond, Challenger, where they're planning civil war? You'll be right at home.

    8. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Oh, the WATB is baaaaaack. He wants protection for HIS kids.
      B/c his kids are better than POTUS kids?

      Fuck off you asshole!
      I don't care if you a cop or not. You are stupid.
      If you a cop I want to know where so I can report you. You have no right to carry a gun b/c you a imbecile!

    9. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Nefer! Here,Here!!! GREAT RANT! SHUT that asshole up!
      Fuck no kidding "foaming at the mouth NRA talking points"

      And yea! Who wants Armed guards at the school?
      I don't. Fix the gunshow loophole and ban clips over 10 bullets...Oh mr. "no dick" is pretty steamed about it all. B/C POTUS did Executive orders! BooFuckingHoo!
      Nefer....right on!!! Great RANT.

    10. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Nefer @2:06 PM


    11. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Seriously? So our society should turn to armed guards in elementary schools instead of GOD FORBID reasonable restrictions on weapons of death? Because you have 2nd amendment rights to own protect yourself from the BAD ASS government. You know that government that is STEALING your tax dollars and putting it away for your old age.

      I'm a tree huggin liberal and I BELIEVE in FREEDOM. So if you want to play with guns fine. If you want to pray fine. Just keep it to yourself. Have fun with your guns but there's a line between what a civilian should own and what the military should have. As the 2nd amendment states--for a milita! As a private citizen if we really took the 2nd amendment at face value YOU would need to be part of a militia to own a weapon.

      Honestly if you feel our government is so evil that you need to protect yourself from it then why do you live here? If the idea is to live freely then leave the rest of us alone and either abide by common sense laws or move to your own private Idaho!

      You can't have it both ways. That's the definition of a civilized society. MY definition doesn't include guns at schools. Simple. Let's work together to create a more secure America WITHOUT the need for guns but with compassion, discussion, inclusion and respect for others.

    12. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Challenger is either:

      a) deranged
      b) a troll
      c) all of the above

      I'm inclined to go with "C"...

    13. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Challenger you are an idiot. How many 'ACCIDENTAL SHOOTINGS' have occurred in Schools with Armed Officers? 1 is too many, Out in Los Angeles a High School Police Officer had an accidental discharge injuring himself. Did he report it? No, he Lied and blamed the shooting on a phantom shooter. That Officer was prosecuted and fired. Is that what you want at your schools? Accidental discharges happen more often than not at Police Stations. No, we don't want these potential accidental discharges inside of our schools. If you do, hopefully none of your kids are affected by these incidents. More Officers on the streets would deterr more crime.

    14. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

      Challenger's making the case FOR strict gun control laws, one comment at a time

      "Proceed, Mr. Challenger.."

    15. Anonymous12:41 AM

      Yes proceed...
      Sorry dork! Does not compute!
      You are nobody. Not POTUS. Who cares about your kids?
      Hey if you SO concerned why aren't you backing the POTUS?

      Yea, right.....!

    16. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Funny thing about Mental health or lack of it...
      the ones who REALLY NEED it, say "their fine"
      The ones who have the guts to see they need help will be punished for the crazyass NRA loonies!
      I say take the list of NRA members and go to their houses and make them prove they are sane, if not remove all guns.
      And fuck the NRA.

  12. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Obama has mentioned the need for even more security guards around schools and the American people are behind it 55%. This will increase as it becomes evident that Obama supports it. And so, that's the main fix that will come about because the NRA is behind it too. Nothing else of consequence will.

    Armed guards around your schools is at least a temporary measure and could become permanent, considering that the American people are not willing to look inside their heads where the violence lives. So what do you think gina? (snicker)

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Armed guards around your schools is at least a temporary measure and could become permanent, considering that the American people are not willing to look inside their heads where the violence lives. So what do you think gina? (snicker)
      I'm not Gina and don't presume to speak for her, but
      I would say "FUCK OFF"! She might say it in a nicer way (snicker)
      Mind your own country, we are minding ours.

    2. hedgewytch3:15 PM

      And just who is going to pay for those armed guards? And who will train them, and pay for that training? The deficit ridden government? The schools? - you know places where they don't even have the money for things like music and libraries and sports events.

    3. Anonymous3:55 PM

      But yea, they need $$ from taxpayer to protect the kids from all the looney gun nuts running around! Screw ART and PE like YOGA!
      We want to promote WAR not peace!
      We NEED that taxpayer money (Or maybe the NRA is going to fund it, since they ARE the cause)to train teachers to kill!
      Can't have anything but FEAR and WAR at the schoolz!
      (Heavy SNARK on that one)

    4. Anonymous6:05 PM

      I think the NRA should pay for the armed guards if we're ever stupid enough to resort to that.

  13. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Mississippi Wants To Secede From Obama’s Gun Plans

    It’s no secret that Republicans by and large are not fans of President Obama’s new push for laws aimed at reducing gun violence. Most in Washington are using traditional means to oppose him — vowing to vote against his legislation in Congress, for example.

    But out in the states, some Republicans have a better idea: they’ve decided to secede from any new federal regulations related to guns they deem to have gone too far. This applies especially to Obama’s executive actions on guns, which some conservatives have suggested could be grounds for Obama’s impeachment.

    Leading the charge to ignore new federal regulations is Mississippi, where the state’s Republican governor and state House speaker took to the mics right after Obama finished announcing his plans and pledged to ensure the ones they don’t like don’t take effect in the state.

    The Constitution is clear that such an effort would be illegal. Nevertheless, the Mississippi leaders say they have a plan.

    From the Jackson Clarion-Ledger:

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Great! More FEDERAL Monies for Cali!!! Yippee!
      See Ya Mississippi!
      (they are so stupid, they could not survive without federal funds as all RED states!)

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Part of the process of secession is an automatic 5 year loss of all Federal money. If a state can deal with that, they deserve a chance to try and complete the process to secede. Sounds alright to me.

    3. Anonymous12:44 AM

      Yep, sound ok to me too.
      Let all the southern states go to Mex. I. co! Bwhaahaaaa!
      You know those mex's would kill their whitey asses!!!

  14. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Saying Americans should be able to “defend themselves from tyranny,” state Rep. Joe Carr said today he is proposing a bill that would allow federal agents to be arrested for enforcing new gun-control laws.

    Carr, a Lascassas Republican, is sponsoring legislation that would charge federal agents with a Class A misdemeanor for enforcing or attempting to enforce a federal law or executive order that bans, restricts or requires registration of any semiautomatic gun, accessory or ammunition.

    “I think people ... should be able to defend themselves from tyranny,” Carr said during a press conference.

    The press conference came in response to President Barack Obama’s announcement today that he will seek a $500 million program banning certain military-style guns with high-capacity magazines and require a universal background check for weapons purchases. He also signed 23 executive orders dealing with weapons.

    1. hedgewytch3:16 PM

      Can we please have every single politician from state to federal levels pass a comprehensive exam on the Constitution BEFORE they are elected to office? The stupid just burns! States may not enact laws that supersede the federal government.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      It never seizes to amaze me how some conservative politicians will do the opposite of whatever Obama wants, just to show their opposition towards anything he suggests. It's even more amazing their constituents actually don't see the divisiveness of their action, or see it as a simple act of the politician to help their reelection chances.

  15. That NRA "ad" is obscene.

  16. Anonymous1:10 PM

    So what do you think gina? (snicker)

    That you have been smelling Baldy's dirty panties and the fumes have you talking crazy...that's what I think troll!

    PS...that's PRESIDENT Obama to you "asshole from canada"! LOL!!

  17. Anonymous3:06 PM

    The discussion should be about all violence not just gun violence. What are the root causes of violence in America? The drug culture and the war on drugs is a big part of it. Both sides ramp up their arsenals in fear of the other. Same with dealers and gangs. the more violent response they get, the more violent they become.

    Then look at how the political discussion in this country has gone from just disagreeing to writing the other side off completely and demonizing them. Our politicians can't be civil and polite any more so how do you expect average citizens to respect people of opposing views? It's the "you're either with us or against us" society. People have lost jobs, or families and feel marginalized or just plain ignored and powerless so they do something violent to feel powerful.

    Until you cure all that, you won't be ending violence, including gun violence. If you think you are, you're fooling yourself.

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      3:06 PM Hate mongering is more dangerous to Americans than all that you have suggested.

  18. Anonymous3:53 PM

    TIME Cover Dubs Gabby Giffords A ‘Gunfighter’

  19. Anonymous3:54 PM

    NY Congressman Introducing Ban On 3D-Printed High Capacity Gun Magazines

    Reacting to a viral video of a 3D-printed high-capacity magazine being successfully fired in a semiautomatic rifle, posted online last weekend by the "Wiki Weapon" group Defense Distributed, which aims to democratize firearms manufacturing through 3D printing, New York Democratic Rep. Steve Israel on Wednesday announced he would be introducing legislation to renew a ban on firearms and magazines that can't be picked up by standard metal detectors. The current ban on plastic firearms expires this year. As Israel said in a statement posted to his website:

  20. Anita Winecooler7:18 PM

    I'm impressed with President Obama's speech! Obama Diary had a graphic of POTUS signing a bill, and in the background was an image of the slaughtered innocents in Connecticut.

    "The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a pen"

    Their current post has the actual letters from kids and an entire post on today's event.

    The NRA ad is beyond the pale, and shows how unhinged the NRA has become.

    Let's hope all this hatred settles, that cooler heads will prevail, and we demand a plan and implement it.

    The Crazies are out in full force.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.