Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Rand Paul refers to Benghazi as "the worst tragedy since 9-11." WTF?

"So we have a review board. Review board finds 64 different things that need change. A lot of them are common sense and should be done, but the question is it's a failure of leadership that they weren't done in advance and four lives were cost because of this. I'm glad that you're accepting responsibility. I think that ultimately with your leaving you accept the culpability for the worst tragedy since 9-1. And I really mean that. Had I been President at the time, and I found that you  did not read the cables from Benghazi. You did not read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, I would have relieved you of your post."

Arrogant little teabagging POS!

Who gives a crap who HE would fire if he were the President, the facts are that he has less chance of being the President than even Sarah Palin.

And Benghazi was the "worst tragedy since 9-11?" Has this idiot been living in a hole in the ground?

As terrible as the Benghazi attack was, it only cost four American lives. Four Americans by the way who KNEW their job was dangerous and who accepoted a certain level of risk.

What about the tragedies that have befallen the American since 9-11, and cost substantially MORE than four lives?

What about Katrina, whihc cost 4,081 lives?

What about the BP oil spill, which took eleven human lives, killed untold thousands of sea creatures, and cost billions of dollars?

What about Hurricane Sandy, whihc took 110 lives and also cost billions of dollars?

Or what about the shootings in Tucson, the Aurora movies theater, and Sandy Hook, which each cost more lives than were lost in Benghazi?

Rand Paul is a joke and he completely undeserving to be sitting in the Senate, and on that committee.

Secretary Clinton deserved a better class of people to be asking her questions today. Sadly it appears this is the best the Republican party is capable of producing these days.

(H/T to Upworthy)


  1. Chella2:27 PM

    Is he forgetting all of the attacks and deaths on US embassies while W was president??

    1. I'm pretty sure that they never ever even registered in his tiny little teabagger brain.

    2. Anonymous3:33 PM

      You know, he should be bitch slapped by the Senate for saying that she should be fired!

      He is not snot nosed going to be a one term idiot like scott brown.

      How dare he say that to the woman who could be POTUS in 2016! I bet Bill is seething!

  2. What about Iraq. Hmm..he's a moron. I think he wants to be crowned king.

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Yes, what about the fact that thousands of Americad and Lord knows how many Iraqis died as a result of a lie. How bout the mass shootings at Va Tech, Aurora, Minneapolis, Arizona, etc. How about the eleven deaths and billions of dollars in environmental damage caused by the Deepwater Horizon? And on and on and on. Rand Paul is a moron.

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Obama Urged to Resign Over Beyoncé Scandal
    Posted by Andy Borowitz


    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – A rising chorus of congressional Republicans are calling on President Obama to acknowledge that the pop singer Beyoncé lip-synched during his inaugural festivities on Monday and resign from office, effective immediately.

    “By lip-synching the national anthem, Beyoncé has cast a dark cloud over the President’s second term,” said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky). “The only way President Obama can remove that cloud is by resigning from office at once.”

    While many in the media have blamed Beyoncé for the lip-synching controversy, Mr. Paul said, “We must remember that this happened on President Obama’s watch.”

    Mr. Paul said that the White House’s refusal to comment on the Beyoncé crisis “only serves the argument that this President has something to hide.”

    “If Beyoncé lip-synched the national anthem, how do we know President Obama didn’t lip-sync his oath of office?” he said. “If that’s the case, he’s not legally President. But just to be on the safe side, he should resign anyway.”

    Mr. Paul also blasted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her testimony on Benghazi before the Senate today: “Her tactic of answering each and every question we asked her didn’t fool anyone.”

    Get the Borowitz Report delivered to your inbox.

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Borowitz is like the "Onion" right?

      I fucking hope so!

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      God, he is such an ass.

    3. Anonymous3:52 PM

      That's a little too close to what Paulie really sounds like.

    4. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Rand Paul is really proving to everyone that he's an idiot and is far from being qualified to run for President. He's just another Sarah Palin.

    5. Yes, everything Andy Borowitz writes is satire. He's caught some progressives off guard occasionally, but he does that to the Wrong nearly all the time.

  4. Anonymous2:59 PM

    He is in his own world.

  5. betsy s2:59 PM

    You forgot the war in Iraq.

  6. Anonymous3:05 PM

    And who lost their job for lying about the non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Who lost their job for taking the USA to war for a lie?

    As the Iraqi people about tragedy, Sen. Rand Paul.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      And who lost their job on Wall Street when they collapsed the economy?

  7. Anonymous3:05 PM

    What a disgusting spectacle that was. Mrs. Clinton has worked harder than the entire panel put together, yet there they are sitting in judgement of her. She has worked probably 7 days a week if you include travel time, while it was just revealed that these clowns only work 3 days a week. I saw McCain there, and wish I could ask him when a panel will be assembled to investigate his run for the presidency after choosing the worst possible running mate EVER? THAT should have been questioned, why he would put a moron one heartbeat away from the WH. He is a creepy, lumpy little fart.

    1. I just wrote the WH about the disgusting spectacle that we saw today Rand Paul (I would of fired you) and treasonous John mcCain.
      I told potus JM is a crazy old coot who should be mothballed and Rand Paul should be removed.
      And that all the R's started out with some platitudes to her then tried to go for the jugular.
      I asked him to have the entire Senate of R apologize to her and she could be POTUS in 2016!
      I also told him the American people are sick and tired of the games the Republicans play.

  8. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Hilary is such a badass that she inspired today's announcement that women can now serve in combat zones, hah!

    Rand Paul is just a sniveling bully, reminding us yet again and on video forevah!

  9. Anonymous3:12 PM

    You know, Hill was just sitting there wishing she could
    Say "Fuck You" to that little twerp!

    The only reason he is a Senator is b/c of widespread cheating during the 2010 elections.

    His dad must be so proud...NOT

  10. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I absolutely cannot stand that arrogant little prick. Who the hades does he think he is? Hillary has more smarts in her little finger than he has in his entire body.


  11. Anonymous3:52 PM

    The worst tragedy since 9-11 was Citizens United and the corporate funded hate it spawned (ie The Tea Party).

  12. Anonymous4:02 PM

    All the Republicans know this is their chance to shine for their constituents and the media, and all have been looking forward to this day for a while. All they have are criticism for Hillary, even though they made their criticism before they even had a chance to ask her questions. This is a good example of exploiting a political event in which they all know the cameras will be focused on them, and will be a great opportunity for trying to put a feather in their cap. What I find interesting is there is not much talk about what Hillary is saying, either to those who are criticizing her or what she is saying about the attack itself. Fox will be talking about this for weeks.

  13. Anonymous4:07 PM

    One thing that got a loud cheer from me was from Senator Durbin:

    5 words: Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction!!


    Durbin: 1
    McMoron: -1000

    1. Anita Winecooler7:26 PM

      Loved It!

  14. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Who's manufacturing the Clown Cars in the country as they had better get busy and build more as the others are overflowing with Rethug morons.

  15. Anonymous4:14 PM

    You know, I would really hate to be an employee at a company run by Rand Paul, or that other Republican Senator who you posted a link to earlier today. Both of them stated emphatically that they would fire someone for making a mistake. Now granted lives were lost, and not just some company profits, but they seem to have no interest in, or ability, to listen to the other side and consider that most people are just humans, or that sometimes mistakes happen. No sense of forgiveness or understanding. How Christian of them.

    And isn't 20-20 hindsight always such a simple thing to have. Like the Senator from earlier said if he had had access to those cables, etc. he certainly would have been able to stop this attack from happening. Makes me think of the NRA people who state that if THEY had been in the movie theater in Aurora, CO, and been able to carry their concealed gun that THEY would have stopped the guy before he killed so many people. Right!

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Will Rand Paul demand that his son go to jail for his underage drinking and assault on a Flight Attendant? No, he will make deals to get him off.

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      I'd add that I wouldn't want to be a patient of Paul's as I believe his license to practice is from a Cracker Jacks box as I seriously do not believe he has the proper certifications to carry out eye exams etc. Anyone who did use him are devoid of a brain.

  16. You all might be interested to know that
    1) the RWNJs were high-fiving each other on Twitter and some blogs just minutes after Rand Paul's grandstanding, and
    2) Rand Paul backpedaled from that stupid remark within hours, in an interview by Wolf Blitzer on CNN.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:32 PM

      I'd like to see him face to face with HRC! But we know that won't happen, the coward!

  17. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Secretary Gates in 2008 said:

    "Gates is right about the imbalance between civilian and military power. A new report by Refugees International documents how the current, over-militarized approach is misfiring in Africa. But power has shifted to the Pentagon for a reason: It has the resources. As the report notes, there are more people serving in military bands than in the entire State Department. Changing that balance will require a different kind of NSC architecture."

    More serving in BANDS than entire State Department. I call that wasteful and most certainly does nothing to keep the US safe. That should be one of the major things CUT BACK.

  18. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I heard that exchange on the radio this morning, and all I could think was that I wish she had said something like: "Yes, if you had been President... that's an interesting fantasy, senator..."

    1. I so wish she said this.

    2. I so wish she said this. It would have been fabulous. The ultimate smack down.

  19. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who said Hillary Clinton should be relieved as Secretary of State, indicated on Wednesday afternoon he agreed critics were focusing too much on the particular details of a deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya, and not enough on how to prevent similar incidents from occuring again.

    In a testy exchange with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee earlier today, a visibly riled Clinton forcefully insisted the Obama Administration did not mislead the public.

    "Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans?" Clinton said. "What difference, at this point, does it make? It our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

    Paul concurred.

    "I think she has a little bit of a valid point," he said in an appearance on CNN. "It's not so important whether or not it was movie or what it was. I think what's important, though, in going forward is it not happen again and I think the review board still doesn't get it. I think that we need to have a military commander. We need a Department of Defense in charge of security for embassies in a war zone and nobody has recommended that and I think that's where the ultimate failure is. She has a point about the movie and all of that."

    Watch the video:

    1. Anonymous4:10 AM

      I don't think that Rand Paul is very bright. I can just imagine having the military in charge of diplomacy. Hmmm. Not a great idea on his part. Hillary Clinton has been a superb secretary of state and this nonsense from the Congressional GOP is all about creating a fake reason for opposing her possible run for the presidency in 2016.

  20. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Right Wing Meltdown: Limbaugh and Hannity Claim Clinton Benghazi Hearing is Staged

    Hillary Clinton’s performance at the Benghazi hearing has been so strong that it has triggered a right wing meltdown and claims by Hannity and Limbaugh that the hearing is staged.

    On his radio show today, Rush Limbaugh claimed that Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi hearing is staged:

    Limbaugh said, “Hi, friends. It was a puke fest. It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It was right out of a banana republic. And I’ve seen it all. I mean, in my 62 short years I’ve seen a lot. I’ve never seen groveling, butt kissing, sucking up. I’ve never seen anything like Hillary Clinton’s appearance before a joint congressional committee on that Benghazi guy who went nuts over there in Libya. And I guess everybody’s favorite part, she lost her cool at one point. By the way, she opened up crying, which is part of the script. But our favorite part, she was asked by Senator Johnson why they stuck with the story of the video to explain why the Benghazi guy went nuts.”

    On his radio show Sean Hannity pushed the staged hearing meme:

  21. Anonymous6:01 PM

    What a pompous little prick..paybacks a bitch you dumass..

  22. Anonymous6:21 PM

    So looking forward to Jon Stewart tonight -- to watch him RIP the Clown Car occupiers aka the Rethugs or the Baggers -- you make the choice!!

    No doubt Stewart will rip the morons like Rand Paul and Johnson and I bet McCain too about the Clinton hearing!!

    My popcorn bowl is full, my hot chocolate is ready to be made; my pillow & blankie so I can stretch out and watch in comfort. I better move the table as I don't want to spill my hot chocolate when I bust my gut laughing!!

  23. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Really....Rand Paul to Newtown Parents - "Suck it."

  24. Sharon7:19 PM

    I am so filled with awe today....watching that incredible woman speak with such restraint to those idiots, she is so like Obama. I could not imagine holding back my disgust at their ignorance and esp the comment about this being worse since 9/11. If I was a family member of a life lost in Iraq alone due to lies and deceit of Bush, my head would have exploded! I actually spent most of the 2nd hearing on the couch with my eyes closed, and without a doubt could tell Republican vs Democrat everytime. Putting Rand Paul on that committee was as good a choice as Bachmann on the intelligence committee, Boehner your wonderous abilities never end.

    We have time on our side, in 2 years Fox and the GOP will continue to expose themselves for the terrorists they are, and more young people will be voting. In 2 more years, after winning back the congress, this country should be well on its way with more of us voting, and Hillary is the first woman to break that presidential barrier too. What an outstanding message to the world that would send.....I am dreaming about it.

  25. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

    I'm glad I got to watch a few hours, HRC went in with the highest approval rating, and I bet it's even higher after this epic fiasco.

    I couldn't help but think of Darth Cheyney and what he did to Valerie Plame Wilson. They tried, and failed.
    Go Hilary!!!

  26. Anonymous1:04 AM

    That's the first time that I've ever heard Rand Paul speak. He's an idiot.

  27. Randall3:29 AM

    Rand Paul "If I had been president..."
    Hillary, responding: "Oh really? And what would you do if you were Batman?" (snicker)


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