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Chatfield school security guard Clark Arnold |
A prosecutor in Lapeer, Michigan says, “No harm, no foul,” after a charter school took the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) advice and hired a armed security guard who promptly left his handgun unattended in a student bathroom.
Chatfield School co-directors Matt Young and Bill Kraly announced last week that they had hired retired Lapeer County Sheriff’s Dept. firearms instructor Clark Arnold as a security guard in response to the December mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
“It’s a tremendous asset to the safety of our students,” Young told WNEM in a report that aired on Tuesday.
But by Wednesday, the school had admitted to The Flint Journal that the retired firearms instructor had made a “made a breach in security protocol” and left his unloaded handgun unattended in the school restroom “for a few moments.”
Gee it certainly did not take long for somebody to illustrate what is wrong with the idea of increasing the number of armed guard in the school or arming the teachers.
More guns in an environment filled with children means more accidental shootings and more injured children. If anything this will result in an INCREASE in gun related deaths rather than a decrease.
It certainly doesn't take a genius to figure that out!
In The Los Angeles School District, incidents like that have happened several times. Officers have received 'days off' without pay for those incidents. There have been incidents where officers arrived at their assignments unarmed(forgot their weapon). NRA will not publicize those types of incidents. It's amazing that this officer in Lapeer County was a Firearms Instructor. Keep the Armed Officers on the Perimeter of Schools. We don't need mistakes like that.
ReplyDeleteA deputy is suspended for 18 hours after accidentally shooting a computer screen, a freezer, and frozen baloney inside a closed convenience store.
18 hours!!!
It was a 2011 event, but still relevant.
Hammer time,
DeleteThis was an over-reaction by the media. In fact, the last time I visited eastern TN, in Knoxville, I was assaulted and manhandled by a couple of packages of frozen bologna. I realize some think the problem is a social issue because bologna should be refrigerated, not frozen. But I was an innocent bystander just getting a cup of coffee for the road. In the wee hours of the morning, thinking that, other than the clerk, I was alone in the store, I relaxed and turned my back on the frozen goods area of the store. I'll know better next time, and I'll be carrying my concealed handgun with a couple of extra clips on my belt, just in case the breakfast sausage joins in the altercation. You know how those deli meats and sausage types are when they get together. Mayhem can be the result. Only 2nd amendment remedies will protect the innocent in situations like this.
I agree with your outrage about the eighteen hour suspension. That means if it occurred on a Friday evening and the Deputy worked M-F 8am to 5pm, he couldn't come back to work until... Oh, never mind. Them damn Liibruls wouldn't understand anyhow.
I always get nervous around the freezer case! Always had my doubts about the breakfast sausages, but Who knew deli meats could be THAT dangerous? !?!?!
DeleteGlad you're ok, BBB!!!
Thanks, Anita. I still have nightmares, but am slowly moving forwtanks with my life, thanks to intensive talk therapy, pharmacology and drinking heavily. Fortunately, it was the patties and not link sausage, or I wouldn't be around to tell the story.
DeleteThat explains a lot, BBB!
DeleteI always walk quickly through the frozen food area, especially when I don't have a sweater!
My husband walks really fast when we hit the pickle aisle, for some reason I can't understand, he repeats "Don't get any ideas" while gritting his teeth. Guess it's a venus/mars thing.
I'm in Michigan and read the story on Eclectablog.
ReplyDeleteHere is my post there:
And exactly who are these guards? Do they receive the full training and psychological screening that prospective police officers receive? Do they receive ongoing training on a daily basis in firearms and the pitfalls and consequences to using them?
Because if they are volunteers or rent-a-cops, I do not want them around my loved ones. I do not want Trayvon Martin's killer, or the moron that shot his child in the chest, or the idiot that shot himself in the foot, or the angerbear that decided that 8 shots to an unarmed teenager was an appropriate response to not liking the teenager's music, or the idiot that decided that problems with pizza orders were a good reason to pull out a gun, anywhere around my loved ones!
And these are only the things I read about recently. Owning a gun, or liking guns, doesn't mean that a person should be around other people's loved ones with a gun and I sure as hell don't want them around mine.
And if this guard was a moonlighting police officer, highly trained in gun use and safety? Well, then this a great example of why guns around schools are a bad idea.
Gun nuts can keep them around their own home and loved ones which statistics show is the place most likely to cause death or injury anyway.
I love your second paragraph. Excellent points illustrating how gun ownership doesn't imply responsible use. A friend of mine was at a competitive shoot and one of the yokels shot his own foot. These guys leave their registered and legal guns unsecured at home too, and toddlers and kids end up maimed, brain damaged or dead.
DeleteReading the Shaeffer Cox story and how he felt he had the authority to fine and hang child services for presuming to take his son away from him made me think of this old case, where Homer Police ended up in a shoot-out with Jason Karlo Anderson, a violent drug dealer from Minnesota who was a fugitive in Alaska. He had a 2 years old boy and a baby girl. He always kept them by his side and told Dietzmann he would kill them and as many cops as he could if anyone tried to arrest him.
In a badly planned ambush, Anderson killed himself and the boy was shot in the head (though who shot him is in dispute.)
While the child lived, he was severely brain damaged and requires a ventilator to breathe. He's now 8 and living in a special needs foster home in Minnesota.
Guns don't solve problems, blood is shed and no one is ever happy with the results. But that doesn't make me go after the 2nd Amendment, I just want it regulated as much as any other goods out there. It's the American way.
ReplyDeleteRational Thought
Cafe Press T-shirt time, please
DeleteAnd this idiot was a firearms INSTRUCTOR? Who did he teach? Martians?
ReplyDeleteAny DECENT firearms course includes - in fact, BEGINS with - firearm safety. Hell, even the NRA isn't stupid enough to ignore THAT!
And he just HAPPENED to leave his gun in a bathroom? A STUDENT bathroom? For a few minutes? And why did he even have the thing in his hands in a bathroom? Did he carry it in his skivvies?
Why did he retire? Dementia?
It also means automatically escalating violence. I just don't like it and the co-directors of the Chatfield School are idiots.
ReplyDelete*left his unloaded handgun unattended*
ReplyDeleteUNLOADED?? So he's there to pretend to be ready to defend? Yeah, right.
Is this guy's first name Barney, by any chance?
DeleteIncidents of this sort will only get worse and will escalate.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to disparage anyone, but there is an element in this society that will apply for these armed security 'jobs' at schools and who will, mark my words, not be the sort of people you would want to take care of and watch your dog while you are away for 20 minutes..
This is frightening.
OT but a bit earlier today I had a telephone call from a woman who asked for me by name, she identified herself by name and that she was calling on behalf of the NRA, I instantly bristled. She then proceeded to inform me how our 2nd amendment rights were endanger. I cut her off right there, succinctly told her "no they weren't and to go fuk herself " and hung up ...
ReplyDeletethis is the 2nd time in about a month these idiots have called me with the first one getting roughly the same response. You'd think they'd catch a clue, remove my name from their calling list, that or they enjoy the abuse
Liberate yourself from your landline phone. These fucktards don't bother you on your cell.
Deleteow did you get on the calling list. Me want to personally tell the NRA to fuck off and waste their time and $.
Delete"It certainly doesn't take a genius" but there are no geniuses in the GOP, infact, as far as I can tell there is no one of even average intelligence left in the GOP. Same old crap, day after day. We vote down their ideas (that's democracy, GOP!) and the GOP Governors disobey our votes and relaunch the same idiocy we wanted out. And yet, they pretend to be SO concerned about our rights. Bunch of slimy, lying, greedy and scared idiots. And all with guns.
ReplyDeleteThe alternative of arming teachers had my kids in a sweat. Mrs. So and So armed??? We love Mrs So and So, but she is a loving, gentle Kindergarden teacher who would not know what to do with a firearm any more than her students! (she actually told us parents that!)
ReplyDeleteHave no fear, $arah will show them her "prowess," grizzly mama that she is.....snort!
DeleteYes, Sarah will be snorting... Meth, since cocaine is so expensive these days. Then she can put on a real shootin' exhibition. You betcha.
DeleteI am glad I am not married to Mr Forgetful
ReplyDeleteI am a teacher. The last thing that any of my colleagues, janitors, cafeteria workers, related arts specialists, secretaries, or para-professionals want to do is to be carrying a firearm. VERY, VERY, VERY BAD IDEA! I am also a gun owner. Having the above carrying a firearm at school is a VERY, VERY, VERY BAD IDEA. The NRA, in my opinion, is grasping at very small straws to make this point. They have no idea what the real world is like.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't they want to arm my CPA? What if somebody tried to steal my shoebox of receipts? Who's gonna protect my receipts, if my CPA doesn't carry a gun? Am I just supposed to leave them there in his office? Jeez. The Libruls have already won the war, it seems. I want my CPA packin'.
DeleteNice BBB, but there are serious analogies to this to.
DeleteLast night, I went to pick up my kid from a sports practice.
Another "open" event was going on at this private facility. Likely 500 + kids, some wit and some without parents (it's a small town venue were parents feel safe dropping a kid off for a field house. Absolutely no security of check points.
I keep asking what the difference is between a venue like this and a school, to an attacker? I don't want armed guards at either. We do ave a school resource officer, which I get.
Do we really want the "herp derp" types protecting the children? Hell, a lot of kids have totally fucked up parents and they go to school to escape that.
ReplyDeleteHuh, it's a liberal arts elementary and middle school with a focus on individuality and ecology. Bad me, I immediately assumed it was a bible study passing for a school. What the hell were these Progressives thinking?
Not necessarily progressives. Window dressing on an ALEC project?
DeleteAnd there you have it, folks.
ReplyDeleteAll we need is a good guy with a gun for every bad guy with a gun. The NRA CEO said so!
Of course, at Fort Hood that theory was proven to be desperately wrong.
I wonder how many children will be caught in the crossfire when the good guy and bad guy shoot it out.
A fucking moron. Way to go.
ReplyDeleteA similar thing happened in the school my son attends. A Cop came in for "Career Day", used the restroom, and left a loaded service revolver on the radiator. It was found by a student, who sent someone to get a teacher while he guarded the weapon. Luckily, it was a high school and no one got hurt.
ReplyDeleteWhat if a curious grade schooler thought it was a toy?
It happens more than people realize, I wonder how many go unreported?
"No harm, no foul" ??? Seriously????
Classisexample of retarded american exceptionalism!
ReplyDeleteFuck! I can be fired for not getting the flu shot, yet this stooge still has a job???????????
ReplyDeleteWho is this guy, Barney Fife? He's got a gun but it isn't loaded? If there's a problem does he need to run to the principle and ask for a bullet or is he allowed to carry ONE in his shirt pocket? Geez Louise.
ReplyDeleteThis "story" has some stink to it, and so do most of the responses to it.
ReplyDeleteFirst, what is the whole story? In what context did it supposedly happen? Who discovered the gun? Who reported it? When did it happen? (Date and time) Were kids in the school at the time? Why was the gun unloaded?
And why isn't this story available at the Flint Journal, the paper the above story quotes as getting the admission from school officials that this incident happened? http://www.mlive.com/flintjournal/ Why is this story only available on liberal blog sites.
And this quote from Griffen, "More guns in an environment filled with children means more accidental shootings and more injured children."
As I recall being told here, accidents don't matter. That's why we can accept automobiles which kill way more children than guns. Because auto's do it accidentally and guns are made to purposely kill people. So if you're going to start going after guns because in your mind they may accidentally kill kids, you have to go after cars which accidentally kill way more kids. And don't forget cell phones which accidentally kill kids when some teenager gets their hands on them and texts when they drive.
dang librul bloggers got it all wrong!
Deleteyeah, lefties are at it again!