Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Feds and media debunk Sarah Palin's claim that the government is "stockpiling bullets."

Courtesy of Politico:  

The feds say Sarah Palin is firing blanks with her claim that the government is “stockpiling bullets” for potential civil unrest in case the country defaults on its loans. 

While government agencies are, in fact, purchasing large amounts of ammunition, they are doing so for training exercises and shooting ranges, according to federal officials. The Washington Post last month summed up the Department of Homeland Security’s buying of more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition for training with an article headlined, “Not so sinister: Homeland Security is stockpiling ammo for target practice.” 

“Media reports expressed concerns over the type of ammunition ordered,” the statement continued, apparently referring to hollow-point bullets. “In fact, this type of ammunition is standard issue for many law enforcement agencies. OIG’s special agents use this ammunition during their mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions, to ensure agent and public safety. Additionally, the ammunition our agents use is the same type used at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.” 

Meanwhile, as the Atlantic Wire noted on Wednesday, Snopes had debunked the rumor last August tracing it (in part) to an anonymous online conspiracy letter from last August. 

Palin - who wrote on her Facebook page on Tuesday, “We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest” - joins conservatives Alex Jones of, who wrote about the ammo buy last year, and radio host Mark Levin, who said on his radio program earlier this month that the government is “arming up” because society is “unraveling.” 

So now Palin is firmly identified along with the looniest of the Right Wing lunatics.

And thanks to these recent Facebook rants, she has made that abundantly clear, even among those who may have once thought she had something viable to offer in the political sphere.

With every tweet and ghostwritten Facebook post she drains a little more out of the pool of support that she still has left, until, as we are seeing today, she becomes nothing more than a barometer to measure the incompetence of political figures, a fall back joke for late night comedians, and a cautionary tale for those who want to parlay their fifteen minutes of fame into a life of wealth and luxury.


  1. Considering the low-light luminaries like Palin who have been invited to CPAC 2013, and her alignment with the RWNJs of the Republican Party, I can see why Chris Christie is not concerned with his snubbing by CPAC. I'd be secretly applauding at their rudeness if I were him.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Those who see conspiracies most want them to come to fruition.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Sarah has been firing blanks since she could first speak. The ONLY thing that has allowed her to get where she is in life is how she parlays her sexuality. There was a time that Sarah was physically attractive. Not anymore. She is so used up and unappealing, though the mouth breeders in their wheelchairs, at the Pee Pond, would beg to differ with me. LOL.

    She isn't smart, she isn't funny, she isn't kind, she isn't compassionate, she isn't honest. She has banked on her 'looks' with her beauty pageant mentality for so many years that she is floundering like a fish out of water as her looks and her 'sexiness' just keep slipping away.

  4. And now I'd like to quote a very well known, truly inspirational, wise,and intellectually gifted political figure. But, I instead will quote that bionic-brain-dead-bimbo....SP.


    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Judge Judy wrote a book that describes Palin PERFECTLY. The title - "Beauty Fades, Dumb is FOREVER"Personally, I never viewed Palin as a beauty, not with those crossed eyes, screechy voice and rancid speeches.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      I'm with you in not ever seeing her as having any level of beauty. She wears a ton of make-up, fake lashes and wigs to conceal her actual below average looks. It's the same kind of morphing magic that Hollywood tries to work with aging or unattractive actors so I will only allow that she, at times, appeared photogenic. Wonder what her adoring fans think of the Hawaii vacation photos??? lol Her looks, like her act, are one huge con job and the ones that fall for it deserve to be fleeced.

      But, you are on the mark about that screechy, sing-song high-pitched voice of hers. Gave up listening to her rants long ago, reading them is painful enough.

  5. Poor ol' Palin. She's now just like those losers who leave HS yet come back day after day, hanging around the edge of the campus. Nothing worthwhile to do, nothing worthwhile to say, nothing worthwhile to make the world a better place. Now, like we smart thinking liberals, even the Rethugs don't want her, the cheap Teaps can't afford her anymore and she's gotten way too old to fake another pregnancy for attention.

    I just hope someone in a justice dept somewhere is counting up her treasonous, seditious words.

  6. Anonymous12:31 PM

    WHERE'S TRI-G???

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      "WHO"? asks $carah.

  7. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Sadly, the conspiracy nutters have jumped on this as yet another reason why they need to stockpile weapons. It's a shame that the US doesn't have hate-speech laws like other more civilized countries have on their books to protect citizens from horrific events inspired by crazies like Palin and Beck. If someone is inspired by her irresponsible rant, I would hope that federal charges be brought against her for instigating any violent act.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      As if they needed another reason to stockpile weapons.

    2. god, it's just one conspiracy after another with them, isn't it? First Obama's not born in america, then both of the Obamas got their lawyer's licenses taken away, then democrats are gonna bus in illegals to vote for Obama to steal the election, then Benghazi, now this? Jesus Christ, they ALWAYS need something to be panicked about. They're like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off.

    3. Anonymous6:39 PM

      There's a new one out there too, the POTUS and Congress get their salaries for life as pensions - Uh no. (Look it up Teabaggers.)
      Then they compare this to what social security pays - SSI was never meant to replace pensions of individuals.


  8. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Palin, as usual, is stockpiling bullshit.

  9. Anonymous12:44 PM

    i'd find it truly redeeming if one of $carah's mouth breathin' followers went all out yolanda saldivar on her $kank ass, karma at it's best

    also too -
    chuck_tard jr, you fat griftin' worthless sack of shit, go fuk yerself

  10. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Sarah Palin claims to have a degree in Communications. I'm sure she was told repeatedly that a reporter must verify his or her facts, and cite their origin.
    Any editor would have thrown this back at her and told her to rewrite it.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      I bet there is nowhere on this earth that you can find a college degree with Sarah's name on it.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Amen. Just like there is no birth certificate stating that Trig whatever Palin was born in April 2008.

  11. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Oh Sarah, you miserable, lying loser, don't you get it? You are disdained, ridiculed, called out, smacked down, fired and ignored, since you have no relevancy to the general world at large.

    oh sure, you can sing the the choir of sycophants that suck on your political nipple, and you can swim with the plethora of political lightweights and losers that will descend upon CPAC, but as far as anyone with sanity and education that doesn't immerse themselves in evangelical rhetoric, you are not even an afterthought.

    It's fun to come to Gryphen's blog and bash the holy shit (or should I say pee) out of you. It's so easy since you're so predicable. And you've earned every last bash with your hate mongering, pot stirring, fascistic, theocratic bullying. How very satisfying to see how Mother Karma is kicking your scrawny little ass.

    1. You are so mean-spirited, and i feel sorry for you, and you need to grow up and stop being immature and judging people you don't know.


      Does anyone else wish the trolls would come up with something a tad less predictable? But it's always the exact same thing because they don't have any original thoughts.

    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      "don't have any original thought"? You mean like Palin? Same bullcrap, different day.

    3. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Anon 2:05. Why don't we talk about what we know what is the truth about Sarah. For convenience I'll just list them.

      1. Like her mother, herself, her daughter, and her son all had premarital sex and either got pregnant, or got someone else pregnant. Where are the morals in that type of behavior.

      2. Put her friends who had no experience in charge of a state owned dairy.

      3. Lived at home while collecting money for traveling expenses.

      4. Was found guilty by a Congressional committee made up of 2/3's of Republicans, for misusing her office.

      5. Lied the nest day after the finding was out saying they found her not guilty.

      I've just listed the easy ones that came to my head first, but I would ask others to add to the list. Just give us a reply and explanation for the first 5. We'll be waiting for your response.

    4. Loose Era4:57 PM

      Dont' forget Tawd. He is a premarital impregnator, too. Also Chuck Jr. And, Chuck Sr. It's a disease with these folks.

    5. Anonymous8:36 PM

      4:57 PM Tawd did not impregnate Sarah before their hasty wedding, Curtis Menard did.

  12. Smirnonn1:07 PM

    Gotta admit it. Sarah Palin is EXTREMELY talented and gifted. She's a natural, through and through.

    Sad thing is her talents lie in stupidity, grifting and divisive, paranoid rhetoric. Just goes to show everyone is special in one way or another.

  13. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I know that an erudite response with greater length might have more impact, but I think this succinct statement will suffice-

    What a stupid bitch.

  14. Oh how I love this picture of Baldy! Look at her....

    Looka like a MAN....check

    Having a hot flash...check

    Fangs bared...check

    Claw like hand balled in a fist...check

    Wearing dark frame glasses in a pitiful attempt to look smart...check

    Nostrils flared after smelling her own stench...check

    Yep...that's our Baldy....still getting laughed at...CHECK


    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      She has her 'grizzled mama fist bump going on that's for sure. She's so tough...yeah, so tough she jumped ship on the people of Alaska after half her term...

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Since I know you pay attention, the downflags are outnumbering the upflags over on the "P". Great fun, and they are all trying to be happy about the fact that the more "downs" they get the more it means they are getting under the "libs" skin, but suffice it to say, the most upflags that any one comment has reflects the actual number of folks that "Stand with Sarah" at the "P" and that at the moment is 21. Yes, she has 21 die hards that have her back...and that does not a Presidential campaign make!

    3. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Oh, but the GOP is certain that four million NRA members will enable them to regain the Senate and keep Boehner's ramshackle House next year...keep sending Rove and the Kochs your hard-earned cash...they will be sure to waste it on lies and false attacks to scare you into voting GOP..and they will LOSE....again.

    4. Anonymous3:02 PM

      1:48. The 21 people who "Stand with $carah" are likely relatives depending on her for support, or people who have been blackmailing her to keep quiet about Trig and Bristles many pregnancies. None of them want the money to stop flowing.

    5. Anonymous4:27 PM

      The 21 are also multiple IDs of the same people. Might only be about 10 or 12

    6. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Her fans over there are dropping like flies - Peppers, Exodus, Yankee. Soon the officiaous Virginia Gentleman, who spends what he knows are his last days calling Democrats names on the interet. what a life.

      Plus none of those rocket scientists can figure out the comment system and the vast bulk of the comments are about how to work it.

    7. Anonymous6:22 PM

      BWAHAHAHA!!! Dog help me I have to stop reading the comments at the funny Palin Cult site today was my only day off and I spent too big a chunk of it there, are those real people? The angst over the evil down arrows is so comical yet a tad sad!.

    8. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Indeed. If you only have five minutes, ding a couple of them and then come back later to read about all their butt-hurt. It knocks them off the rails when they realize that some of the down-arrows must be from "one if their own" because of the disparity in the number each receives. I leave a message every now and then and disagree nicely with a couple of them, so I don't get banned. It burns them up not to agree on every single thing non-Sarah-related like on Rubio or Christie. lol

    9. OMG! I can't stop laughing at the Asylum...check out this fool...

      cheers2all cheers2all • an hour ago

      Thank you, whoever you are "down arrow"!

      cheers2all cheers2all • an hour ago

      Ah, it took you a whole minute to respond. You're getting sloppy.

      Are you having as much fun as I do?

      cheers2all cheers2all • an hour ago

      Getting better. This time was a bit faster

      cheers2all cheers2all • an hour ago

      I see you called reinforcements.

      Can't handle it by yourself, can you down arrow?


      cheers2all cheers2all • an hour ago

      What happened???

      I thought you died?

      It took you 7 minutes this time.

      I missed you :-)

      Get a hold of yourself, and be on target from now.

      You're not as much fun if you can't keep up.

      cheers2all cheers2all • an hour ago

      Sad, but enjoy it while it lasts. It won't be long before you'll have to either sign and respond, or blow up with anger for not being able to use your cowardly down arrow way out."


      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...insanity...thy name is Conservatives4Palin!

    10. Holy Cow! This is what one of the nuts wrote to DISQUS...

      " Freempg • 3 hours ago

      I posted a comment below about an ongoing discussion I am having with a Disqus rep on down-arrowing, or down-voting as she calls it. Here is the latest:

      Thank you ____ very much. That was very nice of you to go out of your way.

      I am aware that one must log in before having access to the down
      arrow. It does not solve the problem, however, as the down-arrow poster
      cannot be identified even though logged in (I am not aware moderators
      can identify them by IP number, which would be good if they could).

      The use of the down arrow has become a tool of bullies who gang up
      and down arrow even the most innocuous comments. I have seen this most
      prevalently on political blogs. I post quite a bit on one and have made
      friends there over the years. We discuss a variety of issues including
      our personal lives. For example, a friend is suffering serious heart
      problems. He posts to the group to keep us updated on his progress. The
      bullies have taken to down arrowing comments like those.

      Please suggest to your team that they take a look at this posthaste
      if at all possible. It is getting ugly out there and is likely to get
      worse sooner rather than later.

      I liked the "Like" option on pre-2012 where those who Liked could be
      identified and those who didn't had no choice but to voice their opinion
      in writing at which point they could be dealt with fair and square.

      Thanks again for your time.


      Her response:

      No problem. Happy to help. Thanks again for the feedback - the specific
      examples you provided are helpful! I've forwarded this comment on to the
      team as well, as I know the arrows/likes thing is something they've
      been discussing. The team is open to hearing suggestions/feedback, so
      rest assured that your concerns are being heard and discussed!
      Or...disqussed? :)

      Hey y'all it's official Baldy's Bots have CRACKED! LMAO!

    11. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Ha, ha, Gina M. We've been having fun at the expense of the Pee Pond and their sensitivity to the "down arrow" thing on their commenting software. It's only fun because they get so mad about it and two days from now I'm sure we'll get bored!

    12. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Unfortunately I think PeePond denizen the officious Virginia "gentleman" may be around for quite a while. He's only having a defib/pacemaker inserted, though he and the other lunatics moan and groan and pray to Jeebus about it like he's having some sort of experimental surgery. Plus his poor devil of a wife is working 16-hour shifts while he sits around all day on the Internet. I wonder if he, too, is RAM, like Brian the Anus?

    13. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Gina @ 7:18

      that was I that had that toothless 'tard's blood pressure red linin' yesterday.

      Luv bein' able to fuk with those dipshits - LMAO !

  15. Anonymous1:12 PM

    That is one psychotic bitch.

  16. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I think Sarah has just gone 'round the fuckin' bend. Bless her heart

  17. "So now Palin is firmly identified along with the looniest of the Right Wing lunatics."

    She has NEVER been anywhere else!

    slightly off topic - Seems the stupid that is CPAC is going to be know less for who attended - than for who didn't attend. All talk on Gov Christie - no talk on the loonies who are speaking.

  18. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:24 PM

    Some Comments Floating Up Like Flotsam from the Sea (for your viewing pleasure):

    1. A thoughtful exchange (verbatim):

    "It amazes me how fearless she is! I truly believe Sarah Palin represent the clearest watch dog of American politics nowadays. I just hope that ALL of her family loaded their homes with a lot of ammunition, tanks, ARs, shotguns, BBguns, riffles, heck, even swords, knives, whatever they can get their hands on 'cause If she keeps calling it out like this, these mobs won't stop until they silent her and her family completely."

    "Reply: And what makes you think that you will be safer than she is?"

    "Reply: Huh?"

    2. Oh, you mean like Sarah's kids?

    "That's an awesome and heartwarming video that Sarah linked to. There are kids raised with decency and respect for others, and we need to hear more about them. Thanks for the link, Sarah!"

    3. Taco Bell Grande Projection Supreme:

    "Back in 2010 I had a very scary run-in with a deranged Paul-bot. He was on the verge of becoming physically violent when the topic of politics came up, especially when Sarah Palin's name was mentioned. He could cite chapter and verse her weaknesses, and how we all needed to turn to Dr Paul if we wanted to survive. Even after I pointed out that Sarah Palin was quite supportive it didn't calm him. If anything, it made him angrier than ever. (And he made clear that violence was an option. Pretty scary guy, mainly because he was so unhinged.)..."

    4. In-Sanity We Trust, All Others Pay Cash:

    "I trust Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords. But, in the human realm, I trust Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz."

    And the battle of the down arrows goes on and on and...

    We wade so you don't have to!

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      C4p, Faux Christianity and Idolatry at its finest.

    2. It doesn't matter how many guns, bazookas, thumbtacks, or whatnot Sarah has stashed away in the "middle of the wilderness" where she lives. We all saw how she handled that rifle on her reality show.
      Secondly, a mob? Really? grab your torch and pitchforks kind of mob? After Sarah? These people really do have an overly romanticized fantasy of her playing out in their heads. They must get off on the thrill that they are part of a revolution and that their Queen is defending the castle.

    3. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Those fucking assholes at the sea are REPULSIVE with their worship of that lying thieving money hungry bitch!
      "My Dear Friends In Sarah"
      "In heaven I trust Jesus, Sarah on Earth"
      "What would Sarah Do?

    4. Anonymous2:28 PM

      The Palin's home in Wasilla is really right in the middle of town, right in city limits on the lake! I don't know where her new residence in AZ is located since she has abdicated her AK throne for that of Arizona ( and we Alaskans and especially Wasillans are happy that she is no longer "one of us"!)

      I've heard that the AZ place is on the outskirts of Phoenix/Tuscon/Scottsdale/Desert Hell of some sort but not sure exactly where. Suffice it to say, Arizona, you can have her!

    5. Anonymous2:32 PM

      "What would Sarah do?" Well, that's easy. Tell whatever lie will bring in her next paycheck. Oh, and hop the next plane out of Wasilla, because heaven knows she can't stand being a mother.

    6. Anonymous2:55 PM

      We don't want her or her family here in Arizona! She's not welcome.

    7. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Sorry 2:55pm, she's yours now! You should have had a conversation with Jonny Mac before he grabbed her up as his VP nom! I almost think that dead looking, dried up hot and awful looking desert somehow fits her better than her in AK where our summers are green and lush and wet and lovely. Yes, she's like a dusty old lizard, just like McCain, and she has found her niche, down there, in the sand and dirt. Couldn't be a better fit!

  19. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I personally believe that Mark Levin has a hard-on for Sarah...big (but probably actually small) time.
    He's the one she called in on the afternoon she announced the breathtaking news that she wasn't running for president, remember?? He interviewed her on his radio show, instead of Sarah going on Fox News first to announce (the inevitable). Those of use who pay attention to this psycho of a woman knew she wasn't going to run...she doesn't have the cajones to.

    I suspect Mark and Sarah constantly e-mail each other....Sarah gets her talking points from someone..and I believe it's probably Levin.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      I have thought the same thing. too coincidental that she usually texts or fbooks HIS latest talking points

  20. Anonymous1:45 PM

    The level of falsehoods in her statements are directly proportional to her waning popularity. The less popular, the more outrageous the lies.
    This is taking a page from the Glenn Beck & Rush Limbaugh method.


    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      I'd agree with you Canuck, except for one thing: The lies she tells, and her stupidity, ignorance, and xenophobia is exponentially proportional to her waning popularity.

      $arah is so desperate to get attention, to gin up controversy, and to be makin' stuff up that she'll do or say anything now.

      Just wait til $arah gets to CPAC.

      Her ghostwritten speech is going to leave civility far behind, and her rants about that commie Kenyan socialist Muslim guy who thinks he's President is gonna be sumpin to behold.

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Agree. And it's not that she riles up a lot of people, but riles up the worst of them to higher levels.

      The GOP are only using her for the few voters she has left. Shows you how desperate they are.

    3. Bob Charles7:23 PM

      Hey 3:28! Is the Tundra Turd getting paid to perform at the CPAC circus?

  21. Anonymous1:51 PM

    But, but, but Sarah Palin is right. The US Military IS stock piling bullets, weapons and every other instrument of war. That's their business. Our military spends more than the next 13 or 14 nations combined. As far as those gun nuts, survivalists, doomsday hoarders, independence and secessionists are concerned, they couldn't match that kind of fire power.

    Sarah, how would you like it if the border guards saw some people sneaking over the boarder but they hadn't bothered to stockpile bullets, so they couldn't stop them. What happens when Putin rears his head, where does he go-- over Alaska, you betcha. Don't you want the US Military to meet him with force, might and bullets?? Do you really think that the AIP can hold Putin off? On one hand, Sarah praises the military and trots out Track's service at every chance she can get. I'm sure that she wants him to be well armed in case he meets an enemy. So, they do have to stockpile bullets-- so Track can use them. Where is Keith Olbermann, anyway? That woman is an idiot.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Track is in the army? Really? I just saw him at Wal-Mart the other day with a tall blond.

  22. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Sarah says the most outrageous things so people will notice her. You can see that it works. All that she has to do is gin up some scare tactics, talking about wetting panties, proverbial, lacy or otherwise, and Sarah gets noticed-- sometimes for all the wrong reasons.

    1. Skunky7:14 PM

      Is that the same as "all wee weed up!"?

  23. Anonymous1:55 PM

    This idiot is so full of shit! But, we've known that for years in Alaska!

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Ah, but she is Arizona's native daughter now. At least we no longer have to claim her as our own here in AK! Jeebus be praised for sure!

    2. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Did she and Todd actually move to Arizona or are they here as "winter visitors?" Do you know whether or not they left Wasilla? I hadn't heard this.

    3. Anonymous3:58 PM

      The majority of Alaskans would love to see the Palins/Heaths become permanent residents of AZ! When they are in Alaska they don't rear their ugly heads much in Wasilla and we assuredly don't see them in Anchorage, Juneauites cannot stand Sarah and Todd and I doubt they've been there since she quit! She and Todd (remember he did a lot of her work when she was quitter gov!) will go down in Alaska history as idiots - in fact, they might not even be mentioned in history books come to think of it. I don't think Palin is on the wall (pictures) w/all the other govs in Juneau. That tells you something right there!

    4. Anonymous5:09 PM


      Not sure if Todd has changed residence but many here in Wasilla have said that Sarah is no longer an AK resident but is residing in AZ at least for 7 months per year.

    5. Skunky7:13 PM

      Does Sarah still collect her free Alaskan money for the year?

  24. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Sarah Palin is completely made of "bunk."

  25. Anonymous2:02 PM

    The IB Times usually leans right but not this time...sorry Sarah:

  26. Anonymous2:14 PM

    If she's in bed with Levin and Alex Jones and dead old Breitbart (don't forget she loves a little necrophilia - watch out Terrie Schiavo), it shows just how far her circle of influence has shrunk. The major TV networks are staying away in droves. No more reality shows for her ultra-boring family....

    and if I'm any judge, Disqus will be getting rid of quite a few of her mouth-breathing PAC donors.

  27. Randall2:23 PM

    YES: the United States Government has stockpiles of ammunition's called "the military"

    ...and they also have tanks and planes and...


    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Great! She's too stupid to realize that, though.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Don't tell me that they use REAL bullets in military combat!

      I thought those 800+ bases in more than 125 countries around the world were using nerf rocket guns and bows & arrows with the rubber stoppers on the tips.

      Clutching my pearls. Oh my!!!

  28. Anonymous3:24 PM


    You were right from the beginning about all of those gun goons needing prosthetics. See the story at Raw Story. Link:


  29. Leland3:41 PM

    If I may - without getting too badly slammed - I would like to point out something I find quite amusing.

    This posting was entered at 12PM. In about 7.5 hours it has gotten 49 of the same types of angry comments that pop up EVERY TIME something is posted about her.

    And I also find it very disheartening that while there are almost always well over a hundred comments posted for each one (this one is just getting started) there are other postings that are of a far more critical nature that seem to draw next to no comments at all. Things like the way the Repubes are trying to destroy our education system with religious teachings or the absolutely stunningly stupid comment made by the teacher who said gays have no purpose.

    If we truly would like to see this bitch go away, wouldn't it be nice to simply ignore her or at best make one or two snide comments. Let's face it, I would bet she gets more "press" here than in newspapers.

    Someone here, in this thread, stated she has 21 people following her on the "P". Apparently there are over twice that many here.

    I understand it is fun to laugh at her, but can it at least be done with different comments each time?

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM


    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Leland @ 3:41:

      Time for you to take a break from Sarah threads, Leland. It happens to ali of us at one time or another, so nothing personal. But anytime you are deflecting criticism AWAY from the Quitter, you are playing defense for the other side. So although I'm sure you won't be "slammed" as you fear, hopefully you will be enlightened instead.

      Considering that you are one person with one opinion and there are many who feel differently at this moment, please consider that your opinion, while usually valid and insightful to us, might be one which is not shared by all at this time.

      The fact that you are perceiving these comments to be the same as expressed before is a symptom of your fatigue, so don't feel like you can't take a break sometime. We'll be here just as long as Gryphen keeps the lights on and Palin is talking her same old crazy screech.


    3. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Suggestion to Leland....


    4. Anonymous5:11 PM

      My opinion is that I agree with Leland. Comment away about palin. But it is sad that other good posts get nada.

    5. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Most would consider 'nada' to be synonymous to nothing or zero. Since I have left a comment on almost every post without exception for the past four+ years, it's disappointing to read that you consider my comments to be "nothing", but that is your right. Hopefully, some of those who read the articles but did not have time nor felt compelled to comment have a different opinion.

      If you think this is a phenomena exclusive to IM, you might want to check out the Gun Nuts (that's really the blog title name) at Field & Stream, in which a commentary critiquing Sarah Palin's improper (unsafe) gun handling and hunting techniques were criticized by experienced hunters, many of whom actually agreed with most of her politics, if not her methods of screeching her hatred. The number of comments increased as much as 10-fold over recent articles of interest to the readers of the blog with over 260 at last count. Palin is a polarizing person, and makes a living spreading hate.

      Some of us choose to tamp down Palin's efforts in kind as a protest to her incivility. If you decide to join in the effort, you are welcome. If not, that is fine. Just step aside and we'll be on our way.

      You expressed your opinion and now I've expressed mine. Have a good evening.

    6. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Sounds like Leland is suffering from Sista Sayrah burnout, an understandable ailment shared by the Country.
      Get some rest from Palin related threads, get well dear one.

    7. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Yeah, Leland is a good hardy soul and a true warrior. But anyone can be overcome by the toxic fumes that Sarah emits. Each of us needs to spend an extra minute or two in the decontamination booth to get all of the Palin-Heath koodies off before we come back into our world.

  30. Anonymous3:55 PM

    When are they going to lock this crazy fucktard up? She is a danger to this country, and definitely a danger to the President and his family. This ignorant Bitch is not going to stop, until she and her secessionist husband, are placed in jail. Gabby Gifford, and the innocent victims of Tucson were her first strike. Lets not give her another. It is time that law enforcement take this knuckle head Bitch down, along with all of her anarchist followers. Ted Nugent are you listening? Freedom of speech does not give you the right to yell fire in a crowded theater. Nor does freedom of speech extends to lunatics.

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Do you ever stop to think for a moment that Palin might fall victim to her own crazy talk?

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Anon@ 5:07

      Sarah's career has crashed due to her crazy talk and her inability to communicate as an adult. She cannot concentrate on her message because she is too thin-skinned to take criticism as feedback for her own improvement. It is a weak person who surrounds herself only with those who agree with her. And it is an inept person who cannot discern good advice from bad.

      Sarah is a failed reality TV personality. That was the height of her career.

    3. Anonymous8:43 PM

      5:07 That's what journalist call "believing your own press releases".

      Sarah seems to think that if she makes it up and repeats it often enough EVERYONE will soon believe it. False.

      She also seems to think that if SHE believes it,it MUST be true. Also False.

  31. Anonymous4:52 PM

    We know from Shailey Tripp’s book that Todd is a master manipulator of women. From the day he married Sarah, he was in a position to manipulate her. Because Sarah was pregnant when he married her, whether it was his child or not, Todd was in a position to manipulate Sarah. Todd was with her when she spoke in Texas and embarked on the incredible journey back to Alaska, when she was supposedly in labor with Trigg. When the story broke that Todd was a pimp, it was Sarah, not Todd who denied the allegations. Ms. Tripp explained in her book that Todd specifically asked her to pay attention to the particular desires and interests of her customers. Ms. Tripp documented in her book that some of her clients were members of the APD and the Anchorage FBI. With the introduction of David Chaney to Shailey Tripp, and Mr. Chaney’s subsequent visit to Shailey Tripp, Todd Palin put himself in a position to manipulate Sarah’s own body guard. If Todd Palin provided prostitutes to men in power along the campaign trail, there is no limit to the potential black mail that Todd Palin could have committed on politicians and law enforcement officers along the way.

    We have seen Sarah Palin play the victim in a variety of settings. Perhaps she is as much a victim in her own house as she is on the national stage.

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      4:52 As many have posted here, some with credentials to know professionally, Sarah has the tell-tale signs of having been sexually abused as a child.

      The comment about kids always losing their underwear and Sarah sleeping naked on school outings are big clues.

      Plus, the residual affects of early abuse.

      Sarah may well be being abused by Todd. And while she is or may be a victim (no one deserves to be abused or victimized no matter what their own personal behaviors) she can get help and turn things around.

      Same with the kids.

      I'm sure there are many who would gladly help them and keep their confidences confidential.

      I wish them well. It's a hard journey out of abuse, but many have made it to a much better life.

  32. Anonymous5:02 PM

    When will they lock up all those fuckers? Not soon enough

  33. WakeUpAmerica6:29 PM

    More lies and hyperbole from the Tundra Turd. Yeah, she sure is someone to admire! Looking at you, Krazy Kristy Krackhead, RAM, and Ivy.

  34. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Gryphen would you consider doing an update post on the Palins & Shawn Christy's court case?

  35. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Shailey Tripp is taking questions on Bladecatz' blog. Maybe you could do a follow up interview, as the Boys Will Be Boys book is a year old now.

    1. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Great idea! Don't forget to give your money to the fat gross whore, she'll thank you by skipping town and telling you to eat shit and die.

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      The gross whore is Sarah Palin, the wife of a Pimp. 10:45 is a Palin Gross Panty sniffer
      and Pimp sympathizer.

    3. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Yeah 10:45, clearly you are a Palin Panty sniffer and gross to boot!
      Ms. Trip is not an ACTUAL whore is she?
      She did not on her blog tell one of her supporters to eat shit and die now did she?
      She NEVER up and left her financial supporters high and dry, did she?
      It is not gross to sell your body to numerous men for money, is it?

    4. Anonymous8:27 AM

      I give Shailey Tripp a lot of credit for going forward and exposing Todd Palin for the pimp predator and abuser of women that he is.
      That said, she does have some major character flaws that are ignored only by those completely blinded by Sarah Palin, unable to be a little bit objective and sane.

    5. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Anon 8:27 I was with you until you implied that critics of Sarah Palin are uncapable of objectivity or sanity.

      Surely Shailey has a few character flaws. We all do and I imagine if you are forced into prostitution by a little bully like Todd Palin, you are game for criticism.

      But I am thinking you are 10:45 and 8:16, talking to yourself. Are things too slow at the See of Pee or are you just tired of talking to yourself over there?

    6. Anonymous10:07 AM

      8:16 AM You just described Bristol and Willow, but they give it up for drugs and a few wine coolers, and get pregnant multiple times. Where are their Husbands? Who are the Fathers of their multiple hidden children? How's their Pimp Daddy? Is it not gross to sleep with multiple men as Unwed Teens? 'Snort'.

    7. jcinco10:41 AM

      you're so bitter, sarah.

    8. Anonymous12:54 PM

      I raised 4 children in my own and never once had to sell my body doncha know.
      No one forced the lazy fat cow, but then what are you've got to say,you're probably one of the dolts who gave her money. Lol!

    9. Anonymous1:29 PM

      12:54 PM I hope that you didn't try to Home-School those 4 kids, you fail at English Grammar. Since when are Prostitutes lazy?
      Todd Palin and his Cronies forced them to work many many hours. Some of your Relatives were probably 'clients'. Did YOU work for Todd?
      You are probably one of those Fools who gave money to Sarahpac for her Family Vacations and the Wasilla Baby Factory. Where are the Fathers to Sarah's Grandkids? Are any of Sarah's Grown 'OFF' SPRING(pun intended)Married? Sarah is the wrong representative for Family Values.

  36. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Ten glorious weeks of Palin-free TV.

    I am loving not seeing her smug face and listening to her word salad.

    From Fox to Facebook -- not quite the same.

  37. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Oh, come one, our check was only $878 this year! That covers about half the average mortgage payment up here so I can't imagine any of them remaining "Alaskan" for that piddly amount of dollars!

  38. Anonymous8:54 PM

    6:20 We went through this in a post months ago. If you check the 2012 PFD pay-outs (or maybe it was who applied?) and the Palins were not on the list.

    I think they would face too much .... I can't even think of a word .... from people if they did apply.

    Plus, if they applied illegally they face losing ALL future PFDs and are suppose to pay back the old ones. They like money too much to risk that.

    And YES, I was surprised to see they had not applied. In fact I commented at the time that Track, if he had been out of the state for military reasons, DID qualify for his PFD, but didn't apply.

  39. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Another slap against the fraud princess which points out that she may have lifted part of her rant right out of the offending spammed conspriacy letter:

  40. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Jansing & Co. is covering crazy wackadoodle Palin's "stockpiling ammunition" conspiracy theory. The Congresswoman, Diane Black, who she is speaking to won't even mention the wretch's name...she just pivots to the adult conversation to be had related to mental health, violent culture and gun control.

  41. Anonymous8:07 AM

    To obtain the annual PFD check from the State of Alaska, you have to reside in the state a certain number of days during the year. The application form specifically asks when you were out of the state - dates and all the information can be verified IF the state deems it necessary.

    Remember though, that Sarah Palin is protected by the state government, under the governorship of Sean Parnell. So, I doubt seriously ANY of the Palin/Heath clan are being investigated for having 'fudged' the information on their individual application forms. I'll wager each receives their checks/deposits w/o a hitch!

  42. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Congrats to Todd and Sarah

    No news of any new grandkids which means they either got their kids to stop screwing, got them to use condoms and birth control pills or they got their pregnancies whited out.

    Whichever one, congrats to Todd and Sarah. Great job this month.

  43. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Ahhh man

    I just seen a commercial for the upcoming DWTS and Sarah, Todd, Track, Willow, Sally and Creepy Chuckie Heath Jr didn't make the cast this season.


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