Monday, February 11, 2013

Final thought of the day.

Ain't it the truth?


  1. Anonymous6:01 PM

    And if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      and giving birth would be an Olympic sport!

    2. Anonymous12:03 AM

      Hell, if men could menstruate, THAT would be a sacrament!

  2. AKinPA6:27 PM


  3. emrysa6:28 PM

    of course it's the truth, gryphen!

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    That's the damn truth, Gryphen.

  5. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I wouldn't touch a gun, but gee..maybe we should do it! It's about the only thing these neanderthals relate to..violence.

  6. Anonymous7:35 PM


  7. AJ Billings8:26 PM

    As a man, I would applaud any method that might wake other men up to women's sovereign right to make their own medical decisions, and the right to control their own body.

    What I deplore the most, is how Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism have all greatly contributed to the subjugation, oppression, slavery, bondage, and suffering of women.

    It is a mark of just how unevolved humans still are that so many not only believe in mythological gods, but use that religious doctrine to control and oppress women and girls the world over.

    I had a good friend when I was young, a very lovely woman named Sue Jones who I met at a baptist church, long before I became an atheist.

    Sue was very insecure, and had a tough childhood, and lacked confidence, in spite of her beauty and intelligence.

    She ended up marrying a domineering young man who took her away to Michigan while he went to 4 years of a very fundamentalist and legalistic bible school

    They lived in a mobile home in a sweltering trailer park, and she quickly got pregnant, and had two kids in quick succession. I visited her once during that time, and she was already worn out, depressed, and sad to be away from all her family and friends.

    A couple more years went by, and she now had 4 kids, all under 5 years old. From what I could tell, she was mistreated by her husband, who refused to allow birth control. She was self medicating and went into a downward spiral.

    Her life was nothing but enforced drudgery, and she finally killed herself out of what must have been total despair.

    I remember her often, and think of her once bright young spirit that was crushed by a cruel husband, oppressive religious doctrine, enforced pregnancy, and serious depression.

    Life, liberty, and happiness sound great, but we must struggle to keep them in spite of those who want to force women into virtual slavery

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Looking for "LIKE" button for that.

    2. Leland12:59 AM

      Hell, I'm looking for the "LOVE" button.

      That's enough to make any thinking and feeling person sick. So very damned sad.

      And the pig probably said "she didn't pray hard enough!"

    3. Anonymous4:15 AM

      A J Billings. Too many men in power think that "life, liberty and happiness" belong only to their sex. They view women as a tool for their own happiness.

  8. Anonymous12:35 AM

    O/T is Rachel Maddow married ??? when talking about the snow storm and the inches of snow that fell, on last night's show she said "according to my mother in law"
    if she is - how very cool - I'm so happy for her and her partner!


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