Sunday, February 17, 2013

One of the last Palin-bots standing wants to launch survey into how Palin has impacted tourism in Alaska. Here let me help, remember how that giant meteor impacted the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago? Yeah like that.

"Anecdotal evidence suggest that when Sarah Palin is a factor in travel to Alaska, tourists spend up to three times as much as those where she's not a factor." I'm sorry is that "anecdotal evidence" just another way of saying "facts I pulled out of my ass?" And what is with the flag hanging in the background? Does this guy think that makes people more likely to believe his bullshit?

By the way some of the programs that he lists as having come AFTER Palin's crappy reality show were either already planned before hers was filmed, or had already been airing before hers was filmed. In other words she does NOT get to take credit for them.

This is from the You Tube site:

US for Palin is running a survey to determine how and to what extent former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin impacts tourism to Alaska. The survey currently has 97 responses from people who have traveled there and 93 from those who did not. Trends in the data suggest that the survey needs to focus exclusively on people who have traveled to Alaska. To be statistically valid within a /-5% margin of error, responses from 300 people who have traveled to Alaska are needed. This project, which currently has nearly $300 invested in it will need $1,500 to complete. Sponsors at any amount will be acknowledged on US for Palin and syndicate sites. Those who sponsor at $100 or more will receive the acknowledgement and a copy of Our Sarah: Made in Alaska, signed by the authors, Chuck Heath Sr. and Jr. - father and brother of Gov. Palin.

"Thanks for wasting your time on this survey, now we are going to punish you by making you read this piece of mythological moose crap."

Look I can save this idiot a lot of time by telling him that it is universally accepted here in Alaska that Palin caused a LOT of people to have a negative view of our state, and just on this blog alone I have been told by dozens of people that they changed their plans to visit due exclusively to Sarah Palin. and what she represents.

Of course his sample will be skewed because he is reaching out to the handful of people left who actually like Snowdrift Snooki, and I have to say he is being pretty confident to think there are 300 of them left who will respond to his survey, and give him $1,500 to launch is so-called "economic impact study."

By the way as of this post there have ONLY been $490.00 raised, from nine donations, in twelve days, even though he has plastered it over every pro-Palin site in existence. Which in my opinion tells you quite a lot right there.


  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Funny how trends in data made him change the methodology to exclude those who haven't travelled to AK. Yes, good research always changes its approach when the results don't produce the desired results. But if they are going to just discard data that doesn't prove their point, why bother pretending to do research? Maybe then they can collect as much as possible and then release the "results?" Grifting Palin fan using Palin to grift other Palin fans? Brilliant.

    1. Or, is that creepy guy in the video just putting us on?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anonymous5:53 PM

      He'd do anything for Sarah, after all she winked at him..check out is Facebook page..he has a serious crush on her.

    4. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Do you mean us (Chuck sr. and jr.)for Palin? US4Palin. Right at the very end, it says contributions count as political and are not deductible.

    5. Anonymous10:47 PM

      Hi Gryphen, I'm writing this up here to get attention hopefully. I actually specialise in finding flaws and holes in scientific research, particularly ones in human behaviour as I'm a psychologist. Long story short, an illness got in the way of me finishing my degree and being able to fully register as a psychologist at the time so in the interim I found work and my niche in analyzing studies and pointing out the holes. Often when I'm done with it you could fly a 737 through the holes I've pointed out. All studies have flaws; the sum up here just screams predetermined outcome. Once we know more about the study and/or they try to make claims about it, please do not hesitate to send me the link and I will happily destroy it for you! I'm undertaking further study at the moment so I have a fair amount of spare time to do so, and would just love to be of use to this site! You dont need to post this message but please please do keep my email address and utilize my skills. They so rarely come in need! Thanks G, as always you're brilliant.

  2. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I always wanted to visit Alaska until Sarah Palin came into notoriety. I am not interested in visiting any more. I can't believe she still has supporters.

    1. If you simply exclude the Wasilla area from your itinerary, you'll find the remainder of your visit will be wonderful. Don't let SP deter you. She hasn't ruined our state or chased the rest of us out. If we can survive her, so can you.

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Anon, Having been fortunate to have been in all 50 states. I can tell you a fact AK is the most beautiful. So beautiful we moved there. Then we left because we really didn't like the cold winters.

    3. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Alaska born and raised.. left because of cold, dark winters and too expensive (food, fuel, everything) after retirement.

    4. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Lynne, you get the Big Badge of Loyalty! I've been to AK several times (and never did catch sight of her highness).

      It's beautiful, and like every state, most of the people are too. So not going is just you all missing out on some of Mother Nature's most beautiful handiwork. Remember sp isn't from AK. And the Native People = The Best!!

    5. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Hell, I live a few miles outside of Wasilla and do most of my grocery shopping there but I've never laid eyes on a Palin, none of em.

    6. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I was there in '09 and came within 10 ft of the bitch!
      I won't visit until they do something about the assholes ruling the BOG and abolish BOG and get some real wilderness people in there, Rick Stiener, Nick Jans, Rick Sinnot.
      Until Alaska treats their wildlife and flora & fauna, like the gold it is... FUCK THEM!

    7. Anonymous10:37 AM

      I wrote this on the you tube of course it will never see the light of day.

      "Who is the dork "NARRATING THIS DRIVEL"? Facilitated the building? Pipedreams by Joe MCGinnis. She was investigated for Troppergates and waiting Housegate, Pimpgate, babygate, churchgate so many gates! I went to Alaska when she LEFT office!
      Would not go back until all the crony corruption are GONE!
      What a BS tripe this is.
      She's really working overtime to stay rel event now that Roger fired her ass. Pathetic. Send Money, Send Money!!! Fools send money!"

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Well, I used to think that I would like to visit Alaska but Sarah Palin made me decide against it. I'm sure there is beautiful scenery and lots of nice people but it's not worth the expense.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      I really don't understand this mentality. Sarah is hardly even here anymore. Even her vile, mean spirit cannot tarnish the natural beauty of this place.

      I hope you can change your mind and come visit - especially before all the glaciers melt. I recommend late May. Prices for everything are still lower, the weather can be decent and the crowds haven't arrived.

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      @Anonymous1:14 PM:
      Beautiful Alaska was here long before Palin was. Don't ever forget that.

    3. Anonymous7:56 PM


      Alaska can be a very expensive and exclusive trip, that's why many wait until their "golden years" to experience it. If you travel to the right places it is truly life changing for those that can appreciate the beauty. However, you are correct, it is prohibitively expensive for many. We leave here for Hawaii twice per year, minimum, and our two trips to Hawaii usually cost less than our parents' summer vacations up here! Crazy, that. Mainly we live here because the lower 48 is beginning to resemble the overcrowded "rat maze" that we've always heard it would become. I'll take this giant land of less than 700,000 any day, even with the winters, and as I said, Hawaii is affordable and only 5.5 hours away!

  4. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Good god. This has scam written all over it.
    And this, "Those who sponsor at $100 or more will receive the acknowledgement and a copy of Our Sarah: Made in Alaska, signed by the authors, Chuck Heath Sr. and Jr. - father and brother of Gov. Palin" is about as pathetic as it gets.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      You can sure tell who is behind doing this poll can't you? Cracks me up - keeping Sarah's name in print - same stuff she did when acting like the quitter gov of Alaska! She's nothing more than pure bullshit and so is her entire family!

    2. WHAT??


      WTF did I just watch?? This clown is EXACTLY who makes up Baldy's Base! Old funny looking white guys with speech impediments! And the hand gestures...WTF was that all about? Was he speaking in sign language to Baldy's other retarded followers? I didn't get this shit at all!

      And why hasn't the Creepy's given this fool the measly 1500? That's probably what CreepyJr spent on his mistress/wife when he was a courtin her?

      What up Creepy Jr...can't you help the little fella out! LOL!

    3. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Here's what's funny: If you google this idiot, and I'd suggest a showeer after ward, he lists all of 'Governor Plin's accomplishments" As if!

      And here's a gem: "Palin's accomplishments during the first two years of her term .." her gubernatorial term! Get it, her 'first two years' If memory serves me, there wasn't any more years! What an asswipe.

  5. Anonymous1:31 PM

    What the f'? Sarah Palin who scammed America out of millions of dollars from her fake presidency con job is worried about the price of snowmobile gas? You know the Palins are more worried about their prostitution ring that is about to be exposed.

    "....anyone who drives know, gas prices now fluctuate regularly and considerably, and Sarah's point that they just keep going up is an accurate one that is not good news for Todd, who needs pricey fuel to power his snowmachine north along the Iditarod Trail to Nome and then on to Fairbanks...."

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Maybe Todd should get a job so he can afford to buy the gas for his snowmobile.

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Todd never had to worry about the price of snowmobile gas in the past Iron Dogs. We all know he worked Shailey Tripp to pay for his expenses.

    3. Anonymous2:20 PM


      the two toned pimp doesn't worry about gas out on the iron dawg trail, he just steals from the other drivers at the check points then kicks over the rest of what he doesn't use

      kind'a hope the dipshit runs across some bottomless overflow out on one of the river crossings, that or gets the shit kicked outta him by a pissed off moose, or how about both

    4. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Todd already has a job as a pimp.

    5. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Ew, sounds as if Todd is looking for an excuse not to race. "I really really wanted to run it this year, but, gee golly, snowmobile gas (is that different than plain old gas?) is getting so expensive, and with Sarah out of a job, we had to cut back this year. I'm hopeful to be back racing next year."

    6. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Hey is tawd still be sponsored by Chavez that old Socialist from Venezuela? Mystic Oil?

      If I was Hugo I wouldn't give those fuckers a DIME!

      Give it to the peeps in the Bush that the SOA REFUSES TO HELP YEAR AFTER YEAR!

  6. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I have no doubt that travelers to Alaska are curious about the enigma but I seriously doubt that any, but a few sad souls, would make the trip just because of her.

  7. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Lord O' Mercy!
    What next??

  8. Anonymous1:39 PM

    at about 22 seconds into this totally retarded fuked up screed, pure unadulterated bullshit ensues

    oh BTW up_chuck jr, if you somehow managed to get your fatass outta bed this morning to go watch the start of iron dog and show up here late, this one's for you >>> go fuk yerself, do it today

  9. Anonymous1:43 PM

    That fact that she has $490 puzzles me.

  10. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Mr. Sheppard is one of the last of the delusional. As a blogger, I laugh heartily when I make the occasional anonymous survey (anonymouse) of his silly blog. When somebody has to use lots of bright red font color and giant font size, you get an early clue that he is an idiot. He lives in a bubble that cannot be breached. He believes that people who have had enough of whatshername and stop blogging about her, talking about her, or thinking about her have therefore LOST and she has WON. lol. Yet if you Do talk about her, in anything less than glowing psychotically butt-kissing terms, then you are sick and perverted. He must be a very lonely man, trapped in some weird alternate universe. As for whatshername, I can say, as an ex-Alaskan who still has connections, she hasn't done shit for the state except embarrass all of its residents. At least the sane ones, which, believe it or not, actually do exist in significant numbers in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      He said he was Ron Devito, isn't he a contributor at c4p? Are they one and the same?

      Lordy, how humiliating for the palins, if that's even possible.

      Quick! Someone send this to Colbert or Stewart!!

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      He lives in New Zealand...what a maroon...

    3. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Sorry about that. Mr. Sheppard is the one who thinks he is giving these people a "voice." As we all know, nobody except a handful of nutjobs (and you guys here when you want entertainment) visits C4P. So Mr Sheppard has his own delusional blog in which he spews nonsense and gives these other idiots a platform in the "real world." Haha! Nobody goes to his site either except the nutjobs. Just like Krusty, he is obsessed with IM, but instead of living in the comment sections, he blathers on in giant red font over at his place. Which is fine. You don't need any more Krustys.

    4. Anonymous10:27 AM

      This is THAT pukeface! Go on his site with a proxy, THAT pisses the shit out of him!!!

  11. Anonymous1:45 PM

    where'd that inbred fraud, up_chuck jr, find this idiot retard to shill that piece of shit, book-0-lies, he's trying to dump ?!?

    LMAO !!!

  12. lostinmn1:48 PM

    Wanna bet the money he has raised came from Snooki or her family? Or the poor souls she still has on the payroll. Wonder how her fund raising is going? And where she's telling them it's going to go.

  13. lostinmn1:49 PM

    Oh, and as long as Alaska continues to protect Sara from prosecution I wouldn't spend a nickel in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      EXACTLY! As I mentioned below - as long as the Alaskan government is still under her fist (and refusing to investigate and prosecute the Grifters), neither I, my family, or many of my friends, will set a foot into that most beautiful and picturesque (from what i have seen in pictures...) state...

    2. emrysa7:40 PM

      hear hear!

  14. Anonymous1:50 PM

    We had planned on taking a cruise to Alaska but no fucking way now. The Palins screwed it up for Alaska.

    1. They may have "screwed it up" for you. We aren't quite as sensitive as you, I guess.

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM


      Well, no one is forcing you to come. I work in the tourist industry and our recent numbers are higher than they've been since 2007 so I think we'll weather your decision just fine :-)

    3. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Lynne3:03 PM

      They may have "screwed it up" for you. We aren't quite as sensitive as you, I guess.
      Or as smart. Lower 48 said a BIG NO to the tundra TARD while Alaska voted her ass in a GOV?
      WTF does that tell ya?

  15. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Sarah Palin is nothing more than an embarrassment to the citizens of the State of Alaska.

    When she first was named McCain's VP candidate - many of my friends and family in the lower 48 would not listen to the negative I had to say about her. And, all I can say now (five+ years later) is that I've been told I was 100% correct!

    Most down south cannot believe Alaskans were stupid enough to have voted her in as the 'quitter gov'! I didn't vote for her and seriously doubt she'd be able to attain the position of dog catcher anywhere in our state!

    Screw her and her family! She's a proven liar and fraud and has been a negative in bringing folks to our state!

  16. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Who is going to play Todd Palin in the movie Boys Will Be Boys the Shailey Tripp story of a single mother in Alaska who was pimped out by Alaska's sex trafficking lord?

    1. Balzafiar2:35 PM

      Some faded gay porn star who specializes in bottoming so they can do true-to-life sex scenes involving Todd.

  17. Anonymous1:58 PM

    did creepy chucky jr kidnap this guy's kids or somethin' to coerce him into makin' this grade school level propaganda piece ??

    holly crap

    amongst other trivial bullshit, building a gas pipeline from alaska to canada ?! did i sleep through the construction of that or what ?!?

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      1:58 My favorite statement in a long while.

      "building a gas pipeline from alaska to canada ?! did i sleep through the construction of that or what ?!?"

      Ha. Ha. I might just have to "steal" that. Thanks.

  18. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Scam alert. This is hilarious. The Heaths must think this is pretty clever. These people are such idiots it almost beggars belief.

  19. Just keep f*cking that chicken, Sparky. (rolls eyes)

  20. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Holy Crapola!
    It's only fitting that the terrible lighting and production values give him a red clown nose!
    What a Bozo!

  21. Anonymous2:11 PM

    This post is a winner and will probably get more than the usual 10 or 15 responses you have been getting lately. That's obviously because nobody cares about Palin anymore. Right?

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM


      fuk off chucky jr

      for being a so called teacher you obviously can't count for shit

    2. Balzafiar2:34 PM

      Wrong. It won't be over until the truth about Trig comes out.

    3. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Google stats don't lie.

    4. Anonymous2:42 PM

      The other thing that doesn't lie is the tepid response this clown is getting. Queen Dipshit just isn't pulling them in any more.

    5. Anonymous2:43 PM

      You're still reading.

    6. Anonymous2:47 PM

      It's comedy night. But you care about it anyway.

    7. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Uh oh...looks like somebody's rusty dusty dirty panties are in a bunch! Is that you Creepy Jr? How would you know how many responses Gryphen's gets on his post unless your retarded ass is hanging out here...EVERY fucking DAY!

      Or's one of those Palinbot trolls from the's so damn boring over there...especially since Baldy can't show her manly...tranny face...the bots have to go to the anti-Palin blogs to get there fix!

      Too bad the dumbasses are too stupid to realize how much fun we have laughing at their relentless stupidity! Keep it coming bots! LOL!!!

    8. Wow. You are clearly not bright enough to differentiate between positive & negative reinforcement. Sure, both matter to a narcissist, but the latter doesn't always payoff in the end (ya dirty Grifter).

    9. Anonymous8:02 PM

      This post might get some commenter response here, but that's a lot more than I can say about the financial response from the video. $490, how pathetic is that? What's that pee-bots? Fool me once??? Looks like the good little 'bots might be learning to not give away their hard earned cash to a pretend politician and failed public speaker.

    10. Anita Winecooler8:05 PM

      Lil Pumpkin can't count! It's not the quantity of comments, it's the quality of the posts. You know, it's like subscribing to playboy for the articles!

      Hope your check don't bounce. That guy really wants to mail you Chucky's autographed work of fiction!

  22. All joking aside, I wanted to visit Alaska but, after the virus called Mama Grifter infected the body politic of USA, now you couldn't get me to visit Alaska if you put a gun to my head.

    I can't separate Alaska and Mama Grifter. They're forever attached at the hip.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      They're forever attached at the wallet!

    2. How sad for you.

    3. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Hey,Lynn, the GOP has contaminated a bunch of places. I will not visit Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Arkansas, Nevada, Wisconsin, Florida, or the Carolinas. It isn;t's smart. heck if my nipple shows through my bra in NC, I could be arrested for a felony! Is Sarah planning a trip there anytime soon..she'd better watch how she dresses!!! And don't be sad for us, we have lots of lovely places to visit right here in MI, and no chacne of running into a Palin.

    4. Does Lynne work for the Alaska tourist board?

    5. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Lynne 3:04, "How sad for you".

      This is part of the problem I've been having with Alaskans in general since Palin hit the scene. They all seem to think Alaska is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE in the whole wide world and Alaskans are THE BEST, MOST INDEPENDENT, MOST INTERESTING AND RUGGED PEOPLE in the whole wide world. And we should all want to visit Alaska and be like Alaskans!!!

      I've never heard people from any other state carry on so hard about how great and special they are - and I've visited almost all of them and lived in MI, OR, and beautiful coastal GA (Savannah with its amazing architecture and Revolutionary and Civil War history).

      No other famous person has shoved her state of birth, which Palin apparently thinks makes her so much more special than everyone else, so far down everyone's throat.

      Alaska, to me, is now exactly like the shrimp salad and blueberry pie I ate, before vomiting it all up in a terrible stomach flu. Never looked at shrimp salad or blueberry pie the same way again.

      I guess "sad" old me will just have to put up with having the entire rest of the world to comfort myself with, including the awesome trip I took yesterday through the Coast Range mountains to the Pacific coast beach here in beautiful Oregon where I live. Where it was almost 50 degrees and sunny in February, and I was warm walking along the beach in a sweatshirt. Oh, poor, "sad" me! Maybe today I'll drive an hour east instead of west and hang out in the Cascades.

      Signed, Anonymous "FROM OREGON!" "MADE IN OREGON", "OREGON GROWN". Blah, blah, blah... Pffttt, get over yourself Lynne, you're doing AK NO favors with your haughty attitude, which obviously just totally pissed me off.

    6. Anonymous8:34 AM


      LIKE x100!

    7. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Since it's my husband's birthday today, we've decided to drive through the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, picnic on the Columbia River, and hike among the hundreds of waterfalls there. Then stop in Portland on the way home for some amazing nightlife, including our choice of hundreds of gourmet vegetarian restaurants.

      We'll have to suffer with clear, well paved roads, gasoline at under $3.50/gallon (it was $3.15/gallon a couple of weeks ago) and probably a total of $12 on plenty of picnic supplies for two. Oh, the agony!!!!!

      Signed, "Sad" from Oregon.

    8. Anonymous9:49 AM

      I thought about going to Alaska for about 5 minutes. But British Columbia is half as far away!! BC has the world class city and scenery of Vancouver and Banff National Park, and very interesting Canadian culture. I could easily see heading for AK and then quitting halfway through the trip north in beautiful BC.

      "Sad" in Oregon

    9. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Anonymous8:34 AM

      Lynne 3:04, "How sad for you".
      @ 8:34 am Yes! You hit it on the head! "We such specail flowers, wer're ruff and tuff!" They are so tuff that many of them like payme's are snowbirds and live in the warmer climes of the "outside" in the harsh winter months, except for the real Alaska People the Natives.
      Yes I'm sick of them shoving their alaskan bullshit down our throat and never heard any other state roll that way.
      Ruff and tufff and get their free "Golden Turd" from the PDF fund ever year instead of providing plumbing for Natives.
      They are all a bunch of posers! And we pay for their lazy asses!
      Fuck Alasssska!

  23. Kathi in NJ2:18 PM

    America's favorite unwed mother gets a mention (if only by picture) in this delightful explanation of biblical based marriage!

  24. Anonymous2:21 PM

    People are just jealous of the Palins because we're famous.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Yea, sure! In your own lunatic minds!!! The Palins and Heaths are the laughing stocks of Alaska and America!

    2. Anonymous3:22 PM

      2:21: "People are just jealous of the Palins because we're famous."

      That reminds me of Willow's homophobic rant on Facebook a couple of years ago before it was yanked off the Internet. "Your just jealous of my families success." Wow. Homeschooling really paid off for her, didn't?

    3. Anonymous2:21 PM

      This is SNARK! And certainly not written by a Palin...the sentence makes's capitalized...and has a "period"...of course "periods" are MIA in the Palin compound...right Wallow and Beefy! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous6:23 PM

      BWAHAHAHA, famous for Grifting, Pimping, Fake Pregnancies,Vandalizing School Buses, Drug and Alcohol Parties in an abandoned house, Partying with Drug Addicted Dylan Kolvig(Trig's Father)High School Dropouts, and CHEATING for votes on


    6. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Hey Palins did y'all see this?
      Malia Littmens droppin a dime on your griftin' asses to POTUS!
      Better practice your perp walks PALINS!
      Fuck YOU!! Bunch of grifters!

  25. Anonymous2:33 PM

    How many Palins does it take to screw Alaska?

    Originally it was just one, Sarah, but then Bristol and Todd joined in and now the Heaths jumped into toilet with them.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Who would want to screw her ugly twat? She's had too many kids (supposedly - minus that poor little guy that will never develop because of her poor/horrible mothering skills!) and owns one ugly, loose you know what! Even pimp daddy went elsewhere for good, quality sex! Sarah Palin is nothing more than a 'has been'!!!

  26. Anonymous2:34 PM

    So, the donation, is a non-deductible political contribution for what purpose? Is she trying to clean up her name and appeal to people again? Is she playing the victim again? I think that she is through in politics. Her and her family, burnt a lot of bridges with people. People are not going to pay to see her, and they are not going to pay to listen to her talk. Those who choose to visit, Alaska, do no relish in the thought, of being entertained, by her and her clan.

  27. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Just love that right wing bozo's clown nose- or is it a few too many martinis? You gotta be drunk to credit Sarah with anything positive she has done for Alaska. Pure crap!

  28. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I agree with others here. I wanted to visit Alaska until I got to know who Sarah Palin is. Now I don't want to go.

    I mean.....yes I do want to see Alaska...but I would be afraid of running into her ugly ass. Until she is gone, I won't come up there. And that is really sad.

    1. Yours, of all the comments, made me laugh. You do know how big Alaska is, don't you?

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      I'll bet money if you went to Alaska you would never run into Sarah. She hides out in Wasilla in her one sees Sarah, she's afraid to go out in public..scared of all the people she screwed over.
      Don't let that b...h scare you away from seeing Alaska's beauty.

    3. Anonymous5:46 PM

      I would love to see Alaska..I could care less about that skank...

    4. Me and my husband plan to move to alaska after he gets out of the military :) not because of sarah, but in spite of her.

    5. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Lynne3:08 PM

      Yours, of all the comments, made me laugh. You do know how big Alaska is, don't you?
      Yes and a population last I heard of less than San Francisco.
      BFD! What a idiot you are. You can always tell the ones that voted for her.

  29. Anonymous2:46 PM

    This is about four years too late. Nothing left to capitalize on with this woman, her husband, her kids, her dad, brother and whatnot.

  30. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I will never EVER spend my vacation money in alaska simply BECAUSE of Sarah Palin and her grifting family, especially Pimp Daddy Todd.

  31. Anonymous2:49 PM

    creepy chucky jr,

    think back, but do you happen to have any idea who started that fire at Dar Miller's, killing her and her dogs, any clues at all ?

  32. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The crisp folds in that flag make it appear that it was taken out of the package and hung up minutes before recording. Was that supposed to influence people? Maybe the paint chip eaters would buy it (you know with the lead damaged brains). Now that snowflake snooki has no more influence, I might visit Alaska. I would probably make it part of my itinerary to visit the dead lake just to point and laugh. HAHA!

  33. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The guy has a bulbous nose and appears he is a giant boozer! Good one to have supporting you sister Sarah!! Not!!!

  34. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Yep, ten monkeybotz gave him $49 on account of her birthday. If he wants any more he'll have to wait until she's 50. Or until she runs for POTUS lol

  35. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Go to this guys Facebook page, he's recyclying old pictures of Sarah and Trig..he's a Sarah Nut, infatuated and delusional. I think this video and his collecting money for some stupid ass survey is a way to keep his LOVE alive.

  36. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Who is going to take custody of Piper when Sarah and Todd are imprisoned?

    I hope not unemployed uneducated Bristol who has a problem finding a husband after all her failures.

    We know what Bristol did in her junior year of high school and Piper deserves a better roll model which excludes Grandma Sally and her habits before marriage.

    Maybe the state of Alaska should watch Piper until she becomes 18 years old?

    1. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Yep, Bristol was a rolling model in the tent with Levi, and as for a role model, not much there either :)

  37. I don't think he will publish my comment on his YouTube site. He's likely to object to my comments regarding his "scientific survey" and his Asshole.

  38. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Funny, we had always dreampt of visiting Alaska, but since Palin and her crazy gun loving malicia folks, seems the last place on Earth that looks like a nice place to visit. Despite the view. Too many fucking cooks for our taste. Including HER. Alaska now creeps me out MORE than Florida snakes.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Yep , too many malificient cooks up there..LOL!

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      I thought calling a militia malicia was quite cunning, actually.Most of them are very malicious, just like our Sarah.

  39. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Well, you can add me and my family, as well as a few of our friends to the list of people who have refused/still refuse to come to Alaska, until we know for sure that the government up there is NOT still under the Grifters' grip...

  40. Anonymous5:53 PM

    This video needs approval before he puts in your comment. Notice there are none there so far. lol

  41. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Dear "the world",
    My name is Mae.
    I live in Wasilla. My great grandpa arrived here at the turn of the century. Please do me and a whole lot of Mat Su residents a big favor.

    Don't mention the quitter.
    Don't ask about her to anyone who looks local.
    It's not like your going to see her or run into her. She don't show her face. And there is good reason for that. People don't like liers. Pretty simple.

    Just let us live as much as possible without her. Just don't mention her.
    Actually most of us just don't want to be near that kind vile, barking, bitchy and underhanded stuff. It ain't us.

    One last thing I want you to remember. Alaska's beauty remains alive and well in its land and people. It don't quit.


  42. I don't really understand what Devito hopes to accomplish with this survey. If, upon completion of the survey, his "anecdotal evidence" suggests that Sarah Palin is a factor in travel to Alaska, so what? Does he plan to run bus tours around the dead lake hoping for Palin sightings? Will he organize a busload of horny old white guys to be serviced by Toad's "staff"? Maybe a day of Botox at Bristol's plastic surgery office, following by a trim at Willow's House of Beauty? I just don't get it!
    BTW, if anyone is interested in watching his progress (or lack of progress), he's begging for dollars at the crowd-funding website Go Fund Me.

  43. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Sarah Palin talks about the high cost of fuel for toad's snowmobile?

    What about the jealous guy who contaminated Curt Menard Jr's airplane fuel with water?

    Do the Palins want to talk about that?

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Todd Palin hasn't won this race in years and the Palins are not getting the coverage on it here in Alaska as they once did! Todd, the pimp, and Sarah the liar and fraud have lost their appeal - FINALLY!

      Todd isn't even placing anywhere near the top this year - not even in the top 10!

  44. emrysa7:38 PM

    HA HA HA HA HA HA good fucking luck with that! can you believe the levels that some people will stoop? good luck quitter! you're an international joke and no amount of "unbiased" surveys are going to help you keep the gravy train!

  45. Anita Winecooler8:22 PM

    That video is the perfect argument for affordable mental health care, this guy's caboose has clearly derailed.
    I wouldn't let the stench of the Palins stop anyone from visiting Alaska. I went twice, once on a cruise and once with a group of friends with our own itinerary. I would love to go again, it's still on my bucket list.
    The landscape, wildlife and natural beauty are worth the price of admission. But the Northern lights makes it a magical place like no other.
    Alaska's people are it's greatest treasure. We're still in touch with people we met 25 years ago on our honeymoon.
    You're missing out if Alaska isn't on your bucket list.

    1. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Sorry, Anita, but Palin soured me on anything Alaska. And Carnival has soured me on ever taking a cruise. But do enoy yourself.

  46. Anonymous10:26 PM

    When employed with an elite software co. we took a working cruise up the inner coastal of AK.
    That;s my exposure and that is all forever. SP and her ilk have ruined me for any other excursion to the state. I understand its beauty, but the taint of Palin lives on.

    1. Anonymous10:52 PM

      I know. Sarah Palin's Alaska - yuk!

  47. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Screw their stupid survey. I personally know a very wealthy family whose patriarch is an author. He has children, grand-children & great-grand-children who takes his entire family at his expense every year on a summer cruise to Alaska - that's at least 26 people not counting the newborns. Well I should say USED TO. Once Sarah came on the scene in 2008 they stopped this annual family tradition and now cruise to Australia/New Zealand.

    I'm SO sick of the Palins and all the Alaska reality TV shows that I myself have been over-killed. I used to want to visit but not now. Sorry.

  48. Anonymous12:01 AM

    I was going to take a job teaching in Alaska. Sarah Palin soured me. It's that simple.

  49. Is this the same thing as what used to happen many years ago in London when parties of visitors were taken around asylums to look at the unfortunate inmates? Worse still, for some of the visitors it was a source of amusement to point at them and laugh.

  50. The question Devito is investigating (tourists spend more when Sarah Palin is "a factor" --WTF????) is too vague to be answered, and no one cares about the answer (which is almost certainly "no"). More to the point, Devito is doing the survey for "the Heaths". (See C4P post below.)

    What the hell? Why don't "the Heaths" just spend some of their "postage" money? They've been paid plenty by SarahPac. Or Chuck Sr can sell bones on eBay to the faithful? Like relics?

    Poor Chuck Jr, the incompetent, now wants to write ANOTHER book about his (non) "adventures" as a hunter and gold miner (per a radio interview). My god, what a maroon.


    "devitor • 2 hours ago −
    Good morning all. As you may be aware, I am trying to raise $1.5K to complete my Alaska Tourism Survey for the Heaths. Chuck Heath, Jr. has promoted the fund-raiser on his site. Right now, we're 32% of the way there with $480 in the pot. I got a nice bump in the fund-raiser last Friday from my posting it here in the Open Thread.

    "Anything you can do to promote and support this effort would be greatly appreciated. Those who sponsor at $100 or more will get a signed copy of Our Sarah: Made in Alaska; those who sponsor at any amount will be acknowledged by name and web/social page when the survey results post. Three donors so far will be getting books once the survey results are posted.

    US for Palin Alaska Tourism Survey Fund-Raiser"

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      The Palin/Heaths have zeroed in the 'write a book' scam to make money. If Chuckles Jr. writes a book about hunting and gold mining, you can bet he'll feature Sarah prominently on the cover, introduction, chapters 1-3, cause really, that's about as long as a book 'written' by him would be..

  51. Anonymous5:55 AM

    “Todd P. has vouched for you, you come highly recommended.”  

    What a great tourism slogan for visiting Alaska!

    ".....In Shailey’s memoir,  Todd and the author of the email above (whom she names) are exposed in their attempts to get Shailey to go big time, to sign a contract with them – a contract with a minimum starting salary of $80,000 and bonuses that would take it into six figures. Applicants for the position get interviewed in hotel rooms because “of the nature of the interview,” and the interviewer tells Shailey (his potential new hire) that the other reason for using the hotel room is to “make sure I am not talking to law enforcement.” (I guess if law enforcement were wearing a wire it would be discovered when the clothes came off. ) That same “businessmen” asks for pictures and says “my girls will only work up to 3 days per week.”  The enticements end and the email culminates with “Todd P. has vouched for you, you come highly recommended.”  

    Shailey Tripp did not say no immediately, but when she did say it - said no to Todd Palin and his business partner -  she received the threatening email above. I would imagine that wasn’t the only threat she received. Maybe she received many. There’s some stuff Shay is saving for another time, and certainly I don’t know. What I do know is that the one email above would convince me to leave Alaska. No one should live like that – looking over your shoulder for Todd Palin or one of his thugs...."

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      "...What I do know is that the one email above would convince me to leave Alaska. No one should live like that – looking over your shoulder for Todd Palin or one of his thugs...." 

      I'm cnfused? Alaska paid good money to Bristol and Sarah through the Alaska Film Tax Credit to promote Alaska tourism with Alaskan reality shows depicting homophobic kids and now the Palins has a family prostitution ring scaring the crap out of single struggling Alaskan mothers?

      Maybe Alaska needs a better tourism representatives than the Palins and their thuggish ways?

  52. Anonymous6:50 AM

    How about a new Alaska reality game show?

    My name is Bristol Palin, I live on a lake and I have owned several houses and cars in my short lifetime, I don't have to work and I'm an Alaskan single struggling mother.

    My name is Shailey Tripp and I have a handicap child to raise and was convinced to turn to prostitution to make money to feed my children by my pimp Todd Palin and I'm an Alaskan single struggling mother.

    Will the real single struggling Alaskan mother please stand up.

  53. Anonymous7:59 AM

    OT a bit, but read this AM that Sarah is speaking at CPAC again this year. CPAC will be held near D.C. I thought the Repubs had learned from past experience, but they are stuck on stupid.

  54. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Are we sure that isn't Randall the Honey Badger narrator?

  55. Anonymous3:09 PM

    See, Sarah Palin has made me want to got Alaska ALOT. I've been twice already. I want to go and Talk with "DR" CBJ, with MatSu head nurse of Ob floor, With MatSu compliance officers...with anyone and everyone connected to babygate. If I was independently wealthy, I'd go undercover as a nurse and find it all out!! It can be done.


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