Sunday, February 17, 2013

John McCain loses his cool on Meet the Press when pressed about what exactly he thinks the President is covering up concerning the attack in Benghazi.

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Courtesy of Politicususa:

JOHN MCCAIN: So there are many, many questions. And we have had– a massive cover-up on the part of– 

DAVID GREGORY:But a massive cover-up of what? 


DAVID GREGORY:–I mean, Susan Ri– wait a minute– 


DAVID GREGORY:Susan Rice said there was a lot of– 

JOHN MCCAIN: Do you care– 

DAVID GREGORY:–confusion. 

JOHN MCCAIN: Do you care– 


DAVID GREGORY: I’m asking you– 

JOHN MCCAIN: Do you care to– 

DAVID GREGORY:–what is the Republican way– 

JOHN MCCAIN: I’m asking you, do you care– I– I’m– I’m asking you, do you care whether four Americans died? Or do you– the reasons for that? And– and shouldn’t pe– people be held accountable for the fact that four Americans died– 

DAVID GREGORY: Well, what you said was the cover-up– 


DAVID GREGORY: A cover-up of what? 

JOHN MCCAIN: Of the information– concerning the deaths of four brave Americans. The information has not been forthcoming. You can obviously believe that it has. I know that it hasn’t. And I’ll be glad to send you a list of the questions that have not been answered, including what did the president do and who did he talk to the night of the attack on Benghazi? And why was it? Why was it that we– that the f– the people who were evacuated from the– from the consulate the next day were not interviewed the next day. And then they would’ve known that it was not a spontaneous demonstration. Why did the president for two weeks, for two weeks during the heat of the campaign continue to say he didn’t know whether it was a terrorist attack or not?

Am I losing my mind or was that David Gregory ACTUALLY doing his job, and refusing to let a politician off the hook?  I have to say THAT was a thing of beauty.

And I also have to hand it to Gregory for not losing his shit when McCain asked him "do you care whether four Americans died?" That would have been it for me and I would have ripped McCain a new asshole.

When I watched this in the morning I actually cheered out loud at this portion of the show. The only thing that would have made it better is if Gregory had said, "Are you seriously suggesting there was a coverup, Senator? Well then I have one word for you sir, 'yellowcake uranium.'"

But what he did was far better than many other journalists have been willing to do. So good for David Gregory.

Oh, and fuck John McCain!


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Even I happened upon President Obama's Rose Garden comments the day after the Benghazi shootings while I was channel surfing. He specifically and carefully said that acts of terror would not go unpunished. I simply do not know where John McCain gets his "two weeks." Unless it was "two weeks" before John McCain heard what had happened.

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      He makes stuff up.
      Chicken shit and yellowbacked McCain knows all about cover ups. He is an expert.

      State Department Signed Off On McCain’s Libya Trip APRIL 22, 2011, 3:50 PM
      Muammar al-Gaddafi died October 20, 2011
      Christopher Stevens died September 12, 2012 (He had served in Libya twice previously: as the Deputy Chief of Mission (from 2007 to 2009) and as Special Representative to the National Transitional Council (from March 2011 to November 2011) during the Libyan revolution. He arrived in Tripoli in May 2012 as the U.S. Ambassador to Libya)

      U.S. Senator John McCain visits Libya, not such a big deal in USA

      Another perspective from By ORIENTAL REVIEW

      Diplopundit libya 2012 McCain over looking voting in Libya. Dated July 7, 2012

      Ending of the Three Amigos

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      And, remember when the jerk stopped his campaign (w/Palin) to head to D.C. to appear w/then candidate Obama regarding the economy. He flunked big time and looked like the idiot and jerk he is and has always been. He lost the race BIG TIME and thank God, klan lady Sarah Palin helped him along to failure.

      I cannot wait for the two of them to die - it'll be heaven never hearing from them again. They are horribly disliked Americans!

    3. Anonymous12:03 AM

      "I cannot wait for the two of them to die - it'll be heaven never hearing from them again. They are horribly disliked Americans!"



  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    John McCain looks like the fucking arrogant asshole that he is and has always been. I don't give him credit for his military service and giving in to the enemy! He graduated one of the lowest in his academy class, crashed numerous military airplanes and did not and has not lived up to his Dad's military credentials.m His Dad must be turning over in his grave at having a son like this asshole.

    McCain is going to leave a horrible trail behind him when he dies and picking the idiot and fraud, Sarah Palin, will head it!

    I feel sorry for his wife and daughter. I'd be embarrassed as hell even being associated w/the jerk!

    1. Anonymous4:12 AM

      The ultimate asshole, 4:22 PM, and Palin WILL be what he's remembered for!

  3. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Projection much, McCain?

  4. Anonymous4:34 PM

    McC will turn his back on an old friend like Chuck Hagel but he will go to his grave swearing loyalty to proven lyin' fraud Palin. Now why would that be? Anything to do with a cover up ya think?

    1. Can't admit that Palin was the WORST decision of his political life - Palin probably taught him the skill of turning on old friends - it's what she does.

    2. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Nancy Reagan did not speak t him for years because of the way the big jerk treated her friend and his first wife, mother of children. He was as low as life gets before he met up with Palin. He has always been a worst decision kind of guy. He was born into military protection and cover up.

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Cover up? More like Blackmail by 'Bud' Paxson
      with the McCain/Vicki Iseman Affair. Paxson forced Palin upon McCain because Paxson knew that he could control the Puppet Sarah Palin.
      McCain did not want his Affair with Iseman to Derail his Campaign for President.

  5. I'll do a happy dance the day this cretin drops dead.

  6. Ewwww....McCornTeeth needs to S T F U! This man is getting as close to evil as that damn Darth Fucking Cheney! McCornTeeth is screaming so loud about Bengazhi...he's hoping no one will ask him about that retarded hillbilly that he dug out of the Wasilla city dump and tried to pass off as a VP candidate!

    He's senile and his wife probably can't stand to look at his evil ass! Anyone else think McCornTeeth sounds like he hangs out in dark alley's waiting to flash unsuspecting women? He is one ugly man...inside and OUT!

    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      I'd love to see McCain and Cheney hung from the rafters in D.C. for all to see!

  7. McCain doesn't have any cool to lose. He should watch this video

    Sen. Barack Obama on his even temper from

  8. Anonymous5:24 PM

    How about McCain answering all the questions about the invasion of Irag? Oh that's right - that was under Bush's watch and nobody was supposed to question the president...

  9. Anonymous5:29 PM

    The above comments all pretty much say what i was thinking but, Mccain forgets he voted for two wars started by Bush. I ask where is his concern for th men and women who have died and been injured in those wars?
    He is a male pig, big time.He is a liar, a cheater,
    he abuses his wife verbly, in public, and he is a shameful example as a Senator.

  10. SHARON5:57 PM

    How many times have we all wished Tim Russert was still running MTP....I can't bear to watch Gregory. Yes, he finally argued with the media whore, but he still could have done alot better. I am looking forward to watching Hubris tommorrow, and I just wonder how much of McCain will be in the true story....I hope all of it. Let's not forget his fingerprints on the repeal of Glass-Stegal and the savings&loan fraud....he is knee deep in every big scandal during my lifetime. The obvious hatred he has for Obama just keeps making him look smaller and smaller, he and Graham are quite a pair. Palin is just the icing on the cake for this loser.

    1. Anonymous10:20 PM

      It looks like "Hubris" (Monday night/Rachel Maddow documentary) will involve Bush, Cheney, Rumsfelt and Condalissa Rice as they are the ones that pushed the Iraq War on the America people w/lies!!!!.

  11. Sally in MI5:58 PM

    What is it with the GOP? My sister asks this same thing: don't you care that we lost four Americans? That Obama 'killed' them? My God people, we lost 3400 innocent Americans on 9-11, that Bush probably should have stopped. We lost many thousands more in Iraq and Afghanistan...but since that was a GOP offensive, those lives are meaningless to them. And how about the millions of injured soldiers returning to ruined lives and bodies and anger issues and guns? How many more will die on OUR soil due to Bush and Cheney? This is a witch hunt about Obama. Period. Benghazi was a tragedy, but hardly the issue these hateful politicians, along with Fox, are making it out to be. grow up. Where are the jobs? Where is the protection for children? Where are the funds for infrastructure? How about cleaning up our schools? How about, just once, doing your f------in' jobs, GOP?

    1. BlueDragon1:55 AM

      Well said. Thank you.

    2. Anonymous4:42 AM

      I think that President Obama's reaction to the Benghazi killings was perfectly appropriate. He said, the day after, that no acts of "terror" would go unpunished and he also said that the US needed to find out exactly what had happened. What more could a president have done at the time? As you mentioned, all of this, and so much more, happened while George Bush was in office and no one in the GOP ever questioned his leadership. And they should have because his tenure left perhaps over a hundred thousand Iraqis dead and millions homeless for no rea
      son other than the Bush Administration's oil greed. He had been warned that something like 9/11 would happen and he deliberately did nothing. And then, a minor thing, the Bush Administration just about did in the US and world economy. Great leadership there. Where was John McCain then? Sleeping under a rock, I suppose.

    3. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Also too ... and where was Johnny baby's public outrage and press muggings when Bush decided that Osama Bin Laden, the US's number one terrorist responsible for thousands of deaths on American soil, wasn't worth his time or attention to bring to justice?

  12. Anonymous6:11 PM

    He is a small small man. Still trying to justify his support for the "Surge". Only reason for it's limited sucess was the millons of dollars paid to the Sunni Warloards to back off their people. We still lost another 1000 soldiers unecessarily. He is a true piece of shit.

  13. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Sunday Smack Down: The Mainstream Media Finally Challenges Republican Lies

    The mainstream finally stepped up today,and on separate Sunday shows, challenged the lies and talking points of Republicans Paul Ryan and John McCain.

    Paul Ryan tried to rewrite history on the sequester, but he ran into a brick wall named Jonathan Karl on ABC.


  14. Anonymous6:56 PM

    McCain is reminding me more and more of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings. He actually seems to be shrinking in stature, and his bitterness and anger color everything he does and says.

    I was never fond of him but his jealousy has turned him into an evil and nasty old man.

  15. Anonymous7:03 PM

    This Week’s Jon Karl Grills Paul Ryan On Sequester: Remember When You Said It Was A Good Idea?

  16. Why isn't Bush being held accountable for the deaths under his watch? Where was John McCain then?

    2002 - U.S. consulate in Pakistan - 10 killed
    2004 - U.S. embassy in Uzbekistan - 2 killed
    2004 - U.S. consulate in Saudi Arabia - 8 killed
    2006 - U.S. embassy in Syria - 1 killed
    2008 - U.S. embassy in Yemen - 10 killed

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      People should direct this question to MCain via email to Congress when he gets back from their vacation AGAIN. It will piss him off which would be a kick in the ass to do! Join me in making his day!!!

  17. Anita Winecooler8:39 PM

    I don't watch MTP because I can't stand David Gregory, but from this clip, I do give him high praise for holding McCain's feet to the fire. The senile chipmonk has gone totally mad, and it shows.

    Newsflash, John, you lost in 2008. The sooner you come to grips with that and focus your "coverup" boner toward the president who deserves it, you'll never save face. What did George W Bush know and when? Why did he start an unjust war in Iraq? Where are the WMD's, Yellowcake, and I have a whole list I'd be glad to mail you when you mail yours to David Gregory.

    Senator John McCain's anger is self inflicted. His name will forever be linked to epic failure of a human being named Sarah Louise Heath Quitter Liar Fraud Palin.

  18. Anonymous10:09 PM

    John's girlfriend has been busy hitting the airwaves too:

  19. Anonymous4:39 AM

    McCain is one of the most vile persons in the senate. He is obsessed with trying to find a scandal on our President.
    Being that McCain is the man who tried to put the Wasilla trash family(Sarah who is suspected of being a college dropout, with an unmarried daughter who had a baby in her teens and suspected of having more than that one, and her son and other daughter who were delinquents) in DC, he should not be trying to find scandal on our President.

  20. Anonymous5:34 AM

    John McCain. The stupid just keeps on coming. Tell us again, Johnny boy, about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. How many died for that lie?

    1. WMD's? Let's talk about the surge. The surge. It was successful. The surge was successful, godammit. Say it. Say that it was successful. Tell me it was successful or I'm going to hold my breath until you say it.

      McCain will not vote for confirmation until the President and his appointees pat McCain on his widdle head and tell him that not only was the surge the most successful military mission in the history of our republic, but possibly the world. And it owes any success to John McCain, who commanded the forces from his Senate office on Capitol Hill. Good job, John. Here's a medal. Now get the fuck out of the way. There's a country facing some challenges right now, and you and your pal Lindsay Graham are puttering along at 35 mph in the passing lane.

  21. Hot-headed McCain never had much cool to lose. He's just a frustrated old war horse that has no committee to head and is struggling with his obsolescence. We see a lot of the same bluster and theatrics with his former running mate as well. Both are way past their expiration dates, respectively, and are just parodies of the person they each pretend to be. Both should be ridiculed rightfully for their dickish behavior.

  22. Maple6:33 AM

    The big question is: Why he he invited on the Sunday talk shows week after week after week?

  23. Anonymous7:18 AM

    It is time to put this old Manchurian Candidate out to pasture. He is damaged goods, and a threat to our national security.

  24. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I pity this fool. He is a broken man.

  25. vegaslib11:01 AM

    I'd like to ask him if he cared when Americans died under the Bush admin. Didn't here much about the attacks of our embassy's back then did we? What a maroon these dicks are.

  26. Gryph,speaking of McShit, did you see this story of a clandestine trip he and bff LIEberman took to the Middle East in 2012? At one point when meeting with "militia leaders" in Libya those two excluded Ambassador Stevens from the meeting.

  27. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Hey Johnny,
    Why did WTC 7 fall?


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