Monday, February 18, 2013

Sarah Palin provides drive by support for her husband's bid to win Iron Dog. Refuses to leave truck. Update!

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:

 ...the former Alaska governor and failed Republican vice-presidential candidate, who has gone on to huge success as an author, reality-TV star, and Tea Party inspiration. Sarah was at the Big Lake start on Sunday to bid her husband goodbye, but didn’t appear to leave the truck she drove that was parked on the ice.

You know nothing says "I'm here for you" like yelling it from the inside of a truck with the engine still running. Pure class.

At least when Todd shows up to pretend to care about one of his wife's events he carries her purse for her. You know like any other paid member of her entourage.

By the way, what in the hell is wrong with her lips?

Update! The Sea O'Pee is in an uproar that the Alaska Dispatch claimed that Palin did not get out of her truck and offer a photo, that MIGHT have been taken at the Iron Dog today, to refute their story.

See? She is clearly out of her truck.

I mean sure it seems to have only been long enough to grab a skinny white-chocolate mocha, and not to interact with her husband or any of the other people there, but still....


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Botox around the perimeter, filler or implants through the lips. She's reached the age when you lose collagen. The variable fullness that is the "tell" has been apparent for some time but I'm guessing she progressed from the painful and temporary injections to permanent implants.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Not only a bulbous forehead but also bulbous, swollen cheeks and big bulbous fish- puckering lips, also, too. Agreed, the Tundra Turd has totally fucked up her face and, well, her whole body now. Scrawny bag of bones with a botox face on a big ole bobble head. I've never seen anyone but a drug addict go so far down so fast. And I still haven't. She looks like shit. I could say worse, but I'll be nice.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      The second picture is not the same day as lips in vehicle. The second picture is the day before.

    3. And her father, Chuckie Sr., reminds me of one of the characters I saw when watching "Ice Age 2" last night -- the squinty-eyed brat with the horn:

    4. jcinco6:16 AM

      he looks deranged, but then he probably is.

    5. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

      Aren't there laws against mooning people from truck windows? Sheesh, she's got no class whatsoever!

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "By the way, what in the hell is wrong with her lips?"

    That's the result of Sarah sucking up to CPAC to let her speak this year.

  3. our lad2:32 PM

    Mechanic: Governor, it looks like you may have blown a seal.

    Palin : No, no, I just had a ice cream cone.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      lol. Poor seal. Should've blown a hippo instead.

  4. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Skank made a FB post about President's Day...snarky, but then what else is new with her. I cannot believe this loser is back in the news again for CPAC. WTH is wrong with people!!!

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      No fear. CPAC is a book-selling meet-n-greet where the speakers request time at the mic to get on the agenda. None of the speakers are paid for their appearances. It is NOT the RNC. In fact, it's more of an anti-RNC. It's where the teabaggers can feel like they really belong to the Republixan Party since there's no election hinging on all of the talk and BS spread all about. They would allow Todd Palin on the stage to fuck a donkey if he wanted to if they thought it would sell more to tickets. And Todd probably would ask if he weren't out playing in the snow on his little ski-do or whatever he does. I'm not too impressed with him or his grifting wife. Not many others are either.

  5. Anonymous2:35 PM

    C4pees are crying abt LSM, they have posted a pic where she is out of her truck.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

    3. Anonymous3:59 PM

      She doesn't even look like herself anymore. Wow.

    4. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Yesterday's news. That shows what they know.

    5. Anonymous4:50 PM

      different day. the pic outdoors is not the same as her in the truck. different clothes. even if she took the jacket off the shirt underneath isn't white. look at the two photos.
      not the same tops.
      fail c4p fail!!! the link to that other pic is chucky jr.'s facebook page and is from yesterday.

    6. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I went to one of the links. Please scrape off the cooties!!!

      I laughed at the comment that Sara didn't quit her governorship. She RESIGNED.

      Ha. Ha. Ha. Use whatever word you want, she up and left Alaskans well short of completing her term of elected office.

  6. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I'll bet money this woman does NOT show up at CPAC to speak. There is something seriously wrong with her. Her body is scary looking - that's why she won't get out of the truck. Waiting for the "announcement" that she has MS or some other debilitating disease she can claim to counterattack her appearance if she dares to show up!

    1. lostinmn2:46 PM

      I think she might be pregnant again, or one of her kids is, and she's covering up until she can make a decision about whether she's going to bear it or get Track to marry someone else.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Dr. oz is supposed to talk about the dangers of adderal tonight. Would be funny if he showed a pic of HER!

    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Just looked and she is on the schedule for the last day to speak at Noon and the next speaker is scheduled for at 12:20. They sure aren't allowing her much time. I'll bet she really had to beg for what time she did ge.

    4. So she is speaking during lunch? Most everyone will be out having their martini lunches, ha, ha!

    5. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Be sure to watch Dr. Oz. Heath/Palins's are in too much denial.

    6. Anonymous5:54 PM

      I think Sarah is in the latter stages of syphilis, and her brain and physical well being are reaching the terminal stage. She look so Wierd and scrawny and her face is looking more and more odd the more plastic surgery she has. Not to even mention her erratic behavior and uneven temperament.

      THIS is the GOP VP candidate from 2008. lol How fucked up is that?

    7. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Last day at noon - isn't everyone pretty much gone by then?

    8. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Ski-Doo, Artic-Cat - just grab any old jacket. Has nothing to do with who is sponsoring your husband - right?

  7. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Why do you have a picture of dick Butkus in a car?

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Doncha mean Dick Butkus' s ass?

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM


    Last time I seen lips like those it had a bad case of hemorrhoids!

    1. last time i seen a lip like that it had hook in it..

  9. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Tap the picture and zoom in on the lips.... the only thing missing is a fish hook...

  10. Anonymous3:01 PM

    looks like more jaw filler - or maybe she's sucking up some 'chaw

  11. Anonymous3:01 PM

    If her last appearance at the car show is any indication of how frail and unsteady she is on her feet these days, she wouldn't dare attempt walking on ice in heels, or someone to hold her up.

    1. Anonymous3:12 AM

      Walkin' in heels on ice like she did on the hills of Juneau back when she was 6=7 months pregnant ya mean?

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      yeap - the few days before she started wearing the couch pillow - she walked a lot better then, but meth takes a couple of years to catch up

      her full blown addictions are on display now - drugs, fast foods, plastic surgery. lipsuction. the shopping channel - she's roaring ahead to fame and fortune as an expert on all of the above.

  12. angela3:02 PM

    Her lips got caught in Roger Alies door when he was booting her out by her flat ass.

  13. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Geez, has she been sucking on a vacuum cleaner hose? Talk about a horse face!

    And since when is she a HUGE success? Everything she's touched has turned to sh*t!

  14. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Alaska Republicans literally laugh at reporter for bringing up civil unions for gay couples

    What do Alaska Republicans think about the 1,000-ish rights and benefits gay and lesbian couples lack under current law? About the fact that some of the most basic protections are missing for gays and lesbians in committed relationships? About the idea that people have actually died without their partner by their side because of their standing under the law? Well, if you're wondering, here's what they think in a nutshell:


    The mere idea of Alaska's gays and lesbians being afforded even some of the most minimal rights and benefits a civil union or domestic partnership would provide is enough to send high-profile Republicans into a laughing fit. Hilarious! Equal under the law? LOLZ!

    They're not even gracious enough to spout their usual talking points about "protecting" marriage or whatever other bullshit they're getting from the Religious Right. No, they'd rather just laugh in the faces of the gays and lesbians living in Alaska. Literally.

    It happened when Mark Miller, a reporter at the Juneau Empire, asked Alaska House Leader Lance Pruitt if the "Guiding Principles" the Alaska Republicans would consider taking up civil unions or domestic partnerships, since only thirty percent of Alaskans oppose legal recognition of gay and lesbian relationships. Seems like a legitimate question, no? After all, Alaska Republicans just rolled out their "Guiding Principles" last week. Seeking basic rights for gay and lesbian couples seems like a good thing to consider a "Guiding Principle."

    Well, here's how that went down:

  15. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Fox News is going down, down, down

    ...The nation's demographics really, really suck for them. Their strongest supporters are suffering from mortality, while their strongest opponents are just now entering the voting age population. Brown people hate them. And sure, they hate brown people right back, but that won't buy them electoral victories (outside of the South) anymore. Early polling shows Hillary Clinton beating top Republicans in Texas, Alaska and Kentucky. Kentucky! That might be worse than having the Kenyan Socialist Communist Muslim win not just once, but twice.

  16. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Looks like Sarah has begun her drive for 2016. 82,254,472 blow jobs left to do

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Um, you can have mine. Or I'll take the $25.00 credit on my cable bill. Or whatever. She ain't putting those...things...on my dick. Not while I'm still breathing. Beefy neither, with that ginormous chin apparatus on her face.

    2. Anonymous3:14 AM

      lol 6pm.
      I think you get tokens for the casino.

  17. jcinco3:39 PM

    c of pee is pissed because they have a picture of her on a barbie stand outside her truck...and alaska dispatch are big fat

  18. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Of course she didn't leave her truck! Why would she? Most people are still totally pissed off at her for quitting her job. Her only fans are from the lower 48.

  19. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I think she is saying, I'll blow you for some coke.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Yep! Snort another line, $arah! It's SO becoming!

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Yeah, it'll be cumming here in a minute, sister. Just keep puckering. ---Creepy Brother.

  20. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Looks like she has that first little starter plate inserted in her lower lip on her way to the BIG lip plate...

  21. Anonymous4:04 PM

    she doesn't really drive anymore does she??

  22. She is aging into her true ugliness. She does get uglier every time she is seen in public.
    It could be like a Dorian Gray thing...all the hatred and lies are percolating outward and her body reflects all the hate.
    It's a good show to watch her become even more decrepit.

  23. Anonymous4:19 PM

    No, I think her ugly thin lips are just forming the words "F**K off, you nobody."

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Actually she just spit. And here all this time she said she swallowed. Liar!

  24. Anonymous4:23 PM

    It is an idiot.

  25. Aww here in Oregon we also leave our dogs in the car at public events.

  26. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Where is Creepy Chucky's right hand? He is holding the right glove in his left hand. Is he grabbing the Bitch's boney ass in public? The dirty old dog is smiling up a storm. Get it Pops, hurry, Todd is coming back.

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      nah, it is around her neck.

  27. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Oh shit!

    Sarah has the same nose as her father. No wonder Sarah is getting all that work done to her face and neck.

    Sarah doesn't want that same fucked up goober looking old wrinkly face that her father has.

    Sorry Sarah but its in your DNA

    1. Anonymous12:10 AM

      love a good idiotic judgmental liberal, who's obviously overcome with jealousy. Keep showing yourselves as the assholes without lives you are.

    2. Cracklin Charlie6:04 AM

      Wow! You packed a lot of adjectives into that...I guess, sentence.

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Yeah, but "jealous" and "liberal" and "without lives" always give the troll away. Same rant, different thread.

    4. Anonymous12:24 AM

      12:10 AM Do you ever sleep? Toad needs a Prostitute like you to take care of his late night clients. If any of the clients would dare to stoop so low.

  28. Practice for her 2013 CPAC speaking tour.... All sitting or ducking.

  29. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Is that Sarah's meth dealer?

  30. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Give Sarah a few more years and she'll be looking like she's her father's twin sister.

  31. abbafan4:52 PM

    Hi Gryphen! It DEFINITELY looks like Arctic Cat has dropped the Toad from its sponsorship roll. I see the village idiot is sporting a Ski-Doo jacket; they must be sponsoring Toad now. Well, that really sucks shit! Bombardier Recreational Products, the manufacturer of Ski-Doo snowmobiles, is a revered brand here in Canada. I WILL be sending off an e-mail to their Public Relations department in Valcourt, Quebec, voicing my utter disdain and disgust at their decision to sponsor a known thief and PIMP!!! I urge other posters here to do the same!

    1. abbafan5:31 PM

      A quick follow-up - there is a link on the BRP website that takes you to the Canadian - English site, where there is a press release dated 17 October 2012, announcing the sponsorship of the Toad in the Iron Dog. There is an e-mail link to the manager of Public and Media Relations; DO let them know about their poor judgment in their selection of this vile Pimp and exploiter of women!

  32. Anonymous4:55 PM

    For the record: I don't think this is from the same day because the sleeve sticking out of the window is different than the sleeve of the coat she is wearing. I guess she could be NOT wearing the coat in her car

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      It isn't the same day.

  33. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:56 PM

    No wonder she didn't get out of the truck--it looks like she can barely stand up on her own. Who helped Skeletor out and propped her up for that pathetic pic? Why are the geriatric fanboys so concerned about seeing a photo of her? Are they typing one-handed again since getting the news about CRAPAC? And most importantly, when is Bones McSkankenstein going to get one of those "I've fallen and can't get up" things?

  34. Anonymous4:56 PM

    OMG - ole Chuckles looks drunk!

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Looks drunk?

      I can smell that wino from the lower 48.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Drinking and having sex together: it's a family thing with those Heaths. And now the Palins, also, too.

    3. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Doesn't Todd have a DUI arrest in his record?

      Then Bristol admitted she does wine coolers in canvas tents with her lover.

      Then we seen a video of Todd having to to help drunk Sarah walk around at some car auction.

      That family is something else.

  35. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Sarah do you think Todd is getting any pussy out there during the race?

    How many facecloths did Todd take with him?

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      If I were the caribou, I would be very scared of old two tone out on tundra without his main Hoe. Just saying.

  36. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Chuckie Heath Sr looks all fucked up like he's stoned or drunk.

    Maybe that's his normal dumbass look?

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Is Sarah holding Creepy Chuckie up?

      Or is Creepy Chuckie holding up Sarah?

      Or are those two wasted son of a bitches holding each other up?

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Somebody give that bum a 40 oz malt liquor so his ass will go to sleep in a snow bank and maybe he'll stop slurring his words while asking for some meth in exchange for a Heath blow job.

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Is he borderline retarded like Bristol?

    4. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Somebody call Sally Heath so she can give that old man some coochie so he'll leave his daughter alone.

    5. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Sarah is quite fond of her dad but you never hear her gloating about her mom. Hmmmmm... what if it's Sally that did the molesting?? Just sayin..

    6. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Anom 6:17 pm maybe that's why Sarah is so close to her father? When she was younger did he pay a lot of attention to Sarah? Maybe a little too much attention if ya know what I mean?

    7. Anonymous11:23 PM

      Oh look..either Chuckie is addicted to Blackberries like Sarah, or he is holsing hers for her.

    8. Anonymous3:17 AM

      Chuckie is like that character from Sling Blade or Lenny from Of Mice and Men..."special" and he hurted people.

  37. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Anybody see Todd 's parents or siblings out there or are they still ashamed of that two-toned 4 inch dick pervert pimp they raised?

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      I have a feeling the older Palin's and other relatives on Todd's side are sick of the money grubbing frauds.

  38. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Let this be a lesson to everybody.

    Before you marry any girl, you take a good long hard look at her parents face and then decide if that's what you want to be stuck with for the rest of your life?

    Give Sarah a few more years and she will be the spitting image of wrinkly old Sally and Chuckie Heath.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      We all will.

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Ewww that's scary, no wonder Todd went after Shailey Tripp.

    3. Anonymous11:22 PM

      Hey mexmer...I am 10 years older than dear Sarah, and don't have millions of dollars. I have never had plastic surgery, my jaw surgery in my 30's was due to a severe overbite and not for vanity, and I have zero wrinkles. So stuff it.

    4. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Okay, you alone are exempt from aging. Happy?

  39. Otto Katz5:31 PM

    She looks very ill in that picture, very thin.

  40. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Is that a black truck Sarah is riding?

    Sarah sure does love riding big black powerful things just like she did in her sister's Alaska college dorm room.

    1. Anonymous12:06 AM


    2. Cracklin Charlie5:57 AM

      Of a Dodge truck??? Jealous?


    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      That's the ugliest truck I've ever seen in my life. sarah ain't got no taste.

  41. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I would advise everybody to keep any devices that produces flames or sparks away from that couple.

  42. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Creepy Chucky is really spooky looking.So is his daughter.

    1. Anonymous12:06 AM

      You look like Hitler anon 5:43

      From the ID page:

      Deanna Haverlandt Humphreys Aka. Chuck Heath
      3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

      Iron Dog You get an A and 5 stars!!!!!
      3 hours ago · Like

      Deanna Haverlandt Humphreys That's what Mr. Heath used to give my kids when he was their substitute teacher. Awesome guy
      3 hours ago via mobile · Like

    2. Cracklin Charlie5:56 AM

      You look like Hitler???


    3. Anonymous8:30 AM

      You mean Creepy Chuckie the pedo chimo and his victim sarah? He doesn't look like hitler that much. Act like, yes Not so much the looks.

    4. Anonymous9:55 AM

      He's an awesome guy because he used to give her kids As and stars?

      Sounds about right coming out of the brain of a Palin-lover.

  43. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I finally figured out what she looks like. Elvis in his late years.

  44. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Different Days according to Google.

    If you google sarah palin + iron dog 2013 photos you get the truck "posted yesterday" and the one with Piper and sign "9 hours ago" and Sarah and the two Chucks "posted 10 hours ago".

    There is also a shot with Bristol. At least one is posted by Chucky Jr. and another by "Palin Productions".

    That may be what Medred meant by telling the one C4Per who emailed him that Al Gore invented the Internet. As in go check it out. The photos are there for all to see.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      More pictures of Trig without glasses. They are just using him as a prop again. That poor child. Too bad the state won't help him. They are also alright with Chuck Jr. screwing and impregnating a co-worker at an elementary school of all things. SICK. Worse that there is no care or concern for women and children when it comes to the Heaths or Palins in Alaska.

    2. Anonymous12:04 AM

      Ive never seen so many people obsess over simple pictures and create mountain out of molehills. No wonder your lives suck and you're jealous of successful people in business who are OUT WORKING and not hating from afar.

    3. Anonymous8:29 AM

      POOR TRI-G. I hope he gets the help he needs soon. Sarah is obviously an unfit mother and not giving him the care he deserves. POOR TRI-G. He doesn't stand a chance with her. It's almost like sarah wants him dead. Nah that couldn't be......could it???

  45. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Also if you google sarah palin + iron dog 2013 photos you'll see a couple of Trig 3.9 in there.

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      The big question is.... where is Ruffles?

      The first Tri-G!

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Trig without glasses. What good is it for the child to be bundled like worse than a straight jacket in all that freezing weather? How is that so good for Trig? Would he not benefit from his special needs care, a consistent program that also includes his eye care?

      He is only used for this due to the Palin brand wanting to pretend the family myth. It is not about proper care of a special needs child.

    3. Anonymous12:00 AM

      Anon 723, grow up. YOU try to keep glasses on a toddler. It's damn hard even for ones without special needs.

    4. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Which Tri-G? Is it still a toddler? It hasn't learned to walk yet? Why hasn't Sarah taught it how to speak, walk, see or hear? Why does sarah treat it like an animal? R.I.P Ruffles. You will be missed.

    5. Anonymous3:30 PM

      is that Shaileigh Tripp's kid?

    6. Anita Winecooler6:15 PM

      Anonymous 12:00

      What's so hard about keeping glasses on toddlers? They're like anything else, keep correcting them on a consistent basis until it becomes second nature.

  46. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Wasn't there an event recently where Todd has to hold Sarah up as he escorted her some place or another. The chatter was that she couldn't walk without support.

    1. Anonymous11:59 PM

      I love hearsay that is slander.

    2. Anonymous2:00 AM

      There are many rumors of people reporting Sarah with advanced MS. It seems to me she definitely has the look of MS.

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      It's true. sarah can't walk without help. It's a combination of drugs and advanced old age. Just like she lied about her kids' birthdays, she lied about her own. Trust me I live in Wasilla.

    4. Anonymous8:33 AM

      If that is truly the case, then I feel sorry for MS.

    5. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Does Sarah really have MS or is it too much inbreeding?

    6. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Toad had to assist her in walking at a car show of all things. She has lowered herself to that category!!! They aren't paying her to be a speaker anymore. Cracks me up!!!!

      I doubt she has MS, but we'll see. She doesn't eat right, is rumored to do drugs or has done drugs. She is not a healthy broad at all! Plus, she does nothing but be negative in word and spirit and that is slowly killing her physically too!

    7. Anonymous3:29 PM

      MS bwahahaha - perfect - did she copy that scam from someone? she's the perfect victim.

      not MS - more like meth and RB (Red Bull) with a side dose of snow

    8. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

      They can't let her walk too fast...those two dried up twiggs could start a fire.

  47. Cracklin Charlie7:49 PM

    Ruffles is Trig, 7:16.

  48. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Compare dear Sarah to Mariska Hargitay or Michelle Obama -- same ages, also in the spotlight. Sarah looks ten years older and hard-driven compared to those two lovely ladies. The Fifties will not be kind to a woman already half-plastic and wigs.

    1. Anonymous11:59 PM

      MAriska Hargitay has had more facelifts and botox than the average 50 yr old in hollywood. Though I love her. :)

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Sarah Palin has had more plastic injected in her than a Tupperware factory, and she still looks like garbage!

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Anom 8:50 don't forget Sarah was also injected by Glen, Brad, Curt and only God knows who else.

  49. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I love it when the Sea O Pea gets all wee-wee'd up lol!

  50. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Why isn't Track Palin supporting his father?

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Track's father was murdered when some jealous guy contaminated Curt Menard Jr's airplane fuel with water.

    2. Anonymous9:12 AM

      They say Track didn't show up because rumor is that Todd is Track's stepdaddy.

  51. Janice3:26 AM

    How come she has white sleeves in the truck window and not white sleeves in the second picture?

  52. Janice4:20 AM

    Great article on the front page of Fox News today. Sarah is being blamed for gun violence. Funny that Fox fired Sarah, but is now posting negative stories about her.....

  53. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Off topic but Palin related

    When I'm not following the trial and tribulations of Palin, I spend my time model railroading and found the following comment on a thread regarding model bridges:

    "Thanks. The covered bridge is a interesting idea.

    By the way, there is some comfort in knowing that I am not the first person to build a bridge that goes nowhere."

    Hahaha... even model railroaders are on to the Palin scam.

  54. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Re: the question of did she get out of the truck?

    Mr. Devito from the scam video the other day says this (at c4p) about that, in part:

    "Why would a woman who has had five children - seven if you count two miscarriages - by the man she has been married to for over 24 years - sit in her truck as said husband goes off on a 2,000 mile journey, in which he is at risk of serious injury or death? That would be a callous, uncaring thing to do, wouldn't it? And, why would she clear her calendar to be there - just to sit in a truck?"

    WHAAAAT? What has how many children and miscarriages have to do with it? Is the amount of children a wife bears show how much she loves her husband?

    "Clear her calendar?" LOLOLOLOL

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Did Mr Devito take into account that some of Sarah's kids were fathered by Curt Menard Jr and who knows how many belongs to Brad Hanson?

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      and we do not know who fathered Tri-G with Bristhoe!

  55. Anonymous8:24 AM


  56. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Sara's head is too big. She needs to get that fixed. And she's too fat. She needs to lose a lot of weight. Stop eating sara!

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Same with Bristol.
      Bristol has a giant bulbous forehead.

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Sarah is so vain, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't get her vagina trimmed and tightened up.

    3. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Looking at her face, getting her poofer taken up a notch would be a complete waste of PAC funds, unless she's on a quest to fuck Stevie Wonder.

    4. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Poofer? LOL

  57. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Has anybody seen Tri-PP?

    Has he started 2nd grade yet?

  58. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Talking about wierd facial things, what is up with Faith Hill face? My time sure changes some people for the worst.

  59. Anonymous12:05 PM

    cpac wants her that is a laugh! I thought they wanted to go into the future with new ideas and new blood. That is so funny. Going backwards but you know that old hag is nothing like she use to look!!!

  60. Anonymous1:22 PM


    February 19, 2013 Urban Word of the Day

    1. The unintentional use of wrong words: the misuse of a word through confusion with another word that sounds similar, or the creation of a new word in an attempt to sound scholarly or educated.

    2. absurd or humorous misuse of words, terms, or phrases especially by confusing terms, words or historical events with others.

    3. The act of creating new words out of frustration when one has limited knowledge of a particular event or subject matter.
    "'Refudiate,' 'misunderestimate,' 'wee-wee'd up.' English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!'" --a Tweet sent by Sarah Palin in response to being ridiculed for inventing the word "refudiate," proudly mistaking her illiteracy for literary genius, July 18, 201
    In this example, both refudiate and misunderestimate are examples of palinpropism.

    2. Palinpropism
    The ironic act of creating a new word to mock someone else making up new words using a website that promotes and archives English slang.
    Calling Sarah Palin's creative use of the English Language Palinpropism on Urban Dictionary is both ironic and idiotic.

  61. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Track has a nickname-Cain't Get Right

    What is the origin of Cain't Get Right and how does that apply to Track?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.